Example #1
        int CalculatePieceStrength(CheckersPiece piece)
            int strength = 0;

            // Heuristic: Stronger simply because another piece is present
            strength += 1;

            // Rank-specific heuristics
            if (piece.Rank == CheckersRank.Pawn)
                // Heuristic: stronger if in primary position on board
                if (piece.Direction == CheckersDirection.Up)
                    if (piece.Location.Y == CheckersGame.BoardBounds.Bottom)
                        strength += 1;
                    if (piece.Location.Y == CheckersGame.BoardBounds.Top)
                        strength += 1;
                // Heuristic: Stronger if king is on board
                strength += 19;

Example #2
        public bool MakeMove(ref Board io_GameBoard, User i_RivalPlayer, string i_PositionFrom, string i_PositionTo)
            bool isGameOver = false;

            if (GetMovesAndUpdate(io_GameBoard, i_RivalPlayer))
                playCapture(io_GameBoard, ref i_PositionFrom, ref i_PositionTo, i_RivalPlayer.Pieces);
                if (createCaptureMoveList(io_GameBoard, i_RivalPlayer).Count == 0)
                    m_CurrentCheckerPiece = null;
                // If the player still have moves to do.
                if (Moves.Keys.Count == 0 || m_CheckersPiece.Count == 0)
                    isGameOver = true;
                    playMove(io_GameBoard, ref i_PositionFrom, ref i_PositionTo);

Example #3
        public static bool CanCaptureDown(Board i_GameBoard, CheckersPiece i_Current, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalCheckersPiece,
                                          ref Dictionary <string, List <string> > io_CapturePositions)
            bool          canCaptureRight, canCaptureLeft;
            ushort        rowIndex, colIndex;
            CheckersPiece rivalCheckerPieceDownRight, rivalCheckerPieceDownLeft;

            // Check if can capture down-right rival.
            rowIndex = (ushort)(i_Current.RowIndex + 1);
            colIndex = (ushort)(i_Current.ColIndex + 1);
            rivalCheckerPieceDownRight = FindCheckerPiece(rowIndex, colIndex, i_RivalCheckersPiece);
            canCaptureRight            = tryInsertCapturePosition(
                i_GameBoard, i_Current,
                (ushort)(i_Current.RowIndex + 2), (ushort)(i_Current.ColIndex + 2),
                rivalCheckerPieceDownRight, ref io_CapturePositions);

            // Check if can capture down-left rival.
            rowIndex = (ushort)(i_Current.RowIndex + 1);
            colIndex = (ushort)(i_Current.ColIndex - 1);
            rivalCheckerPieceDownLeft = FindCheckerPiece(rowIndex, colIndex, i_RivalCheckersPiece);
            canCaptureLeft            = tryInsertCapturePosition(
                i_GameBoard, i_Current,
                (ushort)(i_Current.RowIndex + 2), (ushort)(i_Current.ColIndex - 2),
                rivalCheckerPieceDownLeft, ref io_CapturePositions);

            return(canCaptureLeft || canCaptureRight);
        int CalculatePieceStrength(CheckersPiece piece)
            int strength = 0;

            // Heuristic: Stronger simply because another piece is present
            strength += 1;

            // Rank-specific heuristics
            if(piece.Rank == CheckersRank.Pawn)
                // Heuristic: stronger if in primary position on board
                if(piece.Direction == CheckersDirection.Up)
                    if(piece.Location.Y == CheckersGame.BoardBounds.Bottom)
                        strength += 1;
                    if(piece.Location.Y == CheckersGame.BoardBounds.Top)
                        strength += 1;
                // Heuristic: Stronger if king is on board
                strength += 19;

            return strength;
Example #5
        private bool isValidCapture(Board i_GameBoard, string io_PositionFrom, string io_PositionTo,
                                    ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalPieces, ref CheckersPiece io_RivalChecker)
            bool   isValid = false;
            ushort rowIndex, colIndex;

            foreach (string positionFrom in Moves.Keys)
                if (io_PositionFrom == positionFrom)
                    if (isPositionInList(io_PositionTo, Moves[positionFrom]))
                        rowIndex          = i_GameBoard.GetIndexInBoard(ref io_PositionFrom, out colIndex);
                        io_CurrentChecker = CaptureUtils.FindCheckerPiece(rowIndex, colIndex, Pieces);

