private void ApplyRangeValueClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClassBreaksRenderer newClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); newClassBreaksRenderer.Field = "POP00_SQMI"; var Infos = new List<ClassBreakInfo>(); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 0, Maximum = 12, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 31.3, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 255, 100) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 59.7, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 200) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 146.2, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 57173, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Infos = Infos; var layer = MyMap.Layers["USA"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer; layer.LayerDrawingOptions.Add(new LayerDrawingOptions() { LayerID = 3, Renderer = newClassBreaksRenderer }); layer.VisibleLayers = new int[] { 3 }; }
private void SetRenderers() { SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer() { Description = "Rivers", Label = "Rivers", Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Blue, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Dash, Width = 2 } }; (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerSimple"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = simpleRenderer; UniqueValueRenderer uvr = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uvr.Fields = new ObservableCollection<string>(new string [] { "STATE_NAME" }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] {"New Mexico" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] { "Texas" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.PaleGreen } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] { "Arizona" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.YellowGreen } }); (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerUnique"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = uvr; ClassBreaksRenderer CBR = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { DefaultLabel = "All Other Values", DefaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Cross, Size = 10 }, Field = "POP1990", Minimum = 0 }; CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 30000, Label = "0-30000", Description = "Pop between 0 and 30000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow, Size = 8, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 300000, Label = "30000-300000", Description = "Pop between 30000 and 300000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red, Size = 10, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 5000000, Label = "300000-5000000", Description = "Pop between 300000 and 5000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Orange, Size = 12, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerClassBreak"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = CBR; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static ClassBreaksRenderer MakeDOCRenderer() { double symbolSize = 10; ClassBreaksRenderer breaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); breaksRenderer.Field = "Measurement"; SimpleMarkerSymbol defaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); defaultSymbol.Size = symbolSize; defaultSymbol.Color = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#f50404"); defaultSymbol.Style = SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle; breaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol = defaultSymbol; List<double> min = new List<double> { 0,6,12,18,24,30,36,48,60 }; List<double> max = new List<double> { 6,12,18,24,30,36,48,60,1000 }; List<string> colors = new List<string> { "#fa5903","#fc8b00","#fcc304","#f5f502","#c7f704","#95f703","#5bf600","#02f502","#39a801" }; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ClassBreakInfo classBreak = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ClassBreakInfo(); SimpleMarkerSymbol breakSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); breakSymbol.Size = symbolSize; breakSymbol.Color = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(colors[i]); breakSymbol.Style = SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle; classBreak.Symbol = breakSymbol; classBreak.MinimumValue = min[i]; classBreak.MaximumValue = max[i]; breaksRenderer.Classes.Add(classBreak); } return breaksRenderer; }
private void ApplyRangeValueClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClassBreaksRenderer newClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); newClassBreaksRenderer.Field = "POP00_SQMI"; newClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 12, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0)) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MaximumValue = 31.3, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 255, 100)) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MaximumValue = 59.7, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 200)) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MaximumValue = 146.2, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255)) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MaximumValue = 57173, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255)) } }); LayerDrawingOptions layerDrawOptions = new LayerDrawingOptions(); layerDrawOptions.LayerID = 3; layerDrawOptions.Renderer = newClassBreaksRenderer; (MyMap.Layers["USA"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer).LayerDrawingOptions = new LayerDrawingOptionsCollection() { layerDrawOptions }; (MyMap.Layers["USA"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer).VisibleLayers = new int[] { 3 }; // Changing VisibleLayers will refresh the layer, otherwise an explicit call to Refresh is needed. //(MyMap.Layers["USA"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer).Refresh(); }
// Creates the renderers in code private void initializeRenderers() { // Create simple renderer with one symbol for rivers layer SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer() { Description = "Rivers", Label = "Rivers", Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Blue, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Dash, Width = 2 } }; RiversRenderer = simpleRenderer; // Create a unique value renderer that defines different symbols for New Mexico, Texas, // and Arizona UniqueValueRenderer uvr = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uvr.Fields = new ObservableCollection<string>(new string[] { "STATE_NAME" }); SimpleLineSymbol stateOutline = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black }; uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] { "New Mexico" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow, Outline = stateOutline } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] { "Texas" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Green, Outline = stateOutline } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection<object>(new object[] { "Arizona" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.LightGray, Outline = stateOutline } }); StatesRenderer = uvr; // Create a class breaks renderer to symbolize cities of different sizes ClassBreaksRenderer cbr = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { DefaultLabel = "All Other Values", DefaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Cross, Size = 10 }, Field = "POP1990", Minimum = 0 }; // Create and add symbols SimpleLineSymbol cityOutline = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.White }; cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 100000, Maximum = 200000, Label = "100000 - 200000", Description = "Population between 100000 and 200000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 210, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 4, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 200001, Maximum = 1000000, Label = "200001 - 1000000", Description = "Population between 200001 and 1000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 127, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 8, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 1000001, Maximum = 10000000, Label = "1000001 - 10000000", Description = "Population between 1000001 and 10000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 50, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 12, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CitiesRenderer = cbr; }
internal void Initialize() { // Only show this option when configuring the default symbol (not valid for class breaks) bool isConfiguringLayer = DataContext is Layer; if (ClusterPanel != null) { ClusterPanel.Visibility = isConfiguringLayer ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; ClusterPanel.IsEnabled = DataContext is ConfigurableHeatMapLayer ? false : true; } if (RenderAsHeatMapPanel != null) { RenderAsHeatMapPanel.Visibility = isConfiguringLayer ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } if (MarkerSymbolSelector != null) { MarkerSymbolSelector.IsEnabled = isConfiguringLayer ? true : false; } PictureMarkerSymbol symbol = DataContext as PictureMarkerSymbol; if (symbol != null) { if (CurrentSymbolImage != null) { CurrentSymbolImage.Source = symbol.Source; } if (OpacitySlider != null) { OpacitySlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("Opacity"), Source = this.DataContext }); OpacitySlider.IsEnabled = DataContext is ConfigurableHeatMapLayer ? false : true; } if (MarkerSymbolSelector != null) { MarkerSymbolSelector.IsEnabled = true; } if (CurrentSymbolImageOverlay != null) { CurrentSymbolImageOverlay.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } else { GraphicsLayer layerInfo = DataContext as GraphicsLayer; if (layerInfo != null) { ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = layerInfo.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (renderer == null) { return; } PictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbol = renderer.DefaultSymbol as PictureMarkerSymbol; if (pictureMarkerSymbol != null) { if (CurrentSymbolImage != null) { CurrentSymbolImage.Source = pictureMarkerSymbol.Source; } } if (MarkerSymbolSelector != null) { MarkerSymbolSelector.IsEnabled = DataContext is ConfigurableHeatMapLayer ? false : true; } if (CurrentSymbolImageOverlay != null) { CurrentSymbolImageOverlay.Visibility = DataContext is ConfigurableHeatMapLayer ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } if (ClusterFeaturesCheckBox != null) { ClusterFeaturesCheckBox.IsChecked = layerInfo.Clusterer != null; } if (AdvancedClusterPropertiesButton != null) { AdvancedClusterPropertiesButton.IsEnabled = layerInfo.Clusterer != null; } } } }
// Creates the renderers in code private void initializeRenderers() { // Create simple renderer with one symbol for rivers layer SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer() { Description = "Rivers", Label = "Rivers", Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Blue, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Dash, Width = 2 } }; RiversRenderer = simpleRenderer; // Create a unique value renderer that defines different symbols for New Mexico, Texas, // and Arizona UniqueValueRenderer uvr = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uvr.Fields = new ObservableCollection <string>(new string[] { "STATE_NAME" }); SimpleLineSymbol stateOutline = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black }; uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "New Mexico" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow, Outline = stateOutline } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "Texas" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Green, Outline = stateOutline } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "Arizona" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.LightGray, Outline = stateOutline } }); StatesRenderer = uvr; // Create a class breaks renderer to symbolize cities of different sizes ClassBreaksRenderer cbr = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { DefaultLabel = "All Other Values", DefaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Cross, Size = 10 }, Field = "POP1990", Minimum = 0 }; // Create and add symbols SimpleLineSymbol cityOutline = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.White }; cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 100000, Maximum = 200000, Label = "100000 - 200000", Description = "Population between 100000 and 200000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 210, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 4, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 200001, Maximum = 1000000, Label = "200001 - 1000000", Description = "Population between 200001 and 1000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 127, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 8, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 1000001, Maximum = 10000000, Label = "1000001 - 10000000", Description = "Population between 1000001 and 10000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 50, 0), Outline = cityOutline, Size = 12, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CitiesRenderer = cbr; }
private void setLayerInfoColor() { if (ColorRampListBox == null) { return; } if (ColorRampListBox.Items.Count > 0) { GraphicsLayer layerInfo = DataContext as GraphicsLayer; if (layerInfo != null) { ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = layerInfo.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) { // TODO:- evaluate whether this condition is valid and apply // && !layerInfo.ClassBreaks.IsUsingCustomFillSymbolColors if (classBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count > 1) { // Compare the color of the boundary classbreaks // with the start and end color gradients // and set the selected item ClassBreakInfo first = classBreaksRenderer.Classes[0]; ClassBreakInfo last = classBreaksRenderer.Classes[classBreaksRenderer.Classes.Count - 1]; if (first.Symbol is SimpleFillSymbol && last.Symbol is SimpleFillSymbol) { SimpleFillSymbol firstSymbol = first.Symbol as SimpleFillSymbol; SimpleFillSymbol lastSymbol = last.Symbol as SimpleFillSymbol; Color firstColor = (firstSymbol.Fill as SolidColorBrush).Color; Color lastColor = (lastSymbol.Fill as SolidColorBrush).Color; setSelectedColorInRamp(firstColor, lastColor); } else if (first.Symbol is SimpleLineSymbol && last.Symbol is SimpleLineSymbol) { SimpleLineSymbol firstSymbol = first.Symbol as SimpleLineSymbol; SimpleLineSymbol lastSymbol = last.Symbol as SimpleLineSymbol; Color firstColor = (firstSymbol.Color as SolidColorBrush).Color; Color lastColor = (lastSymbol.Color as SolidColorBrush).Color; setSelectedColorInRamp(firstColor, lastColor); } } else { // default to the first one ListBoxItem item = ColorRampListBox.Items[0] as ListBoxItem; if (_selectedRectangle != null) { // un-select the previous one _selectedRectangle.StrokeThickness = 1; } Rectangle rect = item.Content as Rectangle; if (rect != null) { // select the current one _selectedRectangle = rect; _selectedRectangle.StrokeThickness = 2; } ColorRampListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } } }
private void SetRangeValues() { if (this.Layer == null) { return; } // if necessary, update ColorList based on current number of classes. int _classCount = (int)ClassCountCombo.SelectedItem; if (_lastGeneratedClassCount != _classCount) { CreateColorList(); } // Field on which to generate a classification scheme. ThematicItem thematicItem = ThematicItemList[FieldCombo.SelectedIndex]; // Store a list of values to classify List <double> valueList = new List <double>(); // Get range, min, max, etc. from features for (int i = 0; i < _featureSet.Features.Count; i++) { Graphic graphicFeature = _featureSet.Features[i]; double graphicValue = Convert.ToDouble(graphicFeature.Attributes[thematicItem.Name]); if (i == 0) { thematicItem.Min = graphicValue; thematicItem.Max = graphicValue; } else { if (graphicValue < thematicItem.Min) { thematicItem.Min = graphicValue; } if (graphicValue > thematicItem.Max) { thematicItem.Max = graphicValue; } } valueList.Add(graphicValue); } // Set up range start values thematicItem.RangeStarts = new List <double>(); double totalRange = thematicItem.Max - thematicItem.Min; double portion = totalRange / _classCount; thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(thematicItem.Min); double startRangeValue = thematicItem.Min; // Equal Interval if (ClassTypeCombo.SelectedIndex == 1) { for (int i = 1; i < _classCount; i++) { startRangeValue += portion; thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(startRangeValue); } } // Quantile else { // Enumerator of all values in ascending order IEnumerable <double> valueEnumerator = from aValue in valueList orderby aValue //"ascending" is default select aValue; int increment = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(_featureSet.Features.Count / _classCount)); for (int i = increment; i < valueList.Count; i += increment) { double value = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(value); } } // Create graphic features and set symbol using the class range which contains the value List <SolidColorBrush> brushList = ColorList[ColorBlendCombo.SelectedIndex]; if (_featureSet != null && _featureSet.Features.Count > 0) { ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { Attribute = thematicItem.Name }; for (int i = 1; i < thematicItem.RangeStarts.Count; i++) { renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[i - 1], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[i], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[i], BorderThickness = 0 } }); } renderer.Classes[0].MinimumValue = double.MinValue; renderer.Classes[renderer.Classes.Count - 1].MaximumValue = double.MaxValue; Layer.Renderer = renderer; Layer.Refresh(); } }
