protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
        this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            ViewState["TotalHours"] = "0";

            this.RowError1.Visible = false;
            this.RowError2.Visible = false;


        this.cc2DateSelector.DateChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(DateChanged);
        this.cc2DateSelector.IntervalChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(IntervalChanged);
    protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //	Submit button.

            if ((Util.ReadString("AdminUserName", "") == this.TxtUserName.Text) &&
                (Util.ReadString("AdminPassword", "") == this.TxtPassword.Text))
                //	This is the main admin user for the application.

                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("0", true);

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();
            Int32 UserId = oUsr.Logon(this.TxtUserName.Text, this.TxtPassword.Text);

            if (UserId > 0)
                //	We've found the user.

                FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(UserId.ToString(), true);

            //	User not found!

            this.RowMessage.Visible = true;
            this.LblMsg.Text = "User Not Found!";

        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void BtnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();


        Response.Redirect("UserMenu.aspx", true);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();

            this.BtnAddUser.Enabled = true;
            this.BtnDeleteUser.Enabled = false;
            this.BtnEditUser.Enabled = false;

            this.DdlUsers.DataSource = oUsr.ShowUsers();
            this.DdlUsers.DataTextField = "UserName";
            this.DdlUsers.DataValueField = "UserId";

            if (this.DdlUsers.Items.Count > 0)
                int UsrId;

                if (Request.QueryString["UserId"] != null)
                    UsrId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["UserId"]);
                    UsrId = 0;

                    this.DdlUsers.SelectedValue = UsrId.ToString();

                catch (Exception)
                    //	Okay to error here. It just means that the user ID doesn't
                    //	exist in the dropdown listbox.

                this.BtnDeleteUser.Enabled = true;
                this.BtnEditUser.Enabled = true;
    protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //	Get user ID and store in ViewState.

        ViewState["UserId"] = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString();

        if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() != "0")
            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString()));

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Report) == 0)
                //	User isn't allowed to look at reports.

                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            if (Request.QueryString["UserId"] == null)
                Response.Redirect("UserMenu.aspx", true);

            ViewState["UserId"] = Request.QueryString["UserId"].ToString();

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            this.LblMsg.Text = oUsr.UserName;
    protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();

        oUsr.TeamId = Convert.ToInt32(this.DdlTeam.SelectedValue);
        oUsr.UserName = this.TxtUserName.Text;
        oUsr.Password = this.TxtPassword.Text.Trim();
        oUsr.UserGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(this.DdlUserGroup.SelectedValue);
        oUsr.Surname = this.TxtSurname.Text;
        oUsr.Forename = this.TxtForename.Text;
        oUsr.EmailAddress = this.TxtEmailAddress.Text;

            oUsr.HourlyRate = (float) Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(this.TxtHourlyRate.Text), 2);

        catch (Exception)
            //	User has entered non-numeric text. Default the hourly rate to zero.

            oUsr.HourlyRate = 0;


        //	Save the assigned projects.

        ClassProject oPrj = new ClassProject();


        foreach (ListItem oLst in this.ClstProjects.Items)
            if (oLst.Selected == true)
                oPrj.MapProjectToUser(oUsr.UserId, Convert.ToInt32(oLst.Value));

        Response.Redirect(string.Format("UserMenu.aspx?UserId={0}", oUsr.UserId), true);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            if (((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.ManagerOnly) == 0) && (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() != "0"))
                //	User isn't allowed to look at certain managerial reports.

                this.BtnBudget.Enabled = false;
                this.BtnCostCentre.Enabled = false;
Example #9
    protected void bt_change_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        loginUserInfo             = (ClassUser)Session["loginUserInfo"];
        loginUserInfo.Account     = txt_account.Text.ToString();
        loginUserInfo.UserName    = txt_userName.Text.ToString();
        loginUserInfo.Email       = txt_email.Text.ToString();
        loginUserInfo.Address     = txt_address.Text.ToString();
        loginUserInfo.PhoneNumber = txt_phoneNumber.Text.ToString();

