public void RemoveMToken(Classes.mechToken m) { MTokens.Remove(m); }
private void GameScreen_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { SolidBrush g = new SolidBrush(Color.Green); SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.SkyBlue); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(g, 0, this.Height - 100, this.Width, 100); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height - 100); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), cloudX, 50, 100, 50); if (!started) { Font s = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); e.Graphics.DrawString("Press Space to Play!", s, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), (this.Width - 300) / 2, 100); } if (!up && !grounded) { frame = 9; } if (up && curntMech != "superJump") { frame = 8; } if (grounded && !up && tick % 4 == 0) { frame++; } if (curntMech == "superJump" && tick % 4 == 0) { frame++; } if (endGame) { frame = 10; } switch (curntMech) { case "none": frameCount = gifImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && grounded && !up && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(gifImage, player.hb); gifImage.SelectActiveFrame(dimension, frame); break; case "teleporter": e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.teleporter, player.hb.X, player.hb.Y); break; case "superJump": frameCount = spImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(spImage, player.x, player.y); spImage.SelectActiveFrame(spdimension, frame); break; case "gravity": frameCount = gImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && grounded && !up && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(gImage, player.x, player.y); gImage.SelectActiveFrame(gdimension, frame); break; } if (curntMech == "teleporter") { teleporterDraw(e.Graphics, teleporterMarkerY); } foreach (Classes.rocket l in rockets) { if (l.launchingRocket && l.launchingTicks < 180) { l.launchingTicks++; l.hb.Y = player.y + 25; l.y = player.y + 25; e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); } if (l.launchingTicks == 180 && l.launchingRocket) { l.hb.Y = player.y + 25; l.y = player.y + 25; l.launchingRocket = false; } if (!l.launchingRocket) { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { rocketToRemove = l; } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) { //GameOver(); if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") { endGame = true; death.Stop(); death.Play(); spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") { broken.Stop(); broken.Play(); toClearLsers = true; grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } } foreach (Classes.laser l in lasers) { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { laserToRemove = l; } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) { //GameOver(); if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") { death.Stop(); death.Play(); spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; endGame = true; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") { broken.Stop(); broken.Play(); toClearLsers = true; grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } if (toClearLsers) { lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); toClearLsers = false; } List <Classes.coin> delete = new List <Classes.coin>(); foreach (Classes.coin c in coins) { if (c.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) { coinScore++; //coinToRemove = c; delete.Add(c); } else { c.move(); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(coinBrush, c.hb); if (c.hb.Right <= 0) { //coinToRemove = c; delete.Add(c); } } } foreach (Classes.mechToken m in MTokens) { if (m.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) { MTokenToRemove = m; curntMech = m.type; lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); broken.Play(); } else { m.move(); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(coinBrush, m.hb); if (m.hb.Right <= 0) { MTokenToRemove = m; } } if (upgrades["xray"]) { string s = ""; Font f = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); if (m.type == "teleporter") { s = "T"; } else if (m.type == "superJump") { s = "S"; } else if (m.type == "gravity") { s = "G"; } e.Graphics.DrawString(s, f, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), m.hb.X + 10, m.hb.Y + 10); } } Font fr = new Font("Arial", 16); e.Graphics.DrawString("Coins " + coinScore, fr, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 0, 10); e.Graphics.DrawString("Distance " + actualDist + "m", fr, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 0, 30); RemoveLaser(laserToRemove); RemoveCoin(delete); RemoveMToken(MTokenToRemove); MTokenToRemove = null; coinToRemove = null; laserToRemove = null; }