                        colIndex += (ushort)(io_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] - io_PositionFrom[k_ColIndex]);
                        rowIndex += (ushort)(io_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] - io_PositionFrom[k_RowIndex]);
                        getRivalPosition(ref rowIndex, ref colIndex, io_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] < io_PositionFrom[k_RowIndex],
                                         io_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] < io_PositionFrom[k_ColIndex]);
                        io_RivalChecker = CaptureUtils.FindCheckerPiece((ushort)rowIndex, (ushort)colIndex, i_RivalPieces);

                        isValid = true;

Example #6
 public void MakeCapture(Board i_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentCheckerPiece, ref string io_PositionTo,
                         ref CheckersPiece io_RivalCheckerPiece)
     CaptureUtils.CaptureRivalCheckerPiece(i_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentCheckerPiece,
                                           io_PositionTo, ref io_RivalCheckerPiece);
     m_CurrentCheckerPiece = io_CurrentCheckerPiece;
 private static bool isCorrectMoveKingDownWay(CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece, ushort i_BoardSize, string i_PositionTo)
     return((i_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex + 1 == i_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] - 'A' &&
             i_CurrentCheckerPiece.RowIndex + 1 == i_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] - 'a') ||
            (i_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex - 1 == i_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] - 'A' &&
             i_CurrentCheckerPiece.RowIndex + 1 == i_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] - 'a'));
Example #8
        private static bool isAvailableCellDownRightWay(Board i_GameBoard, CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece)
            ushort newRowIndex      = (ushort)(i_CurrentCheckerPiece.RowIndex + 1);
            ushort newColRightIndex = (ushort)(i_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex + 1);

            return(i_GameBoard.IsCheckerAvailable(newRowIndex, newColRightIndex));
        public MoveResult(MoveType type, CheckersPiece piece, int nx, int ny)
            Type = type;
            OriginalPieceLocation = new Location(piece.X, piece.Y);
            FinalPieceLocation = new Location(nx, ny);

            JumpResults = new List<JumpResult>();
Example #10
 private static void checkCorrectMoveWayDown(CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece, ref string io_PositionFrom,
                                             ref string io_PositionTo, string i_Name)
     while (!isCorrectMoveDownWay(i_CurrentCheckerPiece, io_PositionTo))
         Console.WriteLine("The request position to move is not legal. You can make only diagonal move.");
         UserTurnConversation(i_Name, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);
Example #11
 private void playerMustMoveValid(Board i_GameBoard, ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo,
                                  ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker)
     while (!isValidMove(i_GameBoard, io_PositionFrom, io_PositionTo, ref io_CurrentChecker))
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid move. player must move with to free positions.");
         //string move = UserInterface.GetValidMove(i_GameBoard);
         // Validation.ParsePositions(move, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);
         Validation.UserTurnConversation(Name, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);
Example #12
 public void MakeUserMove(ref Board io_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker, string i_PositionFrom, string i_PositionTo)
     if (!io_CurrentChecker.IsKing)
         MoveUtils.MoveTool(ref io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker, i_PositionTo);
         MakeToolAKing(io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker);
         MoveUtils.MoveTool(ref io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker, i_PositionTo);
Example #13
 // Constructors:
 public User(string i_Name, ePlayerType i_PlayerNumber, bool i_IsComputer)
     m_Name             = i_Name;
     m_Score            = 0;
     m_CheckersPiece    = null;
     m_PlayerNumber     = i_PlayerNumber;
     m_CheckerPieceKind = i_PlayerNumber == ePlayerType.MainPlayer ?
                          CheckersPiece.ePieceKind.MainPlayerTool : CheckersPiece.ePieceKind.SecondPlayerTool;
     m_Moves = null;
     m_CurrentCheckerPiece = null;
     m_IsComputer          = i_IsComputer;
Example #14
        internal void UpdatePieceInBoard(CheckersPlayer i_Player, int i_CurrentRow, int i_CurrentColumn, int i_TargetRow, int i_TargetColumn)
            CheckersPiece pieceToMove = r_CheckersBoard[i_CurrentRow, i_CurrentColumn].Piece;

            r_CheckersBoard[i_TargetRow, i_TargetColumn].Piece          = pieceToMove;
            r_CheckersBoard[i_CurrentRow, i_CurrentColumn].Piece        = null;
            r_CheckersBoard[i_TargetRow, i_TargetColumn].Piece.Location = new int[2] {
                i_TargetRow, i_TargetColumn

