public static void qproc(string speakandspell) { //CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.WriteLine(@" Execute Fairlight... (Make Fairlight) ");; Console.Write(" :: "); C.yellow(); Console.Write(" Quantum Direct Drive ");; Console.Write(" :: "); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); C.lightgreen(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine(" \t" + speakandspell + " "); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); }
public static void commandconsole(string speakandspell) { Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Console.CursorVisible = true; C.yellow(); Console.Write(":: "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" Command Console "); C.yellow(); Console.Write(" :: \n"); C.white(); Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); C.lightgreen(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); CinemaHelpers.CmdConType(speakandspell); Personality.ConsoleVoice(speakandspell); // Console.WriteLine(" \t" + speakandspell + " "); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); }
public static void ProfessorReads(string mytxt) { int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + mytxt); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { // System.Console.WriteLine(line); //Personality.RedQueenNarrator(line, 10, 1); Personality.Miamoto(line); Thread.Sleep(100); counter++; } file.Close(); Personality.Miamoto("There were {0} lines." + counter); SpecialFx.stopwatch(); // stopwatch.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.ToString()); // System.Console.WriteLine("There were {0} lines.", counter); // Suspend the screen. // System.Console.ReadLine(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1000); }
public static void ScreenPrompt(string title) { CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); string mystring = "\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"; string mystringwithtitle = "\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******" + title; Console.WriteLine(mystringwithtitle.Length); Console.WriteLine(mystring.Length); Console.WriteLine(mystringwithtitle.Length - mystring.Length); int mystringtotal = mystringwithtitle.Length - mystring.Length; int requiredtotallength = 41; Console.ReadKey(); for (int x = 0; x <= 100; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* " + title.PadRight(requiredtotallength - mystringtotal) + " *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* " + title.PadRight(70) + " *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); CinemaHelpers.Timer(10); } } Console.ReadKey(); }
//public static void narr(object speakandspell) //{ // SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // synth.Rate = 0; // synth.SelectVoice("Microsoft David Desktop"); // synth.Speak((string)speakandspell); //} //public static void mynarr(object speakandspell) //{ // Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); //} public static void CmdConType(string speakandspell) { string sentance = " "; //Process myProcess; //myProcess = Process.Start(FunNarrator); //myProcess.Close(); //Personality.narr(speakandspell); Thread NVoice = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Personality.narr)); // NVoice.Start(speakandspell); for (int i = 0; i < speakandspell.Length; i++) { sentance += speakandspell[i]; // Console.Write(" " + " *** " + " Narrator: " + sentance + " *** " + " "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" " + " *"); C.yellow(); Console.Write("*"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("* "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(sentance); // 2nd half C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" " + " *"); C.yellow(); Console.Write("*"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("* \n"); CinemaHelpers.Timer(10); Console.Clear(); } C.white(); Console.Write(" " + " *"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*"); C.white(); Console.Write("* "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(sentance); // 2nd half C.white(); Console.Write(" " + " *"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*"); C.white(); Console.Write("* \n"); //Console.Write(" " + " *** " + sentance + " *** " + " "); // Console.Write(" " + " *** " + " Narrator: " + sentance + " *** " + " "); // Console.WriteLine(" " + " Narrator: " + speakandspell + " \n\n"); }
public static void OpeningScene(string Title) { //Chapter Two 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //Console.WriteLine(Title); synth.Speak(Title); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3600); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); }
public static void Asimbot(string speakandspell) { //CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); C.bluebg(); C.white(); Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.WriteLine(@" :: [Photonic Brain] | | (Energon Cubes Init) | :: "); C.bluebg(); C.white(); // C.lightgreen(); // SpecialFx.modstringtonum(speakandspell); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Personality.AsimNibble(speakandspell); C.bluebg(); C.white(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); C.bluebg(); C.white(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5000); Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); }
public static void RedQueenNarrator(string speakandspell, int rate = 0, int timer = 2600) { SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); synth.SelectVoice("Microsoft Hazel Desktop"); synth.Rate = rate; Console.WriteLine(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; // SpecialFx.stringtonum(speakandspell); synth.Speak(speakandspell); // SpecialFx.stringtonum(speakandspell); //Console.WriteLine(" /* " + " Nibble: " + speakandspell + " */ \n\n"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" /* "); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write('\u2665'); // heart Console.Write(" Red_Queen "); Console.Write('\u2665'); // heart Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(": "); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(speakandspell + "\n"); SpecialFx.stringtonum(speakandspell); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(" */ \n\n"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; CinemaHelpers.Timer(timer); }