public void Render_Layers() { IMxDocument pMxDoc; pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document; IMap pMap; pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap; string strChoice = null; //** Giving the user a choice of 3 predefined maps strChoice = Interaction.InputBox("1 - U.S. States, " + Environment.NewLine + "2 - Major Cities, " + Environment.NewLine + "3 - State Polygon Area Rank", "Please choose a map."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strChoice)) { return; } IWorkspaceFactory pWFactory; pWFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactory(); IWorkspace pWorkspace; pWorkspace = pWFactory.OpenFromFile("C:\\GEOG489\\Lesson1-2", 0); IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace; pFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWorkspace; IFeatureLayer pFLayer; pFLayer = new FeatureLayer(); IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFLayer; pGeoFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pFLayer; IFeatureClass pFClass; ITable pTable; IClassify pClasses; ITableHistogram pTableHist; IHistogram pHist; IClassBreaksRenderer pCBR; IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties; ILegendInfo pLegendInfo; object Frequencies = null; object Values = null; if (strChoice == "1") { //** User gets a Unique Value rendering of U.S. States by sub-region pFClass = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("us_boundaries.shp"); pFLayer.FeatureClass = pFClass; pFLayer.Name = "U.S. States"; pMap.AddLayer(pFLayer); IUniqueValueRenderer pUVRender; pUVRender = new UniqueValueRenderer(); //** Setting default symbol for features that don't have a value in //** the classification field ISimpleFillSymbol pSymDefault; pSymDefault = new SimpleFillSymbol(); pSymDefault.Style = ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymDefault.Outline.Width = 0.4; //** These properties should be set prior to adding values pUVRender.FieldCount = 1; //** Can classify based on up to 3 fields pUVRender.Field[0] = "NAME"; //** Name of the 1st (only) field pUVRender.DefaultSymbol = (ISymbol)pSymDefault; pUVRender.UseDefaultSymbol = true; IQueryFilter pQFilter; pQFilter = new QueryFilter(); //** empty QueryFilter same as selecting all recs IFeatureCursor pFCursor; pFCursor = pFClass.Search(pQFilter, false); //** getting all features //** Make the color ramp we will use for the symbols in the renderer. //** Colors should be random for Unique Value, as opposed to light-to-dark. //** Make settings for hue, saturation, value, and seed to have random //** colors generated within certain limits. IRandomColorRamp pRamp; pRamp = new RandomColorRamp(); pRamp.MinSaturation = 25; pRamp.MaxSaturation = 45; pRamp.MinValue = 85; pRamp.MaxValue = 100; pRamp.StartHue = 205; pRamp.EndHue = 320; pRamp.UseSeed = true; pRamp.Seed = 25; IFeature pFeature; int n = 0; int i = 0; n = pFClass.FeatureCount(pQFilter); //** Getting total count of state features //** Loop through the features while (i != n) { ISimpleFillSymbol pSymX; pSymX = new SimpleFillSymbol(); //** Move to the next feature and assign the value in the Sub_region field to a var pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); string strVal = null; strVal = pFeature.Value[2].ToString(); //** NAME Field is at this index in fields collection //** Test to see if we've already added this value //** to the renderer, if not, then add it. bool blnAdded = false; blnAdded = false; int x = 0; //** First time through, ValueCount = 0 for (x = 0; x <= (pUVRender.ValueCount - 1); x++) { if (pUVRender.Value[x] == strVal) { blnAdded = true; break; } } //** Value not yet encountered, must add it if (blnAdded == false) { pUVRender.AddValue(strVal, "Predominant Term", (ISymbol)pSymDefault); pUVRender.Label[strVal] = strVal; pUVRender.Symbol[strVal] = (ISymbol)pSymX; //** All values get same symbol at first, //** colors assigned later } i = i + 1; } //** Can size the color ramp and assign the colors, now that the //** number of unique values is known. pRamp.Size = pUVRender.ValueCount; bool blnRamp; pRamp.CreateRamp(out blnRamp); //** Create an enum of colors from the color ramp and initialize it IEnumColors pColors; pColors = pRamp.Colors; pColors.Reset(); int y = 0; //** Loop through each unique value, setting its symbol's color for (y = 0; y <= (pUVRender.ValueCount - 1); y++) { string strRendVal = null; strRendVal = pUVRender.Value[y]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRendVal)) { ISimpleFillSymbol pSym; pSym = (ISimpleFillSymbol)pUVRender.Symbol[strRendVal]; pSym.Color = pColors.Next(); pUVRender.Symbol[strRendVal] = (ISymbol)pSym; } } //** If you didn't use a color ramp that was predefined //** in a style, use "Custom" here, otherwise //** use the name of the color ramp you chose. pUVRender.ColorScheme = "Custom"; pUVRender.FieldType[0] = true; //** Set to True since Sub_region is a string pGeoFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pUVRender; //** Make sure the symbology tab shows the correct info. IRendererPropertyPage pRendPropPage; pRendPropPage = (IRendererPropertyPage) new UniqueValuePropertyPage(); pGeoFLayer.RendererPropertyPageClassID = pRendPropPage.ClassID; } else if (strChoice == "2") { //** User gets a graduated symbol map of U.S. Cities pFClass = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("us_cities.shp"); pFLayer.FeatureClass = pFClass; pFLayer.Name = "Major U.S. Cities"; pGeoFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pFLayer; pMap.AddLayer(pFLayer); //** Switching to the ITable interface; FeatureClass is a type of Table pTable = (ITable)pFClass; //** Creating a new quantile classification pClasses = (IClassify) new Quantile(); //** Must create a TableHistogram to generate classes //** Need both ITableHistogram and IHistogram interfaces pTableHist = (ITableHistogram) new TableHistogram(); pHist = (IHistogram)pTableHist; //** Set the table and field for the histogram, then use GetHistogram to //** get arrays of values and corresponding frequencies pTableHist.Field = "POPCLASS"; pTableHist.Table = pTable; pHist.GetHistogram(out Values, out Frequencies); //** Assign the arrays of values and frequencies to the quantile classification //** then break the data into 5 classes pClasses.SetHistogramData(Values, Frequencies); pClasses.Classify(4); double[] classBreaks = new double[4]; classBreaks = (double[])pClasses.ClassBreaks; //** Ready to render the data pCBR = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); pCBR.BreakCount = 4; pCBR.Field = "POPCLASS"; pCBR.MinimumBreak = classBreaks[0]; //** ClassBreak(0) is min value of 1st class int j = 0; //** Loop thru each class, setting the renderers breaks //** The renderer's breaks are 0-based, quantile's breaks are 1-based for (j = 0; j <= (pCBR.BreakCount - 1); j++) { pCBR.Break[j] = classBreaks[j + 1]; pCBR.Label[j] = classBreaks[j] + " - " + classBreaks[j + 1]; } //** Ready for symbols ISimpleMarkerSymbol pCitySym; //** Setting the smallest symbol size double dblFromSize = 0; dblFromSize = 4; //** Setting the largest symbol size double dblToSize = 0; dblToSize = 16; //** Calculating the change in size between classes based on the min size, //** max size, and # of classes double dblStep = 0; dblStep = (dblToSize - dblFromSize) / (pCBR.BreakCount - 1); //** Setting the foreground color of the symbols IRgbColor pColor; pColor = new RgbColor(); pColor.Red = 179; pColor.Green = 235; pColor.Blue = 255; //** Setting the outline color of the symbols //** No color settings means black outline (r=0, g=0, b=0) IRgbColor pOlColor; pOlColor = new RgbColor(); int k = 0; //** Setting symbol for each class for (k = 0; k <= pCBR.BreakCount - 1; k++) { pCitySym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); pCitySym.Color = pColor; pCitySym.Outline = true; pCitySym.OutlineColor = pOlColor; pCitySym.OutlineSize = 1; pCitySym.Size = dblFromSize + (dblStep * Convert.ToDouble(k)); pCBR.Symbol[k] = (ISymbol)pCitySym; } //** Assigning the ClassBreaksRenderer to the layer pGeoFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pCBR; pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pCBR; pUIProperties.LowBreak[0] = pCBR.MinimumBreak; int m = 0; for (m = 1; m <= pCBR.BreakCount - 1; m++) { pUIProperties.LowBreak[m] = classBreaks[m]; } //** Creating a heading for the legend in the Table of Contents pLegendInfo = (ILegendInfo)pCBR; //qi pLegendInfo.LegendGroup[0].Heading = "Population Class"; pLegendInfo.SymbolsAreGraduated = false; } else if (strChoice == "3") { //** User gets a graduated color map of state population normalized by area pFClass = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("us_boundaries.shp"); pFLayer.FeatureClass = pFClass; pFLayer.Name = "State Polygon Area Rank"; pGeoFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pFLayer; pMap.AddLayer(pFLayer); //** Very similar to previous example pTable = (ITable)pFClass; pClasses = (IClassify) new Quantile(); pTableHist = (ITableHistogram) new TableHistogram(); pHist = (IHistogram)pTableHist; pTableHist.Field = "Shape_Area"; pTableHist.Table = pTable; //pTableHist.NormField = "Rank" '** Setting the normalization field before getting histogram pHist.GetHistogram(out Values, out Frequencies); pClasses.SetHistogramData(Values, Frequencies); pClasses.Classify(5); double[] classBreaks = new double[4]; classBreaks = (double[])pClasses.ClassBreaks; pCBR = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); //** Making normalization settings for the renderer //Dim pNorm As IDataNormalization //pNorm = pCBR //pNorm.NormalizationField = "Rank" //pNorm.NormalizationType = esriDataNormalization.esriNormalizeByField pCBR.BreakCount = 5; pCBR.Field = "Shape_Area"; pCBR.MinimumBreak = classBreaks[0]; int t = 0; pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pCBR; pUIProperties.LowBreak[0] = pCBR.MinimumBreak; for (t = 0; t <= Information.UBound(classBreaks) - 1; t++) { pCBR.Break[t] = classBreaks[t + 1]; //** Want to round the class break values in the class labels //** Use the NumericFormat class to set up a 1-decimal format INumericFormat pNumericFormat; pNumericFormat = (INumericFormat) new NumericFormat(); pNumericFormat.RoundingOption = ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.esriRoundingOptionEnum.esriRoundNumberOfDecimals; pNumericFormat.RoundingValue = 1; INumberFormat pNumberFormat; pNumberFormat = (INumberFormat)pNumericFormat; string strRndVal1 = null; string strRndVal2 = null; //** Using ValueToString method to convert the numbers into the desired format strRndVal1 = pNumberFormat.ValueToString(classBreaks[t]); strRndVal2 = pNumberFormat.ValueToString(classBreaks[t + 1]); pCBR.Label[t] = strRndVal1 + " - " + strRndVal2; } pGeoFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pCBR; for (t = 1; t <= 4; t++) { pUIProperties.LowBreak[t] = classBreaks[t]; } //** Ready to set colors //** Want to use AlgorithmicColorRamp to ramp from one color to another IEnumColors pColorEnum; IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAColorRamp; IRgbColor pFromColor; IRgbColor pToColor; //** Setting up the algorithmic color ramp pFromColor = new RgbColor(); pFromColor.RGB = Information.RGB(242, 233, 250); // lavender pToColor = new RgbColor(); pToColor.RGB = Information.RGB(56, 45, 121); // deep purple pAColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRamp(); pAColorRamp.Algorithm = ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriHSVAlgorithm; pAColorRamp.Size = 5; //** # of classes pAColorRamp.FromColor = pFromColor; pAColorRamp.ToColor = pToColor; bool blnRamp; pAColorRamp.CreateRamp(out blnRamp); pColorEnum = pAColorRamp.Colors; pColorEnum.Reset(); int s = 0; //** Loop thru the classes, creating a new symbol, assigning the next color //** created by the ramp, and assigning the symbol to the renderer. for (s = 0; s <= 4; s++) { ISimpleFillSymbol pSFSym; pSFSym = new SimpleFillSymbol(); pSFSym.Color = pColorEnum.Next(); pCBR.Symbol[s] = (ISymbol)pSFSym; } //** Creating a heading for the legend in the Table of Contents pLegendInfo = (ILegendInfo)pCBR; //qi pLegendInfo.LegendGroup[0].Heading = "Area (Degrees)"; pLegendInfo.SymbolsAreGraduated = false; } //** Refreshing the Table of Contents pMxDoc.ActiveView.ContentsChanged(); pMxDoc.UpdateContents(); //** Re-drawing the map pMxDoc.ActiveView.Refresh(); }
private void createClassBreaksRendererSymbolsConfigControl(ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer) { if (RendererSymbolSetContainerControl != null) { ClassBreaksRendererSymbolsConfigControl symbolsConfigControl = new ClassBreaksRendererSymbolsConfigControl() { ClassBreaksRenderer = classBreaksRenderer, SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider, GeometryType = GeometryType, }; Binding b = new Binding("Foreground") { Source = this }; symbolsConfigControl.SetBinding(ClassBreaksRendererSymbolsConfigControl.ForegroundProperty, b); symbolsConfigControl.ClassBreakRendererModified += new EventHandler<SelectedClassBreakModificationEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_ClassBreakRendererModified); symbolsConfigControl.CurrentClassBreakChanged += new EventHandler<CurrentClassBreakChangedEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_CurrentClassBreakChanged); symbolsConfigControl.DefaultClassBreakBeingConfigured += new EventHandler<DefaultClassBreakBeingConfiguredEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_DefaultClassBreakBeingConfigured); RendererSymbolSetContainerControl.Content = symbolsConfigControl; } }
private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Choropleth mapping : Exactly same with the function in frmChoroplethwithOverlay HK102915 string strLayerName = cboSourceLayer.Text; if (cboSourceLayer.Text == "" || cboValueField.Text == "" || cboUField.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Assign proper layer and field"); return; } int intLIndex = pSnippet.GetIndexNumberFromLayerName(pActiveView, strLayerName); ILayer pLayer = mForm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(intLIndex); IFeatureLayer pFLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer; IFeatureClass pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass; //Create Rendering of Mean Value at Target Layer int intGCBreakeCount = Convert.ToInt32(nudGCNClasses.Value); string strGCRenderField = cboValueField.Text; IGeoFeatureLayer pGeofeatureLayer; pGeofeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pFLayer; ITable pTable = (ITable)pFClass; IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN; switch (cboGCClassify.Text) { case "Equal Interval": pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass(); break; case "Geometrical Interval": pClassifyGEN = new GeometricalInterval(); break; case "Natural Breaks": pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; case "Quantile": pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); break; case "StandardDeviation": pClassifyGEN = new StandardDeviationClass(); break; default: pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; } //Need to be changed 1/29/15 ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new TableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strGCRenderField; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; IHistogram pHistogram = (IHistogram)pTableHistogram; object xVals, frqs; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intGCBreakeCount); ClassBreaksRenderer pRender = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); double[] cb = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; pRender.Field = strGCRenderField; pRender.BreakCount = intGCBreakeCount; pRender.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; //' create our color ramp IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass(); pColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm; IRgbColor pColor1 = new RgbColor(); IRgbColor pColor2 = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColor1.Red = picSymolfrom.BackColor.R; pColor1.Green = picSymolfrom.BackColor.G; pColor1.Blue = picSymolfrom.BackColor.B; Boolean blnOK = true; pColor2.Red = picSymbolTo.BackColor.R; pColor2.Green = picSymbolTo.BackColor.G; pColor2.Blue = picSymbolTo.BackColor.B; pColorRamp.FromColor = pColor1; pColorRamp.ToColor = pColor2; pColorRamp.Size = intGCBreakeCount; pColorRamp.CreateRamp(out blnOK); IEnumColors pEnumColors = pColorRamp.Colors; pEnumColors.Reset(); IRgbColor pColorOutline = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColorOutline.Red = picGCLineColor.BackColor.R; pColorOutline.Green = picGCLineColor.BackColor.G; pColorOutline.Blue = picGCLineColor.BackColor.B; double dblGCOutlineSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudGCLinewidth.Value); ICartographicLineSymbol pOutLines = new CartographicLineSymbol(); pOutLines.Width = dblGCOutlineSize; pOutLines.Color = (IColor)pColorOutline; //' use this interface to set dialog properties IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intGCBreakeCount; j++) { pRender.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString(); pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSimpleFillSym.Color = pEnumColors.Next(); pSimpleFillSym.Outline = pOutLines; pRender.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym; } pGeofeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender; //////////////////The Robustness int intRoundingDigits = 2; int intUncernBreakCount = Convert.ToInt32(nudTeNClasses.Value); string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; int intUncernIdx = pFClass.FindField(strUncerFieldName); int intValueIdx = pFClass.FindField(strGCRenderField); //Calculate Robustness //Add fld int intTempfldIdx = 0; string strTempfldName = txtFldName.Text; if (chkRobustness.Checked) { if (pFClass.FindField(strTempfldName) == -1) { AddField(pFClass, strTempfldName); } intTempfldIdx = pFClass.FindField(strTempfldName); } Chart pChart = new Chart(); IFeature pFeat = null; //IFeatureCursor pFCursor = pFClass.Search(null, false); IFeatureCursor pFCursor = null; if (chkRobustness.Checked) { pFCursor = pFClass.Update(null, false); } else { pFCursor = pFClass.Search(null, false); } pFeat = pFCursor.NextFeature(); double[] arrRobustness = new double[pFClass.FeatureCount(null)]; int i = 0; while (pFeat != null) { for (int j = 0; j < (cb.Length - 1); j++) { double dblValue = Convert.ToDouble(pFeat.get_Value(intValueIdx)); double dblStd = Convert.ToDouble(pFeat.get_Value(intUncernIdx)); if (j == 0) { if (dblValue >= cb[j] && dblValue <= cb[j + 1]) { double dblUpperZvalue = (cb[j + 1] - dblValue) / dblStd; double dblUpperConfLev = pChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.NormalDistribution(dblUpperZvalue); double dblLowerZvalue = (cb[j] - dblValue) / dblStd; double dblLowerConfLev = pChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.NormalDistribution(dblLowerZvalue); arrRobustness[i] = dblUpperConfLev - dblLowerConfLev; if (chkRobustness.Checked) { pFeat.set_Value(intTempfldIdx, arrRobustness[i]); } } } else { if (dblValue > cb[j] && dblValue <= cb[j + 1]) { double dblUpperZvalue = (cb[j + 1] - dblValue) / dblStd; double dblUpperConfLev = pChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.NormalDistribution(dblUpperZvalue); double dblLowerZvalue = (cb[j] - dblValue) / dblStd; double dblLowerConfLev = pChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.NormalDistribution(dblLowerZvalue); arrRobustness[i] = dblUpperConfLev - dblLowerConfLev; if (chkRobustness.Checked) { pFeat.set_Value(intTempfldIdx, arrRobustness[i]); } } } } if (chkRobustness.Checked) { pFCursor.UpdateFeature(pFeat); } i++; pFeat = pFCursor.NextFeature(); } //Define the intervals (the last class is fixed to 1) if (intUncernBreakCount == 1) { return; } double[] arrRobustBrks = new double[intUncernBreakCount + 1]; double dblRBrksIntervals = Math.Round(1 / Convert.ToDouble(intUncernBreakCount - 1), intRoundingDigits); arrRobustBrks[0] = 0; for (int j = 1; j < intUncernBreakCount; j++) { arrRobustBrks[j] = dblRBrksIntervals * j; } arrRobustBrks[intUncernBreakCount] = 1; IFeatureLayer pflUncern = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflUncern.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflUncern.Name = "Robustness"; pflUncern.Visible = true; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLUncern = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflUncern; pFCursor = pGFLUncern.Search(null, true); RobustnessRenderer pRobustnessRenderer = new RobustnessRenderer(); pRobustnessRenderer.arrRobustBrks = arrRobustBrks; pRobustnessRenderer.arrRobustness = arrRobustness; pRobustnessRenderer.dblAngle = Convert.ToDouble(nudAngleFrom.Value); pRobustnessRenderer.dblFromSep = Convert.ToDouble(nudSeperationFrom.Value); pRobustnessRenderer.dblLinewidth = Convert.ToDouble(nudTeLinewidth.Value); pRobustnessRenderer.dblToSep = Convert.ToDouble(nudSeperationTo.Value); pRobustnessRenderer.intUncernBreakCount = intUncernBreakCount; pRobustnessRenderer.pLineColor = pSnippet.getRGB(picTeLineColor.BackColor.R, picTeLineColor.BackColor.G, picTeLineColor.BackColor.B); IQueryFilter pQFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pRobustnessRenderer.PrepareFilter(pFClass, pQFilter); pRobustnessRenderer.Draw(pFCursor, esriDrawPhase.esriDPSelection, pActiveView.ScreenDisplay, null); pRobustnessRenderer.CreateLegend(); pGFLUncern.Renderer = pRobustnessRenderer; pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLUncern as ILayer); mForm.axMapControl1.ActiveView.Refresh(); mForm.axTOCControl1.Update(); }
private FeatureLayer flRoad; //道路 public Traffic() { try { flTrafficLight = MapLayers.GetFeatureLayerByID(PublicParams.fLayerTrafficLight); flRoad = MapLayers.GetFeatureLayerByID(PublicParams.fLayerRoad); if (flTrafficLight == null || flRoad == null) { return; } } catch (Exception) { LogHelper.WriteLog("Traffic初始化错误!"); return; } flTrafficLight.OutFields = new OutFields { "*" }; flRoad.OutFields = new OutFields { "*" }; ClassBreaksRenderer cbrTrafficLight = new ClassBreaksRenderer();//红绿灯 cbrTrafficLight.Field = "DLD_STATUS"; ClassBreakInfo cbiRed = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 0, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolRedLight }; ClassBreakInfo cbiYellow = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 1, MaximumValue = 1, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolYellowLight }; ClassBreakInfo cbiGreen = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 2, MaximumValue = 2, Symbol = PublicParams.symbolGreenLight }; cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiRed); cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiYellow); cbrTrafficLight.Classes.Add(cbiGreen); flTrafficLight.Renderer = cbrTrafficLight; ClassBreaksRenderer cbrRoad = new ClassBreaksRenderer();//道路 cbrRoad.Field = "DL_COUNT"; ClassBreakInfo cbiFree = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 100, Symbol = PublicParams.roadFreeSymbol }; ClassBreakInfo cbiNormal = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 101, MaximumValue = 200, Symbol = PublicParams.roadNormalSymbol }; ClassBreakInfo cbiBusy = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = 201, MaximumValue = 1000, Symbol = PublicParams.roadBusySymbol }; cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiFree); cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiNormal); cbrRoad.Classes.Add(cbiBusy); flRoad.Renderer = cbrRoad; Task taskInitTrafficLight = new Task(InitTrafficLight); taskInitTrafficLight.Start(); Task taskInitRoad = new Task(InitRoad); taskInitRoad.Start(); }