            changePieceToKingIfNeeded(i_Player, pieceToMove, i_TargetRow);
Example #15
 private void playerMustCapture(Board i_GameBoard, ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo,
                                ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalPieces, ref CheckersPiece io_RivalChecker)
     while (!isValidCapture(i_GameBoard, io_PositionFrom, io_PositionTo, ref io_CurrentChecker, i_RivalPieces,
                            ref io_RivalChecker))
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid move. player must capture.");
         //string move = UserInterface.GetValidMove(i_GameBoard);
         //Validation.ParsePositions(move, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);
         Validation.UserTurnConversation(Name, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);
Example #16
 private void computerMustCapture(Board i_GameBoard, ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo,
                                  ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalPieces, ref CheckersPiece io_RivalChecker)
     while (!isValidCapture(i_GameBoard, io_PositionFrom, io_PositionTo, ref io_CurrentChecker,
                            ref io_RivalChecker))
         int randomKey = new Random().Next(Moves.Keys.Count);
         io_PositionFrom = getRandomKey(randomKey);
         int randomValue = new Random().Next(Moves[io_PositionFrom].Count);
         io_PositionTo = Moves[io_PositionFrom][randomValue];
Example #17
        private void playMove(Board io_GameBoard, ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo)
            CheckersPiece checkerPieceToMove = null;

            if (!IsComputer)
                playerMustMoveValid(io_GameBoard, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo, ref checkerPieceToMove);
                MakeUserMove(ref io_GameBoard, ref checkerPieceToMove, io_PositionFrom, io_PositionTo);
                MakeComputerMove(ref io_GameBoard, ref checkerPieceToMove);
Example #18
        // Computer Player Methods:
        public void MakeComputerMove(ref Board io_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker)
            string[] positions = getRandomMove(io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker);

            if (!io_CurrentChecker.IsKing)
                MoveUtils.MoveTool(ref io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker, positions[1]);
                MakeToolAKing(io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker);
                MoveUtils.MoveTool(ref io_GameBoard, ref io_CurrentChecker, positions[1]);
Example #19
        internal void RemoveOpponentPiece(int i_CurrentRow, int i_CurrentColumn, int i_TargetRow, int i_TargetColumn, CheckersPlayer i_Opponent)
            int PorgressRowDirection    = (i_TargetRow - i_CurrentRow) / 2;
            int PorgressColumnDirection = (i_TargetColumn - i_CurrentColumn) / 2;

            int PieceToDeleteRowLocation    = i_CurrentRow + PorgressRowDirection;
            int PieceToDeleteColumnLocation = i_CurrentColumn + PorgressColumnDirection;

            CheckersPiece eatenPiece = r_CheckersBoard[PieceToDeleteRowLocation, PieceToDeleteColumnLocation].Piece;


            r_CheckersBoard[PieceToDeleteRowLocation, PieceToDeleteColumnLocation].Piece = null;
Example #20
        private string[] getRandomMove(Board i_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker)
            int keyIndex = new Random().Next(Moves.Keys.Count);

            string[] positions = new string[2];

            while (!isCheckerFoundAndUpdate(i_GameBoard, keyIndex, out positions[0],
                                            out positions[1], ref io_CurrentChecker))
                keyIndex = new Random().Next(Moves.Keys.Count);

Example #21
        public static void CaptureRivalCheckerPiece(Board i_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentCheckerPiece, string i_PositionTo,
                                                    ref CheckersPiece io_RivalCheckerPiece)
            ushort nextColIndex;
            ushort nextRowIndex = i_GameBoard.GetIndexInBoard(ref i_PositionTo, out nextColIndex);

            // Update board after eating, and move the current checker to his next place.
            i_GameBoard.UpdateAfterEating(io_CurrentCheckerPiece.RowIndex, io_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex,
                                          nextRowIndex, nextColIndex,
                                          io_RivalCheckerPiece.RowIndex, io_RivalCheckerPiece.ColIndex);
            // Update current checker position.
            io_CurrentCheckerPiece.ChangePosition(nextRowIndex, nextColIndex);
            // Update rival's checker status (dead).
Example #22
        private CheckersPiece updateCurrentCheckerPiece(ushort i_RowIndex, ushort i_ColIndex)
            CheckersPiece foundCheckerPiece = null;

            foreach (CheckersPiece checkerPiece in m_CheckersPiece)
                if (CaptureUtils.IsSamePosition(checkerPiece, i_RowIndex, i_ColIndex))
                    foundCheckerPiece = checkerPiece;

