private void PullTransparencyCacheFromAdjacentBlock(ChunkSubspacePosition position, int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset) { ChunkSubspacePosition checkPosition; checkPosition = position; checkPosition.x += xOffset; checkPosition.y += yOffset; checkPosition.z += zOffset; if (checkPosition.x >= 0 && checkPosition.x < SIZE && checkPosition.y >= 0 && checkPosition.y < SIZE && checkPosition.z >= 0 && checkPosition.z < SIZE) { SetAdjacentBlockTransparentFlag(position, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, GetBlock(checkPosition).IsTransparent()); } else { BlockSpacePosition blockPosition = checkPosition.GetBlockSpacePosition(this); Chunk otherChunk = ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtPosition(blockPosition); if (otherChunk != null) { ChunkSubspacePosition otherChunkPosition = blockPosition.GetChunkSubspacePosition(otherChunk); SetAdjacentBlockTransparentFlag(position, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, otherChunk.GetBlock(otherChunkPosition).IsTransparent()); } } }
private void PutInChunkProcessingList() { if (!isInChunkProcessingList) { ChunkRepository.AddToProcessingChunkList(this); } }
private void PushTransparencyCacheToAdjacentBlock(ChunkSubspacePosition position, int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset, bool transparent) { position.x += xOffset; position.y += yOffset; position.z += zOffset; if (position.x >= 0 && position.x < SIZE && position.y >= 0 && position.y < SIZE && position.z >= 0 && position.z < SIZE) { SetAdjacentBlockTransparentFlag(position, -xOffset, -yOffset, -zOffset, transparent); } else { BlockSpacePosition blockPosition = position.GetBlockSpacePosition(this); Chunk otherChunk = ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtPosition(blockPosition); if (otherChunk != null) { ChunkSubspacePosition otherChunkPosition = blockPosition.GetChunkSubspacePosition(otherChunk); otherChunk.SetAdjacentBlockTransparentFlag(otherChunkPosition, -xOffset, -yOffset, -zOffset, transparent); } } }
private List <Chunk> LockNearbyChunkModels() { List <Chunk> lockedChunks = new List <Chunk>(); int maxOffset = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Configuration.MAX_MODEL_RADIUS / (float)SIZE); int maxXIttr = worldPosition.x + maxOffset; int maxYIttr = worldPosition.y + maxOffset; int maxZIttr = worldPosition.z + maxOffset; for (int xIttr = worldPosition.x - maxOffset; xIttr <= maxXIttr; xIttr++) { for (int yIttr = worldPosition.y - maxOffset; yIttr <= maxYIttr; yIttr++) { for (int zIttr = worldPosition.z - maxOffset; zIttr <= maxZIttr; zIttr++) { ChunkSpacePosition position; position.x = xIttr; position.y = yIttr; position.z = zIttr; Chunk chunk = ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtPosition(position); if (chunk != null) { Monitor.Enter(chunk.generatingModelsLock); lockedChunks.Add(chunk); } } } } return(lockedChunks); }
private void ApplyNearbyModels() { int maxOffset = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Configuration.MAX_MODEL_RADIUS / (float)SIZE); int maxXIttr = worldPosition.x + maxOffset; int maxYIttr = worldPosition.y + maxOffset; int maxZIttr = worldPosition.z + maxOffset; for (int xIttr = worldPosition.x - maxOffset; xIttr <= maxXIttr; xIttr++) { for (int yIttr = worldPosition.y - maxOffset; yIttr <= maxYIttr; yIttr++) { for (int zIttr = worldPosition.z - maxOffset; zIttr <= maxZIttr; zIttr++) { ChunkSpacePosition position; position.x = xIttr; position.y = yIttr; position.z = zIttr; Chunk chunk = ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtPosition(position); if (chunk != null) { foreach (Model model in chunk.IterateModels()) { model.template.ApplyToChunk(model.position, this); } } } } } }
public ChunkAgentOptions(ChunkRepository repository) { if (repository == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("repository"); } this.repository = repository; }
void OnApplicationQuit() { AsyncService.GetCPUMediator().Shutdown(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Saving all loaded chunks..."); ChunkRepository.SaveAllLoadedChunks(); FileRepository.Shutdown(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Done."); }
private Chunk GetAdjacentChunk(int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset) { ChunkSpacePosition position = worldPosition; position.x += xOffset; position.y += yOffset; position.z += zOffset; return(ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtPosition(position)); }
static void OpenLevelDBRepository(string[] commandParts) { string nick = commandParts [2]; string path = commandParts [3]; ChunkRepository LRepo = new ChunkRepository(path); lock (repositories) repositories.Add(nick, LRepo); }