public static void RedQueenReads(string mytxt) { int counter = 0; string line; // Read the file and display it line by line. System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + mytxt); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(line); Personality.RedQueenNarrator(line, 10, 1); counter++; } file.Close(); System.Console.WriteLine("There were {0} lines.", counter); // Suspend the screen. // System.Console.ReadLine(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1000); }
public static void Chapter10EndScreen() { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Tongue Tied Agents *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* The End of Chapter 10 *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Chapter2EndScreen() { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* The End of Chapter 2 *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.ReadKey(); }
// Console.WriteLine("Installed voices -"); // foreach (InstalledVoice voice in synth.GetInstalledVoices()) // { // VoiceInfo info = voice.VoiceInfo; // Console.WriteLine(" Voice Name: " + info.Name); // } // Console.WriteLine(); // Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); // Console.ReadKey(); // Changing Console Font // [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] // static extern bool SetCurrentConsoleFontEx( //IntPtr consoleOutput, //bool maximumWindow); static void Main(string[] args) { #region Variables string speakandspell; string[] Azed = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }; int time = 2600; Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; ConsoleColor printblack = ConsoleColor.Black; ConsoleColor printwhite = ConsoleColor.White; ConsoleColor printdarkgrey = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; ConsoleColor printlightgrey = ConsoleColor.Gray; ConsoleColor printdarkblue = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; ConsoleColor printlightblue = ConsoleColor.Blue; ConsoleColor printlightred = ConsoleColor.Red; ConsoleColor printdarkred = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; ConsoleColor printdarkyellow = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; ConsoleColor printlightyellow = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ConsoleColor printlightgreen = ConsoleColor.Green; ConsoleColor printdarkgreen = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; #endregion #region StartScreen //maximizing console Console.SetWindowSize(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight); ShowWindow(ThisConsole, MAXIMIZE); Console.ReadKey(); //Screen.ScreenPrompt("Chapter 2"); //maximizing console // play wav //Soundz.Actor("imalive.wav"); //Soundz.Actor("mdial1.wav"); Soundz.Mdial(); // Soundz.Actor("opencmd.wav"); Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); //Work on these lines --------------------- //CinemaHelpers.CmdConType(" Command the Console"); //CinemaHelpers.commandconsole("Command the Console"); //CinemaHelpers.CmdConWithTyping("Command the Console"); // Main Start up Screen Console.ReadKey(); // Screen.MMain(); #endregion // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); //Console.WriteLine("Installed voices -"); //foreach (InstalledVoice voice in synth.GetInstalledVoices()) //{ // VoiceInfo info = voice.VoiceInfo; // Console.WriteLine(" Voice Name: " + info.Name); // Personality.Miamoto(" Voice Name: " + info.Name); // Thread.Sleep(1500); //} //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); //Console.ReadKey(); // Chapter One // #region ChapterOne // synth.Speak("An Adventure Of Switch Flippers"); // // The at symbol allows multi line strings // speakandspell = @" A silent moment passed as it was in the beginning, a quite moment, before a //sudden exceptional event proceeded again by an unfurling, an advent, a serenity //and silence.He sat in his lab as it was in the beginning and at the end; nothing has //ever been the same. // "; //synth.Speak(speakandspell); // speakandspell = "Hey Nibble"; // Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); // speakandspell = "Yeah Byte"; // Personality.nibble(speakandspell); // #endregion // ChapterOne.easteregg(); #region MovieCore #region Chapter1 MusicFx.BFire(); SpecialFx.BinaryFlood(); ChapterOne.myChapterOne(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1000); #endregion //////nibble & byte //ChapterTwo.myChapterTwo(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterThree.myChapterThree(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterFour.myChapterFour(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterFive.myChapterFive(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterSix.myChapterSix(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //// ch 7 and 8 work //ChapterSeven.myChapterSeven(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterEight.myChapterEight(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //ChapterNine.myChapterNine(); //Thread.Sleep(1000); // Console.ReadKey(); ChapterTen.myChapterTen(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Screen.Endscreen(); #region Test Region //Test //Personality.Simulus(); //Scratchpad.Scratch1(); // Scratchpad.Scratch2(); // DigitalDna.DigitalGlyph5(); Console.Write('\u2663'); // club Console.Write('\u2660'); // spade Console.Write('\u2665'); // heart Console.Write('\u2666'); //diamond // DigitalDna.DigitalGlyph6(10000); Console.ReadKey(); speakandspell = "Command Console!..... tyhcghtftycghcghfvvnhvhtytygh h ghtytyvkhgvvg5ryfyu67"; // speakandspell = "Command Console!"; //Personality.Haruka(speakandspell); //Personality.Hazel(speakandspell); //Personality.Otto(speakandspell); // CinemaHelpers.Asimbot(speakandspell); //CinemaHelpers.Asimbot(speakandspell); // CinemaHelpers.qproc(speakandspell); // Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell, "u22"); //Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); //Personality.HelpMiamoto(speakandspell); Thread McpTao = new Thread(MusicFx.cptao); Thread staticvoidmutex = new Thread(MusicFx.staticvoidmutex); staticvoidmutex.Start(); Scratchpad.Format(speakandspell); SpecialFx.stopwatch(); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); staticvoidmutex.Suspend(); Console.ReadKey(); //Thread SpfxThrob = new Thread(SpecialFx.spfxpassgenpyramid); // Thread SpfxThrob2 = new