Example #23
        public static CheckersPiece FindCheckerPiece(ushort i_RowIndex, ushort i_ColIndex, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalChckersPiece)
            CheckersPiece currentCheckerPiece = null;

            foreach (CheckersPiece piece in i_RivalChckersPiece)
                if (IsSamePosition(piece, i_RowIndex, i_ColIndex))
                    currentCheckerPiece = piece;

Example #24
        private static bool tryInsertCapturePosition(
            Board i_GameBoard, CheckersPiece i_CurrentChecker,
            ushort i_RowIndex, ushort i_ColIndex,
            CheckersPiece i_RivalChecker, ref Dictionary <string, List <string> > io_CapturePositions)
            bool canInsert = false;

            if (i_RivalChecker != null && isAvailableCaptureCell(i_GameBoard, i_RowIndex, i_ColIndex))
                string captureIndex = MoveUtils.GetStringIndexes(i_RowIndex, i_ColIndex);
                MoveUtils.AddToDict(ref io_CapturePositions, i_CurrentChecker, captureIndex);
                canInsert = true;

        public override void Draw(Board board, List<CheckersPiece> playerOnePieces, List<CheckersPiece> playerTwoPieces, List<MoveResult> availableMoves, CheckersPiece selectedPiece = null)
            for (var i = 0; i < board.Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < board.Height; j++)
                    var tileTexture = board.GetTile(i, j).Color == TileColor.Black ? _blackTile : _whiteTile;

                    _spriteBatch.Draw(tileTexture, new Rectangle(i*TileSize, j*TileSize, TileSize, TileSize),

            DrawPieces(_blackPiece, playerOnePieces, selectedPiece);
            DrawPieces(_redPiece, playerTwoPieces, selectedPiece);
Example #26
 private void changePieceToKingIfNeeded(CheckersPlayer i_Player, CheckersPiece i_Piece, int i_TargetRow)
     if (i_TargetRow == 0)
         if (i_Player.PawnType == CheckersPiece.ePieceType.X)
             i_Piece.PieceType = CheckersPiece.ePieceType.K;
     else if (i_TargetRow == r_BoardSize - 1)
         if (i_Player.PawnType == CheckersPiece.ePieceType.O)
             i_Piece.PieceType = CheckersPiece.ePieceType.U;
Example #27
        private double GetPiecePoints(CheckersBoard board,CheckersPiece piece, PieceColor playerColor)
            int area = 1;
            if (piece.X <= Area2Width || piece.X >= board.Width - Area2Width || piece.Y <= Area2Width ||
                piece.Y >= board.Height - Area2Width) area = 2;

            double points = 0;
            if (piece is Pawn)
                points = area == 2 ? _pawnStrengthArea2 : _pawnStrengthArea1;
            else if (piece is Queen)
                points = area == 2 ? _queenStrengthArea2 : _queenStrengthArea1;

            return points * (piece.Color == playerColor ? 1 : -1);
Example #28
        // Move Tools Methods:
        public static void MoveTool(ref Board io_GameBoard, ref CheckersPiece io_CurrentChecker, string i_PositionTo)
            ushort nextRowIndex = (ushort)(i_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] - 'a');
            ushort nextColIndex = (ushort)(i_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] - 'A');

            // If there is not(!) a rival checker piece in the way.
            // Check valid move - include: inborder, valid input, is empty cell.
            // Validation.CheckValidMoveRegularTool(io_GameBoard, i_CurrentPlayer, io_CurrentChecker, ref i_PositionFrom, ref i_PositionTo);

            // Update board - new tool position.