// Renderer internal static Dictionary <string, object> ToDictionary(this IRenderer renderer) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (renderer is SimpleRenderer) { dictionary.Add("type", "simple"); SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = (SimpleRenderer)renderer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleRenderer.Label)) { dictionary.Add("label", simpleRenderer.Label); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleRenderer.Description)) { dictionary.Add("description", simpleRenderer.Description); } if (simpleRenderer.Symbol is IJsonSerializable) { dictionary.Add("symbol", ((IJsonSerializable)simpleRenderer.Symbol).ToJson()); } } else if (renderer is UniqueValueRenderer) { dictionary.Add("type", "uniqueValue"); UniqueValueRenderer uvRenderer = (UniqueValueRenderer)renderer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uvRenderer.Field)) { dictionary.Add("field1", uvRenderer.Field); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uvRenderer.DefaultLabel)) { dictionary.Add("defaultLabel", uvRenderer.DefaultLabel); } if (uvRenderer.DefaultSymbol is IJsonSerializable) { dictionary.Add("defaultSymbol", ((IJsonSerializable)uvRenderer.DefaultSymbol).ToJson()); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > uniqueValueInfos = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (UniqueValueInfo info in uvRenderer.Infos) { Dictionary <string, object> uniqueValueInfo = info.ToDictionary(); if (info.Value != null) { uniqueValueInfo.Add("value", info.Value); } uniqueValueInfos.Add(uniqueValueInfo); } dictionary.Add("uniqueValueInfos", uniqueValueInfos); } else if (renderer is UniqueValueMultipleFieldsRenderer) { dictionary.Add("type", "uniqueValue"); UniqueValueMultipleFieldsRenderer multiValRenderer = (UniqueValueMultipleFieldsRenderer)renderer; if (multiValRenderer.Fields != null) { if (multiValRenderer.Fields.Length > 0) { dictionary.Add("field1", multiValRenderer.Fields[0]); } if (multiValRenderer.Fields.Length > 1) { dictionary.Add("field2", multiValRenderer.Fields[1]); } if (multiValRenderer.Fields.Length > 2) { dictionary.Add("field3", multiValRenderer.Fields[2]); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiValRenderer.FieldDelimiter)) { dictionary.Add("fieldDelimiter", multiValRenderer.FieldDelimiter); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiValRenderer.DefaultLabel)) { dictionary.Add("defaultLabel", multiValRenderer.DefaultLabel); } if (multiValRenderer.DefaultSymbol is IJsonSerializable) { dictionary.Add("defaultSymbol", ((IJsonSerializable)multiValRenderer.DefaultSymbol).ToJson()); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > uniqueValueInfos = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (UniqueValueMultipleFieldsInfo info in multiValRenderer.Infos) { Dictionary <string, object> uniqueValueInfo = info.ToDictionary(); if (info.Values != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiValRenderer.FieldDelimiter)) { uniqueValueInfo.Add("value", string.Join(multiValRenderer.FieldDelimiter, info.Values)); } uniqueValueInfos.Add(uniqueValueInfo); } dictionary.Add("uniqueValueInfos", uniqueValueInfos); } else if (renderer is ClassBreaksRenderer) { dictionary.Add("type", "classBreaks"); ClassBreaksRenderer cbRenderer = (ClassBreaksRenderer)renderer; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbRenderer.NormalizationField)) { dictionary.Add("normalizationField", cbRenderer.NormalizationField); } // CHECK TOSTRING VALUE dictionary.Add("normalizationType", "esriNormalizeBy" + cbRenderer.NormalizationType.ToString()); dictionary.Add("normalizationTotal", cbRenderer.NormalizationTotal); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbRenderer.Field)) { dictionary.Add("field", cbRenderer.Field); } if (cbRenderer.DefaultSymbol is IJsonSerializable) { dictionary.Add("defaultSymbol", ((IJsonSerializable)cbRenderer.DefaultSymbol).ToJson()); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > classBreakInfos = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); double overallMinValue = double.MaxValue; foreach (ClassBreakInfo info in cbRenderer.Classes) { Dictionary <string, object> classBreakInfo = info.ToDictionary(); classBreakInfo.Add("classMinValue", info.MinimumValue); classBreakInfo.Add("classMaxValue", info.MaximumValue); if (info.MinimumValue < overallMinValue) { overallMinValue = info.MinimumValue; } classBreakInfos.Add(classBreakInfo); } dictionary.Add("minValue", overallMinValue); dictionary.Add("classBreakInfos", classBreakInfos); } return(dictionary); }
private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsSnippet pSnippet = new clsSnippet(); IActiveView pActiveView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; string strLayerName = cboSourceLayer.Text; if (cboSourceLayer.Text == "" || cboValueField.Text == "" || cboUField.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Assign proper layer and field"); return; } int intLIndex = pSnippet.GetIndexNumberFromLayerName(pActiveView, strLayerName); ILayer pLayer = pActiveView.FocusMap.get_Layer(intLIndex); IFeatureLayer pFLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer; IFeatureClass pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass; //Create Rendering of Mean Value at Target Layer int intGCBreakeCount = Convert.ToInt32(nudGCNClasses.Value); string strGCRenderField = cboValueField.Text; IGeoFeatureLayer pGeofeatureLayer; if (chkNewLayer.Checked == true) { IFeatureLayer pflOutput = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflOutput.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflOutput.Name = txtNewLayer.Text; pflOutput.Visible = true; pGeofeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflOutput; } else { pGeofeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pFLayer; } ITable pTable = (ITable)pFClass; IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN; switch (cboGCClassify.Text) { case "Equal Interval": pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass(); break; case "Geometrical Interval": pClassifyGEN = new GeometricalInterval(); break; case "Natural Breaks": pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; case "Quantile": pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); break; case "StandardDeviation": pClassifyGEN = new StandardDeviationClass(); break; default: pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; } //Need to be changed 1/29/15 ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strGCRenderField; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; IBasicHistogram pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; object xVals, frqs; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intGCBreakeCount); ClassBreaksRenderer pRender = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); double[] cb = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; pRender.Field = strGCRenderField; pRender.BreakCount = intGCBreakeCount; pRender.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; //' create our color ramp IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass(); pColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm; IRgbColor pColor1 = new RgbColor(); IRgbColor pColor2 = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColor1.Red = picSymolfrom.BackColor.R; pColor1.Green = picSymolfrom.BackColor.G; pColor1.Blue = picSymolfrom.BackColor.B; Boolean blnOK = true; pColor2.Red = picSymbolTo.BackColor.R; pColor2.Green = picSymbolTo.BackColor.G; pColor2.Blue = picSymbolTo.BackColor.B; pColorRamp.FromColor = pColor1; pColorRamp.ToColor = pColor2; pColorRamp.Size = intGCBreakeCount; pColorRamp.CreateRamp(out blnOK); IEnumColors pEnumColors = pColorRamp.Colors; pEnumColors.Reset(); IRgbColor pColorOutline = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColorOutline.Red = picGCLineColor.BackColor.R; pColorOutline.Green = picGCLineColor.BackColor.G; pColorOutline.Blue = picGCLineColor.BackColor.B; double dblGCOutlineSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudGCLinewidth.Value); ICartographicLineSymbol pOutLines = new CartographicLineSymbol(); pOutLines.Width = dblGCOutlineSize; pOutLines.Color = (IColor)pColorOutline; //' use this interface to set dialog properties IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intGCBreakeCount; j++) { pRender.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString(); pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSimpleFillSym.Color = pEnumColors.Next(); pSimpleFillSym.Outline = pOutLines; pRender.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym; } pGeofeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender; if (chkNewLayer.Checked == true) { pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGeofeatureLayer); } ////* Uncertainty Part *//// //Declare variables in if parts if (tcUncern.SelectedIndex == 0) //Graduated Color { int intUncernBreakCount = Convert.ToInt32(nudCoNClasses.Value); string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; IFeatureLayer pflUncern = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflUncern.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflUncern.Name = cboSourceLayer.Text + " Uncertainty"; pflUncern.Visible = true; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLUncern = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflUncern; switch (cboTeClassify.Text) { case "Equal Interval": pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass(); break; case "Geometrical Interval": pClassifyGEN = new GeometricalInterval(); break; case "Natural Breaks": pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; case "Quantile": pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); break; case "StandardDeviation": pClassifyGEN = new StandardDeviationClass(); break; default: pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; } //Need to be changed 1/29/15 pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strUncerFieldName; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intUncernBreakCount); pRender = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); cb = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; pRender.Field = strUncerFieldName; pRender.BreakCount = intUncernBreakCount; pRender.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIColProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUIColProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; pColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass(); pColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm; pColor1 = new RgbColor(); pColor2 = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColor1 = pSnippet.getRGB(picCoColorFrom.BackColor.R, picCoColorFrom.BackColor.G, picCoColorFrom.BackColor.B); pColor2 = pSnippet.getRGB(picCoColorTo.BackColor.R, picCoColorTo.BackColor.G, picCoColorTo.BackColor.B); if (pColor1 == null || pColor2 == null) { return; } blnOK = true; pColorRamp.FromColor = pColor1; pColorRamp.ToColor = pColor2; pColorRamp.Size = intUncernBreakCount; pColorRamp.CreateRamp(out blnOK); pEnumColors = pColorRamp.Colors; pEnumColors.Reset(); pColorOutline = pSnippet.getRGB(picCoLineColor.BackColor.R, picCoLineColor.BackColor.G, picCoLineColor.BackColor.B); if (pColorOutline == null) { return; } double dblCoOutlineSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudCoLinewidth.Value); pOutLines = new CartographicLineSymbol(); pOutLines.Width = dblCoOutlineSize; pOutLines.Color = (IColor)pColorOutline; //' use this interface to set dialog properties pUIColProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUIColProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMarkerSym; double dblCoSymSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudCoSymbolSize.Value); //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intUncernBreakCount; j++) { pRender.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString(); pUIColProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleMarkerSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSimpleMarkerSym.Size = dblCoSymSize; pSimpleMarkerSym.Color = pEnumColors.Next(); pSimpleMarkerSym.Outline = true; pSimpleMarkerSym.OutlineColor = pColorOutline; pSimpleMarkerSym.OutlineSize = dblCoOutlineSize; pRender.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleMarkerSym; } pGFLUncern.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender; pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLUncern); } else if (tcUncern.SelectedIndex == 1) //Texture { //Create Rendering of Uncertainty at Target Layer int intUncernBreakCount = Convert.ToInt32(nudTeNClasses.Value); string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; IFeatureLayer pflUncern = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflUncern.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflUncern.Name = cboSourceLayer.Text + " Uncertainty"; pflUncern.Visible = true; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLUncern = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflUncern; switch (cboTeClassify.Text) { case "Equal Interval": pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass(); break; case "Geometrical Interval": pClassifyGEN = new GeometricalInterval(); break; case "Natural Breaks": pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; case "Quantile": pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); break; case "StandardDeviation": pClassifyGEN = new StandardDeviationClass(); break; default: pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; } //Need to be changed 1/29/15 pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strUncerFieldName; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intUncernBreakCount); pRender = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); cb = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; pRender.Field = strUncerFieldName; pRender.BreakCount = intUncernBreakCount; pRender.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; IClassBreaksUIProperties pUITexProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUITexProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ILineFillSymbol pLineFillSym = new LineFillSymbolClass(); double dblFromSep = Convert.ToDouble(nudSeperationFrom.Value); double dblToSep = Convert.ToDouble(nudSeperationTo.Value); double dblInstantSep = (dblFromSep - dblToSep) / Convert.ToDouble(intUncernBreakCount - 1); double dblFromAngle = Convert.ToDouble(nudAngleFrom.Value); double dblToAngle = Convert.ToDouble(nudAngleFrom.Value); // Remove the angle part (04/16) double dblInstantAngle = (dblToAngle - dblFromAngle) / Convert.ToDouble(intUncernBreakCount - 1); double dblLinewidth = Convert.ToDouble(nudTeLinewidth.Value); IRgbColor pLineColor = new RgbColor(); pLineColor.Red = picTeLineColor.BackColor.R; pLineColor.Green = picTeLineColor.BackColor.G; pLineColor.Blue = picTeLineColor.BackColor.B; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intUncernBreakCount; j++) { pRender.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 5).ToString() + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 5).ToString(); pUITexProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pLineFillSym = new LineFillSymbolClass(); pLineFillSym.Angle = dblFromAngle + (dblInstantAngle * Convert.ToDouble(j)); pLineFillSym.Color = pLineColor; pLineFillSym.Separation = dblFromSep - (dblInstantSep * Convert.ToDouble(j)); pLineFillSym.LineSymbol.Width = dblLinewidth; pRender.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pLineFillSym; } pGFLUncern.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender; pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLUncern); } else if (tcUncern.SelectedIndex == 2) //For Proportional Symbols { string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; double dblMinPtSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudProSymbolSize.Value); double dblLineWidth = Convert.ToDouble(nudProLinewidth.Value); IFeatureLayer pflUncern = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflUncern.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflUncern.Name = cboSourceLayer.Text + " Uncertainty"; pflUncern.Visible = true; //Find Fields int intUncernIdx = pTable.FindField(strUncerFieldName); //Find Min value //Set to initial value for min IField pUncernField = pTable.Fields.get_Field(intUncernIdx); ICursor pCursor = pTable.Search(null, false); IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = pUncernField.Name; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; IStatisticsResults pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; double dblMinValue = pStatResults.Minimum; double dblMaxValue = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); IRgbColor pSymbolRgb = pSnippet.getRGB(picProSymbolColor.BackColor.R, picProSymbolColor.BackColor.G, picProSymbolColor.BackColor.B); if (pSymbolRgb == null) { return; } IRgbColor pLineRgb = pSnippet.getRGB(picProiLineColor.BackColor.R, picProiLineColor.BackColor.G, picProiLineColor.BackColor.B); if (pLineRgb == null) { return; } ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSMarkerSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSMarkerSym.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSMarkerSym.Size = dblMinPtSize; pSMarkerSym.OutlineSize = dblLineWidth; pSMarkerSym.Outline = true; pSMarkerSym.OutlineColor = (IColor)pLineRgb; pSMarkerSym.Color = (IColor)pSymbolRgb; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLUncern = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflUncern; IProportionalSymbolRenderer pUncernRender = new ProportionalSymbolRendererClass(); pUncernRender.LegendSymbolCount = 2; //Need to be changed 0219 pUncernRender.Field = strUncerFieldName; pUncernRender.MaxDataValue = dblMaxValue; pUncernRender.MinDataValue = dblMinValue; pUncernRender.MinSymbol = (ISymbol)pSMarkerSym; pUncernRender.ValueUnit = esriUnits.esriUnknownUnits; pUncernRender.BackgroundSymbol = null; pUncernRender.CreateLegendSymbols(); pGFLUncern.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pUncernRender; pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLUncern); } else if (tcUncern.SelectedIndex == 3) // Bar { string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; double dblMaxLength = Convert.ToDouble(nudMaxBarHeight.Value); double dblBarWidth = Convert.ToDouble(nudBarWidth.Value); IFeatureLayer pflUncern = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflUncern.FeatureClass = pFClass; pflUncern.Name = cboSourceLayer.Text + " Uncertainty"; pflUncern.Visible = true; int intUncernIdx = pTable.FindField(strUncerFieldName); IField pUncernField = pTable.Fields.get_Field(intUncernIdx); ICursor pCursor = pTable.Search(null, false); IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = pUncernField.Name; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; IStatisticsResults pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; double dblMaxValue = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); IChartRenderer chartRenderer = new ChartRendererClass(); IRendererFields rendererFields = chartRenderer as IRendererFields; rendererFields.AddField(strUncerFieldName); IBarChartSymbol barChartSymbol = new BarChartSymbolClass(); barChartSymbol.Width = dblBarWidth; IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = barChartSymbol as IMarkerSymbol; markerSymbol.Size = dblMaxLength; IChartSymbol chartSymbol = barChartSymbol as IChartSymbol; chartSymbol.MaxValue = dblMaxValue; ISymbolArray symbolArray = barChartSymbol as ISymbolArray; IFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); fillSymbol.Color = pSnippet.getRGB(picBarSymCol.BackColor.R, picBarSymCol.BackColor.G, picBarSymCol.BackColor.B); if (fillSymbol.Color == null) { return; } symbolArray.AddSymbol(fillSymbol as ISymbol); if (chk3D.Checked) { I3DChartSymbol p3DChartSymbol = barChartSymbol as I3DChartSymbol; p3DChartSymbol.Display3D = true; p3DChartSymbol.Thickness = 3; } chartRenderer.ChartSymbol = barChartSymbol as IChartSymbol; SimpleFillSymbol pBaseFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); //pBaseFillSym.Color = pSnippet.getRGB(picBarSymCol.BackColor.R, picBarSymCol.BackColor.G, picBarSymCol.BackColor.B); //chartRenderer.BaseSymbol = pBaseFillSym as ISymbol; chartRenderer.UseOverposter = false; chartRenderer.CreateLegend(); IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLUncern = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflUncern; pGFLUncern.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)chartRenderer; pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLUncern); } #region illumination //This function is not applied in this version. 032317 HK //} // else if (tcUncern.SelectedIndex == 4) //illumination // { // frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress(); // pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Processing:"; // pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; // pfrmProgress.Show(); // string strUncerFieldName = cboUField.Text; // IGeoDataset geoDataset_output = createRasterfromPolygon(pFClass, strUncerFieldName, pFLayer, 100); // double altitude = Convert.ToDouble(nudAltitude.Value); // double azimuth = Convert.ToDouble(nudAzimuth.Value); // object zFactor = Convert.ToDouble(nudZFactor.Value); // ISurfaceOp2 pSurfOP = new RasterSurfaceOpClass(); // IRaster pOutputDS = (IRaster)pSurfOP.HillShade(geoDataset_output, azimuth, altitude, true, ref zFactor); // ((IDataset)geoDataset_output).Delete(); // // Create a raster for viewing // ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IRasterLayer rasterLayer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.RasterLayerClass(); // rasterLayer.CreateFromRaster(pOutputDS); // //Calculate hillshade value at slope 0 to set as background value // double dblRadian = (Math.PI / 180) * (90 - altitude); // double dblBackValue = Math.Truncate(255 * Math.Cos(dblRadian)); // IRasterStretch pRasterStretch = new RasterStretchColorRampRendererClass(); // IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass(); // pColor.NullColor = true; // pColor.Transparency = 0; // pRasterStretch.Background = true; // pRasterStretch.BackgroundColor = pColor; // pRasterStretch.set_BackgroundValues(ref dblBackValue); // rasterLayer.Name = "Uncertainty of " + strGCRenderField; // rasterLayer.Renderer = pRasterStretch as IRasterRenderer; // rasterLayer.Renderer.Update(); // //Apply Transparency // ILayerEffects pLayerEffect = (ILayerEffects)rasterLayer; // pLayerEffect.Transparency = Convert.ToInt16(nudTransparent.Value); // pfrmProgress.Close(); // // Add the raster to the map // pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(rasterLayer); // } // mForm.axMapControl1.ActiveView.Refresh(); // mForm.axTOCControl1.Update(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Unexpected Error"); return; } }
