Example #1
            public void AddLeaf(ColliderKey key, ref ChildCollider leaf)
                MTransform worldFromLeafA = Mul(m_WorldFromA, new MTransform(leaf.TransformFromChild));

                    m_Context, m_KeyPath.GetLeafKey(key), leaf.Collider, m_CompositeColliderB,
                    worldFromLeafA, m_WorldFromB, m_Expansion, m_Flipped);
Example #2
        // Tests that a contact point is on the surface of its shape
        static unsafe void CheckPointOnSurface(ref ChildCollider leaf, float3 position, string failureMessage)
            float3 positionLocal = math.transform(math.inverse(leaf.TransformFromChild), position);

            leaf.Collider->CalculateDistance(new PointDistanceInput {
                Position = positionLocal, MaxDistance = float.MaxValue, Filter = Physics.CollisionFilter.Default
            }, out DistanceHit hit);
            Assert.Less(hit.Distance, tolerance, failureMessage + ": contact point outside of shape");
            Assert.Greater(hit.Distance, -((ConvexCollider *)leaf.Collider)->ConvexHull.ConvexRadius - tolerance, failureMessage + ": contact point inside of shape");
Example #3
 public void CollisionDetectedInvisWall(ChildCollider childScript)
     if (childScript.name == "Right")
         dir = false;
     else if (childScript.name == "Left")
         dir = true;
Example #4
    void OnInteractionTriggerExit(ChildCollider callingChildCollider, Collider other)
        BaseInteraction interactable = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BaseInteraction>();

        if (interactable)
            if (overlappingInteractables.Count <= 0 && selectedInteractable)
                selectedInteractable = null;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Given the root Collider of a hierarchy and a ColliderKey referencing a child in that hierarchy,
 /// this function returns the ChildCollider requested.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rootColliderPtr">A <see cref="Collider"/> at the root of a Collider hierarchy.</param>
 /// <param name="childColliderKey">A <see cref="ColliderKey"/> referencing a child Collider somewhere in the hierarchy below rootColliderPtr.</param>
 /// <param name="childCollider">A valid <see cref="ChildCollider"/> returned from the hierarchy, if found.</param>
 /// <returns>Whether a specified ColliderKey was successfully found in the hierarchy.</returns>
 public static unsafe bool TryGetChildInHierarchy(Collider *rootColliderPtr, ColliderKey childColliderKey, out ChildCollider childCollider)
     //public static unsafe bool GetLeafCollider(Collider* root, RigidTransform rootTransform, ColliderKey key, out ChildCollider leaf)
     childCollider = new ChildCollider(rootColliderPtr, RigidTransform.identity);
     while (!childColliderKey.Equals(ColliderKey.Empty))
         if (!childCollider.Collider->GetChild(ref childColliderKey, out ChildCollider child))
         childCollider = new ChildCollider(childCollider, child);
     return(childCollider.Collider != null);
Example #6
 public bool GetChild(ref ColliderKey key, out ChildCollider child)
     if (key.PopSubKey(NumColliderKeyBits, out uint subKey))
         var index    = new int2(((int)subKey >> 1) & ((1 << (int)Terrain.NumXBits) - 1), (int)subKey >> ((int)Terrain.NumXBits + 1));
         int triangle = (int)subKey & 1;
         child = Terrain.GetTriangle(index, triangle, Filter, Material);
         child = new ChildCollider();
Example #7
    void OnInteractionTriggerEnter(ChildCollider callingChildCollider, Collider other)
        BaseInteraction interactable = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BaseInteraction>();

        if (interactable)
            if (overlappingInteractables.Count < 2)
                selectedInteractable = interactable;

Example #8
 public void GetLeaves <T>(ref T collector) where T : struct, ILeafColliderCollector
     for (int x = 0; x < Terrain.Size.x - 1; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < Terrain.Size.y - 1; y++)
             var index = new int2(x, y);
             for (int iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < 2; iTriangle++)
                 ColliderKey   key  = Terrain.GetColliderKey(index, iTriangle);
                 ChildCollider leaf = Terrain.GetTriangle(index, iTriangle, Filter, Material);
                 collector.AddLeaf(key, ref leaf);
Example #9
    public void CollisionDetected(ChildCollider childScript)
        print("child collided: " + childScript.name);

        if ((childScript.name == "Right" && childScript.name != "Left"))
            dir = false;
        else if (childScript.name != "Right" && childScript.name == "Left")
            dir = true;
        else if (childScript.name == "Right" && childScript.name == "Left")
Example #10
    void Start()
        // Grab refs
        if (!ownerCharacterController)
            ownerCharacterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        if (!ownerCamera)
            ownerCamera = Camera.main;
        // Find child interaction collider if we have none
        if (!interactionCollider)
            interactionCollider = GetComponentInChildren <ChildCollider>();
            if (interactionCollider)
                Rigidbody interactionColliderRigidBody = interactionCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (!interactionColliderRigidBody)
                    interactionColliderRigidBody = interactionCollider.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (interactionColliderRigidBody)
                    interactionColliderRigidBody.isKinematic = true;
                    interactionColliderRigidBody.useGravity  = false;
        if (interactionCollider)
            interactionCollider.onChildTriggerEnter += OnInteractionTriggerEnter;
            interactionCollider.onChildTriggerExit  += OnInteractionTriggerExit;
        if (!characterAnimator)
            characterAnimator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();