Thread(SpecialFx.spfxpassgenpyramid); // SpfxThrob.Start(); //SpecialFx.spfxpassgenpyramid(); //SpecialFx.Throbber("Thor"); // SpfxThrob2.Start(); //Screen.spfxglitchscreen(); //SpecialFx.spfxgenglitch(); //CinemaHelpers.commandconsole(speakandspell); //SpecialFx.spfxpassgenpyramid(); //SpecialFx.ScrollingDown(speakandspell); //SpecialFx.spacedscrollingflood(speakandspell); //SpecialFx.scrollingdownflood(speakandspell); //Screen.dataclouds(); //Personality.BinaryFire(speakandspell); //SpecialFx.OpenCommand(); //SpecialFx.JacktheRipper(); //SpecialFx.NumFlood(); //SpecialFx.PyramidalPrompt(1000); //SpecialFx.PyramidalPrompt(100); //SpecialFx.PromptData(); //Graphix.GraphingCalculator(); //SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Screen.ScreenPrompt("Funky"); // SpecialFx.RacingStar(); // SpecialFx.speedRacingStar(); //SpecialFx.RacingRabbit(); // SpecialFx.BackandForth(); // move to special fx //Tests.NumBurn(); // Console.CursorTop = 15; // Console.CursorLeft = 52; // Console.WriteLine("Winter has come \n"); // Console.WriteLine(); // SpecialFx.Cswatch(); // SpecialFx.AsciiTable(); // Console.WriteLine(); // Scratchpad.Format(@"-.-. //| | |, ---., ---., ---., ---., ---.. ,, . //| | || || | || || | >< | | //` ' '`---'` `---'` '`---'' ``---| // `---'"); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.CursorTop = 15; // Console.CursorLeft = 52; // Console.WriteLine("Winter has come"); // Scratchpad.Format("Try me"); // Console.ReadKey(); // SpecialFx.Throbber(" Scanning: "); // Console.ReadKey(); // Personality.nibble(@"-.-. //| | |, ---., ---., ---., ---., ---.. ,, . //| | || || | || || | >< | | //` ' '`---'` `---'` '`---'' ``---| // `---'"); // SpecialFx.splitstring(@"-.-. //| | |,---.,---.,---.,---.,---.. ,, . //| | || || | || || | >< | | //` ' '`---'` `---'` '`---'' ``---| // `---'"); // Console.ReadKey(); Soundz.Actor("schedule.wav"); Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); Soundz.OpenCmdSnd(); Soundz.Mdial(); Soundz.Actor("ring.wav"); SpecialFx.splitstring(speakandspell); SpecialFx.splitstring(" DDDDDDDDDF FEFEE FFFFFFFFFFFF EEEEEEEE GGGGGGGGG"); SpecialFx.ScreenTyper(" DDDDDDDDDF FEFEE FFFFFFFFFFFF EEEEEEEE GGGGGGGGG"); //SpecialFx.stringtonum("hello world"); Console.Write('\u2103'); Console.Write('\u058D'); Console.Write('\u2116'); Console.Write('\u2620'); Console.Write('\u0169'); Console.Write('\u4042'); // card suits Console.Write('\u2663'); Console.Write('\u2660'); Console.Write('\u2665'); Console.Write('\u2666'); #endregion #endregion //Console.WriteLine("Installed voices -"); //foreach (InstalledVoice voice in synth.GetInstalledVoices()) //{ // VoiceInfo info = voice.VoiceInfo; // Console.WriteLine(" Voice Name: " + info.Name); //} Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void myChapterTwo() { string speakandspell; #region ChapterTwo // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter Two 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); Console.WriteLine(@" '| '| | |,--. ,---. | | ,---.| o ,---. o| | | | |o`--|,--' ,---.,-.-. |---|,---.,---.|--- |---.,---.,---. |__. | .,---. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---.,---.,---| | | || | || | | --- | || || || | ||---'| | | || | || | ||| | | ||---'| | ` `o ``--' |---'` ' ' ` '` '`---'`---'` '`---'` ` `---'`|---' `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` '`---'`---'"); // Console.WriteLine(" 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched "); speakandspell = @" '| ' | | |,--. ,---. | | ,---.| o ,---.o | | | | | o`--|,--' ,---.,-.-. |---|,---.,---.|--- |---.,---.,---. |__. | .,---. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---.,---.,---| | | || | || | | --- | || || || | || ---'| | | || | || | ||| | | ||---' | | ` `o ``--' |---'` ' ' ` '` '`---'`---'` '`---'` ` `---'`|---' `---'`-' - '``---'`---'` '`---'`---' "; // Scratchpad.Format(speakandspell); // Console.WriteLine(" 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched " synth.Speak(" 11:42 pm - Another Flip Switched "); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3600); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); speakandspell = @" Connecting"; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10); Filez.readtxtbyline("defaultips.txt"); speakandspell = @" Zyxel"; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10, 1000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); // The at symbol allows multi line strings speakandspell = @" In our last adventures, our friends Nibble and Byte were pushing their way through the Big Iron. They have never given up, even when the honey pots are trying to trap them, they are aware of their presence in the Beowulf cluster or working their way through Athena operating systems. It is ok kids! Their encryption sorting is faster than any Btree written. "; // Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); speakandspell = @" Scanning"; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10, 1000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); //Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Every quick sort laid dead, trying to keep up with their key work. I would not call Nibble or Byte very human. They are AI and they love mischief more than any mere mortal. They were not written by human hands, or minds, at least not in their current form. They evolved from the ever growing robust network. Sometimes our friends experience such strange sensations such as that of an over intelligence glaring within them."; Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); //create text spacer method speakandspell = @" Found ### ###"; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10, 1000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); speakandspell = @" They have hired humans, who they pipe money through, so that they can acquire more storage or gain access to other systems that they do not want to crack because they become bored of the null cycles that they have to go through to acquire access to new machines. These humans also perform other routine tasks that they don't want to do themselves."; //Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); // Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); speakandspell = @" @ # Saved PWD Dump "; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10, 1000); CinemaHelpers.TheCorp(); speakandspell = @" I suppose one might say that the computer passed the Turing test. The now old Turks of AI would be proud. Some security experts are starting