        Dao dao    = new Dao();
        int result = dao.changeInfo(loginUserInfo);

        if (result == 1)
            lbl_message.Text    = "信息修改成功";
            lbl_message.Visible = true;
        else if (result == 0)
            lbl_message.Text    = "信息修改失败";
            lbl_message.Visible = true;
Example #10
        public ClassUser Login(string username, string password)
            ClassUser us = new ClassUser();

                using (var ctx = new GrainContext())
                    us = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <ClassUser>("SELECT dbo.[User].UserId, dbo.[User].Name, dbo.[User].CountryId, dbo.[User].UserTypeId, dbo.[User].MailId, dbo.[User].PhoneId " +
                                                           "FROM dbo.Access LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[User] ON dbo.Access.UserId = dbo.[User].UserId " +
                                                           "WHERE (dbo.Access.passWord = N'" + password + "') AND (dbo.Access.cprNr = N'" + username + "')").FirstOrDefault <ClassUser>();
                    if (us == null)
                        us = new ClassUser();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
        this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString()));

            ViewState["TotalHours"] = "0";

            this.LblProductive.Text = "";
            this.LblUnproductive.Text = "";
            this.LblProductivePercent.Text = "";

        this.cc2DateSelector.DateChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(DateChanged);
        this.cc2DateSelector.IntervalChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(IntervalChanged);
Example #12
        public List <ClassUser> getUserList()
            List <ClassUser> userList = new List <ClassUser>();
            ClassUser        classUser;
            Dao       dao       = new Dao();
            DataTable userTable = dao.getAllUserTable();
            int       i         = 0;

            try {
                while (i < userTable.Rows.Count)
                    classUser = new ClassUser();
                    EntityFactory entityFactory = new EntityFactory();
                    classUser = entityFactory.ToUserClass(userTable, i);
Example #13
 protected void bt_register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txt_password.Text == txt_checkCode.Text)
         ClassUser registerUserInfo = new ClassUser();
         EntityFactory entityFactory = new EntityFactory();
         int           userId        = 0;//这里为了满足重载函数要求,初始化为0,但不需要插入数据库,数据库中userId字段为自动增加
         string        account       = this.txt_account.Text.ToString();
         string        password      = this.txt_password.Text.ToString();
         string        userName      = this.txt_userName.Text.ToString();
         string        email         = this.txt_email.Text.ToString();
         double        moneyLeft     = 0;//初始化余额为0
         string        address       = "";
         string        phoneNumber   = "";
         registerUserInfo = entityFactory.ToUserClass(userId, account, password, userName, email, moneyLeft, address, phoneNumber);//调用ToUserClass()方法封装信息到实体类
         Dao dao    = new Dao();
         int result = dao.register(registerUserInfo);
         if (result == 1)
             Response.Write("<script>alert('注册成功!');top.location='login.aspx' </script>");
         txt_checkCode.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
Example #14
        public bool AddClassUser(ClassesUserModel model, UserTokenModel curUser)
            var exist = db.Set <ClassUser>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.ClassId == model.ClassId && t.UserId == model.UserId && t.IsValid);

            if (exist != null)

            var en = new ClassUser
                AddUserId  = curUser.UserId,
                EditUserId = curUser.UserId,
                AddTime    = DateTime.Now,
                EditTime   = DateTime.Now,
                IsValid    = true,
                ClassId    = model.ClassId,
                UserId     = model.UserId

            db.Set <ClassUser>().Add(en);
 private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dgvUsers.DataSource = ClassUser.sp_user_display();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                ViewState["Referer"] = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
                ViewState["Referer"] = "Default.aspx";

            Int32 UserId;

            Int32.TryParse(ViewState["UserId"].ToString(), out UserId);

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(UserId);

            this.TxtUserName.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", oUsr.Forename, oUsr.Surname);
            this.TxtEmail.Text = oUsr.EmailAddress;

    protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //ClassTask oTsk = new ClassTask(Convert.ToInt32(this.DdlTasks.SelectedValue));
        //Boolean bOkay = false;

        Boolean bOkay = true;

        //if ((oTsk.ValidationType & (Int32)Enum.ValidationType.NoValidation) != 0)
        //    //	No validation for job reference. User can enter anything
        //    //	they like.

