private void Listener() { var logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext(); MongoClient mdb = new MongoClient(); CheckDB cdb = new CheckDB(db, mdb, logger); try { var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost").Advanced; var queue = bus.QueueDeclare("data_queue"); var exchange = bus.ExchangeDeclare("data", ExchangeType.Topic, false, false, false, false, null, false); var binding = bus.Bind(exchange, queue, "#"); bus.Consume(queue, (body, properties, info) => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body); dynamic json = JObject.Parse(message); PacketHandler pd = new PacketHandler(cdb); if (json.packet_type == "alarm") { pd.Alarm(json); } })); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Welcome.WelcomeToAirport(); string name = Console.ReadLine(); string firstNames, lastName; SplitFullName.SplitName(name, out firstNames, out lastName); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, welcome to check-in desk. Please answer for a few questions."); Console.WriteLine($"First of all, please input your date of birthday (yyyy,mm,d): "); Passport passport = new Passport(); passport.DateOfBirth = CheckType.GetDateFromConsole(); CheckDB.CheckDateOfBirth(passport); Console.WriteLine($"Are you have a visa, {firstNames}? (yes or no)"); Visa visa = new Visa(); visa.Status = CheckVisa.CheckOfVisa(); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, please input your passport number: "); passport.Number = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, now please input passport issued (yyyy,mm,d): "); passport.Issued = CheckType.GetDateFromConsole(); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, now please input passport expired (yyyy,mm,d): "); passport.Expired = CheckType.GetDateFromConsole(); CheckPassport.CheckDatesOfPassport(passport); Console.WriteLine($"Are you have a online registration, {firstNames}? (yes or no)"); Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); ticket.NumberOfTicket = CheckTicket.CheckOnlineRegistration(ticket); Console.WriteLine($"\nDo you have any luggage, {firstNames}? (yes or no)"); Bag bag = new Bag(); CheckBag.CheckWeightOfBag(bag); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, allright! Please go to security check. (any key)"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, welcome to security check. Open your case for examination, please." + $"\nDo you have anything forbidden in your suitcase: drugs, guns, explosive materials? (yes or no)"); SecurityEmployee security = new SecurityEmployee(); security.ForbiddenItem = SecurityCheck.CheckForbiddenItem(security); Console.WriteLine($"{firstNames}, welcome to passport control. May I see your passport and ticket, please? (yes or no)"); Passanger passanger = new Passanger(name, passport, ticket, visa, bag); PassportControlEmployee passportControlEmployee = new PassportControlEmployee(); passportControlEmployee.Passanger = PassportControl.CheckPassanger(passanger); }
public void TestMethod1() { //Mock<ApplicationDbContext> db = new Mock<ApplicationDbContext>(); //Mock<MongoClient> mdb = new Mock<MongoClient>(); //Mock<Logger> log = new Mock<Logger>(); ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext(); MongoClient mdb = new MongoClient(); Logger log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); CheckDB checkdb = new CheckDB(db, mdb, log); }