public void Start(ChoConsoleProgressorStart consoleProgressorStart, ChoAsyncCallback callback, object state, int timeout) { ChoGuard.NotDisposed(this); int isStarted = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _isStarted, 1, 0); if (isStarted == 1) { return; } Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _stopRequested, 0, 1); lock (ChoConsole.SyncRoot) { ChoConsole.Clear(); ChoConsole.ClearKeys(); IChoAsyncResult result = ChoConsole.OutputQueuedExecutionService.Enqueue(() => { _location = WriteNSavePosition(_msg + " "); _statusMsgLocation = new ChoPoint(_consolePercentageProgressorSettings.ProgressBarMarginX, _location.Y + 1); WriteSpinner("/"); }); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } Action <ChoConsoleSpinProgressor> wrappedFunc = delegate { _threadToKill = Thread.CurrentThread; try { while (true) { if (_stopRequested == 1) { break; } ChoConsole.WriteLine(GetNextSpinChar().ToString(), _location, _foregroundColor, _backgroundColor); bool retValue = consoleProgressorStart(this, state); if (!retValue) { break; } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { Thread.ResetAbort(); } }; _result = ChoAbortableQueuedExecutionService.Global.Enqueue <ChoConsoleSpinProgressor>(wrappedFunc, this); }
public void Start(ChoConsolePercentageProgressorStartEx consolePercentageProgressorStart, ChoAsyncCallback callback, object state, int timeout) { ChoGuard.NotDisposed(this); int isStarted = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _isStarted, 1, 0); if (isStarted == 1) { return; } Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _stopRequested, 0, 1); lock (ChoConsole.SyncRoot) { ChoConsole.Clear(); ChoConsole.ClearKeys(); _consoleCoordinate = new ConsoleCoordinate((short)(Console.CursorLeft + _consolePercentageProgressorSettings.ProgressBarMarginX), (short)(Console.CursorTop + _consolePercentageProgressorSettings.ProgressBarMarginY)); ShowProgress(MinPercentage, _msg); } Action <ChoConsolePercentageProgressorEx, int> wrappedFunc = delegate { _threadToKill = Thread.CurrentThread; try { int percentage = MinPercentage; int retPercentage = MinPercentage; while (retPercentage < MaxPercentage) { if (_stopRequested == 1) { break; } Tuple <int, string> retValue = consolePercentageProgressorStart(this, percentage, state); retPercentage = retValue.Item1; if (percentage >= retPercentage) { throw new ChoConsoleException("Returned percentage '{0}' value <= running percentage '{1}' value. It may leads to infinite loop.".FormatString(retPercentage, percentage)); } else { percentage = retPercentage; } ShowProgress(retPercentage, retValue.Item2); } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { Thread.ResetAbort(); } finally { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ResetColor(); } }; _result = ChoAbortableQueuedExecutionService.Global.Enqueue <ChoConsolePercentageProgressorEx, int>(wrappedFunc, this, MinPercentage, callback, state, timeout); }
public void Start(ChoConsolePercentageProgressorStart consolePercentageProgressorStart, ChoAsyncCallback callback, object state, int timeout) { ChoGuard.NotDisposed(this); //if (_isStarted) return; int isStarted = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _isStarted, 1, 0); if (isStarted == 1) { return; } Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _stopRequested, 0, 1); lock (ChoConsole.SyncRoot) { ChoConsole.Clear(); ChoConsole.ClearKeys(); IChoAsyncResult result = ChoConsole.OutputQueuedExecutionService.Enqueue(() => { _location = WriteNSavePosition(_msg + " "); _statusMsgLocation = new ChoPoint(_consolePercentageProgressorSettings.ProgressBarMarginX, _location.Y + 1); WritePercentage("[0%]"); }); result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); SetPercentageComplete(MinPercentage); } Action <ChoConsolePercentageProgressor, int> wrappedFunc = delegate { _threadToKill = Thread.CurrentThread; try { int percentage = MinPercentage; int retPercentage = MinPercentage; while (retPercentage < MaxPercentage) { if (_stopRequested == 1) { break; } retPercentage = consolePercentageProgressorStart(this, percentage, state); if (percentage >= retPercentage) { throw new ChoConsoleException("Returned percentage '{0}' value <= running percentage '{1}' value. It may leads to infinite loop.".FormatString(retPercentage, percentage)); } else { percentage = retPercentage; } lock (ChoConsole.SyncRoot) { SetPercentageComplete(retPercentage); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { Thread.ResetAbort(); } }; //try //{ // ChoAPM.InvokeMethod(wrappedFunc, new object[] { this, MinPercentage }, timeout); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ErrorOccured(this, new ChoExceptionEventArgs(ex)); //} _result = ChoAbortableQueuedExecutionService.Global.Enqueue <ChoConsolePercentageProgressor, int>(wrappedFunc, this, MinPercentage, callback, state, timeout); }
public void Clear() { ChoConsole.Clear(); }