        //    bOkay = true;
        //else if ((oTsk.ValidationType & (Int32)Enum.ValidationType.JobMustPreExist) != 0)
        //    //	Job must pre-exist and be active in tblJobs.

        //    //ClassJob oJob = new ClassJob();

        //    //if (oJob.IsJobActive(this.TxtReference.Text) == true)
        //    //{
        //    //    //	Job reference is available and is active.

        //    //    bOkay = true;
        //    //}
        //    //else
        //    //{
        //    //    //	Job reference either doesn't exist or it isn't
        //    //    //	currently active in tblJobs.

        //    //    bOkay = false;
        //    //    ShowTimeError("Job reference does not pre-exist!");
        //    //}
        //else if ((oTsk.ValidationType & (Int32)Enum.ValidationType.UseRegularExpression) != 0)
        //    //	Job reference must meet regular expression.

        //    //System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex oReg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(oTsk.ReferenceRegEx);

        //    //if (oReg.IsMatch(this.TxtReference.Text) == true)
        //    //{
        //    //    //	Regular expression match is okay.

        //    //    bOkay = true;
        //    //}
        //    //else
        //    //{
        //    //    //	Regular expression failed.

        //    //    bOkay = false;
        //    //    ShowTimeError("Job reference failed regular expression check!");
        //    //}
        //else if ((oTsk.ValidationType & (Int32)Enum.ValidationType.UseDropDownListBox) != 0)
        //    //	Job reference supplied via dropdown listbox.

        //    if (this.DdlJobs.Items.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        //	The user has selected via the dropdown listbox.

        //        //this.TxtReference.Text = this.DdlJobs.SelectedValue;
        //        bOkay = true;
        //    }

        if (bOkay == true)
            //	We have passed the job reference validation check (if any).

            ClassTime oTim = new ClassTime(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["TimeId"].ToString()));
            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();

            oTim.DateVal = this.cc2DateSelector.GetDate();
            oTim.UserId = Int32.Parse(ViewState["UserId"].ToString());
            oTim.ProjectId = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlProjects.SelectedValue);
            //oTim.TaskId = oTsk.TaskId;
            //oTim.StatusId = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue);
            //oTim.Comment = this.TxtComment.Text;
            //oTim.JobRef = this.TxtReference.Text;

            //	Check that hours entered is a valid number.

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex oReg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+");

            if (!oReg.IsMatch(this.txtTotalHours.Text))
                //	Regular expression for hours failed.

                ShowTimeError("The hours entered are incorrectly specified!");
                //	Hours entered is a valid number.

                double HoursVal;

                if (double.TryParse(this.txtTotalHours.Text, out HoursVal) != true)
                    //	Problem with the submitted hours value.

                    ShowTimeError("The hours entered are invalid!");
                    //	Hours value is okay.

                    oTim.Hours = HoursVal;



                    ViewState["TimeId"] = "0";
                    //this.TxtComment.Text = "";
                    this.txtTotalHours.Text = "0.00";
                    this.LblTimeId.Text = "New";
                    this.BtnSubmit.Text = "Submit";

                    BtnSubmit.Enabled = false;

Example #18
 public ObservableCollection <ClassBog> GetAllLentBooks(ClassUser personID)
     return(classDbfDB.GetAllLentToUser(personID, "1"));
    private void ShowUsers()
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));
        DataSet oDs;
        Boolean bManager = false;

        if (((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.ManagerOnly) != 0) || (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0"))
            //	Access to management reports allowed.

            bManager = true;

        if (bManager == false)
            //	This user is restricted to seeing only their own data.

            oDs = oUsr.ShowUsers2(oUsr.UserId);
            //	This user is allowed to access data for multiple users.

            oDs = oUsr.ShowUsers1();

        this.DdlUsers.DataSource = oDs;
        this.DdlUsers.DataTextField = "UserName";
        this.DdlUsers.DataValueField = "UserId";

        if (bManager == true)
            //	Access to multiple users allows this user to select all users.

