Example #1
            public JSInlineCitation CreateInlineCitation(IEnumerable <EntryAndPagePair> itemSources, object idToUse = null)
                // ****IMPORTANT****
                // This is called from InsertCitationSequence, InsertCitation, EditCitation and CitationInserter.UpdateCitationsFromDatabase
                // It is imperative that calls from the first 3 work on an empty CiteProc otherwise the cache gets used to create
                // the citation items. Other than first-use, this means using the item after CiteProc has seen it and maybe modified it
                // (it appears to change the Date Parts to strings in some cases)
                // The next refresh is then comparing incorrect JSON and will want to update it from the database.
                // (CitationInserter.UpdateCitationsFromDatabase calls here but this is always within a Refresh which means a brand new CiteProc anyway
                // and so multiple resets here are not a problem because the raw cache would be empty anyway)
                //			citeproc.ResetProcessorState();

                var result = new JSInlineCitation(citeProc);

                if (idToUse != null)
                    result.CitationID = idToUse;

                result.Properties.NoteIndex = 0;

                foreach (var itemSource in itemSources)
                    var inlineCitationItem = citeProc.CreateJSInlineCitationItem(itemSource);


                // We store this before Citeproc gets hold of it!
                result.FieldCodeJSON = citeProc.ToJSON(result.JSObject).Replace('\n', '\v') + "\r";