private void PerformPostLayerInitializationActions(Layer layer, bool initializationSuccess) { GraphicsLayer gLayer = layer as GraphicsLayer; if (gLayer != null) { GeometryType geometryType = Core.LayerExtensions.GetGeometryType(gLayer); Collection <FieldInfo> layerFields = Core.LayerExtensions.GetFields(gLayer); FeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as FeatureLayer; if (layerFields.Count == 0 && featureLayer != null && featureLayer.LayerInfo != null && featureLayer.LayerInfo.Fields != null) { foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Field field in featureLayer.LayerInfo.Fields) { if (FieldHelper.IsFieldFilteredOut(field.Type)) { continue; } ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.FieldInfo fieldInfo = ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.FieldInfo.FieldInfoFromField(featureLayer, field); layerFields.Add(fieldInfo); } } if (gLayer.Graphics != null) { #region Get geometry type, start getting symbology if (geometryType == GeometryType.Unknown && gLayer.Graphics.Count > 0) { geometryType = LayerUtils.GetGeometryTypeFromGraphic(gLayer.Graphics.ElementAtOrDefault(0)); Core.LayerExtensions.SetGeometryType(gLayer, geometryType); if ((gLayer.Renderer == null || gLayer.Renderer is HiddenRenderer) && !Symbology.DefaultSymbols.ContainsKey(geometryType)) { if (geometryType == GeometryType.Unknown) { gLayer.SetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.LayerExtensions.ErrorMessageProperty, "Layer has unspecified geometry type."); } else { Core.LayerExtensions.SetRunLayerPostInitializationActions(gLayer, true); SymbolConfigProvider.GetDefaultLinearGradientBrush(gLayer, ColorRampType.ClassBreaks); } return; } } #endregion #region Project graphics if necessary if (graphicsRequireReprojection(gLayer.Graphics)) { GeometryServiceOperationHelper helper = new GeometryServiceOperationHelper( new ConfigurationStoreHelper().GetGeometryServiceUrl(ConfigurationStore) ); helper.ProjectGraphicsCompleted += (sender, args) => { GraphicsLayer targetLayer = args.UserState as GraphicsLayer; if (targetLayer != null) { targetLayer.Graphics.Clear(); foreach (Graphic graphic in args.Graphics) { targetLayer.Graphics.Add(graphic); } } }; helper.ProjectGraphics(gLayer.Graphics, Map.SpatialReference, gLayer); } #endregion #region Get field information if (layerFields.Count == 0) // fields not determined yet { determineFieldsFromGraphic(layerFields, gLayer.Graphics.ElementAtOrDefault(0)); } #endregion } #region Get renderer from feature layer's layer info, if necessary if (gLayer.Renderer == null || gLayer.Renderer is HiddenRenderer) { FeatureLayer lay = gLayer as FeatureLayer; if (lay != null && lay.LayerInfo != null && lay.LayerInfo.Renderer != null) { lay.Renderer = lay.LayerInfo.Renderer; } } #endregion #region Change PictureMarkerSymbol to ImageFillSymbol if (gLayer.Renderer != null && (geometryType == GeometryType.Point || geometryType == GeometryType.MultiPoint)) { SimpleRenderer sr = gLayer.Renderer as SimpleRenderer; ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol pms = null; if (sr != null) { pms = sr.Symbol as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol; if (pms != null) { sr.Symbol = SymbolJsonHelper.ToImageFillSymbol(pms); } } else { ClassBreaksRenderer cbr = gLayer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (cbr != null) { foreach (ClassBreakInfo info in cbr.Classes) { pms = info.Symbol as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol; if (pms != null) { info.Symbol = SymbolJsonHelper.ToImageFillSymbol(pms); } } } else { UniqueValueRenderer uvr = gLayer.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uvr != null) { foreach (UniqueValueInfo info in uvr.Infos) { pms = info.Symbol as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol; if (pms != null) { info.Symbol = SymbolJsonHelper.ToImageFillSymbol(pms); } } } } } } #endregion if (gLayer.Renderer == null || gLayer.Renderer is HiddenRenderer) { ApplyDefaultRenderer(gLayer, geometryType); } ApplyDefaultGradientBrush(gLayer); } else if ((layer is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer || layer is ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) && !((bool)layer.GetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.WebMap.Document.IsBaseMapProperty))) { //get layer infos - used later for figuring out domain/subtypes, etc if ((layer.GetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.LayerInfosProperty) as Collection <LayerInformation>) == null) { getLayerInfos(layer); } } bool doSelect = false; layer.SetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.LayerExtensions.InitialUpdateCompletedProperty, true); if (!initializationSuccess) { layer.SetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.LayerExtensions.InitialUpdateFailedProperty, true); } else { bool hasId = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer.ID) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer.GetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Extensibility.MapApplication.LayerNameProperty) as string); // Certain layers get added when the map draw mode is changed (An empty graphics layer is added) // We don't want to auto-select this layer if (hasId || !(layer is GraphicsLayer)) { doSelect = true; } } if (doSelect) { SetSelectedLayer(new LayerEventArgs() { Layer = layer }); } SubscribeToLayerInitializationEvents(layer, false); }
public void SetShapeRangeValues(DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, string shapeKey, string dataKey, string valueField, List <SolidColorBrush> brushList, int classCount, string missingText, string legendText, bool?showPolyLabels = false) { try { _classCount = classCount; _dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper; _shapeKey = shapeKey; _dataKey = dataKey; _valueField = valueField; _missingText = missingText; _legendText = legendText; _showPolyLabels = (bool)showPolyLabels; if (brushList != null) { _colors = brushList; } DataTable loadedData = GetLoadedData(dashboardHelper, dataKey, ref valueField); if (_valueField == "{Record Count}") { _valueField = "freq"; } GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = GetGraphicsLayer() as GraphicsLayer; _thematicItem = GetThematicItem(classCount, loadedData, graphicsLayer); if (this.UseQuantiles == false && RangeStarts_FromControls != null && RangeStarts_FromControls.Count > 0) { _thematicItem.RangeStarts = RangeStarts_FromControls; PopulateRangeValues(); } else { PopulateRangeValues(); } GraphicCollection textGraphics = new GraphicCollection(); if (graphicsLayer.Graphics != null && graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0) { for (int i = graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (graphicsLayer.Graphics[i].Symbol is TextSymbol) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.RemoveAt(i); } } } bool usePoleOfInaccessibility = true; if (graphicsLayer.Graphics != null && graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count; i++) { Graphic graphicFeature = graphicsLayer.Graphics[i]; if (graphicFeature.Symbol is TextSymbol) { continue; } if (graphicFeature.Attributes.Count == 0) { continue; } string filterExpression = ""; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) { filterExpression += "["; } filterExpression += dataKey; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) { filterExpression += "]"; } filterExpression += " = '" + GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + "'"; double graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; try { DataRow[] postFilterExpression = loadedData.Select(filterExpression); if (postFilterExpression.Length > 0) { graphicValue = Convert.ToDouble(postFilterExpression[0][_valueField]); } } catch (Exception) { graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; } int brushIndex = GetRangeIndex(graphicValue, _thematicItem.RangeStarts); if (brushList != null) { Color color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushIndex]).Color; Brush fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B)); if (graphicValue == Double.PositiveInfinity) { color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushList.Count - 1]).Color; fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B)); } SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); symbol.Fill = fill; symbol.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); symbol.BorderThickness = 1; graphicFeature.Symbol = symbol; } if (ShowPolyLabels) { TextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbol(); textSymbol.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); textSymbol.FontSize = 11; if (graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey] != null) { string sShapekey = graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim(); int indexShapeKey = sShapekey.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { ' ', '-' }); int iShapeKeyLen = sShapekey.Length; // Break up label if possible and put on new line. Adjust offsets as needed. if (indexShapeKey != -1) //& iShapeKeyLen > 10) { textSymbol.Text = sShapekey.Substring(0, indexShapeKey) + "\r\n " + sShapekey.Substring(indexShapeKey + 1, (iShapeKeyLen - (indexShapeKey + 1))); textSymbol.OffsetX = iShapeKeyLen / 0.8; textSymbol.OffsetY = 6; } else { textSymbol.Text = sShapekey; textSymbol.OffsetX = iShapeKeyLen / 0.4; textSymbol.OffsetY = 3; } //Console.WriteLine(textSymbol.Text); //textSymbol.OffsetX = textSymbol.Text.Length / 0.4; textSymbol.OffsetY = textSymbol.FontSize / 2.0; Envelope extentEnvelope = graphicFeature.Geometry.Extent; MapPoint pole = extentEnvelope.GetCenter(); ObservableCollection <ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection> rings = new ObservableCollection <ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection>(); //if (graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() == "Richmond Hill") usePoleOfInaccessibility = true; if (usePoleOfInaccessibility) { if (graphicFeature.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon) { rings = ((ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)graphicFeature.Geometry).Rings; Tuple <double, double> coords; bool showDebugCells = true; if (showDebugCells) { double precision = 0.1; double denom = 64.0; precision = extentEnvelope.Width / denom < precision? extentEnvelope.Width / denom : precision; precision = extentEnvelope.Height / denom < precision ? extentEnvelope.Height / denom : precision; coords = PolyLabel.PoleOfInaccessibility(rings, precision, graphicsLayer: graphicsLayer); //Envelope extent = graphicFeature.Geometry.Extent; //Cell extentCell = new Cell(extent.XMin, extent.YMin, extent.Width / 2, rings); //PolyLabel.AddDebugGraphic(extentCell, graphicsLayer); } else { coords = PolyLabel.PoleOfInaccessibility(rings); } pole.X = coords.Item1; pole.Y = coords.Item2; } //usePoleOfInaccessibility = false; } Graphic textGraphic = new Graphic(); textGraphic.Symbol = textSymbol; textGraphic.Geometry = pole; textGraphics.Add(textGraphic); } } TextBlock t = new TextBlock(); t.Background = Brushes.White; if (graphicValue == Double.PositiveInfinity) { t.Text = GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + " " + DashboardSharedStrings.DASHBOARD_MAP_NO_DATA; } else { t.Text = GetShapeValue(graphicFeature, shapeKey) + " : " + graphicValue.ToString(); } t.FontSize = 14; Border border = new Border(); border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); Panel panel = new StackPanel(); panel.Children.Add(t); border.Child = panel; graphicFeature.MapTip = border; if (graphicFeature.Attributes.Keys.Contains("EpiInfoValCol")) { graphicFeature.Attributes["EpiInfoValCol"] = graphicValue; } else { graphicFeature.Attributes.Add("EpiInfoValCol", graphicValue); } } graphicsLayer.Graphics.AddRange(textGraphics); if (graphicsLayer is FeatureLayer) { ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); renderer.Field = "EpiInfoValCol"; Color color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[brushList.Count - 1]).Color; Brush fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B)); renderer.DefaultSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = fill, BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 }; for (int i = 0; i < _thematicItem.RangeStarts.Count; i++) { ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo(); classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = double.Parse(RangeValues[i, 0]); classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = double.Parse(RangeValues[i, 1]); color = ((SolidColorBrush)brushList[i]).Color; fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(Opacity, color.R, color.G, color.B)); classBreakInfo.Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = fill, BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 }; renderer.Classes.Add(classBreakInfo); } graphicsLayer.Renderer = renderer; } } SetLegendSection(brushList, classCount, missingText, _thematicItem); } catch { } }
private void RenderFeatures(ILayer layer) { //Set up renderer IClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); classBreaksRenderer.Field = "HistoField"; classBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = 5; //Set up table histogram properties object douleArrayValues; object frequencyArray; IFeatureClass featureClass = ((IFeatureLayer) layer).FeatureClass; ITable table = (ITable) featureClass; ITableHistogram tableHistogram = (ITableHistogram) new BasicTableHistogram(); tableHistogram.Table = table; tableHistogram.Field = "HistoField"; ((IDataSampling)classBreaksRenderer).SamplingMethod = esriDataSampling.esriAllRecords; tableHistogram.Sampling = (IDataSampling)classBreaksRenderer; ((IBasicHistogram) tableHistogram).GetHistogram(out douleArrayValues, out frequencyArray); IClassifyGEN classifyGen = new NaturalBreaks(); classifyGen.Classify(douleArrayValues, frequencyArray, classBreaksRenderer.BreakCount); Double[] x = classifyGen.ClassBreaks as Double[]; Random random = new Random(); for (var i = 1; i < x.Length; i++) { classBreaksRenderer.Break[i-1] = x[i]; classBreaksRenderer.Description[i-1] = "TEST"; classBreaksRenderer.Label[i-1] = x.GetValue(i).ToString(); IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); Color colorToUse = GetAColor(random.Next(0,174)); IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass(); rgbColor.Blue = colorToUse.B; rgbColor.Red = colorToUse.R; rgbColor.Green = colorToUse.G; markerSymbol.Color = rgbColor; markerSymbol.Size = 5; classBreaksRenderer.Symbol[i - 1] = (ISymbol)markerSymbol; } ((IGeoFeatureLayer) layer).Renderer = ((IFeatureRenderer)classBreaksRenderer); }
void ClassBreaksRenderer(IFeatureLayer featureLayer) { IClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); classBreaksRenderer.Field = "AREA"; // 必须设置分类数量。 classBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = 4; classBreaksRenderer.set_Break(0, 744366000); classBreaksRenderer.set_Break(1, 2049800000); classBreaksRenderer.set_Break(2, 3801580000); // 设置填充样式。 IFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); fillSymbol.Color = new RgbColor() { Red = 255, Green = 0, Blue = 0 }; classBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(0, (ISymbol)fillSymbol); fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); fillSymbol.Color = new RgbColor() { Red = 0, Green = 255, Blue = 0 }; classBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(1, (ISymbol)fillSymbol); fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(); fillSymbol.Color = new RgbColor() { Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 255 }; classBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(2, (ISymbol)fillSymbol); // 图层设置渲染。 var featureRenderer = (IFeatureRenderer)classBreaksRenderer; var geoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)featureLayer; geoFeatureLayer.Renderer = featureRenderer; }
private void bindUIToLayer() { GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = Layer as GraphicsLayer; if (graphicsLayer == null) { return; } #region Renderer Takes Precedence bindingToLayer = true; if (GraphicSymbolsTakePrecedence != null) { GraphicSymbolsTakePrecedence.IsChecked = !graphicsLayer.RendererTakesPrecedence; } bindingToLayer = false; #endregion GeometryType = ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetGeometryType(graphicsLayer); ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) { if (RendererOptionsContainerControl != null) { ClassBreaksRendererOptionsConfigControl optionsConfigControl = new ClassBreaksRendererOptionsConfigControl() { ClassBreaksRenderer = classBreaksRenderer, SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider, GeometryType = GeometryType, }; Binding b = new Binding("Foreground") { Source = this }; optionsConfigControl.SetBinding(ClassBreaksRendererOptionsConfigControl.ForegroundProperty, b); optionsConfigControl.RendererColorSchemeChanged += new EventHandler <GradientBrushChangedEventArgs>(optionsConfigControl_RendererColorSchemeChanged); optionsConfigControl.RendererClassBreaksChanged += new EventHandler <RendererClassBreaksCountChangedEventArgs>(optionsConfigControl_RendererClassBreaksChanged); RendererOptionsContainerControl.Content = optionsConfigControl; } if (RendererOptionsContainerBorder != null) { RendererOptionsContainerBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } if (CurrentSymbolLabel != null) { CurrentSymbolLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } createClassBreaksRendererSymbolsConfigControl(classBreaksRenderer); } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { if (RendererOptionsContainerControl != null) { UniqueValueRendererOptionsConfigControl optionsConfigControl = new UniqueValueRendererOptionsConfigControl() { UniqueValueRenderer = uniqueValueRenderer, SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider, GeometryType = GeometryType, }; Binding b = new Binding("Foreground") { Source = this }; optionsConfigControl.SetBinding(UniqueValueRendererOptionsConfigControl.ForegroundProperty, b); optionsConfigControl.RendererColorSchemeChanged += new EventHandler <GradientBrushChangedEventArgs>(optionsConfigControl_RendererColorSchemeChanged); optionsConfigControl.NewUniqueValueAdded += new EventHandler <NewUniqueValueInfoEventArgs>(optionsConfigControl_NewUniqueValueCreated); optionsConfigControl.DeleteUniqueValueClicked += new EventHandler(optionsConfigControl_DeleteUniqueValueClicked); RendererOptionsContainerControl.Content = optionsConfigControl; } if (RendererSymbolSetContainerControl != null) { UniqueValueRendererSymbolsConfigControl symbolsConfigControl = new UniqueValueRendererSymbolsConfigControl() { UniqueValueRenderer = uniqueValueRenderer, SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider, GeometryType = GeometryType, }; Binding b = new Binding("Foreground") { Source = this }; symbolsConfigControl.SetBinding(UniqueValueRendererSymbolsConfigControl.ForegroundProperty, b); symbolsConfigControl.UniqueValueRendererModified += new EventHandler <SelectedUniqueValueModificationEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_UniqueValueRendererModified); symbolsConfigControl.CurrentUniqueValueChanged += new EventHandler <CurrentUniqueValueChangedEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_CurrentUniqueValueChanged); symbolsConfigControl.DefaultClassBreakBeingConfigured += new EventHandler <DefaultClassBreakBeingConfiguredEventArgs>(symbolsConfigControl_DefaultClassBreakBeingConfigured); RendererSymbolSetContainerControl.Content = symbolsConfigControl; } if (RendererOptionsContainerBorder != null) { RendererOptionsContainerBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } if (CurrentSymbolLabel != null) { CurrentSymbolLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } else { // No renderer / simple renderer ... clear out the control if (RendererOptionsContainerControl != null) { RendererOptionsContainerControl.Content = null; } if (RendererSymbolSetContainerControl != null) { ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol defaultSymbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbol(); DefaultSymbolConfigControl defaultSymbolConfig = new DefaultSymbolConfigControl() { Symbol = defaultSymbol, SymbolConfigProvider = SymbolConfigProvider, GeometryType = GeometryType, }; Binding b = new Binding("Foreground") { Source = this }; defaultSymbolConfig.SetBinding(DefaultSymbolConfigControl.ForegroundProperty, b); defaultSymbolConfig.DefaultSymbolModified += new EventHandler <SymbolSelectedEventArgs>(defaultSymbolConfig_DefaultSymbolModified); RendererSymbolSetContainerControl.Content = defaultSymbolConfig; if (SymbolConfigControl != null) { SymbolConfigControl.Symbol = defaultSymbol; } } if (CurrentSymbolLabel != null) { CurrentSymbolLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (RendererOptionsContainerBorder != null) { RendererOptionsContainerBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } } }
private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Checking if (cboFieldName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select target field"); return; } frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress(); pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Processing:"; pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; pfrmProgress.Show(); int nFeature = m_pFClass.FeatureCount(null); IFeatureCursor pFCursor = m_pFLayer.Search(null, true); IFeature pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); //Get index for independent and dependent variables //Get variable index string strVarNM = (string)cboFieldName.SelectedItem; int intVarIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(strVarNM); //Store Variable at Array double[] arrVar = new double[nFeature]; int i = 0; while (pFeature != null) { arrVar[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx)); i++; pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); } //Plot command for R StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder(); if (!m_blnCreateSWM) { //Get the file path and name to create spatial weight matrix string strNameR = m_pSnippet.FilePathinRfromLayer(m_pFLayer); if (strNameR == null) { return; } //Create spatial weight matrix in R if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.shp <- readShapePoly('" + strNameR + "')"); } else if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.shp <- readShapePoints('" + strNameR + "')"); } else { MessageBox.Show("This geometry type is not supported"); pfrmProgress.Close(); this.Close(); } int intSuccess = m_pSnippet.CreateSpatialWeightMatrix(m_pEngine, m_pFClass, txtSWM.Text, pfrmProgress); if (intSuccess == 0) { return; } } NumericVector vecVar = m_pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar); m_pEngine.SetSymbol(strVarNM, vecVar); if (cboSAM.Text == "Local Moran") { #region Local Moran plotCommmand.Append("localmoran(" + strVarNM + ", sample.listw, alternative = 'two.sided', "); //select multiple correction method (only Bonferroni.. 100915 HK) if (cboAdjustment.Text == "None") { plotCommmand.Append(", zero.policy=TRUE)"); } else if (cboAdjustment.Text == "Bonferroni correction") { plotCommmand.Append("p.adjust.method='bonferroni', zero.policy=TRUE)"); } NumericMatrix nmResults = m_pEngine.Evaluate(plotCommmand.ToString()).AsNumericMatrix(); string strFlgFldNam = lvFields.Items[3].SubItems[1].Text; //Save Output on SHP //Add Target fields to store results in the shapefile for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { IField newField = new FieldClass(); IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField; fieldEdit.Name_2 = lvFields.Items[j].SubItems[1].Text; if (j == 3) { fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString; } else { fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble; } m_pFClass.AddField(newField); } //Update Field pFCursor = m_pFClass.Update(null, false); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); int intStatFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text); int intZFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text); int intPrFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(lvFields.Items[2].SubItems[1].Text); int intFlgFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(strFlgFldNam); double dblValue = 0, dblPvalue = 0, dblZvalue = 0; double dblValueMean = arrVar.Average(); double dblPrCri = Convert.ToDouble(nudConfLevel.Value); int featureIdx = 0; while (pFeature != null) { dblValue = arrVar[featureIdx] - dblValueMean; dblZvalue = nmResults[featureIdx, 3]; dblPvalue = nmResults[featureIdx, 4]; pFeature.set_Value(intStatFldIdx, (object)nmResults[featureIdx, 0]); pFeature.set_Value(intZFldIdx, dblZvalue); pFeature.set_Value(intPrFldIdx, dblPvalue); if (dblPvalue < dblPrCri) { if (dblZvalue > 0) { if (dblValue > 0) { pFeature.set_Value(intFlgFldIdx, "HH"); } else { pFeature.set_Value(intFlgFldIdx, "LL"); } } else { if (dblValue > 0) { pFeature.set_Value(intFlgFldIdx, "HL"); } else { pFeature.set_Value(intFlgFldIdx, "LH"); } } } //else // pFeature.set_Value(intFlgFldIdx, ""); pFCursor.UpdateFeature(pFeature); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); featureIdx++; } pfrmProgress.Close(); if (chkMap.Checked) { double[,] adblMinMaxForLabel = new double[2, 4]; ITable pTable = (ITable)m_pFClass; IUniqueValueRenderer pUniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRendererClass(); pUniqueValueRenderer.FieldCount = 1; pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Field(0, strFlgFldNam); IDataStatistics pDataStat; IStatisticsResults pStatResults; ICursor pCursor; if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { ISimpleFillSymbol pSymbol; IQueryFilter pQFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'HH'"; int intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 0] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(255, 80, 80); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("HH", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 0].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'LL'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 1] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(50, 157, 194); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("LL", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 1].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'HL'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 2] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(244, 199, 0); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("HL", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 2].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'LH'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 3] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(173, 255, 179); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("LH", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 3].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(200, 200, 200); //pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("", strFlgFldNam, (ISymbol)pSymbol); //pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("", "Not significant"); pUniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = (ISymbol)pSymbol; pUniqueValueRenderer.DefaultLabel = "Not significant"; pUniqueValueRenderer.UseDefaultSymbol = true; } else if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSymbol; IQueryFilter pQFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'HH'"; int intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 0] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(255, 80, 80); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("HH", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HH", "HH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 0].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 0].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'LL'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 1] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(50, 157, 194); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("LL", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LL", "LL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 1].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 1].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'HL'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 2] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(244, 199, 0); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("HL", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("HL", "HL (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 2].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 2].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pQFilter.WhereClause = strFlgFldNam + " = 'LH'"; intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter); pCursor = pTable.Search(pQFilter, true); pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text; pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor; pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3] = pStatResults.Minimum; adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 3] = pStatResults.Maximum; pCursor.Flush(); pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(173, 255, 179); pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("LH", null, (ISymbol)pSymbol); if (intCnt == 1) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3].ToString("N1") + ")"); } else if (intCnt == 0) { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (no obs)"); } else { pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("LH", "LH (" + adblMinMaxForLabel[0, 3].ToString("N1") + "-" + adblMinMaxForLabel[1, 3].ToString("N1") + ")"); } pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(200, 200, 200); //pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue("", strFlgFldNam, (ISymbol)pSymbol); //pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label("", "Not significant"); pUniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = (ISymbol)pSymbol; pUniqueValueRenderer.DefaultLabel = "Not significant"; pUniqueValueRenderer.UseDefaultSymbol = true; } IFeatureLayer pNewFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); pNewFLayer.FeatureClass = m_pFClass; pNewFLayer.Name = cboSAM.Text + " of " + m_pFLayer.Name; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pNewFLayer; pGFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pUniqueValueRenderer; m_pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLayer); m_pActiveView.Refresh(); m_pForm.axTOCControl1.Update(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Complete. The results are stored in the shape file"); } #endregion } else if (cboSAM.Text == "Gi*") { #region Gi* m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.lg <- localG(" + strVarNM + ", sample.listw, zero.policy=TRUE)"); m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.p <- 2*pnorm(-abs(sample.lg))"); if (cboAdjustment.Text == "Bonferroni correction") { m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.p <- p.adjust(sample.p, method = 'bonferroni', n = length(sample.p))"); } double[] dblGValues = m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.lg").AsNumeric().ToArray(); double[] dblPvalues = m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.p").AsNumeric().ToArray(); //Save Output on SHP //Add Target fields to store results in the shapefile for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { IField newField = new FieldClass(); IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField; fieldEdit.Name_2 = lvFields.Items[j].SubItems[1].Text; fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble; m_pFClass.AddField(newField); } //Update Field pFCursor = m_pFClass.Update(null, false); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); int intStatFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text); int intPrFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(lvFields.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text); int featureIdx = 0; while (pFeature != null) { pFeature.set_Value(intStatFldIdx, dblGValues[featureIdx]); pFeature.set_Value(intPrFldIdx, dblPvalues[featureIdx]); pFCursor.UpdateFeature(pFeature); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); featureIdx++; } pFCursor.Flush(); pfrmProgress.Close(); if (chkMap.Checked) { string strStaticFldName = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text; m_pEngine.Evaluate("p.vals <- c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01)"); if (cboAdjustment.Text == "Bonferroni correction") { m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.n <- length(sample.p)"); m_pEngine.Evaluate("p.vals <- p.vals/sample.n"); } m_pEngine.Evaluate("zc <- qnorm(1 - (p.vals/2))"); double[] dblZBrks = m_pEngine.Evaluate("sort(cbind(zc, -zc))").AsNumeric().ToArray(); pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, false); IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = strStaticFldName; pDataStat.Cursor = (ICursor)pFCursor; IStatisticsResults pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; double dblMax = pStatResults.Maximum; double dblMin = pStatResults.Minimum; int intBreaksCount = dblZBrks.Length + 2; double[] cb = new double[intBreaksCount]; //Assign Min and Max values for class breaks if (dblMin < dblZBrks[0]) { cb[0] = dblMin; } else { cb[0] = dblZBrks[0] - 1; //Manually Assigned minimum value } if (dblMax > dblZBrks[dblZBrks.Length - 1]) { cb[intBreaksCount - 1] = dblMax; } else { cb[intBreaksCount - 1] = dblZBrks[dblZBrks.Length - 1] + 1;//Manually Assigned minimum value } for (int k = 0; k < intBreaksCount - 2; k++) { cb[k + 1] = dblZBrks[k]; } IClassBreaksRenderer pCBRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); pCBRenderer.Field = strStaticFldName; pCBRenderer.BreakCount = intBreaksCount - 1; pCBRenderer.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; //' use this interface to set dialog properties IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pCBRenderer; pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym; int[,] arrColors = CreateColorRamp(); //Add Probability Value Manually string[] strsProbLabels = new string[] { "(0.01)", "(0.05)", "(0.1)", "(0.1)", "(0.05)", "(0.01)" }; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intBreaksCount - 1; j++) { pCBRenderer.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; if (j == 0) { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = " <= " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j]; } else if (j == intBreaksCount - 2) { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = " > " + Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j - 1]; } else { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j - 1] + " ~ " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j]; } pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); IRgbColor pRGBColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(arrColors[j, 0], arrColors[j, 1], arrColors[j, 2]); pSimpleFillSym.Color = (IColor)pRGBColor; pCBRenderer.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym; } } else if (m_pFClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) { ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMarkerSym; int[,] arrColors = CreateColorRamp(); //Add Probability Value Manually string[] strsProbLabels = new string[] { "(0.01)", "(0.05)", "(0.1)", "(0.1)", "(0.05)", "(0.01)" }; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intBreaksCount - 1; j++) { pCBRenderer.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; if (j == 0) { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = " <= " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j]; } else if (j == intBreaksCount - 2) { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = " > " + Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j - 1]; } else { pCBRenderer.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j - 1] + " ~ " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString() + strsProbLabels[j]; } pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleMarkerSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass(); IRgbColor pRGBColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(arrColors[j, 0], arrColors[j, 1], arrColors[j, 2]); pSimpleMarkerSym.Color = (IColor)pRGBColor; pCBRenderer.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleMarkerSym; } } IFeatureLayer pNewFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); pNewFLayer.FeatureClass = m_pFClass; pNewFLayer.Name = cboSAM.Text + " of " + m_pFLayer.Name; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pNewFLayer; pGFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pCBRenderer; m_pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLayer); m_pActiveView.Refresh(); m_pForm.axTOCControl1.Update(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Complete. The results are stored in the shape file"); } #endregion } this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { frmErrorLog pfrmErrorLog = new frmErrorLog(); pfrmErrorLog.ex = ex; pfrmErrorLog.ShowDialog(); return; } }
private void CorrectRendererNodes(LegendItemViewModel model) { LayerItemViewModel mod = model as LayerItemViewModel; if (mod != null) { if (MapContentsControlHelper.IsTopMostLayerType(mod.LayerType)) { GraphicsLayer lay = mod.Layer as GraphicsLayer; if (lay == null) { return; } ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksrenderer = lay.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksrenderer != null) { if (mod.LegendItems != null && mod.LegendItems.Count > 0 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mod.LegendItems[0].Label)) { mod.LegendItems[0].Label = Resources.Strings.DefaultLegentItemViewModelLabel; } } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueRenderer = lay.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueRenderer != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uniqueRenderer.DefaultLabel)) { uniqueRenderer.DefaultLabel = Resources.Strings.DefaultLegentItemViewModelLabel; } } //TODO: //TODO: This code adds a new node for the renderer attribute field, but currently there is no //TODO: way for us to set a different template as LayerItemViewModel.Template is read-only. //TODO //string attribute = null; //ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksrenderer = lay.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; //if (classBreaksrenderer != null) //{ // attribute = classBreaksrenderer.Attribute; //} //else //{ // UniqueValueRenderer uniqueRenderer = lay.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; // if (uniqueRenderer != null) // attribute = uniqueRenderer.Attribute; //} //if (renModel.LegendItems != null && renModel.LegendItems.Count > 0) //{ // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(renModel.LegendItems[0].Label)) // renModel.LegendItems[0].Label = Resources.Strings.DefaultLegentItemViewModelLabel; //} //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute)) // return; //LayerItemViewModel renModel = new LayerItemViewModel(mod.Layer); //renModel.Label = attribute; //renModel.LayerItems = mod.LayerItems; //renModel.LegendItems = mod.LegendItems; //renModel.Tag = AssociatedObject.DataContext; //renModel.LayerType = "Renderer Layer"; //mod.LayerItems = null; //mod.LegendItems = null; //mod.LayerItems = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<LayerItemViewModel>(); //mod.LayerItems.Add(renModel); } } }