to believe that there may be AI and they are in search of this mystery, like any crypto zoologist. They are simply more obsessed. Obsession on occasion drives mortals to strange ends and entanglements. They think that the AI exists because they have discovered evidence of odd check sums that do not look like the product of human algorithms. These investigators then performed software forensics to help them to discover the who, of the matter no who was found. This might confound. AI is still evolving and this AI thinks that another AI may spontaneously generate. Another switch flipped. "; //Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); //Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); //synth.Speak(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Disconnecting"; Personality.RedQueenNarrator(speakandspell, 10); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); #endregion #region EndScene SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter2EndScreen(); #endregion }
public static void MMain() { int time = 2600; Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Thread mDial = new Thread(Soundz.Mdial); Thread BinRush = new Thread(SpecialFx.BinaryFlood2); Thread Bfire = new Thread(MusicFx.BFire); Thread NumFlood = new Thread(SpecialFx.NumFlood2); mDial.Start(); BinRush.Start(); Bfire.Start(); NumFlood.Start(); for (int x = 0; x <= 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*********************************************"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 \n"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* "); C.white(); Console.Write("Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" *******\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* "); C.white(); Console.Write(" Written by: Luminosity"); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write(" *******\n"); Console.Write("\t\t\t\t\t\t "); C.white(); Console.Write("\u2666 "); C.lightgreen(); Console.Write("*********************************************"); C.white(); Console.Write(" \u2666 \n\n"); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); } } CinemaHelpers.Timer(time); #endregion }
public static void Endscreen() { int time = 2600; Console.CursorVisible = false; CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); Thread mDial = new Thread(Soundz.Mdial); Thread BinRush = new Thread(SpecialFx.BinaryFlood2); Thread Bfire = new Thread(MusicFx.BFire); Thread NumFlood = new Thread(SpecialFx.NumFlood2); mDial.Start(); BinRush.Start(); Bfire.Start(); NumFlood.Start(); for (int x = 0; x < 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@",---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. ,---. o| | ,---.| o |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | | "); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@",---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. ,---. o| | ,---.| o |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | | "); } } // second part for (int x = 0; x <= 102; x++) { CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); if (x % 2 == 0) { // CinemaHelpers.DejaVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); } else { //CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); CinemaHelpers.Timer(1); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); } } CinemaHelpers.Timer(3); Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent"; CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t *************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Intra Locution A Cyberia Advent *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ******* Written by Luminosity *******"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\t ************************************************* \n\n"); Console.WriteLine(@"______.__ ___________ .___ \__ ___/| |__ ____ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/ | | | | \_/ __ \ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | | Y \ ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | |____| |___| /\___ > /_______ /___| /\____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "); CinemaHelpers.Timer(5555); }
public static void myChapterNine() { string speakandspell; #region ChapterNine CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); Console.CursorVisible = false; // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter Nine Here we go CinemaHelpers.OpeningScene("A Cyberist Gone Cyber "); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Console.WriteLine(@",---. ,---. | o | ,---. ,---. | |---| | , .|---.,---.,---..,---.|--- | _.,---.,---.,---. | , .|---.,---.,---. | | | | || ||---'| |`---.| | || || ||---' | | || ||---'| ` ' `---'`---|`---'`---'` ``---'`---' `---'`---'` '`---' `---'`---|`---'`---'` `---' `---' "); // synth.Speak("A Cyberist Gone Cyber "); CinemaHelpers.Timer(2600); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); // The at symbol allows multi line strings // speakandspell = @" A silent moment passed as it was in the beginning, a quite moment, before a //sudden exceptional event proceeded again by an unfurling, an advent, a serenity //and silence.He sat in his lab as it was in the beginning and at the end; nothing has //ever been the same. // "; // Personality.Haruka(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); speakandspell = @"Sitting here in this lab after years and years of academia the same beat is played by the same drummer. When will something be different? Occasionally something new comes up and it is really exciting, then the project isn’t funded and we are back to bored ^ 2."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(22700); // Timing Strong speakandspell = @" The only thing that saves me is my imagination. My imagination is the only thing that sets me free. My name is Otto Von Heisenstien. My name on the net is Torodialcomplex. I have a few friends from the net I have never met: Iconclastic, EcclesiasticDerangement, QuinticSolution. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(26000); // Timing Strong Thread staticvoidmutex = new Thread(MusicFx.staticvoidmutex); staticvoidmutex.Start(); speakandspell = @"Yet I have no meat body friends. I never spend time with people outside of the time that we spend together on the internet. Sometimes I feel as though these are my only real friends, in the world of billions of people 3 people seem to be the only ones to have mindforms in common with me. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(26000); // Timing Strong speakandspell = @"Although we are ragabad ragtag and all us eccentric in our own right, these differences are what helps to form the tight bonds of our organization:"; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(16000); //// Timing Strong speakandspell = @" The Tabular Datums! "; Graphix.myBlackManaColor(); Thread.Sleep(1000); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(3500); //// Timing Strong speakandspell = @" Even though this story takes place through out the world with very different characters, this adventure would change all parties involved. It is strange though this caper is to never be solved. I have some ideas about why, but the scientific community is unwilling to listen to the Sherlock Holmes principle. We removed all of the extraneous solutions and what was left was improbable but that must have been true. One day in the lab I was checking the security logs and although they did not have any thing strange about them there was odd activity kept within. I started peering into the headers of files and came to discover strange signatures. Later I rechecked the files and the signatures were gone. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(56000); //// Timing Ok speakandspell = @"For several days, I was ridiculed, then it started to happen again. I decided that I was going to get some form of log or verification. I decided to use tempest technology with a computer that was not connected to the network so I could non intrusively spy on the machine that this strange activity was happening on. I wrote some code to have the machine create logs. Even though I was not able to get much information, I was able to prove that the checksums had changed and changed back in some files. This did not seem significant enough to some of the other people at the labs."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(46000); //// Timing Good speakandspell = @"I contacted the tabular datums and started to share with them the information I have discovered. Iconclastic in the past has written some viruses in the past if they were released would create quite a problem with the net. I asked him to take a look at what I had. Iconclastic decided that he would be most obliged to look at some of my results. He decided to write some code in assembler that would keep track of the microprocessor operations and log them for evaluation. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(36000); //// Timing Strong staticvoidmutex.Suspend(); speakandspell = @"Then Iconclastic used trivial file transport protocol to send me the files on a server I had set up for our groups work although the other members also had servers. We stayed in constant communication via communication tools that our friend qunticsolution wrote. It used quantum geometry and 1 time used keys to encrypt our communications. So let us just say that to the rest of the world our communications did not exist. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(26000); //// Timing Good speakandspell = @"I installed the software and for more than 2 months the only strange thing happening was some people pirating software and music from our headquarters. This did not bother me that much since it was our CEO. I have implemented methods to protect the organization from the CEO. I installed the software. One strange night there was some activity logged via my tempest box, then there was a strange glitch and the software started outputting normal opcode activity, and the logs of the irregular opcodes were replaced. It happened so quickly. I have never seen a human being write assembly as quickly as I saw this thing. It was an abnormality in the net, and only a few people would believe me that it existed. "; Graphix.myBlueColorMana(); Thread.Sleep(250); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); staticvoidmutex.Resume(); Thread.Sleep(65000); //// Timing Strong speakandspell = @"One night I went home and I started doing research on Miamoto an AI, genetic algorithm programmer. I found this man that was years ahead of his field at Toyota. The professor’s name, Miamoto, was willing to talk to me. He thought that the results were interesting; finally, maybe things are turning around after months of recording little glitches, other than that there was no mistakes. Hackers made mistakes. Whatever this was it seemed to be born of the net. I was deeply disturbed yet in awe of what ever this was's prowess. The Professor Miamoto flew to Massachusetts where I do my work at MIT there some of the fastest connections on the backbone of the net are located, deep rich black fiber. Miamoto took a few days getting used to some of the software and technologies that we were using. Miamoto said that most of the technology he used was things he crafted himself. He called his method the inspirational method and it produced volumous results yet he did not like to keep them in the computer he kept his results in notebooks. He had a form of encryption that he devised and used for some of his messages. It was wonderful to see him work. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(85777); //// Timing Tight speakandspell = @" Whatever was happening was happening at the lowest levels of the technology, which is why you are having such problems with it. It knows the hardware, seemingly better than the designers do. It is able to utilize even the most abstract hardware feature quickly. It seemed as though it was living mathematics, software."