protected void btnSubmit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (this.rbtnYes.Checked == true && this.txtEmail.Text == "" && this.txtPhoneNumber.Text == "") { this.lblMoreInfo.Text = "To be contacted please include a phone number or email address"; } else { if (this.txtIntersection.Text == "" && this.txtRoad.Text == "" && this.txtStreetNumber.Text == "") { lblMoreInfo.Text = "You need to include some sort of address or intersection."; } else { if ((this.chbxAnonymous.Checked == false) && (this.txtFirstName.Text == "" && this.txtLastName.Text == "" && this.txtPhoneNumber.Text == "" && this.txtEmail.Text == "")) { lblMoreInfo.Text = "Please include contact information or select anonymous."; } else { lblMoreInfo.Text = ""; Citizen citizen; if (chbxAnonymous.Checked == true) { citizen = new Citizen("Anonymous", "Anonymous", "Anonymous", "Anonymous"); } else { string cleanEmail = CleanString.CleanInput(txtEmail.Text); string cleanFirstName = CleanString.CleanInput(txtFirstName.Text); string cleanLastName = CleanString.CleanInput(txtLastName.Text); string cleanPhoneNumber = CleanString.CleanInput(txtPhoneNumber.Text); citizen = new Citizen(cleanFirstName.ToUpper(), cleanLastName.ToUpper(), cleanPhoneNumber, cleanEmail); } int citizenId = citizen.InsertCitizen(); Session["Citizen"] = citizen; int contact = 0; int problemTypeId = Category.GetCatagoryId(lblPropblem.Text); string cleanDesc = CleanString.CleanInput(this.txtProblemDetail.Text); string insertedBy = User.Identity.Name; if (rbtnYes.Checked == true) { contact = 1; } else if (rbtnNo.Checked == true) { contact = 0; } if (this.txtIntersection.Text == "") { string cleanNumber = CleanString.CleanInput(this.txtStreetNumber.Text); string direction = this.directionList.SelectedValue; string cleanRoad = CleanString.CleanInput(this.txtRoad.Text); string address = cleanNumber + " " + direction + " " + cleanRoad; Incident incident = new Incident(address.ToUpper(), problemTypeId, cleanDesc.ToUpper(), citizenId, contact); int id = incident.InsertIncident(insertedBy); Session["Incident"] = incident; Session["IncidentId"] = id; if (problemTypeId == 1) { Server.Transfer("ConfirmationWithAssignment.aspx", false); } else { Server.Transfer("Confirmation.aspx", false); } Server.Transfer("Confirmation.aspx", false); } else { string cleanIntersection = CleanString.CleanInput(this.txtIntersection.Text); Incident incident = new Incident(cleanIntersection.ToUpper(), problemTypeId, cleanDesc.ToUpper(), citizenId, contact); int id = incident.InsertIncident(insertedBy); Session["Incident"] = incident; Session["IncidentId"] = id; if (problemTypeId == 1) { Server.Transfer("ConfirmationWithAssignment.aspx", false); } else { Server.Transfer("Confirmation.aspx", false); } Server.Transfer("Confirmation.aspx", false); } } } } } }
private void SetIncidentValues() { string cleanAddress = CleanString.CleanInput(txtAddress.Text); this._incident.Address = cleanAddress; string cleanDescription = CleanString.CleanInput(txtIncidentDescription.Text); this._incident.IncidentDisc = cleanDescription; string status = ""; if (rbtnOpen.Checked == true) { status = "O"; } else if (rbtnClosed.Checked == true) { status = "C"; } this._incident.Openclose = status; int contact = 0; if (rbtnYes.Checked == true) { contact = 1; } else if (rbtnNo.Checked == true) { contact = 0; } this._incident.Contact = contact; int problemTypeint = Convert.ToInt32(problemTypeList.SelectedValue); this._incident.ProblemTypeId = problemTypeint; System.DateTime pendingDate; if (txtPendingDate.Text == "") { pendingDate = System.DateTime.MinValue; } else { pendingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPendingDate.Text); } this._incident.PendingDate = pendingDate; bool citizenBeenContacted; bool requestClosure; if (this.rbtnCityContactedYes.Checked == true) { citizenBeenContacted = true; } else { citizenBeenContacted = false; } this._incident.HasCitizenBeenContacted = citizenBeenContacted; if (this.rbtnYesClose.Checked == true) { requestClosure = true; } else { requestClosure = false; } this._incident.RequstingClosure = requestClosure; System.DateTime courtDate; if (txtCourtDate.Text == "") { courtDate = System.DateTime.MinValue; } else { courtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtCourtDate.Text); } this._incident.CourtDate = courtDate; string councilDist = this.councilDistList.SelectedValue; this._incident.CouncilDist = councilDist; }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { addressList.Attributes.Add("OnChange", "GetAddressText()"); DataSet addressSet = Utilites.Address.LocateAddressFromParcelTableUsingStreetNum(CleanString.CleanInput(txtAddress.Text)); addressList.DataSource = addressSet.Tables[0]; addressList.DataTextField = addressSet.Tables[0].Columns[1].ToString(); if (addressSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 4) { addressList.Rows = addressSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count; } addressList.DataBind(); }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { lblErrorMessage.Visible = false; string cleanAddress = CleanString.CleanInput(txtAddress.Text); string cleanDescription = CleanString.CleanInput(txtIncidentDescription.Text); string status = ""; int contact = 0; if (rbtnOpen.Checked == true) { status = "O"; } else if (rbtnClosed.Checked == true) { status = "C"; } if (rbtnYes.Checked == true) { contact = 1; } else if (rbtnNo.Checked == true) { contact = 0; } int problemTypeint = Convert.ToInt32(problemTypeList.SelectedValue); System.DateTime pendingDate; if (txtPendingDate.Text == "") { pendingDate = System.DateTime.MinValue; } else { pendingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPendingDate.Text); } bool citizenBeenContacted, requestClosure; if (this.rbtnCityContactedYes.Checked == true) { citizenBeenContacted = true; } else { citizenBeenContacted = false; } if (this.rbtnYesClose.Checked == true) { requestClosure = true; } else { requestClosure = false; } System.DateTime courtDate; if (txtCourtDate.Text == "") { courtDate = System.DateTime.MinValue; } else { courtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtCourtDate.Text); } Incident incident = new Incident(cleanAddress, problemTypeint, cleanDescription, councilDistList.SelectedValue, status, User.Identity.Name, pendingDate, incidentnumber, contact, courtDate, User.Identity.Name, requestClosure, citizenBeenContacted); if (incident.UpdateIncident()) { } else { } }