Example #1
         * Given:
         *   A Cl (command line compile) instruction with a /link flag- a single instruction that has been parsed before, and a CustomComponent that has this compile instruction
         * Output:
         *   A Component that can generate a project.
         *  Note that we want to point to source files (.c, .h) instead of linking against things that are not in our current project.
         * */
        public static Component resolveClInstructionIntoComponent(ClInstruction clInstruction, CustomComponent rule, Makefile mkfile)
            Component result = new Component(rule.Output);
            result.IsCustomLinkStep = true;
            string target = "";
            //If the compile instruction has a /link flag, then it should ultimately become its own project.
            if (clInstruction.hasLinkFlags())
                foreach (string file in clInstruction.clFiles)
                    if (file.EndsWith(".c", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || file.EndsWith(".cpp", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    else if (file.Contains("lib"))
                    else if (file.Contains("obj"))
                        target = file;
                CompileFlags flags = new CompileFlags(mkfile);
                result.CompilerFlags = flags;

                if (clInstruction.LinkOptionsLiteral_Words.Count > 0)
                    MakefileUtil.ParseLinkFlags(mkfile, clInstruction.LinkOptionsLiteral_Words, result);


            string extension = Path.GetExtension(rule.Output).Replace(".", "");
            result.Type = extension;

            if (result.Name == "")

            if (result.Link.Output == "")
                result.Link.Output = Path.GetFileName(rule.Output);
            return result;
Example #2
         * Given:
         *   A CustomComponent that creates a .dll. This CustomComponent should have a link instruction.
         * Output:
         *   A Component that can be used to generate a project for this .dll
         * */
        public static Component generateComponentFromRule(CustomComponent rule, Makefile mkfile)
            Component result = new Component(rule.Name);
            result.Owner = mkfile;
            List<CustomInstruction> preBuildInstrs = new List<CustomInstruction>();
            List<CustomInstruction> postBuildInstrs = new List<CustomInstruction>();

            bool afterLinkInstruction = false;

            foreach (string instr in rule.CustomInstructions)
                CustomInstruction cinstr = new CustomInstruction(instr);
                if (cinstr.isNmake())
                    LinkInstruction linkInstr = new LinkInstruction(cinstr);
                    result = resolveLinkInstruction(linkInstr,rule,mkfile);
                    afterLinkInstruction = true;
                else if (cinstr.isCl())
                    ClInstruction compileInstruction = new ClInstruction(cinstr);
                    foreach (string sourceFile in compileInstruction.clFiles)

                else if (!afterLinkInstruction)

            result.PreBuildInstructions = preBuildInstrs;
            result.PostBuildInstructions = postBuildInstrs;
            return result;