private void GameTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { tick++; // tick cloudX -= backgroundMoveSpd; // move cloud dist += backgroundMoveSpd; // add to dist actualDist = dist / 100; // actual distance travelled if (endGame && tick % 15 == 0) { if (backgroundMoveSpd > 0) { backgroundMoveSpd--; } else if (bounce < 10 && backgroundMoveSpd == 0) { GameOver(); } } if (endGame && player.hb.Bottom >= this.Height && !bounceUp) { bounceUp = true; bounce /= 2; if (bounce < 15) { bounce = 0; } } if (player.hb.Bottom > this.Height - bounce && bounceUp && endGame) { player.move(-10); airDownFrames = 0; } else { bounceUp = false; } if (r.Next(0, 101) < coinChance && tick % 120 == 0 && !endGame) { generateCoin(r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(100, this.Height - 100)); } if (r.Next(0, 2) == 0 && tick % 1200 == 0 && !endGame && curntMech == "none") { Classes.mechToken m = new Classes.mechToken(this.Width, r.Next(0, this.Height - 50)); if (!abort) { MTokens.Add(m); } else { abort = false; } } if (tick == 180) { lasers.Add(new Classes.laser(this.Width, 10, midLaser, laserWidth, Properties.Resources.laserV)); } else if (tick % timeBtwnLasers == 0 && !endGame) { generateLaser(player.y); } if (tick % 1200 == 0 && coinChance < 35 && !endGame) { coinChance += 5; } if (tick % 240 == 0) { cloudX = this.Width; } if (tick % 550 == 0 && !endGame) { if (backgroundMoveSpd < 20) { backgroundMoveSpd += 2; } //if (timeBtwnLasers > 15) timeBtwnLasers -= 15; } if (tick % 240 == 0) { if (timeBtwnLasers > 20) { timeBtwnLasers -= 15; } else { //timeBtwnLasers = 5; } } if (tick % 600 == 0 && r.Next(0, 3) == 0 && !upgrades["jammer"]) { if (r.Next(0, 5) == 0) { spawnBarrage = true; barrageSpawns = 0; } Classes.rocket rc = new Classes.rocket(this.Width - 80, player.y + 25); alert.Stop(); alert.Play(); rockets.Add(rc); } if (spawnBarrage && tick % 30 == 0 && barrageSpawns < 5) { Classes.rocket rc = new Classes.rocket(this.Width - 80, player.y + 25); rockets.Add(rc); barrageSpawns++; } switch (curntMech) { case "none": standardGrounded(); standardUp(); standardGav(); standardJump(); break; case "teleporter": grounded = true; break; case "superJump": superJumpUp(); superJumpGav(); break; case "gravity": GsuitGav(); break; } if (endGame) { up = false; } Refresh(); }
private void GameScreen_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (!started) { Font s = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); e.Graphics.DrawString("Press Space to Play!", s, new SolidBrush(Color.White), (this.Width - 300) / 2, 100); } switch (curntMech) { case "none": //e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(playerPen, player.hb); break; case "teleporter": break; case "superJump": break; case "gravity": break; } e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(playerPen, player.hb); if (curntMech == "teleporter") { teleporterDraw(e.Graphics, teleporterMarkerY); } foreach (Classes.rocket l in rockets) { if (l.launchingRocket && l.launchingTicks < 180) { l.launchingTicks++; e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.White), this.Width - 30, player.hb.Top + 25, 30, 25); } if (l.launchingTicks == 180 && l.launchingRocket) { l.hb.Y = player.y + 25; l.y = player.y + 25; l.launchingRocket = false; } if (!l.launchingRocket) { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(playerPen, l.hb); if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { rocketToRemove = l; } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) { //GameOver(); if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") { endGame = true; spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") { toClearLsers = true; grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } } foreach (Classes.laser l in lasers) { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(playerPen, l.hb); if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { laserToRemove = l; } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) { //GameOver(); if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") { spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; endGame = true; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") { toClearLsers = true; grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } if (toClearLsers) { lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); toClearLsers = false; } List <Classes.coin> delete = new List <Classes.coin>(); foreach (Classes.coin c in coins) { if (c.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) { coinScore++; //coinToRemove = c; delete.Add(c); } else { c.move(); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(coinBrush, c.hb); if (c.hb.Right <= 0) { //coinToRemove = c; delete.Add(c); } } } foreach (Classes.mechToken m in MTokens) { if (m.