void OnGUI() { if (showDebugMenu) { GUI.Box(uiThreadQueueSizeRect, "Thread queue size: " + AsyncService.ThreadQueueSize().ToString()); GUI.Box(uiProcessingListSizeRect, "Processing chunk queue size: " + ChunkRepository.GetProcessingChunkListSize().ToString()); GUI.Box(uiTotalChunkCountRect, "Chunk pool size: " + GeneratorService.TotalChunkCount().ToString()); GUI.Box(uiUnloadChunkCountRect, "Queued chunk unloads: " + GeneratorService.UnloadChunksListCount().ToString()); } }
public async void CreateChunks() { var repo = new ChunkRepository(); var originPoints = new[] { TilePosition.Zero, new TilePosition(0, 0, 1) }; var command = new CreateChunksCommand(originPoints); var chunk = await repo.AddChunks(command, CancellationToken.None); Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <Chunk> >(chunk); }
void Start() { if (player == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Player component"); } if (blockParticle == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Block Particle component"); } if (chunkMeshPrefab == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Chunk Mesh component"); } if (solidBlockMaterial == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Solid Block Material component"); } if (transparentBlockMaterial == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Transparent Block Material component"); } if (waterBlockMaterial == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Missing Water Block Material component"); } Vector3 playerStartPosition; playerStartPosition.x = 64.5f; playerStartPosition.y = 148; playerStartPosition.z = 64.5f; Instantiate(player, playerStartPosition, Quaternion.identity); instance = this; BlockDefinition.InitializeAllTypes(); AsyncService.Initialize(); ChunkRepository.Initialize(); CollisionService.Initialize(); GeneratorService.Initialize(); RenderService.Initialize(); SetSeed(UnityEngine.Random.Range(Int32.MinValue + 1, Int32.MaxValue - 1)); fogDistance = 0.0f; AsyncService.Load(); // Remove the next line if you want your game to stop processing when it loses focus Application.runInBackground = true; }
public ChunkAgent(ServiceAgentMode serviceAgentMode, ObjectBusSession objectBusSession, Action flush, ChunkRepository repository) : base(serviceAgentMode, objectBusSession, flush, false) { if (repository == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("repository"); } this.repository = repository; objectBusSession.RegisterType(typeof(TopLevelChunksRequestMessage), RequestTopLevelChunkDeltaMessageReceived); // objectBusSession.RegisterType (typeof(BD2.Chunk.Daemon.Common.PollChunksRequestMessage), ); // objectBusSession.RegisterType (typeof(BD2.Chunk.Daemon.Common.PollNewChunksRequestMessage), ); // objectBusSession.RegisterType (typeof(BD2.Chunk.Daemon.Common.PushChunksRequestMessage), ); //this.repository.Enumerate (); }
public void ClearAll() { lock (padlock) { modificationList.Clear(); lock (adjacentTransparencyModificationList) { adjacentTransparencyModificationList.Clear(); } SetLoadState(ChunkLoadState.LoadingFromDisk); ClearMeshObject(); lights.Clear(); models.Clear(); ChunkRepository.RemoveFromProcessingChunkList(this); unload = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Get a single face for the mesh setting. /// </summary> /// <param name='centerPosition'> /// Where the center of the block resides. /// </param> /// <param name='side'> /// Which side of the cube to add. /// </param> /// <param name='block'> /// The block that the face belongs to. /// </param> /// <param name='blockAbove'> /// Whether there is a block above the one being represented by the face. /// </param> /// <param name='blockBelow'> /// Whether there is a block below the one being represented by the face. /// </param> /// <param name='hasSunlight'> /// Whether sunlight is reaching the block. /// </param> private void AddFace(Vector3 centerPosition, CubeSide side, Block block, bool blockAbove, bool blockBelow, List <BlockLight> lightList, bool shadeTopLeft, bool shadeTopRight, bool shadeBottomLeft, bool shadeBottomRight) { Vector3 vertice; Vector3 normalDirection =; Color lightColor; ChunkSubspacePosition subspaceSamplePosition; subspaceSamplePosition.x = (int)centerPosition.x; subspaceSamplePosition.y = (int)centerPosition.y; subspaceSamplePosition.z = (int)centerPosition.z; BlockSpacePosition worldSamplePosition = subspaceSamplePosition.GetBlockSpacePosition(associatedChunkMeshCluster.chunk); lightColor = RenderService.SampleLight(lightList, worldSamplePosition, side); if (side == CubeSide.Top) { normalDirection = Vector3.up; // 0, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } else if (side == CubeSide.Bottom) { normalDirection = Vector3.down; // 1, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } else if (side == CubeSide.North) { normalDirection = Vector3.back; // 0, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } else if (side == CubeSide.South) { normalDirection = Vector3.forward; // 1, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } else if (side == CubeSide.West) { normalDirection = Vector3.left; // 0, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 0, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } else if (side == CubeSide.East) { normalDirection = Vector3.right; // 1, 0, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 0 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z - blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 0, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y - blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); // 1, 1, 1 vertice.x = centerPosition.x + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.y = centerPosition.y + blockMeshHalfSize; vertice.z = centerPosition.z + blockMeshHalfSize; verticesList.Add(vertice); } trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 0)); trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 1)); trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 2)); trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 1)); trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 3)); trianglesList.Add((int)(meshArraysIndex * 4 + 2)); // Determine whether this block is exposed directly to sunlight (nothing at all above it) byte sunlightValue = 255; BlockSpacePosition checkPosition = worldSamplePosition; while (checkPosition.y < Configuration.HEIGHT) { checkPosition.y++; Block checkBlock = ChunkRepository.GetBlockAtPosition(checkPosition); if (checkBlock.IsNotTransparent() && checkBlock.IsActive()) { sunlightValue = 0; break; } } Vector2 textureCoordinates = block.GetTextureCoordinates(side, blockAbove, blockBelow, sunlightValue); Vector2 overallTextureSize = block.GetOverallTextureSize(); Vector2 individualTextureSize = block.GetIndividualTextureSize(); Vector2 lowerUVs, upperUVs; lowerUVs.x = textureCoordinates.x / overallTextureSize.x; lowerUVs.y = 1.0f - textureCoordinates.y / overallTextureSize.y; upperUVs.x = (textureCoordinates.x + individualTextureSize.x) / overallTextureSize.x; upperUVs.y = 1.0f - (textureCoordinates.y + individualTextureSize.y) / overallTextureSize.y; Vector2 uv; uv.x = lowerUVs.x; uv.y = upperUVs.y; uvList.Add(uv); uv.x = lowerUVs.x; uv.y = lowerUVs.y; uvList.Add(uv); uv.x = upperUVs.x; uv.y = upperUVs.y; uvList.Add(uv); uv.x = upperUVs.x; uv.y = lowerUVs.y; uvList.Add(uv); normalsList.Add(normalDirection); normalsList.Add(normalDirection); normalsList.Add(normalDirection); normalsList.Add(normalDirection); Color32 color; color.a = 255; color.r = (byte)(lightColor.r * 255); color.g = (byte)(lightColor.g * 255); color.b = (byte)(lightColor.b * 255); Color32 shadedColor; if (shadeTopLeft || shadeTopRight || shadeBottomLeft || shadeBottomRight) { HSBColor hsbShadedColor = HSBColor.FromColor(lightColor); hsbShadedColor.b = Mathf.Max(hsbShadedColor.b - 0.37f, 0.063f); shadedColor = hsbShadedColor.ToColor(); } else { shadedColor = color; } colorList.Add(shadeBottomLeft ? shadedColor : color); colorList.Add(shadeTopLeft ? shadedColor : color); colorList.Add(shadeBottomRight ? shadedColor : color); colorList.Add(shadeTopRight ? shadedColor : color); meshArraysIndex++; }
void Update() { if (AsyncService.Loading()) { return; } AsyncService.StartFrameTimer(); if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_GENERATE_NEW_CHUNKS_DEADLINE)) { Chunk newChunk = GeneratorService.GenerateNewChunk(); if (newChunk != null) { ChunkRepository.AddToProcessingChunkList(newChunk); } } int i = 0; while (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_START_WORK_DEADLINE) && i < ChunkRepository.GetProcessingChunkListSize()) { Chunk chunk = ChunkRepository.GetProcessingChunk(i); if (chunk == null) { continue; } if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_FLUSH_MODIFICATIONS_DEADLINE)) { chunk.FlushModifications(); } if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_FINISH_MESH_DEADLINE)) { RenderService.FinishMeshGeneration(chunk); } if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_GENERATE_MESH_DEADLINE) && AsyncService.ThreadQueueSize() < Configuration.PERFORMANCE_MAX_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE) { RenderService.GenerateMeshes(chunk); // Threaded } if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_MARK_CHUNKS_FOR_MESH_UPDATE_DEADLINE)) { RenderService.MarkSurroundingChunksForMeshUpdate(chunk); } if (AsyncService.FrameElapsedPercentageIsNotExceeded(Configuration.PERFORMANCE_GENERATE_BLOCKS_DEADLINE) && AsyncService.ThreadQueueSize() < Configuration.PERFORMANCE_MAX_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE) { chunk.GenerateBlocks(GetSeed()); // Threaded } if (chunk.IsFinishedProcessing()) { ChunkRepository.RemoveFromProcessingChunkList(chunk); } i++; } GeneratorService.UnloadDeadChunks(); RenderService.CullChunks(); int numberOfChunks = ChunkRepository.NumberOfChunks(); for (int chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < numberOfChunks; chunkIndex++) { Chunk chunk = ChunkRepository.GetChunkAtIndex(chunkIndex); if (chunk.IsFinishedProcessing()) { Vector3 position; position.x = chunk.WorldPosition().x *Chunk.SIZE; position.y = chunk.WorldPosition().y *Chunk.SIZE; position.z = chunk.WorldPosition().z *Chunk.SIZE; float distance = Vector3.Distance(position, Camera.main.transform.position); if (distance > fogDistance) { fogDistance = distance; } } } SendMessage("UpdateFogDistance", fogDistance, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); GeneratorService.CleanupOldChunks(); AsyncService.RePrioritizeCPUMediatorWork(); ChunkRepository.RePrioritizeSortProcessingChunkList(); ChunkRepository.FlushProcessingChunkListModifications(); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12)) { showDebugMenu = !showDebugMenu; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F5)) { SaveScreenshot(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9)) { ChunkRepository.DumpProcessingChunkListDebugData(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } }
public static ServiceAgent CreateAgent(ServiceAgentMode serviceAgentMode, ObjectBusSession objectBusSession, Action flush, ChunkRepository repository) { if (repository == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("repository"); } return(new ChunkAgent(serviceAgentMode, objectBusSession, flush, repository)); }
void GenerateBlocksThread(object chunkInstance) { Chunk chunk = chunkInstance as Chunk; ChunkSubspacePosition position; BlockSpacePosition checkPosition; for (position.x = 0; position.x < SIZE; position.x++) { checkPosition.x = worldPosition.x * SIZE + position.x; for (position.z = 0; position.z < SIZE; position.z++) { checkPosition.z = worldPosition.z * SIZE + position.z; isShorelineCache[position.x, position.z] = true; for (position.y = worldPosition.y * SIZE + SIZE; position.y < Configuration.HEIGHT; position.y++) { checkPosition.y = position.y; Block checkBlock = ChunkRepository.GetBlockAtPosition(checkPosition); if (checkBlock.IsActive() && checkBlock.IsNotTransparent()) { isShorelineCache[position.x, position.z] = false; break; } } } } BlockType[,,] blockTypes = worldGenerator.GenerateBlocks(chunk); for (position.x = 0; position.x < SIZE; position.x++) { for (position.y = 0; position.y < SIZE; position.y++) { for (position.z = 0; position.z < SIZE; position.z++) { BlockDefinition blockDefinition = BlockDefinition.DefinitionOfType(blockTypes[position.x, position.y, position.z]); chunk.SetBlock(position, blockDefinition, false); if (blockDefinition.IsActive() && blockDefinition.IsNotTransparent() && blockDefinition.GetBlockType() != BlockType.Sand) { isShorelineCache[position.x, position.z] = false; } if (blockDefinition.IsLightEmitter()) { BlockLight light; light.chunk = this; light.chunkPosition = position; light.blockDefinition = blockDefinition; lock (chunk.padlock) { chunk.lights.Add(light); } } } } } // Generate and apply the models from this and all nearby chunks List <Model> generatedModels = worldGenerator.GenerateModels(chunk); lock (generatingModelsLock) { for (int i = 0; i < generatedModels.Count; i++) { AddModel(generatedModels[i]); } } List <Chunk> lockedChunks = LockNearbyChunkModels(); ApplyModels(); UnlockChunkModels(lockedChunks); // Cleanup pass for (position.x = 0; position.x < SIZE; position.x++) { for (position.z = 0; position.z < SIZE; position.z++) { for (position.y = SIZE - 1; position.y >= 0; position.y--) { chunk.GetBlock(position); // If the block is water, make sure it's surrounded on the bottom and sides if (chunk.GetBlock(position).IsWater()) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ChunkSubspacePosition solidCheckPosition = position; if (i == 0) { solidCheckPosition.y -= 1; } else if (i == 1) { solidCheckPosition.x -= 1; } else if (i == 2) { solidCheckPosition.x += 1; } else if (i == 3) { solidCheckPosition.z -= 1; } else if (i == 4) { solidCheckPosition.z += 1; } if (solidCheckPosition.x >= 0 && solidCheckPosition.x < SIZE && solidCheckPosition.y >= 0 && solidCheckPosition.y < SIZE && solidCheckPosition.z >= 0 && solidCheckPosition.z < SIZE) { if (chunk.GetBlock(solidCheckPosition).IsNotActive()) { chunk.SetBlock(solidCheckPosition, BlockType.Stone, false); } } else { BlockSpacePosition checkWorldPosition = solidCheckPosition.GetBlockSpacePosition(chunk); if (ChunkRepository.GetBlockAtPosition(checkWorldPosition).IsNotActive()) { ChunkRepository.SetBlockAtPosition(checkWorldPosition, BlockType.Stone, false); } } } } } } } LoadTransparencyCache(); chunk.SetLoadState(ChunkLoadState.BlockGenerationComplete); }