            io_CurrentChecker.ChangePosition(nextRowIndex, nextColIndex);
Example #29
        private static void getUpCellsPosition(ref Dictionary <string, List <string> > io_OptionsMove, Board i_GameBoard,
                                               CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece)
            ushort newRowIndex      = (ushort)(i_CurrentCheckerPiece.RowIndex - 1);
            ushort newColRightIndex = (ushort)(i_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex + 1);
            ushort newColLeftIndex  = (ushort)(i_CurrentCheckerPiece.ColIndex - 1);
            string positionRightStr = GetStringIndexes(newRowIndex, newColRightIndex);
            string positionLeftStr  = GetStringIndexes(newRowIndex, newColLeftIndex);

            if (isAvailableCellUpRightWay(i_GameBoard, i_CurrentCheckerPiece))
                AddToDict(ref io_OptionsMove, i_CurrentCheckerPiece, positionRightStr);

            if (isAvailableCellUpLeftWay(i_GameBoard, i_CurrentCheckerPiece))
                AddToDict(ref io_OptionsMove, i_CurrentCheckerPiece, positionLeftStr);
Example #30
        private void playCapture(Board io_GameBoard, ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo, List <CheckersPiece> i_RivalPlayerPieces)
            CheckersPiece checkerPieceToMove = null;
            CheckersPiece rivalCheckerPiece  = null;

            if (!IsComputer)
                playerMustCapture(io_GameBoard, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo,
                                  ref checkerPieceToMove, i_RivalPlayerPieces, ref rivalCheckerPiece);
                computerMustCapture(io_GameBoard, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo,
                                    ref checkerPieceToMove, i_RivalPlayerPieces, ref rivalCheckerPiece);

            // Checks if there's an optional capture, and updating the data structure.
            MakeCapture(io_GameBoard, ref checkerPieceToMove, ref io_PositionTo, ref rivalCheckerPiece);
            checkerPieceToMove.GotToOtherSideOfBoard(ref io_GameBoard);
            // Remove checker piece from rival's soldiers.
        public void KillPiece(CheckersPiece killedPiece, int timestamp)
            killedPiece.InPlay = false;
            killedPiece.Timestamp = timestamp;

            var listToKill = (killedPiece.Color == PieceColor.Black ? AlivePlayerOnePieces : AlivePlayerTwoPieces);
            var listToAdd = (killedPiece.Color == PieceColor.Black ? CapturedPlayerOnePieces : CapturedPlayerTwoPieces);

            for (var i = 0; i < listToKill.Count; i++)
                var p = listToKill[i];
                if (p.X == killedPiece.X && p.Y == killedPiece.Y)

Example #32
 private static bool isCorrectMoveKingWay(CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece, ushort i_BoardSize, string i_PositionTo)
     return(isCorrectMoveKingDownWay(i_CurrentCheckerPiece, i_BoardSize, i_PositionTo) &&
            isCorrectMoveKingUpWay(i_CurrentCheckerPiece, i_BoardSize, i_PositionTo));
Example #33
        public static void AddToDict(ref Dictionary <string, List <string> > io_Options, CheckersPiece i_CurrentChecker, string i_OptionPosition)
            string currentPosition = GetStringIndexes(i_CurrentChecker.RowIndex, i_CurrentChecker.ColIndex);

            if (!io_Options.ContainsKey(currentPosition))
                io_Options.Add(currentPosition, new List <string>());
Example #34
        // Valid Move Methods:
        public static void CheckValidMoveRegularTool(Board i_GameBoard, User i_CurrentPlayer, CheckersPiece i_CurrentCheckerPiece,
                                                     ref string io_PositionFrom, ref string io_PositionTo)
            while (!i_GameBoard.IsCheckerAvailable((ushort)(io_PositionTo[k_RowIndex] - 'a'),
                                                   (ushort)(io_PositionTo[k_ColIndex] - 'A')))
                Console.WriteLine("The request position to move is not legal. Please enter position, which the cell is free to move.");
                UserTurnConversation(i_CurrentPlayer.Name, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo);

            if (i_CurrentPlayer.CheckerKind == CheckersPiece.ePieceKind.SecondPlayerKing /*CheckersPiece.ePieceKind.O*/)
                // The current player can move only down and in diagonal move.
                checkCorrectMoveWayDown(i_CurrentCheckerPiece, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo, i_CurrentPlayer.Name);
            // If the current player has tools from 'X' kind.
                // The current player can move only up and in diagonal move.
                checkCorrectMoveWayUp(i_CurrentCheckerPiece, ref io_PositionFrom, ref io_PositionTo, i_CurrentPlayer.Name);
 private void SetSelectedPiece(CheckersGameDriver gameDriver, CheckersPiece piece)
     _xnaCheckersDriver.CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingPiece;
     CurrentSelectedPiece = piece;
     _allAvailableMoves = gameDriver.Board.GetAllAvailableMoves(Color);
     _selectedAvailableMoves = gameDriver.Board.GetAvailableMovesForPiece(piece, false);
        // returns the possible moves for a given piece, if jumpsOnly is set, then only jumps will be considered
        public List<MoveResult> GetAvailableMovesForPiece(CheckersPiece piece, bool jumpsOnly)
            var moveResults = new List<MoveResult>();
            var jumpsAvailable = GetAvailableJumps(piece.X, piece.Y, piece.Color);

