Example #1
        void Start()
            breeding = GameObject.FindWithTag("Breeding").GetComponent <Breeding> ();

            chromo1 = new List <Chromosome> ();
            chromo2 = new List <Chromosome> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < chromoCount; i++)
                Chromosome newChromosome = new Chromosome();
                for (int j = 0; j < genes.Count; j++)
                    newChromosome.AddToGeneList(genes [j]);

            for (int i = 0; i < chromoCount; i++)
                Chromosome newChromosome = new Chromosome();
                for (int j = 0; j < genes.Count; j++)
                    newChromosome.AddToGeneList(genes [j]);

            animal.SetChromosomes(chromo1, chromo2);
        public static void GetAnimalData(out Animal animal, string fileName, string animalName)
            bool debug = false;

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Get Animal Data... Animal Name: " + animalName + ", File Name: " + fileName);

            // Get gene information from Reference.cs
            int numChromosomes = References.instance.numChromosomes;

            int[] numGenes       = References.instance.numGenes;
            int   numMitoGenes   = References.instance.numMitoGenes;
            int   numGenderGenes = References.instance.numGenderGenes;

            TextAsset     xmlAsset  = Resources.Load(fileName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
            MemoryStream  memStream = new MemoryStream(xmlAsset.bytes);
            XmlTextReader CReader   = new XmlTextReader(memStream);

            animal      = new Animal();
            animal.name = animalName;
            List <Chromosome> femaleList = new List <Chromosome> ();
            List <Chromosome> maleList   = new List <Chromosome> ();
            List <Chromosome> mitoList   = new List <Chromosome> ();
            Chromosome        chromosome = new Chromosome();
            Gene gene        = new Gene();
            bool foundAnimal = false;

            int gender = 0;

            while (CReader.Read())
                // While data is relevant...
                if (CReader.Name != "" &&
                    CReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement &&
                    CReader.Name != "xml" &&
                    if (CReader.Name == "FemaleList")
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Found female list");
                        for (int i = 0; i < numChromosomes + 1; i++)                            // chromosome count
                            CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();

                            if (i < numChromosomes)
                                chromosome = new Chromosome();
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("(F) Create new Chromosome");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numGenes[i]; j++)                                   // gene count
                                    CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                                    gene = new Gene();
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug.Log("(F) Create new Gene");
                                    gene.parentOrigin             = CReader.GetAttribute("Parent");
                                    gene.name                     = CReader.GetAttribute("Name");
                                    gene.allele                   = float.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("Allele"));
                                    gene.unityID                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("UnityID"));
                                    gene.geneNum                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("GeneID"));
                                    gene.whichChromosomeGroup     = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CGroup"));
                                    gene.whichChromosome          = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CSpecific"));
                                    gene.positionWithinChromosome = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CPosition"));
                                    gene.gender                   = 0;
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("Female List: " + femaleList.Count + " : " + femaleList [i].GetGeneList().Count);
                                if (CReader.Name == "X")
                                    gender = 0;
                                    gender = 1;

                                chromosome = new Chromosome();
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("(F) Create new Chromosome");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numGenderGenes; j++)                                        // gene count
                                    CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                                    gene = new Gene();
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug.Log("(F) Create new Gene");
                                    gene.parentOrigin             = CReader.GetAttribute("Parent");
                                    gene.name                     = CReader.GetAttribute("Name");
                                    gene.allele                   = float.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("Allele"));
                                    gene.unityID                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("UnityID"));
                                    gene.geneNum                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("GeneID"));
                                    gene.whichChromosomeGroup     = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CGroup"));
                                    gene.whichChromosome          = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CSpecific"));
                                    gene.positionWithinChromosome = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CPosition"));
                                    gene.gender                   = gender;
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("X Chromosome List: " + femaleList.Count + " : " + femaleList [numChromosomes].GetGeneList().Count);

                            CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                    if (CReader.Name == "MaleList")
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Found male list");
                        for (int i = 0; i < numChromosomes + 1; i++)
                            CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();

