Example #1
        private SignRequest BuildRequest(RequestSignatureType signatureType, DocumentBaseType document, Timestamp previousTimestamp)
            SignRequest sr = new SignRequest();

            ClaimedIdentity identity = new ClaimedIdentity();

            identity.idAplicacion = _identity.ApplicationId;

            TimestampSignatureType signatureTypeElement = new TimestampSignatureType()
                Value = signatureType.Uri

            sr.OptionalInputs = new AnyType();

            if (previousTimestamp != null)
                string renewXml = "<dst:RenewTimestamp xmlns:dst=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:dss:1.0:profiles:TimeStamp:schema#\"><dst:PreviousTimestamp>{0}</dst:PreviousTimestamp></dst:RenewTimestamp>";

                XmlElement previousTimestampElement = GetXmlElement(string.Format(renewXml, GetXmlElement(previousTimestamp).OuterXml));

                sr.OptionalInputs.Any = new XmlElement[] { GetXmlElement(signatureTypeElement), GetXmlElement(identity), previousTimestampElement };
                sr.OptionalInputs.Any = new XmlElement[] { GetXmlElement(signatureTypeElement), GetXmlElement(identity) };

            sr.InputDocuments       = new InputDocuments();
            sr.InputDocuments.Items = new object[] { document };

Example #2
        private VerifyRequest BuildRequest(IEnumerable <object> inputDocuments, SignatureObject signatureObject,
                                           IEnumerable <XmlElement> optionalInputs)
            VerifyRequest vr = new VerifyRequest();

            ClaimedIdentity identity = new ClaimedIdentity();

            identity.Name = new NameIdentifierType()
                Value = _identity.ApplicationId

            List <XmlElement> optionalInputsList = new List <XmlElement>();


            foreach (var optionalInput in optionalInputs)

            vr.OptionalInputs     = new AnyType();
            vr.OptionalInputs.Any = optionalInputsList.ToArray();

            if (inputDocuments != null)
                vr.InputDocuments       = new InputDocuments();
                vr.InputDocuments.Items = inputDocuments.ToArray();
            vr.SignatureObject = signatureObject;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Construye la petición de verificación
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signature"></param>
        /// <param name="updatedSignatureType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private VerifyRequest BuildRequest(object signature, string updatedSignatureType = null)
            VerifyRequest vr = new VerifyRequest();

            ClaimedIdentity identity = new ClaimedIdentity();

            identity.Name = new NameIdentifierType()
                Value = _identificador

            IgnoreGracePeriod igp = new IgnoreGracePeriod();

            vr.OptionalInputs = new AnyType();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedSignatureType))
                ReturnUpdatedSignature returnUpdated = new ReturnUpdatedSignature();
                returnUpdated.Type = updatedSignatureType;

                vr.OptionalInputs.Any = new XmlElement[] { GetXmlElement <ClaimedIdentity>(identity),
                                                           GetXmlElement <ReturnUpdatedSignature>(returnUpdated),
                                                           GetXmlElement <IgnoreGracePeriod>(igp) };
                vr.OptionalInputs.Any = new XmlElement[] { GetXmlElement <ClaimedIdentity>(identity),
                                                           GetXmlElement <IgnoreGracePeriod>(igp) };

            DocumentType doc = new DocumentType();

            doc.ID                  = "ID_DOCUMENTO";
            doc.Item                = signature;
            vr.InputDocuments       = new InputDocuments();
            vr.InputDocuments.Items = new object[] { doc };
            vr.SignatureObject      = new SignatureObject();
            vr.SignatureObject.Item = new SignaturePtr()
                WhichDocument = "ID_DOCUMENTO"

Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Custom Values
            string filePath       = "c:/temp/demo.pdf";                                          // File to sign
            string fileMimeType   = "application/pdf";                                           // File MIME type
            string username       = "******";                                         // CoSign account username
            string password       = "******";                                         // CoSign account password
            string domain         = "";                                                          // CoSign account domain
            int    sigPageNum     = 1;                                                           // Create signature on the first page
            int    sigX           = 145;                                                         // Signature field X location
            int    sigY           = 125;                                                         // Signature field Y location
            int    sigWidth       = 160;                                                         // Signature field width
            int    sigHeight      = 45;                                                          // Signature field height
            string timeFormat     = "hh:mm:ss";                                                  // The display format of the time
            string dateFormat     = "dd/MM/yyyy";                                                // The display format of the date
            uint   appearanceMask = 11;                                                          // Elements to display on the signature field (11 = Graphical image + Signer name + Time)
            string signatureType  = "http://arx.com/SAPIWS/DSS/1.0/signature-field-create-sign"; // The actual operation of the Sign Request function
            string wsdlUrl        = "https://prime.cosigntrial.com:8080/sapiws/dss.asmx?WSDL";   // URL to the WSDL file

                // Read file contents
                byte[] fileBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

                // Set file contents + MIME type (the SOAP library automatically base64 encodes the data)
                DocumentType document = new DocumentType()
                    Item = new DocumentTypeBase64Data()
                        Value    = fileBuffer,
                        MimeType = fileMimeType

                ClaimedIdentity claimedIdentity = new ClaimedIdentity()
                    Name = new NameIdentifierType()
                        Value         = username,
                        NameQualifier = domain
                    SupportingInfo = new CoSignAuthDataType()
                        LogonPassword = password

                // Define signature field settings
                SAPISigFieldSettingsType sigFieldSettings = new SAPISigFieldSettingsType()
                    Invisible          = false,
                    InvisibleSpecified = true,
                    X                       = sigX,
                    XSpecified              = true,
                    Y                       = sigY,
                    YSpecified              = true,
                    Width                   = sigWidth,
                    WidthSpecified          = true,
                    Height                  = sigHeight,
                    HeightSpecified         = true,
                    Page                    = sigPageNum,
                    PageSpecified           = true,
                    AppearanceMask          = appearanceMask,
                    AppearanceMaskSpecified = true,
                    TimeFormat              = new TimeDateFormatType()
                        TimeFormat             = timeFormat,
                        DateFormat             = dateFormat,
                        ExtTimeFormat          = ExtendedTimeFormatEnum.GMT,
                        ExtTimeFormatSpecified = true

                // Build complete request object
                SignRequest signRequest = new SignRequest()
                    InputDocuments = new RequestBaseTypeInputDocuments()
                        Items = new DocumentType[] { document }
                    OptionalInputs = new RequestBaseTypeOptionalInputs()
                        SignatureType              = signatureType,
                        ClaimedIdentity            = claimedIdentity,
                        SAPISigFieldSettings       = sigFieldSettings,
                        ReturnPDFTailOnly          = true,
                        ReturnPDFTailOnlySpecified = true

                // Initiate service client
                DSS client = new DSS()
                    Url = wsdlUrl

                // Send the request
                DssSignResult response = client.DssSign(signRequest);

                // Check response output
                if ("urn:oasis:names:tc:dss:1.0:resultmajor:Success".Equals(response.Result.ResultMajor))
                    // On success- append signature object to the source PDF document (the SOAP library automatically decodes the base64 encoded output)
                    byte[] signatureObjectBuffer = ((DssSignResultSignatureObjectBase64Signature)response.SignatureObject.Item).Value;
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Append))
                        fileStream.Write(signatureObjectBuffer, 0, signatureObjectBuffer.Length);
                    // On failure- raise exception with the result error message
                    throw new Exception(response.Result.ResultMessage.Value);

                Console.WriteLine("The document has been successfully signed!");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);