Example #1
        public SPRemoteEventResult ProcessEvent(SPRemoteEventProperties properties)
            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.ErrorMessage) == false)
                throw new Exception(properties.ErrorMessage);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.ErrorCode) == false)
                throw new Exception(properties.ErrorCode);
            SPRemoteEventResult ret = new SPRemoteEventResult();

            using (ClientContext ctx = TokenHelper.CreateAppEventClientContext(properties, useAppWeb: false))
                using (AddInLogic addInLogic = new AddInLogic())
                    if (ctx == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ctx));
                    #region Get further Metadata via CSOM
                    string  token = properties?.ContextToken;
                    Version version = (properties.AppEventProperties?.Version ?? new Version(1, 0, 0, 0));
                    var     site = ctx.Site; ctx.Load(site); var web = ctx.Web; ctx.Load(web); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); string siteUrl = (site.PrimaryUri ?? ctx?.Url), webUrl = (web.Url ?? properties.AppEventProperties?.HostWebFullUrl?.ToString()), webServerRelativeUrl = (web.ServerRelativeUrl ?? "/"), appWebUrl = properties?.AppEventProperties?.AppWebFullUrl?.ToString(); Guid siteId = site.Id; Guid webId = web.Id;
                    Guid    uniqueInstanceId = new Guid("cdcb95cd-16ee-409e-8a99-f4642c84591a"); //Guid uniqueInstanceId = webId;
                    string  uniqueCDNPath    = uniqueInstanceId.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Substring(0, 8);
                    object webLock = new object();
                    lock (_dictionaryLock)
                        if (_webLocks == null)
                            _webLocks = new Dictionary <Guid, object>();
                        if (_webLocks.ContainsKey(webId) == false)
                            _webLocks.Add(webId, webLock);
                            webLock = _webLocks[webId];
                    #endregion Get further Metadata via CSOM
                    #region Update Web
                    // NOTE: there might be more than one calls to the AppEventReceiver. therefore, it is important to apply a lock for the code not to be run twice at the same time. note that the lock will be a different object for each different webId.
                    lock (webLock)
                        #region Add User Custom Action registering the custom JS file
                        const string UCA_NAME  = "SP365";
                        string       scriptSrc = $@"{SCRIPT_SRC}{uniqueCDNPath}{SCRIPT_PATH}?v={version}"; //string scriptSrc = $@"{webServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' })}/{UCA_WEBRELATIVEFOLDERPATH.Trim(new char[] { '/' })}/app.js?v={version}";
                        const int    sequence  = 10;
                        if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppInstalled || properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUpgraded)
                            ctx.AddOrUpdateUCAScriptLink(UCA_NAME, scriptSrc, sequence: sequence, isInternalQ: false, asyncQ: false);
                        else if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUninstalling)
                        #endregion Add User Custom Action registering the custom JS file
                        #region Add Custom WebParts to the Gallery
                        const string WEBPARTS_FOLDER_NAME = "cdcb95cd", WEBPARTS_GROUP_NAME = "SP365 Add-In WebParts"; string[] WEBPARTS_RECOMMENDATIONS = new string[] { "My Site", "Portal", "Publishing Portal", "Team Site", "Blog", };
                        if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppInstalled || properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUpgraded)
                            ctx.AddOrUpdateCustomWebPartGalleryItems(WEBPARTS_FOLDER_NAME, WEBPARTS_GROUP_NAME);
                        else if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUninstalling)
                        #endregion Add Custom WebParts to the Gallery
                        #region Add Custom WebParts to the Homepage
                        string welcomePageServerRelativeUrl = ctx.GetWelcomePageServerRelativeUrl();
                        string linkedInConnectorWebPartXml = SharePointExtensions.GetWebPartDefinitionXml(WEBPARTS_FOLDER_NAME, @"SP365.LinkedInConnector.dwp"), linkedInConnectorWebPartDefaultTitle = @"SP365 LinkedIn Connector";
                        string smartTilesWebPartXml = SharePointExtensions.GetWebPartDefinitionXml(WEBPARTS_FOLDER_NAME, @"SP365.SmartTiles.dwp"), smartTilesWebPartDefaultTitle = @"SP365 Smart Tiles";
                        if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppInstalled || properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUpgraded)
                            ctx.AddOrUpdateWebPartToPage(pageServerRelativeUrl: welcomePageServerRelativeUrl, webPartXml: linkedInConnectorWebPartXml, webPartTitle: linkedInConnectorWebPartDefaultTitle);
                            ctx.AddOrUpdateWebPartToPage(pageServerRelativeUrl: welcomePageServerRelativeUrl, webPartXml: smartTilesWebPartXml, webPartTitle: smartTilesWebPartDefaultTitle);
                        else if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUninstalling)
                            //ctx.RemoveWebPartFromPage(pageServerRelativeUrl: welcomePageServerRelativeUrl, webPartTitle: linkedInConnectorWebPartDefaultTitle);
                            //ctx.RemoveWebPartFromPage(pageServerRelativeUrl: welcomePageServerRelativeUrl, webPartTitle: smartTilesWebPartDefaultTitle);
                        #endregion Add Custom WebParts to the Homepage
                        #region Try Creating/Updating record under 'dbo.AppInstances'
                            var appInstance = (addInLogic.GetAppInstanceByWebId(webId) ?? addInLogic.CreateNewAppInstance(siteId, webId, token));
                            appInstance.SiteId        = siteId;
                            appInstance.WebId         = webId;
                            appInstance.SiteUrl       = siteUrl;
                            appInstance.WebUrl        = webUrl;
                            appInstance.AccessToken   = token;
                            appInstance.ModifiedDate  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            appInstance.AppWebUrl     = appWebUrl;
                            appInstance.UniqueCDNPath = uniqueCDNPath;
                            appInstance.Version       = version?.ToString();
                            appInstance.Status        = ((properties.EventType > 0) ? properties.EventType.ToString() : null);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, $@"Could not add the AppInstance after the AppEventReceiver completed on Web '{webUrl}'."); }
                        #endregion Try Creating/Updating record under 'dbo.AppInstances'
                    #endregion Update Web
                    #region #if UPDATETENANT => Update Tenant
                    // NOTE: there might be more than one calls to the AppEventReceiver. therefore, it is important to apply a lock for the code not to be run twice at the same time.
                    lock (_tenantLock)
                        #region Add Custom Extensions
                        const string SP365EXTENSION_FOLDER_NAME = "398099f4"; Guid PRODUCTID_SP365EXTENSION_APPLICATIONCUSTOMISER = new Guid(@"398099F4-E409-4309-8B57-BA1E47E7DB97"); // Guid PRODUCTID_SP365ADDIN_CLASSIC = new Guid(@"B1717448-51EF-42AD-9027-123CCBCA70A8");
                            var appInfo = ctx.GetTenantAppByProductId(PRODUCTID_SP365EXTENSION_APPLICATIONCUSTOMISER);
                            if (appInfo == null)
                                if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppInstalled || properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUpgraded)
                                    var appInstance = ctx.InstallTenantApp($@"~/AddIns/{SP365EXTENSION_FOLDER_NAME}/pkg/SP365.AddIn.sppkg");
                                else if (properties.EventType == SPRemoteEventType.AppUninstalling)
                                    appInfo = ctx.UninstallTenantApp(appInfo.ProductId);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warning(ex, $@"Could not Install the SP365 Modern Add-In on the Tenant, to support Modern UI."); }
                        #endregion Add Custom Extensions
                    #endregion #if UPDATETENANT => Update Tenant