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) { MTokenToRemove = m; curntMech = m.type; lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); } else { m.move(); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(coinBrush, m.hb); if (m.hb.Right <= 0) { MTokenToRemove = m; } } if (upgrades["xray"]) { string s = ""; Font f = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); if (m.type == "teleporter") { s = "T"; } else if (m.type == "superJump") { s = "S"; } else if (m.type == "gravity") { s = "G"; } e.Graphics.DrawString(s, f, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), m.hb.X + 10, m.hb.Y + 10); } } e.Graphics.DrawString("Coins " + coinScore, Font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 10); e.Graphics.DrawString("Distance " + actualDist, Font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 20); RemoveLaser(laserToRemove); RemoveCoin(delete); RemoveMToken(MTokenToRemove); MTokenToRemove = null; coinToRemove = null; laserToRemove = null; }
private void GameScreen_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { //draw sky SolidBrush g = new SolidBrush(Color.Green); SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.SkyBlue); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(g, 0, this.Height - 100, this.Width, 100); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height - 100); e.Graphics.DrawImage(, cloudX, 50, 100, 50); //clouds if (!started) // display startup message { Font s = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); e.Graphics.DrawString("Press Green to Play!", s, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), (this.Width - 300) / 2, 100); } //decides animation frames if (!up && !grounded) { frame = 9; } if (up && curntMech != "superJump") { frame = 8; } if (grounded && !up && tick % 4 == 0) { frame++; } if (curntMech == "superJump" && tick % 4 == 0) { frame++; } if (endGame) { frame = 10; } switch (curntMech) //draws image based on mech/character { case "none": frameCount = gifImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && grounded && !up && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(gifImage, player.hb); gifImage.SelectActiveFrame(dimension, frame); break; case "teleporter": e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.teleporter, player.hb.X, player.hb.Y); break; case "superJump": frameCount = spImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(spImage, player.x, player.y); spImage.SelectActiveFrame(spdimension, frame); break; case "gravity": frameCount = gImage.GetFrameCount(dimension); if (frame >= 8 && grounded && !up && !endGame) { frame = 0; } e.Graphics.DrawImage(gImage, player.x, player.y); gImage.SelectActiveFrame(gdimension, frame); break; } if (curntMech == "teleporter") { teleporterDraw(e.Graphics, teleporterMarkerY); // draws teleporter cursor } foreach (Classes.rocket l in rockets) { if (l.launchingRocket && l.launchingTicks < 180) // displays warning, and tracks player { l.launchingTicks++; l.hb.Y = player.y + 25; l.y = player.y + 25; e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); } if (l.launchingTicks == 180 && l.launchingRocket) // sets rocket to player location { l.hb.Y = player.y + 25; l.y = player.y + 25; l.launchingRocket = false; } if (!l.launchingRocket) // shoots rocket at player { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { rocketToRemove = l; // out of bounds, delete } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) // if hits player, kill player and delete { if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") // kill { endGame = true; death.Stop(); death.Play(); spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") // destroy mech instead of killing { broken.Stop(); broken.Play(); toClearLsers = true; // clears all objects grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } } foreach (Classes.laser l in lasers) { l.move(); e.Graphics.DrawImage(l.i, l.hb); //display laser if (l.hb.Right <= 0) { laserToRemove = l; // remove if out of bounds } if (player.hb.IntersectsWith(l.hb)) //if hits player { if (!endGame && curntMech == "none") // kill player { death.Stop(); death.Play(); spdStorage = backgroundMoveSpd; endGame = true; bounce = (this.Height - player.y) / 2; } else if (curntMech != "none") //destroy mech { broken.Stop(); broken.Play(); toClearLsers = true; grounded = false; curntMech = "none"; } } } if (toClearLsers) { lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); toClearLsers = false; } List <Classes.coin> delete = new List <Classes.coin>(); // coins to delete foreach (Classes.coin c in coins) { if (c.