Example #1
     * Checks every frame, whether controller inputs or other updates regarding a controller connection arrived and
     * uses them to properly set up connections and relay inputs to `ControllerInput` instances.
    void Update()
        ConnectionUpdate updateBuffer; // buffer to store an inter-thread connection update message

        // For every update that has been received until this frame...
        while (_incomingConnectionUpdates.TryDequeue(out updateBuffer))
            // Perform a different action depending on the type of connection update...
            updateBuffer.Match(new ConnectionUpdate.Matcher()
                // If a controller sets its player name, this means the connection still needs to be set up
                NameUpdate = update => HandleConnectionSetup(update.name, update.connectionId, update.websocketId),

                // If a regular message arrived from a controller, forward it to the corresponding `ControllerInput` instance
                MessageUpdate = update =>
                    ControllerInput input;
                    if (_clients.TryGetInputByConnectionId(update.connectionId, out input))

                    else if (!(update.message is Message.NameMessage))
                        LogError("Got a message from a connection which is not associated with any input. This should never happen and is a programming error.");

                // If a controller connection disconnects / fails, reset the meta-data of this connection until we have
                // a new one and set the state of the `ControllerInput` instance to NotConnected.
                DisconnectUpdate = update =>
                    ControllerInput input;
                    if (_clients.TryGetInputByConnectionId(update.connectionId, out input))
                        _clients.DeleteConnectionInfo(input.PlayerId, update.connectionId);