            this.DdlUsers.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All users", "0"));
    protected void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

        if (this.TxtOld.Text.Length > 0)
            //	User has entered their old password.

            if (this.TxtOld.Text.Trim() != oUsr.Password)
                //	Old passwords don't match.

                this.LblMsg.Text = "Old Password Does Not Match!";
            else if (this.TxtNew1.Text.Trim() != this.TxtNew2.Text.Trim())
                //	Both copies of new password are different.

                this.LblMsg.Text = "New Passwords Do Not Match!";
                Boolean bOkay = true;

                //if (Util.ReadString("PasswordRegExp", "").Length > 0)
                //	//	User has to supply a password which meets a regular expression check.
                //	Regex oReg = new Regex(Util.ReadString("PasswordRegExp", ""));
                //	bOkay = oReg.IsMatch(this.TxtNew1.Text);

                if (bOkay == true)
                    oUsr.Surname = this.TxtSurname.Text;
                    oUsr.Forename = this.TxtForename.Text;
                    oUsr.Password = this.TxtNew1.Text.Trim();
                    oUsr.EmailAddress = this.TxtEmail.Text;
                    this.LblMsg.Text = "Updates Applied!";
                    this.LblMsg.Text = "Password Fails Regular Expression Check!";
            //	User did not enter their old password, so change the email address.

            oUsr.Surname = this.TxtSurname.Text;
            oUsr.Forename = this.TxtForename.Text;
            oUsr.EmailAddress = this.TxtEmail.Text;

            this.LblMsg.Text = "Updates Applied!";

        this.RowMsg1.Visible = true;
        this.RowMsg2.Visible = true;
    private void DoEnable()
        if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0")
            //	Super admin has access to everything.
            // Other users are configured according to their user group permissions.

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            this.BtnGroups.Enabled = false;
            this.BtnStatus.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Project) == 0)
                this.BtnProjectAdmin.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Team) == 0)
                this.BtnTeams.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.JobMaintenance) == 0)
                this.BtnJobs.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Lock) == 0)
                this.BtnAdminLock.Enabled = false;
Example #22
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ClassUser userLoginInfo = (ClassUser)Session["loginUserInfo"];

        Session.Add("userLoginInfo", userLoginInfo);
    protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //	Get user ID and store in ViewState.

        ViewState["UserId"] = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString();

        if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0")
            //	Super Admin.

            ViewState["UserName"] = "******";
            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            if (Util.ReadString("PasswordRegExp", "").Length > 0)
                //	User has to supply a password which meets a regular expression check.

                Regex oReg = new Regex(Util.ReadString("PasswordRegExp", ""));

                if (oReg.IsMatch(oUsr.Password) == false)
                    //	Users password does not meet the regular expression
                    //	check that the system admin defined in web.config.
                    //	Send the user to the user admin page to force them
                    //	to change their password.

                    //Response.Redirect("UserAdmin.aspx", true);

                ViewState["UserName"] = string.Format("{0} {1}", oUsr.Forename, oUsr.Surname);
    private void DoEnable()
        if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0")
            //	Super admin has access to everything except user administration.

            this.RowUserAdmin1.Visible = false;
            this.RowUserAdmin2.Visible = false;
            // Other users are configured according to their user group permissions.

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Administration) == 0)
                this.RowConfig1.Visible = false;
                this.RowConfig2.Visible = false;
                this.BtnConfig.Enabled = false;

                this.RowAdmin1.Visible = false;
                this.RowAdmin2.Visible = false;
                this.BtnAdminMenu.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Timesheet) == 0)
                this.RowTime1.Visible = false;
                this.RowTime2.Visible = false;
                this.BtnTime.Enabled = false;

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.Report) == 0)
                this.RowReports1.Visible = false;
                this.RowReports2.Visible = false;
                this.BtnReports.Enabled = false;
        public SqlConnections()
            ClassOffice o1 = new ClassOffice();

            o1.OfficeId     = 1;
            o1.OfficeNumber = 2;