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) // if player hits coins { coinScore++; //coinToRemove = c; delete.Add(c); } else { c.move(); // move and draw e.Graphics.FillEllipse(coinBrush, c.hb); if (c.hb.Right <= 0) // if ooB, delete { delete.Add(c); } } } foreach (Classes.mechToken m in MTokens) { if (m.hb.IntersectsWith(player.hb)) //if player hits mech token { MTokenToRemove = m; curntMech = m.type; // set player mech to token type lasers.Clear(); rockets.Clear(); broken.Play(); } else { m.move(); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(coinBrush, m.hb); //move and draw if (m.hb.Right <= 0) // if ooB, delete { MTokenToRemove = m; } } if (upgrades["xray"]) // if xray is bought, you can see the type of mech token { string s = ""; Font f = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 20); if (m.type == "teleporter") { s = "T"; } else if (m.type == "superJump") { s = "S"; } else if (m.type == "gravity") { s = "G"; } e.Graphics.DrawString(s, f, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), m.hb.X + 10, m.hb.Y + 10); } } //draws coin and distance Font fr = new Font("Arial", 16); e.Graphics.DrawString("Coins " + coinScore, fr, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 0, 10); e.Graphics.DrawString("Distance " + actualDist + "m", fr, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 0, 30); //removes objects RemoveLaser(laserToRemove); RemoveCoin(delete); RemoveMToken(MTokenToRemove); MTokenToRemove = null; laserToRemove = null; }
private void GameTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { tick++; // tick cloudX -= backgroundMoveSpd; // move cloud dist += backgroundMoveSpd; // add to dist actualDist = dist / 100; // actual distance travelled if (endGame && tick % 15 == 0) // for bounces and slowing down after being killed { if (backgroundMoveSpd > 0) { backgroundMoveSpd--; } else if (bounce < 10 && backgroundMoveSpd == 0) { GameOver(); // if fully stopped, gameover } } if (endGame && player.hb.Bottom >= this.Height && !bounceUp) // if player hits bottom, bounce up { bounceUp = true; bounce /= 2; if (bounce < 15) { bounce = 0; } } if (player.hb.Bottom > this.Height - bounce && bounceUp && endGame) // if less than bounce height, keep moving up { player.move(-10); airDownFrames = 0; } else { bounceUp = false; // turn around and fall down } if (r.Next(0, 101) < coinChance && tick % 120 == 0 && !endGame) // if game isnt over, and chance is met, generate a coin pattern { generateCoin(r.Next(0, 3), r.Next(100, this.Height - 100)); } if (r.Next(0, 2) == 0 && tick % 1200 == 0 && !endGame && curntMech == "none") // every 1200 ticks, have a chance to generate a mech token { Classes.mechToken m = new Classes.mechToken(this.Width, r.Next(0, this.Height - 50)); if (!abort) // if the player doesn't have the generated mech, stop the generation { MTokens.Add(m); } else { abort = false; } } if (tick == 180) // generates startup laser { lasers.Add(new Classes.laser(this.Width, 10, midLaser, laserWidth, Properties.Resources.laserV)); } else if (tick % timeBtwnLasers == 0 && !endGame) //from here on out, generate a laser every timebtwnlaser ticks { generateLaser(player.y); } if (tick % 1200 == 0 && coinChance < 35 && !endGame) { coinChance += 5; // every 1200 ticks increase chance to get coins } if (tick % 240 == 0) // move the cloud to front of screen { cloudX = this.Width; } if (tick % 550 == 0 && !endGame) // movespeed increase every 550 ticks { if (backgroundMoveSpd < 20) // caps speed at 20 { backgroundMoveSpd += 2; } } if (tick % 240 == 0) //every 240 ticks, decrease spawn timeout for lasers { if (timeBtwnLasers > 20) { timeBtwnLasers -= 15; } } if (tick % 600 == 0 && r.Next(0, 3) == 0 && !upgrades["jammer"]) // spawn rockets on 1/3 chance, every 600 ticks, and if you haven't bought jammer { if (r.Next(0, 5) == 0) // 1/5 chance to spawn a 5 rocket barrage { spawnBarrage = true; barrageSpawns = 0; } Classes.rocket rc = new Classes.rocket(this.Width - 80, player.y + 25); // create a rocket that follows the player alert.Stop(); //play alert alert.Play(); rockets.Add(rc); } if (spawnBarrage && tick % 30 == 0 && barrageSpawns < 5) // spawn barrage rockets every 30 ticks until 5 are spawned { Classes.rocket rc = new Classes.rocket(this.Width - 80, player.y + 25); rockets.Add(rc); barrageSpawns++; } switch (curntMech) //based on mech, do different physics { case "none": standardGrounded(); standardUp(); standardGav(); standardJump(); break; case "teleporter": grounded = true; break; case "superJump": superJumpUp(); superJumpGav(); break; case "gravity": GsuitGav(); break; } if (endGame) { up = false; // stop the player from flying if they got hit } Refresh(); }