private void AddToClaim()
        //add a claim
            //new claim content
            ClaimProperties content = new ClaimProperties();

            //user input
            //claim ID
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the claim ID.");
            string contentClaimID = Console.ReadLine();

            content.ClaimID = Int32.Parse(contentClaimID);
            //claim type
            Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the claim type. Press 1 for Car, 2 for Home, 3 for Theft.");
            string contentType = Console.ReadLine();
            int    typeID      = int.Parse(contentType);

            content.TypeOfClaim = (ClaimType)typeID;
            //claim description
            Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the description.");
            string contentDescription = Console.ReadLine();

            content.Description = contentDescription;
            //claim amount
            Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the claim amount.");
            string contentClaimAmount = Console.ReadLine();

            content.ClaimAmount = int.Parse(contentClaimAmount);
            //date of incident
            Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the date of incident. (yyyy, mm, dd)");
            DateTime DateOfIncident = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine());

            content.DateOfIncident = DateOfIncident;
            //date of claim
            Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the date of claim.(yyyy, mm, dd)");
            DateTime DateOfClaim = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine());

            content.DateOfClaim = DateOfClaim;

            //add item
            if (_claimMethods.AddContentToRepo(content))
                Console.WriteLine($"Item(s) added.");
                Console.WriteLine("Added item(s) failed.");

            //a new content with properties filled out by user
            //pass that to the add method in our methods
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue....");
        public void SeedContent()
            ClaimProperties _claimObject = new ClaimProperties(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27));

            ClaimProperties _claimObject2 = new ClaimProperties(2, ClaimType.Home, "House fire in kitchen.", 4000.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 11), new DateTime(2018, 04, 12));

            ClaimProperties _claimObject3 = new ClaimProperties(3, ClaimType.Theft, "Stolen pancakes.", 4.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 27), new DateTime(2018, 06, 01));

        public void AddToClaimMethods_ShouldGetCorrectBool()
            ClaimMethods    repo         = new ClaimMethods();
            ClaimProperties _claimObject = new ClaimProperties(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27));

            bool addResult = repo.AddContentToRepo(_claimObject);

        public void GetNextClaim_ShouldGetCorrectBool()
            ClaimMethods    repo         = new ClaimMethods();
            ClaimProperties _claimObject = new ClaimProperties(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27));


            int getNext = repo.ClaimQueueUp();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, getNext);
        public void GetClaims_ShouldReturnCorrectClaims()
            ClaimMethods    repo         = new ClaimMethods();
            ClaimProperties _claimObject = new ClaimProperties(1, ClaimType.Car, "Car Accident on 465.", 400.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 25), new DateTime(2018, 04, 27));

            ClaimProperties _claimObject2 = new ClaimProperties(2, ClaimType.Home, "House fire in kitchen.", 4000.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 11), new DateTime(2018, 04, 12));

            ClaimProperties _claimObject3 = new ClaimProperties(3, ClaimType.Theft, "Stolen pancakes.", 4.00, new DateTime(2018, 04, 27), new DateTime(2018, 06, 01));


            List <ClaimProperties> listOfClaims = repo.GetClaims();

            bool repoHasContent = listOfClaims.Contains(_claimObject);
