Example #1
 public LNode Fn(LNode retType, LNode name, LNode argList, LNode body = null, int startIndex = -1, int endIndex = -1)
     Debug.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex);
     CheckParam.Arg("argList", argList.Name == S.List || argList.Name == S.Missing);
     LNode[] list = body == null
                         ? new[] { retType, name, argList }
                         : new[] { retType, name, argList, body };
     return(new StdSimpleCallNode(S.Fn, new RVList <LNode>(list), new SourceRange(_file, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)));
Example #2
 public LNode Property(LNode type, LNode name, LNode body = null, int startIndex = -1, int endIndex = -1)
     Debug.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex);
     CheckParam.Arg("body", body.IsCall && (body.Name == S.Braces || (body.Name == S.Forward && body.Args.Count == 1)));
     LNode[] list = body == null
                         ? new[] { type, name, }
                         : new[] { type, name, body };
     return(new StdSimpleCallNode(S.Property, new RVList <LNode>(list), new SourceRange(_file, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)));
Example #3
 public LNode Property(LNode type, LNode name, LNode argList, LNode body, LNode initializer = null, int startIndex = -1, int endIndex = -1)
     argList = argList ?? Missing_;
     CheckParam.Arg("body with initializer", initializer == null || (body != null && body.Calls(S.Braces)));
     if (endIndex < startIndex)
         endIndex = startIndex;
     LNode[] list = body == null
                         ? new[] { type, name, argList, }
                         : initializer == null
                         ? new[] { type, name, argList, body }
                         : new[] { type, name, argList, body, initializer };
     return(new StdSimpleCallNode(S.Property, new VList <LNode>(list), new SourceRange(_file, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)));
Example #4
        /// <summary>Given a normal operator symbol like <c>(Symbol)"'++"</c>, gets
        /// the suffix form of the name, such as <c>(Symbol)"'suf++"</c>.</summary>
        /// <remarks>op must be a Symbol, but the parameter has type object to avoid casting Token.Value in the parser.</remarks>
        public Symbol ToSuffixOpName(object symbol)
            CheckParam.IsNotNull(nameof(symbol), symbol);

            _suffixOpNames = _suffixOpNames ?? new Dictionary <object, Symbol>();
            Symbol name;

            if (_suffixOpNames.TryGetValue(symbol, out name))

            CheckParam.Arg(nameof(symbol), symbol.ToString().StartsWith("'"), symbol);

            var was = symbol.ToString();

            return(_suffixOpNames[symbol] = GSymbol.Get("'suf" + symbol.ToString().Substring(1)));
Example #5
        /// <summary>Converts a StringBuilder with <see cref="LesColorCode"/>
        /// control codes to HTML with Pygments CSS class codes.</summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input containing <see cref="LesColorCode"/> control characters.</param>
        /// <param name="output">Output StringBuilder for HTML code. If null, a new one is created.</param>
        /// <param name="addPreCode">Whether to wrap the output in "&lt;pre class='highlight'>&lt;code>" tags.</param>
        /// <param name="newline">What to write to <c>output</c> when '\n' is encountered.</param>
        /// <param name="colorCodesToCssClasses">CSS class table for span tags,
        /// see <see cref="GetDefaultCssClassTable"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The output StringBuilder.</returns>
        public static StringBuilder PrintToHtmlCore(
            StringBuilder input, StringBuilder output = null,
            bool addPreCode = true, string newline = "\n",
            string[] colorCodesToCssClasses = null)
            CheckParam.Arg("output", output != input);
            colorCodesToCssClasses = colorCodesToCssClasses ?? DefaultCssClassTable;
            output = output ?? new StringBuilder(input.Length);
            if (addPreCode)
                output.Append("<pre class='highlight'><code>");

            string cssClass = null;
            int    depth = 0;
            char   c, next = input.TryGet(0, '\0');

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                c    = next;
                next = input.TryGet(i + 1, '\0');
                if (c < colorCodesToCssClasses.Length)
                    if (c <= '\n')                              // \n is 10
                        if (c == '\n')
                        else if (c != '\0')
                            // If the LNode contains control codes, printer should have \escaped them
                            Debug.Assert(c == '\t');                             // \t is 9
                    else if (c == (char)LesColorCode.Opener)
                        if (next == '(' || next == '[')
                            c = (char)((++depth & 1) == 0 ? LesColorCode.Closer : LesColorCode.Opener);
                            c = (char)LesColorCode.Separator;
                    else if (c == (char)LesColorCode.Closer)
                        if (next == ')' || next == ']')
                            c = (char)((--depth & 1) == 1 ? LesColorCode.Closer : LesColorCode.Opener);
                            c = (char)LesColorCode.Separator;

                    var newClass = colorCodesToCssClasses[(int)c];
                    if (newClass != cssClass)
                        if (cssClass != null)
                        if (newClass != null)
                            output.Append("<span class='").Append(newClass).Append("'>");
                        cssClass = newClass;
                    if (c == (char)LesColorCode.Attribute && next == '@' &&
                        input.TryGet(i + 2, '\0').IsOneOf((char)LesColorCode.Id, (char)LesColorCode.Number, (char)LesColorCode.KeywordLiteral, (char)LesColorCode.CustomLiteral, (char)LesColorCode.String))
                        // skip over @ and the next control code to extend attribute coloring over it
                        i += 2;
                else if (c == '<')
                else if (c == '&')
            if (cssClass != null)

            if (addPreCode)