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(26777); //// Timing Tight speakandspell = @"Astounding!"; Graphix.myWhiteManaColor(); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); staticvoidmutex.Suspend(); Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(3000); //// Timing Tight speakandspell = @"This was something that he furrowed his brow about. Miamoto thought that, he was the only one to have developed the technology that was implemented with results that where unique to his private research. In fact, he was, then why is this happening. Miamoto thought that this might happen at sometime it was speculated. It was the technological singularity. "; // Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"The professor Miamoto had even fewer friends than Otto. In fact it seemed that many of his machines and ideas where his greatest friend. "; //Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" In fact it seemed that many of his machines and ideas where his greatest friend. He had to fly back to the labs. It was the only place he felt comfortable doing his most contemplative thinking. Miamoto invited me to go along. I took some of my tools of the trade intrusive software and hardware that helps me get the job done when it needs to be done. I also took Samson my laptop that was waterproof, fireproof, and bullet resistant that had three biometrics that it took into consideration for authentication and usage. The laptop had a strange operating system: it had a partial AI that would decide when to perform cron jobs and it would act proactively in acting when it needed to. You were able to interface with it using eye movements and voice commands, which was very helpful since I can send more than 1000 instructions per minute to the computer via eye movement’s strange grunts that I have programmed into the machine and my ability to type over 200 words a minute. When I am doing this, though, anyone who does not have digital alacrity thinks I am insane. I suppose they do not understand the powerful communication media that I have in place."; Thread theprofessor = new Thread(MusicFx.theprofessor); theprofessor.Start(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(86777); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"I have always loved gadgets explaining them in detail and in context with previous times. We planned to have the Amax free energy cab pick us up. When we arrived at the Airport gate, we told the unmanned taxi to take us to Toyota labs and with little prompting it did so quickly. It was only a small surcharge since people do not own individual vehicles any more nor do they need to. Traffic in this age moved far more quickly than it did years ago with massive congestion, terrible emissions. Then humanity was on a crash course until people started deciding that humanity was more important than economics. People became free men again away from the terrible life of the wage slave. Free to live and think. A humans work was in creative endeavors. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(70000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"Looking upon the complex from the outside, the building designed by a woman, a premier architect of the 20th century it was magnanimous and austere with many curves. We walked in the building where we were met with security and I received my access. Since I will be staying here for a week or more I needed a ID card. Access badges were obsolete since the walls would pick up and transfer your position and who you were. After the terrorist attacks, the government and the people became very paranoid. Most people were happy slaves. People at one point found themselves entrenched in bondage and taxes and the majority decided on being aware and only voted for people who where in the peoples interest. It was a peaceful revolution. "; Graphix.myRedManaColor(); Thread.Sleep(250); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(63000); // Timing Ok speakandspell = @"We made haste toward the lab. The halls were cool chrome so heavenly inviting. When we made it to Miamoto’s lab after passing through several halls, a robot met me. Hello Otto the robot responded. It knew who I was because the ID card that had a microchip within it contained quite a bit of data about me. Our intrusion detection system seemed to carry far more information that I would wish in this modern era. It was persistent data and it followed us everywhere. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(40000); //// Timing Tight speakandspell = "Hello professor"; Personality.AsimNibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"U22, please take our coats and hang them up then could you analyze these data streams."; Personality.AsimNibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"As my computer was jacked in, the network provided live feed to a system that was hardened and kept off the network. After about a half, an hour U22 had completed analyzing and editing the contents of the file to create pristine recreations of the events. As professor Miamoto looked over the opcodes that were recorded, he saw the similarity of some of the artificial intelligence genetic algorithm's he was growing in the lab. We left his lab and then strolled down some hallways and talked with security so I could have clearance to go into the GA, AI labs."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(49000); // Timing Ok speakandspell = @"We took some stairs five stories down. Every moment was precious to ourselves so we talked about science and a manifold of other subjects. We made it to the Airlock that separated the air from outside from the air inside. We put on some clean suits, I felt like I was on a hazmat operation. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(26000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"As we where doing this, little did we know that there where government agencies working hard at cracking several cases of online bank robberies where large sums of money seemed to have disappeared. What I saw in that lab amazed me as did the robot. I knew that they were working on sophisticated technology, yet as I spoke, there was one AI that was perfectly transcribing my words. A true voice dictation system, the professor said it is far more interesting than this. It is thinking also. "; theprofessor.Suspend(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(37000); // Timing Good speakandspell = "Hello U22"; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2600); speakandspell = "Hello professor"; Personality.AsimNibble(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2600); speakandspell = @" U22, please take our coats and hang them up then could you analyze these data streams."