                            if (i < numChromosomes)
                                chromosome = new Chromosome();
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("(M) Create new Chromosome");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numGenes[i]; j++)                                   // gene count
                                    gene = new Gene();
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug.Log("(M) Create new Gene");
                                    gene.parentOrigin             = CReader.GetAttribute("Parent");
                                    gene.name                     = CReader.GetAttribute("Name");
                                    gene.allele                   = float.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("Allele"));
                                    gene.unityID                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("UnityID"));
                                    gene.geneNum                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("GeneID"));
                                    gene.whichChromosomeGroup     = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CGroup"));
                                    gene.whichChromosome          = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CSpecific"));
                                    gene.positionWithinChromosome = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CPosition"));
                                    gene.gender                   = 0;
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("Male List: " + maleList.Count + " : " + maleList [0].GetGeneList().Count);
                                if (CReader.Name == "X")
                                    gender = 0;
                                    gender = 1;

                                chromosome = new Chromosome();
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("(F) Create new Chromosome");
                                for (int j = 0; j < numGenderGenes; j++)                                        // gene count
                                    CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                                    gene = new Gene();
                                    if (debug)
                                        Debug.Log("(F) Create new Gene");
                                    gene.parentOrigin             = CReader.GetAttribute("Parent");
                                    gene.name                     = CReader.GetAttribute("Name");
                                    gene.allele                   = float.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("Allele"));
                                    gene.unityID                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("UnityID"));
                                    gene.geneNum                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("GeneID"));
                                    gene.whichChromosomeGroup     = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CGroup"));
                                    gene.whichChromosome          = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CSpecific"));
                                    gene.positionWithinChromosome = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CPosition"));
                                    gene.gender                   = gender;
                                if (debug)
                                    Debug.Log("Y Chromosome List: " + maleList.Count + " : " + maleList [numChromosomes].GetGeneList().Count);

                            CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                    if (CReader.Name == "Mitochondrial")
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Found mitochondrial");
                        CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                        chromosome = new Chromosome();
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("(M) Create new Mito Chromosome");
                        for (int j = 0; j < numMitoGenes; j++)                          // gene count
                            CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();
                            gene = new Gene();
                            if (debug)
                                Debug.Log("(M) Create new Mito Gene");
                            gene.parentOrigin             = CReader.GetAttribute("Parent");
                            gene.name                     = CReader.GetAttribute("Name");
                            gene.allele                   = float.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("Allele"));
                            gene.unityID                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("UnityID"));
                            gene.geneNum                  = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("GeneID"));
                            gene.whichChromosomeGroup     = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CGroup"));
                            gene.whichChromosome          = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CSpecific"));
                            gene.positionWithinChromosome = int.Parse(CReader.GetAttribute("CPosition"));
                            gene.gender                   = 0;
                        if (debug)
                            Debug.Log("Mito List: " + mitoList.Count + " : " + mitoList[0].GetGeneList().Count);
                        CReader.Read(); CReader.Read();

                if (CReader.Name == animalName)
                    foundAnimal = true;
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("Found Animal");

            animal.SetChromosomes(femaleList, maleList);
            animal.mitochondrial = mitoList [0];
            animal.gender        = gender;

            // Set the animal's blends without using a gameObject - not sure why I did this.  Commented out:  8/1/2018, worked on animal colors with new animal rig
            //foreach (Trait trait in References.instance.traitList.GetTraitList())
            //	trait.ModifyAnimal (animal, femaleList, maleList);

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Female Totals: Chromosomes - " + femaleList.Count + ",  Genes (first chromosome) - " + femaleList[0].GetGeneList().Count);
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Special Chromosome (Female) Genes - " + femaleList[numChromosomes].GetGeneList().Count);
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Male Totals: Chromosomes - " + maleList.Count + ",  Genes (first chromosome) - " + maleList[0].GetGeneList().Count);
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Special Chromosome (Male) Genes - " + maleList[numChromosomes].GetGeneList().Count);
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Mitochondrial Chromosome - " + animal.mitochondrial + ",  Genes (first chromosome) - " + animal.mitochondrial.GetGeneList().Count);
            if (debug)