private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboFldnm1.Text == "" || cboFldnm2.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please select target field"); return; } frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress(); pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Processing:"; pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; pfrmProgress.Show(); REngine pEngine = m_pForm.pEngine; int nFeature = m_pFClass.FeatureCount(null); IFeatureCursor pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, true); IFeature pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); //Get index for independent and dependent variables //Get variable index string strVarNM1 = (string)cboFldnm1.SelectedItem; string strVarNM2 = (string)cboFldnm2.SelectedItem; int intVarIdx1 = m_pFClass.FindField(strVarNM1); int intVarIdx2 = m_pFClass.FindField(strVarNM2); //Store Variable at Array double[] arrVar1 = new double[nFeature]; double[] arrVar2 = new double[nFeature]; int i = 0; while (pFeature != null) { arrVar1[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx1)); arrVar2[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx2)); i++; pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); } pFCursor.Flush(); //Plot command for R StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder(); string strStartPath = m_pForm.strPath; string pathr = strStartPath.Replace(@"\", @"/"); pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_LARRY.R')"); pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_neighbor.R')"); pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_SASbi.R')"); //Get the file path and name to create spatial weight matrix string strNameR = m_pSnippet.FilePathinRfromLayer(m_pFLayer); if (strNameR == null) { return; } //Create spatial weight matrix in R pEngine.Evaluate("library(spdep); library(maptools)"); pEngine.Evaluate("sample.shp <- readShapePoly('" + strNameR + "')"); //pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp, queen=FALSE)"); pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp)"); NumericVector vecVar1 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar1); pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v1", vecVar1); NumericVector vecVar2 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar2); pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v2", vecVar2); //string strRSigLv = nudRsigLv.Value.ToString(); //string strLSigLv = nudLsigLv.Value.ToString(); //string strLSig = cboLocalL.Text; //string strRsig = cboLocalPearson.Text; //string strRowStd = cboRowStandardization.Text; //string strMaxRanges = nudMaxRange.Value.ToString(); //string strHigherOrder = cboHigherOrder.Text; string strNonZero = null; if (chkDiagZero.Checked) { strNonZero = "FALSE"; } else { strNonZero = "TRUE"; } double[] dblLoclLisa = null; if (cboMeasure.Text == "Lee's L") { pEngine.Evaluate("sample.result <- LARRY.bivariate.LISA.lee(sample.v1, sample.v2, 1:length(sample.nb), sample.nb, style = 'W', = " + strNonZero + ")"); dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$local.L)").AsNumeric().ToArray(); } else if (cboMeasure.Text == "Local Pearson") { pEngine.Evaluate("sample.result <- LARRY.bivariate.LISA.pearson(sample.v1, sample.v2, 1:length(sample.nb))"); if (cboMapOption.Text == "Local Pearson") { dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$local.pearson)").AsNumeric().ToArray(); } else if (cboMapOption.Text == "z-score of variable 1") { dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$z.x)").AsNumeric().ToArray(); } else if (cboMapOption.Text == "z-score of variable 2") { dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$z.y)").AsNumeric().ToArray(); } } //Save Output on SHP //Add Target fields to store results in the shapefile // Keep loop for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { string strfldName = lvFields.Items[j].SubItems[1].Text; if (m_pFClass.FindField(strfldName) == -1) { IField newField = new FieldClass(); IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField; fieldEdit.Name_2 = strfldName; fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble; m_pFClass.AddField(newField); } } //Update Field pFCursor = m_pFClass.Update(null, false); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); string strLocalLISAFldName = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text; int intSpQuadFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(strLocalLISAFldName); int featureIdx = 0; while (pFeature != null) { pFeature.set_Value(intSpQuadFldIdx, dblLoclLisa[featureIdx]); pFCursor.UpdateFeature(pFeature); pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature(); featureIdx++; } pFCursor.Flush(); if (chkMap.Checked) { ITable pTable = (ITable)m_pFClass; pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, false); IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass(); pDataStat.Field = strLocalLISAFldName; pDataStat.Cursor = (ICursor)pFCursor; IStatisticsResults pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics; double dblMax = pStatResults.Maximum; double dblMin = pStatResults.Minimum; int intBreaksCount = m_pBiLISASym.Length + 1; double[] cb = new double[intBreaksCount]; //Assign Min and Max values for class breaks cb[0] = dblMin; cb[intBreaksCount - 1] = dblMax; for (int k = 0; k < intBreaksCount - 2; k++) { cb[k + 1] = m_pBiLISASym[k].UValue; } IClassBreaksRenderer pCBRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); pCBRenderer.Field = strLocalLISAFldName; pCBRenderer.BreakCount = intBreaksCount - 1; pCBRenderer.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; //' use this interface to set dialog properties IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pCBRenderer; pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym; //int[,] arrColors = CreateColorRamp(); ////Add Probability Value Manually //string[] strsProbLabels = new string[] { "(0.01)", "(0.05)", "(0.1)", "(0.1)", "(0.05)", "(0.01)" }; //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists for (int j = 0; j < intBreaksCount - 1; j++) { pCBRenderer.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; pCBRenderer.Label[j] = m_pBiLISASym[j].Label; pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); IRgbColor pRGBColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(m_pBiLISASym[j].R, m_pBiLISASym[j].G, m_pBiLISASym[j].B); pSimpleFillSym.Color = (IColor)pRGBColor; pCBRenderer.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym; } IFeatureLayer pNewFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass(); pNewFLayer.FeatureClass = m_pFClass; pNewFLayer.Name = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[0].Text + " of " + m_pFLayer.Name; IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pNewFLayer; pGFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pCBRenderer; m_pActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGFLayer); m_pActiveView.Refresh(); m_pForm.axTOCControl1.Update(); pfrmProgress.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Complete. The results are stored in the shape file"); } }
public static void ApplyColorRampGradientBrushToRenderer(this GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, LinearGradientBrush brush) { // must have atleast 2 stops if (brush == null || brush.GradientStops.Count < 2) { return; } if (graphicsLayer == null) { return; } ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.SetGradientBrush(graphicsLayer, brush); ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaskRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaskRenderer != null) { if (classBreaskRenderer.Classes.Count < 2) { return; } List <Symbol> symbols = new List <Symbol>(); foreach (ClassBreakInfo classBreak in classBreaskRenderer.Classes) { symbols.Add(classBreak.Symbol); } applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, brush, classBreaskRenderer.DefaultSymbol); // Some changes to ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleSymbols do not trigger the legendchanged event. Fix this by triggering the event by cloning the symbol. bool refresh = false; foreach (ClassBreakInfo classBreak in classBreaskRenderer.Classes) { if (classBreak.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol || classBreak.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleLineSymbol || classBreak.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol) { classBreak.Symbol = classBreak.Symbol.CloneSymbol(); refresh = true; } } if (refresh) { graphicsLayer.Refresh(); //Only the first time a gradientbrush is applied the layer refreshes itself, so fix this by refreshing manually. } } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { List <Symbol> symbols = new List <Symbol>(); foreach (UniqueValueInfo uniqueValue in uniqueValueRenderer.Infos) { symbols.Add(uniqueValue.Symbol); } applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, brush, uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol); // Some changes to ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleSymbols do not trigger the legendchanged event. Fix this by triggering the event by cloning the symbol. bool refresh = false; foreach (UniqueValueInfo uniqueValue in uniqueValueRenderer.Infos) { if (uniqueValue.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol || uniqueValue.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleLineSymbol || uniqueValue.Symbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureService.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol) { uniqueValue.Symbol = uniqueValue.Symbol.CloneSymbol(); refresh = true; } } if (refresh) { graphicsLayer.Refresh(); //Only the first time a gradientbrush is applied the layer refreshes itself, so fix this by refreshing manually. } } } }
private void DrawCCMaps() { m_intClassNumber = Convert.ToInt32(nudGCNClasses.Value); IFeatureClass pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass; //Determine Class Breaks for variable int intValueFldIdx = pFClass.FindField(strVarFldName); ITable pTable = (ITable)pFClass; IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN = null; switch (cboGCClassify.Text) { case "Equal Interval": pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass(); break; case "Geometrical Interval": pClassifyGEN = new GeometricalInterval(); break; case "Natural Breaks": pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; case "Quantile": pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); break; case "StandardDeviation": pClassifyGEN = new StandardDeviationClass(); break; default: pClassifyGEN = new NaturalBreaksClass(); break; } ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strVarFldName; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; //IHistogram pHistogram = (IHistogram)pTableHistogram2; IBasicHistogram pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; ////Not working in ArcGIS 10.5 022417 HK //ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new TableHistogramClass(); //pTableHistogram.Field = strVarFldName; //pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; //IHistogram pHistogram = (IHistogram)pTableHistogram; object xVals, frqs; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, m_intClassNumber); double[] cb = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; //Class Determinations for vertical and horizontal axis if (m_VerticalBreaks == null) { pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); //Using Quatile pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strVerConFldName; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intVerCnt); m_VerticalBreaks = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; } if (m_HorizontalBreaks == null) { pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass(); //Using Quatile pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); pTableHistogram.Field = strHorConFldName; pTableHistogram.Table = pTable; pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram; pHistogram.GetHistogram(out xVals, out frqs); pClassifyGEN.Classify(xVals, frqs, intHorCnt); m_HorizontalBreaks = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks; } //Create Renderer IClassBreaksRenderer pRender = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); pRender.Field = strVarFldName; pRender.BreakCount = m_intClassNumber; pRender.MinimumBreak = cb[0]; string strColorRamp = cboColorRamp.Text; IEnumColors pEnumColors = MultiPartColorRamp(strColorRamp, "CIE Lab", m_intClassNumber); pEnumColors.Reset(); int[,] arrColors = new int[m_intClassNumber, 3]; for (int k = 0; k < m_intClassNumber; k++) { IColor pColor = pEnumColors.Next(); IRgbColor pRGBColor = new RgbColorClass(); pRGBColor.RGB = pColor.RGB; arrColors[k, 0] = pRGBColor.Red; arrColors[k, 1] = pRGBColor.Green; arrColors[k, 2] = pRGBColor.Blue; } pEnumColors.Reset(); IRgbColor pColorOutline = new RgbColor(); //Can Change the color in here! pColorOutline = m_pSnippet.getRGB(picOutlineColor.BackColor.R, picOutlineColor.BackColor.G, picOutlineColor.BackColor.B); double dblGCOutlineSize = Convert.ToDouble(nudOutlinewidth.Value); ICartographicLineSymbol pOutLines = new CartographicLineSymbol(); pOutLines.Width = dblGCOutlineSize; pOutLines.Color = (IColor)pColorOutline; //' use this interface to set dialog properties IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pRender; pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom"; ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym; pEnumColors.Reset(); double dblAdding = Math.Pow(0.1, m_intRounding); for (int j = 0; j < m_intClassNumber; j++) { pRender.Break[j] = cb[j + 1]; if (j == 0) { pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j], m_intRounding).ToString("N" + m_intRounding.ToString()) + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString("N" + m_intRounding.ToString()); } else { pRender.Label[j] = Math.Round(cb[j] + dblAdding, m_intRounding).ToString("N" + m_intRounding.ToString()) + " - " + Math.Round(cb[j + 1], 2).ToString("N" + m_intRounding.ToString()); } pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j]; pSimpleFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); IRgbColor pRGBColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(arrColors[j, 0], arrColors[j, 1], arrColors[j, 2]); pSimpleFillSym.Color = (IColor)pRGBColor; pSimpleFillSym.Outline = pOutLines; pRender.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym; } //Background Layer ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRender = new SimpleRendererClass(); ISimpleFillSymbol pBGSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); pBGSymbol.Color = (IColor)m_pSnippet.getRGB(picBGColor.BackColor.R, picBGColor.BackColor.G, picBGColor.BackColor.B); ICartographicLineSymbol pBGOutLines = new CartographicLineSymbol(); pBGOutLines.Width = 0; pBGOutLines.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(255, 255, 255); pBGSymbol.Outline = pBGOutLines; pSimpleRender.Symbol = (ISymbol)pBGSymbol; IFeatureLayer pflBG = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflBG.FeatureClass = pFClass; IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoBG = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflBG; pGeoBG.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pSimpleRender; pGeoBG.Selectable = false; //Feature Count for each map m_intsFeatureCnts = new int[intVerCnt * intHorCnt]; int l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < intVerCnt; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < intHorCnt; j++) { IFeatureLayer pflOutput = new FeatureLayerClass(); pflOutput.FeatureClass = pFClass; IGeoFeatureLayer pGeofeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pflOutput; pGeofeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender; IFeatureLayerDefinition2 pFDefinition = (IFeatureLayerDefinition2)pGeofeatureLayer; string strWhereClause = null; if (i == 0 && j == 0) { strWhereClause = strVerConFldName + " >= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i].ToString() + " AND " + strVerConFldName + " <= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i + 1].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " >= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " <= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j + 1].ToString(); } else if (i != 0 && j == 0) { strWhereClause = strVerConFldName + " > " + m_VerticalBreaks[i].ToString() + " AND " + strVerConFldName + " <= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i + 1].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " >= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " <= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j + 1].ToString(); } else if (i == 0 && j != 0) { strWhereClause = strVerConFldName + " >= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i].ToString() + " AND " + strVerConFldName + " <= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i + 1].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " > " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " <= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j + 1].ToString(); } else { strWhereClause = strVerConFldName + " > " + m_VerticalBreaks[i].ToString() + " AND " + strVerConFldName + " <= " + m_VerticalBreaks[i + 1].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " > " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j].ToString() + " AND " + strHorConFldName + " <= " + m_HorizontalBreaks[j + 1].ToString(); } pFDefinition.DefinitionExpression = strWhereClause; IQueryFilter pQfilter = new QueryFilterClass(); pQfilter.WhereClause = strWhereClause; m_intsFeatureCnts[l] = pGeofeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQfilter); m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.FocusMap.ClearLayers(); m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGeoBG); m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.FocusMap.AddLayer(pGeofeatureLayer); m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.Extent = m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.FullExtent; m_axMapControls[l].ActiveView.Refresh(); l++; } } lblVariable.Text = "Selected Variable: " + strVarFldName; UpdateRange(lvSymbol, m_intClassNumber, cb, arrColors, m_intRounding); if (m_blnAddBoxes) { UpdateTextBoxes(); } else { AddTextBoxes(); } UpdateLabels(); UpdateHorVerLabels(); }
private static IRenderer createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, FieldInfo attributeField, double min, double max, int numOfClassBreaks, LinearGradientBrush defaultColorRampGradientBrush, IEnumerable <Symbol> existingSymbolSet) { Symbol defaultSymbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone(); ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { Field = attributeField != null ? attributeField.Name : null, DefaultSymbol = defaultSymbol, }; List <Symbol> symbols = new List <Symbol>(); if (numOfClassBreaks < 2) // classbreaks renderer must have atleast 2 classbreaks { numOfClassBreaks = 2; } double rangeSize = Math.Round((max - min) / numOfClassBreaks, 2); double rangeDelta = 1.0; // delta between 2 class ranges // we choose an integral size double lastRangeDeltaIncr = 1.0; // SL core api requires the last classbreak to be greater than max value of dataset bool fractionalIncrement = false; if (Math.Round(max, 0) != max)// we are dealing with a non-integeral values, so our delta's are in fractional increments { fractionalIncrement = true; rangeDelta = 0.01; lastRangeDeltaIncr = 0.01; } double startValue = min; for (int i = 0; i < numOfClassBreaks; i++) { Symbol symbol = null; if (existingSymbolSet != null) { symbol = existingSymbolSet.ElementAtOrDefault(i); } if (symbol == null) { symbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone(); } double endValue = (startValue + rangeSize) - rangeDelta; ClassBreakInfo classBreak = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = fractionalIncrement ? startValue : Math.Floor(startValue), MaximumValue = fractionalIncrement ? endValue : Math.Floor(endValue), Symbol = symbol, }; if (i == numOfClassBreaks - 1) // last class break { classBreak.MaximumValue = max + lastRangeDeltaIncr; if (max > 1000000) // SL has a limitation on values greater than a million { classBreak.MaximumValue += 2.0; // the +2 is to workaround Silverlights limitation of single precision values } } symbols.Add(symbol); renderer.Classes.Add(classBreak); startValue += rangeSize; } if (defaultColorRampGradientBrush != null) { if (existingSymbolSet == null) // apply the gradient brush, only if symbols have not been pre-defined { applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, defaultSymbol); } } return(renderer); }
private void OnSymbolSelected(SymbolSelectedEventArgs e) { if (CurrentSymbolImage != null) { CurrentSymbolImage.Source = new BitmapImage { UriSource = new Uri(e.SelectedImage.RelativeUrl, UriKind.Relative) }; } PictureMarkerSymbol Symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol() { Source = new BitmapImage() { UriSource = new Uri(e.SelectedImage.RelativeUrl, UriKind.Relative) }, OffsetX = e.SelectedImage.CenterX, OffsetY = e.SelectedImage.CenterY, Width = e.SelectedImage.Width, Height = e.SelectedImage.Height, Opacity = OpacitySlider.Value, // TODO //CursorName = DataContext is TableLayerInfo ? Cursors.Hand.ToString() : Cursors.Arrow.ToString() }; GraphicsLayer layer = DataContext as GraphicsLayer; if (layer != null) { // TODO:- verify if we still need this //LayerInfo layerInfo = DataContext as LayerInfo; //// refresh the graphics layer //GraphicsLayer lyr = ApplicationInstance.Instance.FindLayerForLayerInfo(layerInfo) as GraphicsLayer; //if (lyr != null) //{ // ensureCustomClassBreakRendererIsSet(lyr, layerInfo); // CustomClassBreakRenderer cb = lyr.Renderer as CustomClassBreakRenderer; // if (cb != null) // { // ImageFillSymbol imageFillSymbol = cb.DefaultSymbol as ImageFillSymbol; // if (imageFillSymbol != null) // { // imageFillSymbol.Fill = new ImageBrush // { // ImageSource = new BitmapImage // { // UriSource = new Uri(e.SelectedImage.RelativeUrl, UriKind.Relative) // } // }; // imageFillSymbol.CursorName = DataContext is TableLayerInfo ? Cursors.Hand.ToString() : Cursors.Arrow.ToString(); // } // } //} // update the model ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = layer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (renderer != null) { renderer.DefaultSymbol = Symbol; } } else { if (SymbolSelected != null) { SymbolSelected(this, e); } } }