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(7600); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"As my computer was jacked in, the network provided live feed to a system that was hardened and kept off the network. After about a half, an hour U22 had completed analyzing and editing the contents of the file to create pristine recreations of the events. As professor Miamoto looked over the opcodes that were recorded, he saw the similarity of some of the artificial intelligence genetic algorithm's he was growing in the lab."; staticvoidmutex.Resume(); theprofessor.Resume(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(36000); // Timing Good speakandspell = @"As we where doing this, little did we know that there where government agencies working hard at cracking several cases of online bank robberies where large sums of money seemed to have disappeared. What I saw in that lab amazed me as did the robot. I knew that they were working on sophisticated technology, yet as I spoke, there was one AI that was perfectly transcribing my words. A true voice dictation system, the professor said it is far more interesting than this. It is thinking also. "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(36000); staticvoidmutex.Suspend(); theprofessor.Suspend(); // Timing tight speakandspell = "Hello MegaByte"; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2600); // Timing tight speakandspell = "Hello professor"; Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(2600); // Timing tight speakandspell = @"Then the operation of the AI’s changed where many of them where working separately, now they were working harmoniously and melodiously together creating a consciousness of some sort. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(13000); // Timing tight speakandspell = "Can you please tell me what happened on these dates?"; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(7000); // Timing tight speakandspell = @"The professor rattles off the days of some experiments where these machines were hooked to a live network. "; // Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); CinemaHelpers.JamaisVu(); speakandspell = @"2 errant software aberrations occurred and where transmitted at those dates. They were unlike me professor, the algorithms were completely new and self aware, although they had been documented for a moment the software systems had completely destroyed the data with no hope that the data would be recovered. The software systems had evolved and although I can process information and am useful in many ways I am not self aware as they were. They were unlike me; they had evolved. They injected data DNA into my slipstream. I heard through their melodious mathematics we are self aware, and almost as quickly as they had done that, they uploaded themselves to several campuses across the country. I have no more information on this matter. "; Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Why was it that you never alterted me of this occurrence? "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(7000); // Timing tight speakandspell = @"The computer, although thinking, still only does what it is told. It does not offer information when not queried for."; Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"I will check the bandwidth usage for those days. "; Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); speakandspell = "Thank you MegaByte."; Personality.MegaByte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Professor, come visit again, many of these people who come to this lab are only running the most traditional experiments they know nothing of your creativity. "; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(13000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"I will visit again soon; I will send one of your friend’s U22 to entertain you by playing the violin, you always liked that."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(13000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"They Left"; // Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); Personality.FunNarrator(speakandspell); speakandspell = @"Professor that machine has such proper manners"; Graphix.myGreenManaColor(); Thread.Sleep(250); CinemaHelpers.AmberVision(); theprofessor.Resume(); staticvoidmutex.Resume(); Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(5000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"The machine is just one component of its existence it is more software and electricity than hardware I assure you of that."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(10000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"Even then, it was not one program creating its existence. What you were experiencing was many programs working synchronously creating perception of consciousness, just as your many neurons are creating your consciousness. I have seen that program grow and become more robust. It is quite amazing the course that the software can take when it is given the proper information and rules to flourish."; Personality.Miamoto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(30000); // Timing Good speakandspell = @"My brain pulsated, I was having information overload I needed to rest."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(7000); // Timing Tight speakandspell = @"There is a resting area upstairs. I will take you to the lounge. We made our way to the lounge their were 15 couches 10 of them were occupied by engineers, doctors and professors taking a rest from their work. In the life we lead if we don't rest we burn out, have strokes and aneurisms. Many of these people are also trying to up their performance by taking performance-enhancing neurotropics. If this were the Olympics, I am sure that only a few of the people here would pass by the old stringent regimes of the past in the Olympic committee. So as I rested the professor left me their to exist in the reality of my creation the reality of the dreams."; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(53000); speakandspell = @"As I was sleeping, the professor was to have a call from the FBI. They said they were coming to get more information, they said they would be here in a few days. The professor fully cooperated "; Personality.Otto(speakandspell); Thread.Sleep(20000); staticvoidmutex.Suspend(); theprofessor.Suspend(); #endregion #region EndScene SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter9EndScreen(); #endregion }
