Vector3Int FindRaycastSquare(RaycastHit hit)
        Vector3 point = hit.point;

        // Remember that chessboard coordiantes are permutation of Unity coordinates.
        ChessBoardProperties props =;         // New, SRP compliant.

        Vector2    boardXedges      = props.boardXedges;
        Vector2    boardYedges      = props.boardYedges;
        Vector2    boardZedges      = props.boardZedges;
        Vector3Int size             = props.size;
        float      squareThickness  = props.squareThickness;
        int        boardVerticalSep = props.boardVerticalSep;

        if (debug)
            print("boardXedges = " + boardXedges);
            print("boardYedges = " + boardYedges);
            print("boardZedges = " + boardZedges);
            print("size = " + size);
            print("squareThickness = " + squareThickness);
            print("boardVerticalSep = " + boardVerticalSep);

        bool withinX = boardXedges[0] < point.z && point.z < boardXedges[1];
        bool withinY = boardYedges[0] < point.x && point.x < boardYedges[1];
        bool withinZ = boardZedges[0] < point.y && point.y < boardZedges[1] + squareThickness;

        if (!(withinX && withinY && withinZ))
            print("*** nullSquare ***");

        int zCoord = 0;
        int xCoord = 0;
        int yCoord = 0;

        // Find level (horizontal).
        for (int k = 0; k < size.z; k++)
            float loZ = boardZedges[0] + k * boardVerticalSep;
            float hiZ = boardZedges[0] + (k + 1 - squareThickness) * boardVerticalSep;
            withinZ = loZ < point.y && point.y < hiZ;
            if (withinZ)
                zCoord = k;
        if (!withinZ)

        // Find left vertical.
        for (int i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
            withinX = boardXedges[0] + i < point.z && point.z < boardXedges[0] + i + 1;
            if (withinX)
                xCoord = i;

        // Find right vertical.
        for (int j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
            withinY = boardYedges[0] + j < point.x && point.x < boardYedges[0] + j + 1;
            if (withinY)
                yCoord = j;

        return(new Vector3Int(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord));