private async void DispatchSingleObjectMsg(XElement xmlObj) { ModelXmlMapper.MappedType typeInElement = GetMappedType(xmlObj); switch (typeInElement) { case ModelXmlMapper.MappedType.MESSAGE: MessageModel msg = new MessageModel(); if (msg.FromXml(xmlObj)) { string message = msg.From + ": " + msg.Content; await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { context.ChatWinodw.MessageReceived(message); } ); } break; case ModelXmlMapper.MappedType.CHAT_REQUEST: ChatRequest req = new ChatRequest(); if (req.FromXml(xmlObj)) { // TODO: check if ongoing chat and return failure from here: await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { context.ContactsWindow.ChatRequestReceived(req); } ); } break; case ModelXmlMapper.MappedType.CHAT_REQUEST_RESPONSE: ChatRequestResponse resp = new ChatRequestResponse(); if (resp.FromXml(xmlObj)) { await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { context.ContactsWindow.ChatResponseReceived(resp); // context.ChatWinodw.Disconnected(resp); } ); } break; case ModelXmlMapper.MappedType.LOGIN_RESPONSE: LoginResponse loginResp = new LoginResponse(); if (loginResp.FromXml(xmlObj)) { await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { context.LoginWindow.OnLoginResponseAsync(loginResp); } ); } break; case ModelXmlMapper.MappedType.CONTACT: Contact contact = new Contact(); if (contact.FromXml(xmlObj)) { await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { if (context.ContactsWindow != null) { context.ContactsWindow.OnContactUpdate(contact); } } ); } break; default: // do nothing break; } }
public void HandleMessage(string incommingMessage, TalkBackDBContext dbContext) { MappedType t = MappedType.UNDEFINED; XDocument serialized = XDocument.Parse(incommingMessage); XElement typeElement = serialized.Root.Element("Type"); if (typeElement == null) { // ignore return; } string type = typeElement.Value; if (, out t)) { switch (t) { case MappedType.MESSAGE: MessageModel msg = new MessageModel(); if (msg.FromXml(serialized.Root)) { HandleChatMessageMsg(msg, dbContext); } break; case MappedType.USER: UserModel user = new UserModel(); user.FromXml(serialized.Root); break; case MappedType.CONTACT: Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.FromXml(serialized.Root); break; case MappedType.CHAT_REQUEST: ChatRequest req = new ChatRequest(); if (req.FromXml(serialized.Root)) { HandleChatRequestMsg(req, dbContext); } break; case MappedType.CHAT_REQUEST_RESPONSE: ChatRequestResponse resp = new ChatRequestResponse(); if (resp.FromXml(serialized.Root)) { HandleChatResponseMsg(resp, dbContext); } break; case MappedType.LOGIN: Login login = new Login(); if (login.FromXml(serialized.Root)) { HandleLoginMsg(login, dbContext); } break; case MappedType.LOGIN_RESPONSE: LoginResponse loginResp = new LoginResponse(); loginResp.FromXml(serialized.Root); break; case MappedType.UNDEFINED: throw new Exception("Don't know how to parse this type"); } } }