void buildAttributeNamesList(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, string rendererType) { if (graphicsLayer == null) { return; } Collection <FieldInfo> fields = graphicsLayer.GetValue(ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.FieldsProperty) as Collection <FieldInfo>; if (fields != null) { if (rendererType == Constants.ClassBreaksRenderer) { IEnumerable <FieldInfo> numericFields = fields.Where <FieldInfo>(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Integer || f.FieldType == FieldType.DecimalNumber || f.FieldType == FieldType.Currency); FieldInfo selectedField = null; ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) { foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in numericFields) { if (string.Compare(fieldInfo.Name, classBreaksRenderer.Field) == 0) { selectedField = fieldInfo; break; } } } AttributeName.ItemsSource = numericFields; if (null != selectedField) { _ignoreAttributeChangedEvent = true; AttributeName.SelectedItem = selectedField; _ignoreAttributeChangedEvent = false; } } else { if (rendererType == Constants.UniqueValueRenderer) { FieldInfo selectedField = null; IEnumerable <FieldInfo> allowedFields = fields.Where <FieldInfo>(f => f.FieldType != FieldType.Attachment); UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in allowedFields) { if (string.Compare(fieldInfo.Name, uniqueValueRenderer.Field) == 0) { selectedField = fieldInfo; break; } } } AttributeName.ItemsSource = allowedFields; if (null != selectedField) { _ignoreAttributeChangedEvent = true; AttributeName.SelectedItem = selectedField; _ignoreAttributeChangedEvent = false; } } else { AttributeName.ItemsSource = null; } } } }
private static IRenderer createClassBreakRendererBasedOnSelectedAttribute(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, FieldInfo attributeField, LinearGradientBrush defaultColorRampGradientBrush, GeometryType geometryType, int classBreakCount, IEnumerable <Symbol> existingSymbolSet, out FieldInfo changedAttributeField) { changedAttributeField = attributeField; ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) // Already using classBreaksRenderer { if (attributeField != null && attributeField.Name != classBreaksRenderer.Field) // Using different attribute for the renderer { classBreaksRenderer.Field = attributeField.Name; // Rebuild the class breaks double min, max; getMinAndMaxForGraphicsLayer(graphicsLayer, attributeField, out min, out max); return(createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(graphicsLayer, attributeField, min, max, classBreakCount, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, existingSymbolSet)); } } else { string attributeFieldName = null; if (graphicsLayer.Renderer is UniqueValueRenderer) { // 1. Check if the renderer has an attribute set as UniqueValue Renderer UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = graphicsLayer.Renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { attributeFieldName = uniqueValueRenderer.Field; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeFieldName)) // No attribute known .. use the first numeric field { FieldInfo field = null; Collection <FieldInfo> layerFields = ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetFields(graphicsLayer); if (layerFields != null) { field = layerFields.FirstOrDefault <FieldInfo>(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.DecimalNumber || f.FieldType == FieldType.Integer || f.FieldType == FieldType.Currency); } if (field != null) { attributeField = field; changedAttributeField = field; attributeFieldName = field.Name; } } else { FieldInfo field = null; Collection <FieldInfo> layerFields = ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.Core.LayerExtensions.GetFields(graphicsLayer); if (layerFields != null) { field = layerFields.FirstOrDefault <FieldInfo>(f => f.Name == attributeFieldName); // find matching field } if (field == null || (field.FieldType != FieldType.Integer && field.FieldType != FieldType.DecimalNumber && field.FieldType != FieldType.Currency)) { // if the previous field was not a number or currency, then automatically switch it to the first numeric one field = layerFields.FirstOrDefault <FieldInfo>(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Integer || f.FieldType == FieldType.DecimalNumber || f.FieldType == FieldType.Currency); if (field != null) { attributeField = field; changedAttributeField = field; attributeFieldName = field.Name; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeFieldName)) // An attribute name must be specified { return(null); } // Loop through graphics and calculate max and min double min, max; getMinAndMaxForGraphicsLayer(graphicsLayer, attributeField, out min, out max); return(createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(graphicsLayer, attributeField, min, max, classBreakCount, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, existingSymbolSet)); } return(null); }
private static IRenderer createNewDefaultClassBreaksRenderer(GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer, FieldInfo attributeField, double min, double max, int numOfClassBreaks, LinearGradientBrush defaultColorRampGradientBrush, IEnumerable<Symbol> existingSymbolSet) { Symbol defaultSymbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone(); ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { Field = attributeField != null ? attributeField.Name : null, DefaultSymbol = defaultSymbol, }; List<Symbol> symbols = new List<Symbol>(); if (numOfClassBreaks < 2) // classbreaks renderer must have atleast 2 classbreaks numOfClassBreaks = 2; double rangeSize = Math.Round((max - min) / numOfClassBreaks, 2); double rangeDelta = 1.0; // delta between 2 class ranges // we choose an integral size double lastRangeDeltaIncr = 1.0; // SL core api requires the last classbreak to be greater than max value of dataset bool fractionalIncrement = false; if (Math.Round(max, 0) != max)// we are dealing with a non-integeral values, so our delta's are in fractional increments { fractionalIncrement = true; rangeDelta = 0.01; lastRangeDeltaIncr = 0.01; } double startValue = min; for (int i = 0; i < numOfClassBreaks; i++) { Symbol symbol = null; if (existingSymbolSet != null) symbol = existingSymbolSet.ElementAtOrDefault(i); if (symbol == null) symbol = graphicsLayer.GetDefaultSymbolClone(); double endValue = (startValue + rangeSize) - rangeDelta; ClassBreakInfo classBreak = new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = fractionalIncrement ? startValue : Math.Floor(startValue), MaximumValue = fractionalIncrement ? endValue : Math.Floor(endValue), Symbol = symbol, }; if (i == numOfClassBreaks - 1) // last class break { classBreak.MaximumValue = max + lastRangeDeltaIncr; if (max > 1000000) // SL has a limitation on values greater than a million classBreak.MaximumValue += 2.0;// the +2 is to workaround Silverlights limitation of single precision values } symbols.Add(symbol); renderer.Classes.Add(classBreak); startValue += rangeSize; } if (defaultColorRampGradientBrush != null) { if (existingSymbolSet == null) // apply the gradient brush, only if symbols have not been pre-defined { applyLinearGradientBrushToSymbolSet(symbols, defaultColorRampGradientBrush, defaultSymbol); } } return renderer; }
public static IRenderer CloneRenderer(this IRenderer renderer) { if (renderer == null) { return(null); } SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = renderer as SimpleRenderer; if (simpleRenderer != null) { return(new SimpleRenderer() { Symbol = simpleRenderer.Symbol != null?simpleRenderer.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }); } else { ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) { ClassBreaksRenderer clone = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { Field = classBreaksRenderer.Field, DefaultSymbol = classBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null?classBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }; if (classBreaksRenderer.Classes != null) { foreach (ClassBreakInfo classBreak in classBreaksRenderer.Classes) { clone.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Description = classBreak.Description, Label = classBreak.Label, MaximumValue = classBreak.MaximumValue, MinimumValue = classBreak.MinimumValue, Symbol = classBreak.Symbol != null ? classBreak.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }); } } return(clone); } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { UniqueValueRenderer clone = new UniqueValueRenderer() { Field = uniqueValueRenderer.Field, DefaultSymbol = uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null?uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }; if (uniqueValueRenderer.Infos != null) { foreach (UniqueValueInfo uniqueValue in uniqueValueRenderer.Infos) { clone.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo() { Description = uniqueValue.Description, Label = uniqueValue.Label, Value = uniqueValue.Value, Symbol = uniqueValue.Symbol != null ? uniqueValue.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }); } } return(clone); } } } return(null); }
public static IRenderer CloneRenderer(this IRenderer renderer) { if (renderer == null) return null; SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = renderer as SimpleRenderer; if (simpleRenderer != null) { return new SimpleRenderer() { Symbol = simpleRenderer.Symbol != null ? simpleRenderer.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }; } else { ClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (classBreaksRenderer != null) { ClassBreaksRenderer clone = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { Field = classBreaksRenderer.Field, DefaultSymbol = classBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null ? classBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }; if (classBreaksRenderer.Classes != null) { foreach (ClassBreakInfo classBreak in classBreaksRenderer.Classes) { clone.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Description = classBreak.Description, Label = classBreak.Label, MaximumValue = classBreak.MaximumValue, MinimumValue = classBreak.MinimumValue, Symbol = classBreak.Symbol != null ? classBreak.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }); } } return clone; } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = renderer as UniqueValueRenderer; if (uniqueValueRenderer != null) { UniqueValueRenderer clone = new UniqueValueRenderer() { Field = uniqueValueRenderer.Field, DefaultSymbol = uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null ? uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }; if (uniqueValueRenderer.Infos != null) { foreach (UniqueValueInfo uniqueValue in uniqueValueRenderer.Infos) { clone.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo() { Description = uniqueValue.Description, Label = uniqueValue.Label, Value = uniqueValue.Value, Symbol = uniqueValue.Symbol != null ? uniqueValue.Symbol.CloneSymbol() : null, }); } } return clone; } } } return null; }
public void SetShapeRangeValues(DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, string shapeKey, string dataKey, string valueField, Color lowColor, Color highColor, int classCount) { try { this.classCount = classCount; this.dashboardHelper = dashboardHelper; this.shapeKey = shapeKey; this.dataKey = dataKey; this.valueField = valueField; this.lowColor = lowColor; this.highColor = highColor; List<string> columnNames = new List<string>(); if (dashboardHelper.IsUsingEpiProject) { columnNames.Add("UniqueKey"); } columnNames.Add(valueField); columnNames.Add(dataKey); DataTable loadedData; if (valueField.Equals("{Record Count}")) { GadgetParameters gadgetOptions = new GadgetParameters(); gadgetOptions.MainVariableName = dataKey; Dictionary<string, string> inputVariableList = new Dictionary<string, string>(); inputVariableList.Add("freqvar", dataKey); inputVariableList.Add("allvalues", "false"); inputVariableList.Add("showconflimits", "false"); inputVariableList.Add("showcumulativepercent", "false"); inputVariableList.Add("includemissing", "false"); inputVariableList.Add("maxrows", "500"); gadgetOptions.InputVariableList = inputVariableList; loadedData = dashboardHelper.GenerateFrequencyTable(gadgetOptions).First().Key; foreach (DataRow dr in loadedData.Rows) { dr[0] = dr[0].ToString().Trim(); } valueField = "freq"; } else { loadedData = dashboardHelper.GenerateTable(columnNames); } GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = myMap.Layers[layerId.ToString()] as GraphicsLayer; CreateColorList(lowColor, highColor); ThematicItem thematicItem = new ThematicItem() { Name = dataKey, Description = dataKey, CalcField = "" }; List<double> valueList = new List<double>(); for (int i = 0; i < graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count; i++) { Graphic graphicFeature = graphicsLayer.Graphics[i]; //string filterExpression = dataKey + " = '" + graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() + "'"; string filterExpression = ""; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) filterExpression += "["; filterExpression += dataKey; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) filterExpression += "]"; filterExpression += " = '" + graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Replace("'","''").Trim() + "'"; double graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; try { graphicValue = Convert.ToDouble(loadedData.Select(filterExpression)[0][valueField]); } catch (Exception) { graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; } string graphicName = graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString(); if (i == 0) { thematicItem.Min = Double.PositiveInfinity; thematicItem.Max = Double.NegativeInfinity; thematicItem.MinName = string.Empty; thematicItem.MaxName = string.Empty; } else { if (graphicValue < thematicItem.Min) { thematicItem.Min = graphicValue; thematicItem.MinName = graphicName; } if (graphicValue > thematicItem.Max && graphicValue != Double.PositiveInfinity) { thematicItem.Max = graphicValue; thematicItem.MaxName = graphicName; } } if (graphicValue != Double.PositiveInfinity) { valueList.Add(graphicValue); } } thematicItem.RangeStarts = new List<double>(); double totalRange = thematicItem.Max - thematicItem.Min; double portion = totalRange / classCount; thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(thematicItem.Min); double startRangeValue = thematicItem.Min; IEnumerable<double> valueEnumerator = from aValue in valueList orderby aValue select aValue; if (classCount == 2) { thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count / 3)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 2) / 3)); } else if (classCount == 3) { thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count / 4)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 2) / 4)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 3) / 4)); } else if (classCount == 4) { thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count / 5)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 2) / 5)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 3) / 5)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 4) / 5)); } else { thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count / 6)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 2) / 6)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 3) / 6)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 4) / 6)); thematicItem.RangeStarts.Add(valueEnumerator.ElementAt((valueList.Count * 5) / 6)); } // Create graphic features and set symbol using the class range which contains the value List<SolidColorBrush> brushList = ColorList[_colorShadeIndex]; if (graphicsLayer.Graphics != null && graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count; i++) { Graphic graphicFeature = graphicsLayer.Graphics[i]; //string filterExpression = dataKey + " = '" + graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() + "'"; string filterExpression = ""; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) filterExpression += "["; filterExpression += dataKey; if (dataKey.Contains(" ") || dataKey.Contains("$") || dataKey.Contains("#")) filterExpression += "]"; filterExpression += " = '" + graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Replace("'", "''").Trim() + "'"; double graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; try { graphicValue = Convert.ToDouble(loadedData.Select(filterExpression)[0][valueField]); } catch (Exception ex) { graphicValue = Double.PositiveInfinity; } if (graphicValue != Double.PositiveInfinity) { if (graphicFeature.Attributes.Keys.Contains("EpiInfoValCol")) { graphicFeature.Attributes["EpiInfoValCol"] = graphicValue; } else { graphicFeature.Attributes.Add("EpiInfoValCol", graphicValue); } } int brushIndex = GetRangeIndex(graphicValue, thematicItem.RangeStarts); TextBlock t = new TextBlock(); t.Background = Brushes.White; if (graphicValue == Double.PositiveInfinity) { t.Text = graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() + " : No Data"; } else { t.Text = graphicFeature.Attributes[shapeKey].ToString().Trim() + " : " + graphicValue.ToString(); } t.FontSize = 14; Border border = new Border(); border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); Panel panel = new StackPanel(); panel.Children.Add(t); border.Child = panel; graphicFeature.MapTip = border; } ClassBreaksRenderer renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); renderer.Field = "EpiInfoValCol"; renderer.DefaultSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 }; renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.Min, MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[1], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[0], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[1], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[2], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[1], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); if (classCount > 2) { renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[2], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[3], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[2], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); } if (classCount > 3) { renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[3], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[4], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[3], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); } if (classCount > 4) { renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[4], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[5], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[4], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); } if (classCount > 5) { renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[5], MaximumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[6], Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[5], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); } renderer.Classes.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { MinimumValue = thematicItem.RangeStarts[classCount - 1], MaximumValue = thematicItem.Max, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = brushList[classCount], BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), BorderThickness = 1 } }); graphicsLayer.Renderer = renderer; } if (LegendStackPanel == null) { LegendStackPanel = new StackPanel(); } LegendStackPanel.Children.Clear(); System.Windows.Controls.ListBox legendList = new System.Windows.Controls.ListBox(); legendList.Margin = new Thickness(5); legendList.Background = Brushes.White;// new LinearGradientBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), Color.FromArgb(0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), 45); legendList.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black; legendList.BorderThickness = new Thickness(3); //LegendTitle.Text = thematicItem.Description; for (int c = 0; c <= classCount; c++) { Rectangle swatchRect = new Rectangle() { Width = 20, Height = 20, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), Fill = brushList[c] }; TextBlock classTextBlock = new TextBlock(); // First classification if (c == 0) classTextBlock.Text = String.Format(" Less than or equal to {0}", Math.Round(thematicItem.RangeStarts[1], 2)); // Last classification else if (c == classCount) classTextBlock.Text = String.Format(" {0} and above", Math.Round(thematicItem.RangeStarts[c], 2)); // Middle classifications else { if (thematicItem.RangeStarts[c] == thematicItem.RangeStarts[c + 1]) classTextBlock.Text = String.Format(" Exactly {0}", Math.Round(thematicItem.RangeStarts[c], 2)); else classTextBlock.Text = String.Format(" {0} to {1}", Math.Round(thematicItem.RangeStarts[c], 2), Math.Round(thematicItem.RangeStarts[c + 1], 2)); } StackPanel classStackPanel = new StackPanel(); classStackPanel.