            ClassOffice o2 = new ClassOffice();

            o1.OfficeId     = 2;
            o1.OfficeNumber = 3;

            listOfOfices = new List <ClassOffice>()
                o1, o2

            ClassDoctor dct1 = new ClassDoctor();

            dct1.Active       = true;
            dct1.Doctor_id    = 20;
            dct1.Name         = "Jan";
            dct1.Surname      = "Nowak";
            dct1.OfficeNumber = 100;
            ClassDoctor dct2 = new ClassDoctor();

            dct2.Active       = true;
            dct2.Doctor_id    = 10;
            dct2.Name         = "Tomasz";
            dct2.Surname      = "Kowalski";
            dct2.OfficeNumber = 200;
            ListDoctor        = new List <ClassDoctor>()
                dct1, dct2

            ClassUser u1 = new ClassUser();

            u1.Login                 = "******";
            u1.Password              = "******";
            u1.Permission            = new ClassPermission();
            u1.Permission.Permission = "Doctor";
            u1.User_id               = 1;

            ClassUser u2 = new ClassUser();

            u2.Login                 = "******";
            u2.Password              = "******";
            u2.Permission            = new ClassPermission();
            u2.Permission.Permission = "Doctor";
            u2.User_id               = 2;
            ClassUser u3 = new ClassUser();

            u3.Login                 = "******";
            u3.Password              = "******";
            u3.Permission            = new ClassPermission();
            u3.Permission.Permission = "Administrator";
            u3.User_id               = 3;
            ListUser                 = new List <ClassUser>()
                u1, u2, u3
    private void ShowUsers()
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();

        this.GridUsers.DataSource = oUsr.ShowUsers();
    private void ShowTeams()
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));
        ClassTeam oTm = new ClassTeam();
        DataSet oDs;
        Boolean bManager = false;

        if (((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.ManagerOnly) == 0) || (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0"))
            bManager = true;

        if (bManager == false)
            //	This user is only allowed to access their own team.

            oDs = oTm.ShowTeams2(oUsr.TeamId);
            //	This user has access to all teams.

            oDs = oTm.ShowTeams1();

        this.DdlTeams.DataSource = oDs;
        this.DdlTeams.DataTextField = "TeamName";
        this.DdlTeams.DataValueField = "TeamId";
 private void txtsearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dgvUsers.DataSource = ClassUser.sp_user_search(txtsearch.Text);
 /// <summary>
 /// Kalder til en metode i ClassPurchaseDB, der checker om der er indtastet korrekt brugernavn og adgangskode, og derefter henter brugeren
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ClassUser GetUserData()
     return(CU = CPDB.GetUser(cprNr, passWord));
 bool ITaskOrganizer.ConfirmUser(User user)
Example #31
 public void LendThisBookToTheUser(ClassBog lentBook, ClassUser user)
 public bool AddUser(User user)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            if (Request.QueryString["UserId"] == null)
                Response.Redirect("UserMenu.aspx", true);

            ViewState["UserId"] = Request.QueryString["UserId"].ToString();

            ClassTeam oTm = new ClassTeam();

            this.DdlTeam.DataSource = oTm.ShowTeams1();
            this.DdlTeam.DataTextField = "TeamName";
            this.DdlTeam.DataValueField = "TeamId";

            this.DdlTeam.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose team --", "0"));

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["UserId"]));

            this.TxtUserName.Text = oUsr.UserName;

            string TxtStr = oUsr.Password;

            if (TxtStr.Length < 8)
                TxtStr = TxtStr.PadRight(8);

            this.TxtPassword.Text = TxtStr;
            this.TxtPassword.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password;
            this.TxtPassword.Attributes.Add("value", TxtStr);

            this.TxtSurname.Text = oUsr.Surname;
            this.TxtForename.Text = oUsr.Forename;
            this.TxtEmailAddress.Text = oUsr.EmailAddress;
            this.TxtHourlyRate.Text = string.Format("{0:f}", oUsr.HourlyRate);
            ClassUserGroup oGrp = new ClassUserGroup();

            this.DdlUserGroup.DataSource = oGrp.ShowUserGroups();
            this.DdlUserGroup.DataTextField = "UserGroupName";
            this.DdlUserGroup.DataValueField = "UserGroupId";

            this.DdlUserGroup.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose user group --", "0"));

                this.DdlTeam.SelectedValue = oUsr.TeamId.ToString();

            catch (Exception)
                //	Do nothing - we don't need to worry about a team which
                //	can't be selected.

                this.DdlUserGroup.SelectedValue = oUsr.UserGroupId.ToString();

            catch (Exception)
                //	Okay to error. The supplied user group id isn't in the
                //	dropdown listbox.

