Example #1
 public PaymentCreationDtoValidator()
     //TODO: Custom check with utils function if ids are in the right format
     RuleFor(x => x.Price).NotNull().NotEmpty().GreaterThan(0);
     RuleFor(x => x.Valute).NotNull().NotEmpty();
     RuleFor(x => x.WorkerAccountId).Must(id => id != null && CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(id)).WithMessage("WorkerAccountId is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
     RuleFor(x => x.ReservationId).Must(id => id != null && CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(id)).WithMessage("ReservationId is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
 public IntervalsForWorkDay GetIntervalsForWorkDay(string id)
     if (CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(id))
     throw new InvalidIdFormatException("Id is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
 public WorkerAccount GetWorkerAccount(string id)
     if (!CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(id))
         throw new InvalidCastException("Id is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
        public IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse GetIntervalsForWorkDayReservation(IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParams queryParams)
            String workDayId = queryParams.WorkDayId;
            String startHour = queryParams.StartHour;
            String endHour   = queryParams.EndHour;
            //String numberOfPeople = queryParams.NumberOfPeople;
            String gameId = queryParams.GameId;
            Dictionary <Table, int> tablesDict = new Dictionary <Table, int>();
            Dictionary <Game, int>  gamesDict  = new Dictionary <Game, int>();

                if (workDayId == null || startHour == null || endHour == null)
                    throw new InvalidReservationQueryParametersException("Bad query parameters, required params are missing");
                if (!CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(workDayId))
                    throw new InvalidReservationQueryParametersException("Work id is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
                IntervalsForWorkDay intervalsForWorkDay = _intervalsForWorkDaysRepository.GetIntervalsForWorkDayByWorkDayId(workDayId);
                if (intervalsForWorkDay == null)
                    //No free intervals (it's not a work day)
                    throw new IntervalForWorkDayNotFoundException("No intervals for a work day to show");

                List <IntervalForWorkDay> freeTimeIntervals = intervalsForWorkDay.FreeTimeIntervals;
                if (freeTimeIntervals == null || freeTimeIntervals.Count == 0)
                    //throw new Exception("No free intervals to show");
                    return(new IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse());

                //TODO: Start hour should be larger than workDay schema startHour, frontend
                int s     = Convert.ToInt32(startHour);
                int e     = Convert.ToInt32(endHour);
                int hours = e - s;
                if (hours < 0 || hours > 3)
                    throw new InvalidReservationQueryParametersException("Wrong query params StartHour should be smaller than EndHour with max difference 3");
                int          i = 0;
                List <Table> freeTables;
                List <Game>  freeGames;
                List <Table> tables = new List <Table>();
                List <Game>  games  = new List <Game>();
                foreach (IntervalForWorkDay interval in freeTimeIntervals)
                    if (interval.StartHour >= s && interval.EndHour >= e)
                        // For one day game name, price and other fields will be the same in every list of games
                        // even when reservations are cancelled (if name price changes it will stay the same as it was
                        // when intervals were made (work day was inserted))
                        freeTables = interval.FreeTables;
                        freeGames  = interval.FreeGames;

                        if (i == 0)
                            //TODO: should be better
                                InitializeTablesAndGamesDict(tablesDict, freeTables, gamesDict, freeGames, gameId);
                            catch (Exception exc)
                                return(new IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse());
                            GetTables(tablesDict, freeTables);
                            GetGames(gamesDict, freeGames, gameId);
                    if (i == hours)
                } //foreach

                GetFreeTables(tables, tablesDict, hours);
                if (tables.Count > 0)
                    IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse response = new IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse();

                    if (gameId == null) //Reservation
                        GetFreeGames(games, gamesDict, hours);
                        response.Tables = tables;
                        response.Games  = games;
                    else //GameReservation
                        response.Tables = tables;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Game, int> kvp in gamesDict)
                            if (kvp.Value == hours)
                                response.Games = games;
                                //TODO: Should be nicer
                                //throw new Exception("Game is not available");
                        //logically unreachable
                        //throw new Exception("Game is not available");
                    //No free tables
                    //throw new Exception("No free tables");
                    return(new IntervalsForWorkDayReservationQueryParamsResponse());
            catch (Exception e)
                //TODO custom exception
                //Conversion not successfull or s>e
                throw new Exception(e.Message);
Example #5
        public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
            AccountsService _accountsService = (AccountsService)context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService <IAccountsService>();

                var postRequest = context.ActionArguments["workerAccount"] as WorkerAccountCreationDto;
                var putRequest  = context.ActionArguments["workerAccount"] as WorkerAccountUpdateDto;
                if (postRequest != null)
                    //TODO: If properties are null
                    string        username           = postRequest.Username;
                    string        email              = postRequest.Email;
                    ClientAccount clientWithUsername = _accountsService.GetClientAccountByUsername(username);
                    ClientAccount clientWithEmail    = _accountsService.GetClientAccountByEmail(email);
                    WorkerAccount workerWithUsername = _accountsService.GetWorkerAccountByEmail(email);
                    WorkerAccount workerWithEmail    = _accountsService.GetWorkerAccountByUsername(username);
                    if (clientWithUsername != null || workerWithUsername != null)
                        throw new Exception("Username is already taken");
                    if (clientWithEmail != null || workerWithEmail != null)
                        throw new Exception("Email already in use");
                else if (putRequest != null)
                    //TODO: If properties are null
                    //TODO: id will be null if post gets updatedto
                    string username = putRequest.Username;
                    string id       = (string)context.ActionArguments["id"];
                    //TODO: Check if id is valid 24 digit hex string, mongodb objectid
                    if (!CheckIdHelpper.CheckId(id))
                        context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult("Id is not a valid 24 digit hex string");
                    ClientAccount clientWithId = _accountsService.GetClientAccount(id);
                    if (clientWithId == null)
                        context.Result = new NotFoundObjectResult("Worker account with id not found");
                    ClientAccount clientWithUsername = _accountsService.GetClientAccountByUsername(username);
                    WorkerAccount workerWithUsername = _accountsService.GetWorkerAccountByUsername(username);
                    if ((workerWithUsername != null && workerWithUsername.Id != id) || clientWithUsername != null)
                        throw new Exception("Username is already taken");
                    throw new Exception("Wrong request format");
            catch (Exception e)
                context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(e.Message);
            await next();