            if (jumpsAvailable.Count > 0 || jumpsOnly)
                for (var i = 0; i < jumpsAvailable.Count; i++)
                    var jump = jumpsAvailable[i];
                    var mr = new MoveResult(MoveType.Jump, piece, jump.FinalLocation.X, jump.FinalLocation.Y)
                                 {JumpResults = jump.LocationsJumped};

                return moveResults; //user must make a jummp

            //possible forward moves must be considered too
            var possibleEndValues = new List<Location>
                                            new Location(piece.X - 1, piece.Y + (int)piece.Forward),
                                            new Location(piece.X + 1, piece.Y + (int)piece.Forward)

            for (var i = possibleEndValues.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var p = possibleEndValues[i];

                //remove invalid final locations (piece is there or the location is invalid)
                if (!TileBoard.IsValidLocation(p) || Pieces.GetPieceAtPosition(p) != null)

            for (var i = 0; i < possibleEndValues.Count; i++)
                var possibleEndValue = possibleEndValues[i];
                moveResults.Add(new MoveResult(MoveType.Forward, piece, possibleEndValue.X, possibleEndValue.Y));

            return moveResults;
Example #37
        private void NewMove(CheckersPiece piece, BoardPosition position)
            _posiblemoves = piece.PossibleMoves;

            _currentPath = new List<BoardPosition>();
            _currentPath.Add(new BoardPosition(piece.X, piece.Y));
            _boardDrawer.Selected[piece.X, piece.Y] = true;
        public void RevivePiece(CheckersPiece ressedPiece)
            ressedPiece.InPlay = true;
            ressedPiece.Timestamp = 0;

            var listToKill = (ressedPiece.Color == PieceColor.Black ? CapturedPlayerOnePieces : CapturedPlayerTwoPieces);
            var listToAdd = (ressedPiece.Color == PieceColor.Black ? AlivePlayerOnePieces : AlivePlayerTwoPieces);

            for (var i = 0; i < listToKill.Count; i++)
                var p = listToKill[i];
                if (p.X == ressedPiece.X && p.Y == ressedPiece.Y)

        private void DrawPieces(Texture2D pieceTexture, List<CheckersPiece> pieces, CheckersPiece selectedPiece)
            for (var i = 0; i < pieces.Count; i++)
                var piece = pieces[i];
                var rectToDrawIn = new Rectangle(piece.X*TileSize, piece.Y*TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);

                    _spriteBatch.Draw(_selectedGlow, new Vector2(rectToDrawIn.Center.X, rectToDrawIn.Center.Y), null, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(48, 48), 1f, SpriteEffects.None,  0);

                _spriteBatch.Draw(pieceTexture, rectToDrawIn, Color.White);
        public override void Draw(Board board, List<CheckersPiece> playerOnePieces, List<CheckersPiece> playerTwoPieces, List<MoveResult> availableMoves, CheckersPiece selectedPiece = null)

            //if you want to write to console, fill the rest of this function out
 public abstract void Draw(Board board, List<CheckersPiece> playerOnePieces, List<CheckersPiece> playerTwoPieces, List<MoveResult> availableMoves, CheckersPiece selectedPiece = null);
Example #42
 public static bool IsSamePosition(CheckersPiece i_ChckerPiece, ushort i_RowIndex, ushort i_ColIndex)
     return(i_ChckerPiece.ColIndex == i_ColIndex && i_ChckerPiece.RowIndex == i_RowIndex);
Example #43
 public virtual Color GetPieceColor(CheckersPiece piece)
     if (piece is Pawn) return piece.Color == PieceColor.White ? Color.LightBlue : Color.MediumPurple;
     else if (piece is Queen) return piece.Color == PieceColor.White ? Color.Blue : Color.Purple;
     else return Color.Empty;
        public InvalidMoveException(CheckersPiece piece, int newX, int newY)
            MovingPiece = piece;

            AttemptedLocation = new Location(newX, newY);