        // Initialize lists
        overlappingInteractables = new List <Collider>();
Example #11
 public bool GetLeaf(ColliderKey key, out ChildCollider leaf)
     return(GetChild(ref key, out leaf)); // all children of TerrainCollider are leaves
Example #12
        static unsafe void GetHitLeaf(ref Physics.PhysicsWorld world, int rigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey colliderKey, MTransform queryFromWorld, out ChildCollider leaf, out MTransform queryFromTarget)
            Physics.RigidBody body = world.Bodies[rigidBodyIndex];
            Collider.GetLeafCollider(body.Collider, body.WorldFromBody, colliderKey, out leaf);
            MTransform worldFromLeaf = new MTransform(leaf.TransformFromChild);

            queryFromTarget = Math.Mul(queryFromWorld, worldFromLeaf);
Example #13
    private void FindTarget()

        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Physics2D.queriesStartInColliders = false;  //避免检测到自己

        //Debug.DrawRay(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), new Quaternion(0, 0, -1, 0) * gameObject.transform.up.normalized * 0.3f, Color.black);
        Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 50f, Color.black);

        //hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(ray.origin,new Vector3(0,0,50),50f,1<<LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain"));
        Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, 200, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("CursorCollider"));

        if (hitInfo.collider != null)
            if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ChildCollider>() != null)
                ChildCollider cCollider = hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ChildCollider>();

                if (cCollider.father.GetComponent <Animator>().GetBool("dead") == false)    //且不为死亡状态

                    this.target = cCollider.father.GetComponent <humanBody>();





        if (this.target != null && this.target.tenetDirection == 1)
            ChildCollider cCollider = this.target.gameObject.transform.Find("CursorCollider").GetComponent <ChildCollider>();

        this.target = null;
 public override void OnChildTriggerExit(ChildCollider P_child, Collider P_other)
    //    protected void FixedUpdate ()
    //    {
    //        F_helper = transform.position;
    //        F_helper.z -= 1;
    //        Debug.DrawLine(F_helper, Destination, Color.cyan);
    //        if (GainHeightWaypoint != Vector3.zero) {
    //            Destination = GainHeightWaypoint;
    //            if ((GainHeightWaypoint - transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= 1.5f) {
    //                if (Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, (myTarget.transform.position - transform.position).normalized) < 0f) {
    //                    GainHeightWaypoint = GainHeightWaypoint + (transform.right * 30f);
    //                } else {
    //                    GainHeightWaypoint = Vector3.zero;
    //                }
    //            }
    //        } else {
    //            Destination = myTarget.transform.position;
    //        }
    //            //beware, rigidbody.velocity has a gravitation calculation right before fixedupdate
    //            //means there is already an applied force down the gravitation, that we have to outsmart with speed against gravitation
    //            Vector3 velocity = GravitationForce;
    //            if (StartOfFalling != Vector3.zero) {
    //            }
    //            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector3.up * GravitationForce.y, Color.red);
    //            float F_groundHeight = 0f;
    //            if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out _heightHitter, MaxHeight, LayerUtils.GroundMask)) {
    //                F_groundHeight = _heightHitter.distance;
    //            }
    //            if ((transform.position.y-WippingFactor) > Destination.y) {
    //                Force.y -= AccelerationUp * Time.deltaTime * 0.5f;
    //                Vector3 beforeChange = velocity +  Force;
    //                if ((transform.position.y + beforeChange.y) < Destination.y) {
    //                    Force.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp(Force.y, -GravitationForce.y, ref currentVelocity, Time.deltaTime * AccelerationUp);
    //                }
    //    //			if (WippingUp) {
    //    //				WippingUp = false;
    //    //				WippingFactor = -MaxWippingFactor;
    //    //			}
    //            } else if ((transform.position.y-WippingFactor) < Destination.y) {
    //                Force.y += AccelerationUp * Time.deltaTime;
    //                Vector3 beforeChange = velocity +  Force;
    //                if ((transform.position.y + beforeChange.y) > Destination.y) {
    //                    Force.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp(Force.y, -GravitationForce.y, ref currentVelocity, Time.deltaTime * AccelerationUp);
    //                }
    //    //			if (!WippingUp) {
    //    //				WippingUp = true;
    //    //				WippingFactor = MaxWippingFactor;
    //    //			}
    //            }
    //    //		if ((Destination - transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= 1.2f) {
    //                Destination = myTarget.transform.position;
    //    //		}
    //            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector3.up * Force.y, Color.yellow);
    //            velocity.y += Force.y;
    //            if ((F_groundHeight-(Lifesize.y*0.5f)) <= 0.1f && velocity.y <= 0f) {
    //                velocity.y = 0f;
    //            }
    //            rigidbody.velocity = velocity;
    //            if (velocity.y < 0f) {
    //                if (StartOfFalling == Vector3.zero) {
    //                    StartOfFalling = transform.position;
    //                }
    //            } else {
    //                StartOfFalling = Vector3.zero;
    //            }
    //    }
    public override void OnChildTriggerEnter(ChildCollider P_child, Collider P_other)
        if (P_child.ColliderID == 0) { //main collider

        } else if (P_child.ColliderID == 1) { //Vision-Collider
            if (P_other.gameObject.tag == "floor") {

            } else {
                BasicLifeform F_life = GameObjectHelper.getLifeform(P_other.gameObject.transform);
                FlyingUnitState.Instance.AvoidObstacle(this, F_life, P_other);