            ClassProject oPrj = new ClassProject();
            DataSet oDs = oPrj.ShowProjectsWithUserMap(oUsr.UserId);

            this.ClstProjects.DataSource = oDs;
            this.ClstProjects.DataTextField = "ProjectName";
            this.ClstProjects.DataValueField = "ProjectId";

            foreach (DataRow oDr in oDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(oDr["Selected"].ToString()) != 0)
                    ListItem oChk = this.ClstProjects.Items.FindByValue(oDr["ProjectId"].ToString());

                    if (oChk != null)
                        oChk.Selected = true;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
        this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            ViewState["TimeId"] = "0";
            ViewState["Interval"] = "W";
            ViewState["TotalHours"] = "0";


            this.LblTimeId.Text = "New";
            this.BtnSubmit.Text = "Submit";

            ViewState["GridPage"] = "20";

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.JobMaintenance) == 0)
                //	User cannot perform job maintenance.

                this.RowJob1.Visible = false;
                this.RowJob2.Visible = false;
                //	User can perform job maintenance.

                this.RowJob1.Visible = true;
                this.RowJob2.Visible = true;

            if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() == "0")
                //	System administrator cannot enter timesheets!

                this.RowAdmin1.Visible = true;
                this.RowAdmin2.Visible = true;

            Int32 PageSize;

            PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["GridPage"].ToString());
            PageSize = (PageSize < 5) ? 5 : PageSize;
            this.GridTime.PageSize = PageSize;
            ViewState["GridPage"] = PageSize.ToString();




        this.cc2DateSelector.DateChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(DateChanged);
        this.cc2DateSelector.IntervalChanged += new KazCustomControls.EventHandler(IntervalChanged);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
            //	First time initialisation.

            Page.Title = TXT_PAGETITLE;
            this.LblPageTitle.Text = TXT_PAGETITLE;

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));

            this.TxtSurname.Text = oUsr.Surname;
            this.TxtForename.Text = oUsr.Forename;
            this.TxtEmail.Text = oUsr.EmailAddress;

    private void ShowUsers()
        ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()));
        DataSet oDs;

        if ((oUsr.Permissions & (Int32)Enum.Permissions.ManagerOnly) == 0)
            //	This user is restricted to seeing only their own data.

            if (ViewState["UserId"].ToString() != "0")
                oDs = oUsr.ShowUsers2(oUsr.UserId);
                //	Except this is the superuser, who can see everything.

                oDs = oUsr.ShowUsers1();
            //	This user is allowed to access data for multiple users.

            oDs = oUsr.ShowUsers1();

        this.DdlUsers.DataSource = oDs;
        this.DdlUsers.DataTextField = "UserName";
        this.DdlUsers.DataValueField = "UserId";
Example #37
 public void UpdateRentStatus(ClassBog inBook, ClassUser inPerson)
     ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE Udlaan SET udlaansStatus = {inBook.rentdate.udlaanstatus}, udlaansDato = {inBook.rentdate.strUdlaansDate}, personID = {}, bookID = {}");
Example #38
    private Int32 GetUserId(string UsrNam, string UsrPwd)
        Int32 RetVal = 0;

            ClassUser oUsr = new ClassUser();

            RetVal = oUsr.Logon(UsrNam,UsrPwd);

        catch (Exception ex)
            RetVal = -1;

        return RetVal;
Example #39
        public Airport(MainWindow main)
            MyScheduledFlights = new ObservableCollection <ClassScheduledFlight>();
            MySimFlights       = new ObservableCollection <ClassScheduledFlight>();
            MyMain             = main;
            MyManager          = main.Manager;
            MyUtil             = new ClassUser();
            MyUtil             = main.Uti;