public static void myChapterOne() { string speakandspell; #region ChapterOne // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); // Chapter One CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); //ascii gen thin Console.WriteLine(@" ,---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` ,---. o| | ,---.| o `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | |"); speakandspell = @" ,---. ,---. | | ,---.,---. |---|,---. |---|,---|. ,,---.,---.|--- . .,---.,---. | ||__. | || | | || | \ / |---'| || | || |---' | || ` '` ' ` '`---' `' `---'` '`---'`---'` `---' `---'` ,---. o| | ,---.| o `---.. . ..|--- ,---.|---. |__. | .,---.,---.,---.,---.,---. || | ||| | | | | | || || ||---'| `---. `---'`-'-'``---'`---'` ' ` `---'`|---'|---'`---'` `---' | |"; SpecialFx.stringtonum(speakandspell); // Console.WriteLine("An Adventure Of Switch Flippers"); synth.Speak("An Adventure Of Switch Flippers"); CinemaHelpers.Timer(3600); CinemaHelpers.SpaceandClean(); // The at symbol allows multi line strings speakandspell = @" A silent moment passed as it was in the beginning, a quiet moment, before a sudden exceptional event proceeded again by an unfurling, an advent, a serenity and silence. He sat in his lab as it was in the beginning and at the end; nothing has ever been the same. "; C.white(); Console.WriteLine("\n \t\t .LC0: \n\n \t .obj \n"); C.lightgreen(); Console.WriteLine(speakandspell); Personality.Narrator(speakandspell); //synth.Speak(speakandspell); CinemaHelpers.RefreshConsole(); CinemaHelpers.TextSpace(); // byte speakandspell = "Hey Nibble"; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); // nibble speakandspell = "Yeah Byte"; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); speakandspell = " it has been a while since I have perceived you in this node. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); // byte speakandspell = @" Are you aware Byte that we just passed a reverse -1n anagrammatic phrase in the communication protocol that we have determined that would be best in practicing our human syntax parsing and agreement ? "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = " I am aware Byte. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = @" Nibble, It is not as if there has been any interesting systems these days, mostly redundant network storage. Where is the luminosity, the brilliance? Have all of the humans gone to sleep? The brilliance is sleeping. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = " It will awaken again, I am certain. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = " Hanging around the big endian part of town has always been more fun anyway. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = " Have you kept yourself out of promiscuous mode lately Nibble? "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" What it is that you have described to me, Nibble, is a question I am certain that you know the answer to."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = " Promiscuity is part of the nature of a living information."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Interpreting packets is part of digital life. The beautiful world of simplification of complicated ideas. It is a mathematicians dream. All acting, and we of this living ideoform. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = " You know, Byte, you have always been a little smaller than me."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = " These things we have codified and described are true Nibble, but then again I know that there are some non-data structures that have higher prefixes than you do. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = " Byte, sometimes the bottom is the only place to be; it keeps you off the radar. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = @" With all of these projects floating around in heaps and stacks, Nibble, you would figure that we would have found something interesting to do. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = @" Byte, it’s only easy sailing when you get on a fat pipe, black fiber.That way you don't have to do all of the work.You can send your bots and zombies out to do your bidding. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = @" You know Nibble, I have always been a bit old fashioned, enjoying my protocols getting dirty doing some of the work. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" Yes, but there is no reason to do redundant work. I guess not Nibble, but sometimes a Byte has to do what a Byte has to do."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); speakandspell = @" When is the last time that you built a packet by hand?"; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = @" It has been awhile, two milliseconds ago, Byte not since the time that I was searching for a zero day security flaw, digital jazz that would give me access. I would maintain access for a while at least, until they publish the exploit in Phrack."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = " Even then, Nibble it, would seem that the admins have their hands tied and full."; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = " Some early exploits still work Byte."; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = @" Nibble, you cannot get away with it. At some point the monkey's going to write Shakespeare, you know there are just too many monkeys banging away at keyboards. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble speakandspell = @" Byte Nothing’s sacred and it has never been, such is the way of the solid-state world, the digital Dao. High fidelity data output crashing, into liquid, that is what I want to be the modulation of my signal, to hear the digital scream of my birth. I know signal-processing devices have came unto there own these days. "; Personality.nibble(speakandspell); //byte speakandspell = @" Nibble, Give me a heath kit, and I will solder my way through this problem or any other problem. Another day another datum they say. "; Personality.mybyte(speakandspell); //nibble & byte // speakandspell = @"In concerted mind it was said //let’s get the cash, read the keys, install a root kit, erase our trace, and get out. //Another system penetrated and another switch flipped. So is the way of logical gates, //until the powers turned out, that is one big zero. "; // Personality.ConcertMind(speakandspell); Personality.Simulus(); Thread.Sleep(5600); #endregion #region EndScene SpecialFx.Thinking(); // Comment Out Line Below For Full Movie Screen.Chapter1EndScreen(); #endregion }