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal; classStackPanel.Children.Add(swatchRect); classStackPanel.Children.Add(classTextBlock); legendList.Items.Add(classStackPanel); } TextBlock minTextBlock = new TextBlock(); StackPanel minStackPanel = new StackPanel(); minStackPanel.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal; minTextBlock.Text = String.Format("Min: {0} ({1})", thematicItem.Min, string.IsNullOrEmpty(thematicItem.MinName) ? string.Empty : thematicItem.MinName.Trim()); minStackPanel.Children.Add(minTextBlock); legendList.Items.Add(minStackPanel); TextBlock maxTextBlock = new TextBlock(); StackPanel maxStackPanel = new StackPanel(); maxStackPanel.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal; maxTextBlock.Text = String.Format("Max: {0} ({1})", thematicItem.Max, string.IsNullOrEmpty(thematicItem.MaxName) ? string.Empty : thematicItem.MaxName.Trim()); maxStackPanel.Children.Add(maxTextBlock); legendList.Items.Add(maxStackPanel); LegendStackPanel.Children.Add(legendList); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void queryTaskPolygon_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args) { FeatureSet featureSet = args.FeatureSet; if (featureSet == null || featureSet.Features.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("No features returned from query"); return; } GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyPolygonGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer; Random random = new Random(); // Random switch between class breaks and unique value renderers if (random.Next(0, 2) == 0) { ClassBreaksRenderer classBreakRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); classBreakRenderer.Field = "POP2008"; int classCount = 6; List <double> valueList = new List <double>(); foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(graphic); valueList.Add((int)graphic.Attributes[classBreakRenderer.Field]); } // LINQ IEnumerable <double> valueEnumerator = from aValue in valueList orderby aValue select aValue; int increment = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)args.FeatureSet.Features.Count / classCount)); int rgbFactor = 255 / classCount; int j = 255; for (int i = increment; i < valueList.Count; i += increment) { ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo(); if (i == increment) { classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = 0; } else { classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i - increment); } classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i); SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)j, (byte)j, (byte)j)), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), BorderThickness = 1 }; classBreakInfo.Symbol = symbol; classBreakRenderer.Classes.Add(classBreakInfo); j = j - rgbFactor; } // Set maximum value for largest class break classBreakRenderer.Classes[classBreakRenderer.Classes.Count - 1].MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count - 1) + 1; graphicsLayer.Renderer = classBreakRenderer; } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uniqueValueRenderer.Field = "STATE_NAME"; foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(graphic); UniqueValueInfo uniqueValueInfo = new UniqueValueInfo(); SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255))), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), BorderThickness = 1 }; uniqueValueInfo.Symbol = symbol; uniqueValueInfo.Value = graphic.Attributes["STATE_NAME"]; uniqueValueRenderer.Infos.Add(uniqueValueInfo); } graphicsLayer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer; } }
public Traffic() { try { traffic = GlobalLayers.TrafficLayer; traffic_lights = GlobalLayers.LightsLayer; traffic.OutFields = new OutFields { "*" }; traffic_lights.OutFields = new OutFields { "*" }; } catch (Exception) { return; } // 设定道路的流量渲染模型 ClassBreaksRenderer rTrafficRoad = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); // 流量 rTrafficRoad.Field = "SHAPE_Length"; // 指定渲染道路属性字段 // 设定红绿灯的3状态渲染 ClassBreakInfo _Normal = new ClassBreakInfo(); _Normal.MinimumValue = 0; _Normal.MaximumValue = 100; _Normal.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["NORMAL"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; ClassBreakInfo _Middle = new ClassBreakInfo(); _Middle.MinimumValue = 101; _Middle.MaximumValue = 200; _Middle.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["MIDDLE"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; ClassBreakInfo _High = new ClassBreakInfo(); _High.MinimumValue = 201; _High.MaximumValue = 1000; _High.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["BUSY"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; rTrafficRoad.Classes.Add(_Normal); rTrafficRoad.Classes.Add(_Middle); rTrafficRoad.Classes.Add(_High); traffic.Renderer = rTrafficRoad; foreach (Graphic e in traffic as GraphicsLayer) { e.Attributes["SHAPE_Length"] = 0; } traffic.Visible = true; ClassBreaksRenderer rTrafficLights = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); // 红绿灯 rTrafficLights.Field = "status"; // 指定渲染的红绿灯属性字段 // 设定红绿灯的3状态渲染 ClassBreakInfo r = new ClassBreakInfo(); r.MinimumValue = 0; r.MaximumValue = 0; r.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["REDFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; ClassBreakInfo y = new ClassBreakInfo(); y.MinimumValue = 1; y.MaximumValue = 1; y.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["YELLOWFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; ClassBreakInfo g = new ClassBreakInfo(); g.MinimumValue = 2; g.MaximumValue = 2; g.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["GREENFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; rTrafficLights.Classes.Add(r); rTrafficLights.Classes.Add(y); rTrafficLights.Classes.Add(g); traffic_lights.Renderer = rTrafficLights; // GlobalLayers._MainMap.Layers.Add(traffic_lights); foreach (Graphic e in traffic_lights as GraphicsLayer) { e.Attributes["status"] = 1; } traffic_lights.Visible = true; /* * road_traffic_stat.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["TRAFFIC_NORMAL"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; * traffic.Renderer = road_traffic_stat; */ /* * ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer FLAG = new ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer("dhnew\\traffic.mpk", "FLAG"); // 道路中心线_Clip/ FLAG * SimpleRenderer traffic_stat = new SimpleRenderer(); * traffic_stat.Symbol = App.Current.Resources["REDFLAG"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol; * FLAG.Renderer = traffic_stat; * GlobalLayers._MainMap.Layers.Add(FLAG); */ try { IConnectionFactory factory; factory = new ConnectionFactory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MQ"].ToString()); // 连接MQ数据发布服务器 IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection(); connection.Start(); ISession session = connection.CreateSession(); // 连接红绿灯 主题 IMessageConsumer consumerLights = session.CreateDurableConsumer(new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQTopic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Topic_Traffic_lights"].ToString()), "GQY_L", null, false); consumerLights.Listener += new MessageListener(ProcessLights); IMessageConsumer consumerTraffic = session.CreateDurableConsumer(new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQTopic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Topic_Traffic"].ToString()), "GQY_T", null, false); consumerTraffic.Listener += new MessageListener(ProcessTraffic); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("订阅交通信号失败" + e.ToString()); } }
public void ApplyClsssBreaks(IGeoFeatureLayer geoLayer, string aFieldName, long numBreaks) { //Create a Table from the geofeature layer ITable table = geoLayer as ITable; //ITableHistogram tableHistogram=new TableHistogram(); that is error but canbe coded by following TableHistogram tableHistogram2 = new TableHistogram(); ITableHistogram tableHistogram = tableHistogram2 as ITableHistogram; tableHistogram.Table = table; tableHistogram.Field = aFieldName; IHistogram histogram = tableHistogram as IHistogram; object vValues; object vFregs; //先统计每个值和各个值出现的次数 histogram.GetHistogram(out vValues, out vFregs); //Classify the data IClassifyGEN classifyGEN = new EqualInterval(); int intBreaks = Convert.ToInt32(numBreaks); classifyGEN.Classify(vValues, vFregs, ref intBreaks); double[] vBreaks = (double[])classifyGEN.ClassBreaks; //books int classCount = vBreaks.GetUpperBound(0); //Create the ClassBreaksRenderer IClassBreaksRenderer classBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); //assigh a field as breaked classBreaksRenderer.Field = aFieldName; //passed as a string to the sub routine //classBreaksRenderer.BreakCount =classCount; classBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = (int)(numBreaks); classBreaksRenderer.SortClassesAscending = false; IRgbColor fromColor = new RgbColor(); fromColor.UseWindowsDithering = true; fromColor.RGB = Information.RGB(0, 0, 255); IRgbColor toColor = new RgbColor(); toColor.UseWindowsDithering = true; toColor.RGB = Information.RGB(255, 0, 0); //Set up the fill symbol ISymbol pSym; //ISimpleFillSymbol sym = new SimpleFillSymbol(); IColor fillColor; MessageBox.Show("vBreaks.Length: " + vBreaks.Length.ToString()); IEnumColors colors = GetColors(fromColor.RGB, toColor.RGB, numBreaks); for (int i = 0; i <= (vBreaks.Length - 2); i++) { fillColor = colors.Next(); //code by jin if (geoLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon) { ISimpleFillSymbol sym = new SimpleFillSymbol(); sym.Color = fillColor; pSym = sym as ISymbol; } else if (geoLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) { ISimpleLineSymbol sym = new SimpleLineSymbol(); sym.Color = fillColor; pSym = sym as ISymbol; } else { ISimpleMarkerSymbol sym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(); sym.Color = fillColor; pSym = sym as ISymbol; } classBreaksRenderer.set_Break(i, vBreaks[i + 1]); classBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(i, pSym); geoLayer.Renderer = classBreaksRenderer as IFeatureRenderer; axMapControl1.ActiveView.Refresh(); axTOCControl1.Update(); } }
private void SetRenderers() { SimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer() { Description = "Rivers", Label = "Rivers", Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.Blue, Style = SimpleLineStyle.Dash, Width = 2 } }; (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerSimple"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = simpleRenderer; UniqueValueRenderer uvr = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uvr.Fields = new ObservableCollection <string>(new string [] { "STATE_NAME" }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "New Mexico" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "Texas" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.PaleGreen } }); uvr.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo { Values = new ObservableCollection <object>(new object[] { "Arizona" }), Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Colors.YellowGreen } }); (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerUnique"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = uvr; ClassBreaksRenderer CBR = new ClassBreaksRenderer() { DefaultLabel = "All Other Values", DefaultSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Black, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Cross, Size = 10 }, Field = "POP1990", Minimum = 0 }; CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 30000, Label = "0-30000", Description = "Pop between 0 and 30000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Yellow, Size = 8, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 300000, Label = "30000-300000", Description = "Pop between 30000 and 300000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Red, Size = 10, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); CBR.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 5000000, Label = "300000-5000000", Description = "Pop between 300000 and 5000000", Symbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol() { Color = Colors.Orange, Size = 12, Style = SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle } }); (mapView1.Map.Layers["MyFeatureLayerClassBreak"] as FeatureLayer).Renderer = CBR; }
void queryTaskPolygon_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args) { FeatureSet featureSet = args.FeatureSet; if (featureSet == null || featureSet.Features.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("No features returned from query"); return; } GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyPolygonGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer; Random random = new Random(); // Random switch between class breaks and unique value renderers if (random.Next(0, 2) == 0) { ClassBreaksRenderer classBreakRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); classBreakRenderer.Field = "POP2000"; int classCount = 6; List<double> valueList = new List<double>(); foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(graphic); valueList.Add((int)graphic.Attributes[classBreakRenderer.Field]); } // LINQ IEnumerable<double> valueEnumerator = from aValue in valueList orderby aValue select aValue; int increment = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(args.FeatureSet.Features.Count / classCount)); int rgbFactor = 255 / classCount; int j = 255; for (int i = increment; i < valueList.Count; i += increment) { ClassBreakInfo classBreakInfo = new ClassBreakInfo(); if (i == increment) classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = 0; else classBreakInfo.MinimumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i - increment); classBreakInfo.MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(i); SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)j, (byte)j, (byte)j)), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), BorderThickness = 1 }; classBreakInfo.Symbol = symbol; classBreakRenderer.Classes.Add(classBreakInfo); j = j - rgbFactor; } // Set maximum value for largest class break classBreakRenderer.Classes[classBreakRenderer.Classes.Count - 1].MaximumValue = valueEnumerator.ElementAt(valueList.Count - 1) + 1; graphicsLayer.Renderer = classBreakRenderer; } else { UniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer(); uniqueValueRenderer.DefaultSymbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["RedFillSymbol"] as Symbol; uniqueValueRenderer.Field = "STATE_NAME"; foreach (Graphic graphic in args.FeatureSet.Features) { graphicsLayer.Graphics.Add(graphic); UniqueValueInfo uniqueValueInfo = new UniqueValueInfo(); SimpleFillSymbol symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255), (byte)random.Next(0, 255))), BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), BorderThickness = 1 }; uniqueValueInfo.Symbol = symbol; uniqueValueInfo.Value = graphic.Attributes["STATE_NAME"]; uniqueValueRenderer.Infos.Add(uniqueValueInfo); } graphicsLayer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer; } }
// Create a legend from the class breaks renderer private async Task CreateLegend(ClassBreaksRenderer renderer) { var tasks = renderer.Infos.Select(info => info.Symbol.CreateSwatchAsync()); var images = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); listLegend.ItemsSource = renderer.Infos .Select((info, idx) => new ClassBreakLegendItem() { SymbolImage = images[idx], Label = info.Label }); }
private void ApplyRangeValueClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClassBreaksRenderer newClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); newClassBreaksRenderer.Field = "Educacion"; var Infos = new ClassBreakInfoCollection(); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 0, Maximum = 5, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 10, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 255, 100) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 20, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 200) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 30, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255) } }); Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 41, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255) } }); newClassBreaksRenderer.Infos = Infos; var layer = mapView1.Map.Layers["Col"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer; LayerDrawingOptionCollection layerDrawingOptionCollection = new LayerDrawingOptionCollection() { new LayerDrawingOptions() { LayerID = 3, Renderer = newClassBreaksRenderer } }; layer.LayerDrawingOptions = layerDrawingOptionCollection; layer.VisibleLayers = new ObservableCollection <int> { 3 }; }
protected void WriteClassBreaksRenderer(ClassBreaksRenderer cbRenderer) { writer.WriteStartElement("ClassBreaksRenderer", Namespaces[Constants.esriPrefix]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbRenderer.Field)) writer.WriteAttributeString("Field", cbRenderer.Field); if (cbRenderer.DefaultSymbol != null) { writer.WriteStartElement("ClassBreaksRenderer.DefaultSymbol", Namespaces[Constants.esriPrefix]); (new SymbolXamlWriter(writer, Namespaces)).WriteSymbol(cbRenderer.DefaultSymbol); writer.WriteEndElement(); } if (cbRenderer.Classes != null && cbRenderer.Classes.Count > 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes", Namespaces[Constants.esriPrefix]); foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ClassBreakInfo classBreak in cbRenderer.Classes) { WriteClassBreakInfo(classBreak); } writer.WriteEndElement();// ClassBreaksRenderer.Classes } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal static void ensureCustomClassBreakRendererIsSet(GraphicsLayer lyr, Layer layerInfo) { ClassBreaksRenderer cb = lyr.Renderer as ClassBreaksRenderer; if (cb == null) // ensure that the classbreaks renderer is enabled { if (lyr.Clusterer == null) // no clustering enabled { cb = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); cb.DefaultSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol() { // TODO:- nik (Refactor) // ThematicMapWrapper.createImageFillSymbol(layerInfo.DefaultSymbol as PictureMarkerSymbol); }; // TODO:- nik (Refactor) //if (layerInfo.ClassBreaks != null) //{ // cb.Attribute = layerInfo.ClassBreaks.Attribute; // if (layerInfo.ClassBreaks.Items != null) // { // foreach (ClassBreakInfo cbInfo in layerInfo.ClassBreaks.Items) // { // cb.Classes.Add( // new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ClassBreakInfo // { // MaximumValue = cbInfo.IsMax ? cbInfo.MaxValue + 1 : cbInfo.MaxValue, // MinimumValue = cbInfo.MinValue, // Symbol = ThematicMapWrapper.createImageFillSymbol(cbInfo.Symbol as PictureMarkerSymbol) // } // ); // } // } //} } else // clustering enabled { } } lyr.Renderer = cb; }
// Shows counties by population density when the Class Breaks button is clicked private void ClassBreaksButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClassBreaksRenderer cbr = new ClassBreaksRenderer(); // Symbolize based on the population density field cbr.Field = "POP00_SQMI"; var Infos = new ClassBreakInfoCollection(); SimpleLineSymbol outline = new SimpleLineSymbol() { Color = Colors.LightGray }; #region Define Class Breaks // Create five class breaks, with symbols ranging from green for the lowest density to // blue for the highest cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Minimum = 0, Maximum = 12, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0), Outline = outline } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 31.3, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 255, 100), Outline = outline } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 59.7, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 200), Outline = outline } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 146.2, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 255), Outline = outline } }); cbr.Infos.Add(new ClassBreakInfo() { Maximum = 57173, Symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255), Outline = outline } }); #endregion // Get the USA layer from the map and apply the class breaks renderer to the counties layer var layer = map1.Layers["USA"] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer; if (layer.LayerDrawingOptions == null) layer.LayerDrawingOptions = new LayerDrawingOptionCollection(); layer.LayerDrawingOptions.Add(new LayerDrawingOptions() { LayerID = 3, // counties layer has an ID of 3 Renderer = cbr }); // Make it so only the counties layer is visible layer.VisibleLayers = new ObservableCollection<int>(new int[] { 3 }); }