            Stack_ScheduledFlights.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; // on s'assure d'etre sur le bon affichage
            Stack_sim.Visibility         = Visibility.Collapsed;
            DataContext                  = MyUtil;
            Datagrid_Flights.DataContext = MyScheduledFlights;

            ObservableCollection <ClassScheduledFlight> flight = new ObservableCollection <ClassScheduledFlight>();

                flight = ClassSerializable.LoadFromXMLFormat <ClassScheduledFlight>(MyManager.WorkPlace + "/" + MyUtil.Code + "_FlightS.xml");
                foreach (ClassScheduledFlight item in flight)

                List <ClassScheduledFlight> temp = new List <ClassScheduledFlight>();
                foreach (ClassScheduledFlight item in MyScheduledFlights)
                    if (item.Flight.Source == null)
                        item.Flight.Source = MyUtil.Code;
                    else if (!item.Flight.Source.Equals(MyUtil.Code))

                foreach (ClassScheduledFlight item in temp)
                if (MyScheduledFlights.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No scheduled flight found for this company !", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                Datagrid_Flights.DataContext = MyScheduledFlights;
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("File doesn't exists - File creation !", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                ClassSerializable.SaveAsXMLFormat(MyScheduledFlights, MyManager.WorkPlace + "/" + MyUtil.Code + "_FlightS.xml");

            Closing += Closing_Airport;
            Pause    = false;
            ButtonStart.IsEnabled = true;
            ButtonStop.IsEnabled  = false;
            ButtonPause.IsEnabled = false;
Example #40
        public async Task <IActionResult> EnrollInClass([FromBody] ClassUser classUser, [FromQuery] string action, [FromQuery] string userId)
            var lang          = Request.Headers["language"].ToString();
            var errorMessages = new List <string>();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classUser.ClassId) || classUser.UserId == null)
                    errorMessages.Add(_translator.GetTranslation("ERROR", lang));
                    return(BadRequest(new { errors = errorMessages }));

                var cls    = _classRepository.FindById(classUser.ClassId);
                var member = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(classUser.UserId);

                if (cls == null || member == null)
                    errorMessages.Add(_translator.GetTranslation("ERROR", lang));
                    return(BadRequest(new { errors = errorMessages }));
                if (action == "enroll")
                    var newClassUser = new ClassUser()
                        Class          = cls,
                        ClassId        = classUser.ClassId,
                        User           = member,
                        UserId         = classUser.UserId,
                        EnrollDateTime = DateTime.Now

                else if (action == "disenroll")
                    var enrollement = cls.ClassUsers
                                      .SingleOrDefault(e => e.ClassId == classUser.ClassId &&
                                                       e.UserId == classUser.UserId);

                    _doneSessionRepository.DeleteAllByCourseUser(cls.Course.Id, classUser.UserId);


                var updatedClass = _classRepository.Update(cls);
                if (updatedClass != null)
                    if (action == "enroll")
                        await _notificationRepository.Create(new Notification()
                            Type     = "ENROLLEMENT",
                            Text     = $"{member.FirstName} {member.LastName} enrolled in class [ {cls.Name_EN} ]",
                            DateTime = DateTime.Now,
                            Info     = null,
                            IsSeen   = false,
                    else if (action == "disenroll")
                        await _notificationRepository.Create(new Notification()
                            Type     = "ENROLLEMENT",
                            Text     = $"{member.FirstName} {member.LastName} disenrolled from class [ {cls.Name_EN} ]",
                            DateTime = DateTime.Now,
                            Info     = null,
                            IsSeen   = false,

                var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

                bool isAdmin = false;
                if (user != null)
                    isAdmin = user.IsAdmin && (await _userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, "Admin"));

                return(Ok(new { updatedClass = ResponseGenerator.GenerateClassResponse(cls, isAdmin) }));
                errorMessages.Add(_translator.GetTranslation("ERROR", lang));
                return(BadRequest(new { errors = errorMessages }));