//private void onKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { isKeyPressed=false; Print("keyup");} private void OnMouseDownEvent(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (checkForDeregister()) { return; } Point cPos = chartControl.MouseDownPoint; int posX = (int)ChartingExtensions.ConvertToHorizontalPixels(cPos.X - chartControl.BarWidthArray[0], chartControl.PresentationSource); int slot = (int)chartControl.GetSlotIndexByX(posX); //if clicked on visible if (slot >= chartBars.FromIndex && slot <= chartBars.ToIndex) { int clicked_Bar = slot; if (System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) //isKeyPressed { //isKeyPressed=false; destroyForm(false); createForm(); logForm.Show(); } if (logForm.Visible) { if (indi_or_strat != null) { if (indi_or_strat.BarsArray[0] != null) { Bars bars = indi_or_strat.BarsArray[0]; int barIdx = indi_or_strat.CurrentBars[0] - clicked_Bar - 1; //indi.CurrentBars[0] string bn = Library_PuvoxSoftware.Methods.barIdentifier(indi_or_strat, barIdx); string bn_prev = Library_PuvoxSoftware.Methods.barIdentifier(indi_or_strat, barIdx + 1); //IBar thebar = GetBarFromX(e.X); string primary = (primaryDict.ContainsKey(bn) ? primaryDict[bn] : ""); /* * string secondary= ( secondaryDict.ContainsKey(bn_prev) ? secondaryDict[ bn_prev ] : "" ); * string final_text = (secondary == "" ? "" : secondary + nl + "<<< BarsInProgress: 0 >>>"+ nl) + primary ; */ string warning_message = nl + "############ Warning ############" + nl + "The following BIP data is used to form the next Primary BAR." + nl + "To understand DataSeries better, read: - https://goo.gl/ScpDkN" + nl + "##############################" + nl; string secondary = (secondaryDict.ContainsKey(bn) ? warning_message + secondaryDict[bn] : ""); string final_text = primary + secondary; textarea.Text = final_text; DrawVerticalLine(bars.GetTime(clicked_Bar + 1)); } } } } }
protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale) { // This sample should be used along side the help guide educational resource on this topic: // http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/nt8/en-us/?using_sharpdx_for_custom_chart_rendering.htm // Default plotting in base class. Uncomment if indicators holds at least one plot // in this case we would expect NOT to see the SMA plot we have as well in this sample script //base.OnRender(chartControl, chartScale); // 1.1 - SharpDX Vectors and Charting RenderTarget Coordinates // The SharpDX SDK uses "Vector2" objects to describe a two-dimensional point of a device (X and Y coordinates) SharpDX.Vector2 startPoint; SharpDX.Vector2 endPoint; // For our custom script, we need a way to determine the Chart's RenderTarget coordinates to draw our custom shapes // This info can be found within the NinjaTrader.Gui.ChartPanel class. // You can also use various chartScale and chartControl members to calculate values relative to time and price // However, those concepts will not be discussed or used in this sample // Notes: RenderTarget is always the full ChartPanel, so we need to be mindful which sub-ChartPanel we're dealing with // Always use ChartPanel X, Y, W, H - as chartScale and chartControl properties WPF units, so they can be drastically different depending on DPI set startPoint = new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X, ChartPanel.Y); endPoint = new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, ChartPanel.Y + ChartPanel.H); // These Vector2 objects are equivalent with WPF System.Windows.Point and can be used interchangeably depending on your requirements // For convenience, NinjaTrader provides a "ToVector2()" extension method to convert from WPF Points to SharpDX.Vector2 SharpDX.Vector2 startPoint1 = new System.Windows.Point(ChartPanel.X, ChartPanel.Y + ChartPanel.H).ToVector2(); SharpDX.Vector2 endPoint1 = new System.Windows.Point(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, ChartPanel.Y).ToVector2(); // SharpDX.Vector2 objects contain X/Y properties which are helpful to recalculate new properties based on the initial vector float width = endPoint.X - startPoint.X; float height = endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y; // Or you can recalculate a new vector from existing vector objects SharpDX.Vector2 center = (startPoint + endPoint) / 2; // Tip: This check is simply added to prevent the Indicator dialog menu from opening as a user clicks on the chart // The default behavior is to open the Indicator dialog menu if a user double clicks on the indicator // (i.e, the indicator falls within the RenderTarget "hit testing") // You can remove this check if you want the default behavior implemented if (!IsInHitTest) { // 1.2 - SharpDX Brush Resources // RenderTarget commands must use a special brush resource defined in the SharpDX.Direct2D1 namespace // These resources exist just like you will find in the WPF/Windows.System.Media namespace // such as SolidColorBrushes, LienarGraidentBrushes, RadialGradientBrushes, etc. // To begin, we will start with the most basic "Brush" type // Warning: Brush objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush areaBrushDx; SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush smallAreaBrushDx; SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush textBrushDx; // for convenience, you can simply convert a WPF Brush to a DXBrush using the ToDxBrush() extension method provided by NinjaTrader // This is a common approach if you have a Brush property created e.g., on the UI you wish to use in custom rendering routines areaBrushDx = areaBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); smallAreaBrushDx = smallAreaBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); textBrushDx = textBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); // However - it should be noted that this conversion process can be rather expensive // If you have many brushes being created, and are not tied to WPF resources // You should rather favor creating the SharpDX Brush directly: // Warning: SolidColorBrush objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush customDXBrush = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(RenderTarget, SharpDX.Color.DodgerBlue); // 1.3 - Using The RenderTarget // before executing chart commands, you have the ability to describe how the RenderTarget should render // for example, we can store the existing RenderTarget AntialiasMode mode // then update the AntialiasMode to be the quality of non-text primitives are rendered SharpDX.Direct2D1.AntialiasMode oldAntialiasMode = RenderTarget.AntialiasMode; RenderTarget.AntialiasMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.AntialiasMode.Aliased; // Note: The code above stores the oldAntialiasMode as a best practices // i.e., if you plan on changing a property of the RenderTarget, you should plan to set it back // This is to make sure your requirements to no interfere with the function of another script // Additionally smoothing has some performance impacts // Once you have defined all the necessary requirements for you object // You can execute a command on the RenderTarget to draw specific shapes // e.g., we can now use the RenderTarget's DrawLine() command to render a line // using the start/end points and areaBrushDx objects defined before RenderTarget.DrawLine(startPoint, endPoint, areaBrushDx, 4); // Since rendering occurs in a sequential fashion, after you have executed a command // you can switch a property of the RenderTarget to meet other requirements // For example, we can draw a second line now which uses a different AntialiasMode // and the changes render on the chart for both lines from the time they received commands RenderTarget.AntialiasMode = SharpDX.Direct2D1.AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive; RenderTarget.DrawLine(startPoint1, endPoint1, areaBrushDx, 4); // 1.4 - Rendering Custom Shapes // SharpDX namespace consists of several shapes you can use to draw objects more complicated than lines // For example, we can use the RectangleF object to draw a rectangle that covers the entire chart area SharpDX.RectangleF rect = new SharpDX.RectangleF(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, width, height); // The RenderTarget consists of two commands related to Rectangles. // The FillRectangle() method is used to "Paint" the area of a Rectangle RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, areaBrushDx); // and DrawRectangle() is used to "Paint" the outline of a Rectangle RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, customDXBrush, 2); // Another example is an ellipse which can be used to draw circles // The ellipse center point can be used from the Vectors calculated earlier // The width and height an absolute 100 device pixels // To ensure that pixel coordinates work across all DPI devices, we use the NinjaTrader ChartingExteions methods // Which will convert the "100" value from WPF pixels to Device Pixels both vertically and horizontally int ellipseRadiusY = ChartingExtensions.ConvertToVerticalPixels(100, ChartControl.PresentationSource); int ellipseRadiusX = ChartingExtensions.ConvertToHorizontalPixels(100, ChartControl.PresentationSource); SharpDX.Direct2D1.Ellipse ellipse = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Ellipse(center, ellipseRadiusX, ellipseRadiusY); // 1.5 - Complex Brush Types and Shapes // For this ellipse, we can use one of the more complex brush types "RadialGradientBrush" // Warning: RadialGradientBrush objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.Direct2D1.RadialGradientBrush radialGradientBrush; // However creating a RadialGradientBrush requires a few more properties than SolidColorBrush // First, you need to define the array gradient stops the brush will eventually use SharpDX.Direct2D1.GradientStop[] gradientStops = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.GradientStop[2]; // With the gradientStops array, we can describe the color and position of the individual gradients gradientStops[0].Color = SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod; gradientStops[0].Position = 0.0f; gradientStops[1].Color = SharpDX.Color.SeaGreen; gradientStops[1].Position = 1.0f; // then declare a GradientStopCollection from our render target that uses the gradientStops array defined just before // Warning: GradientStopCollection objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.Direct2D1.GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.GradientStopCollection(RenderTarget, gradientStops); // we also need to tell our RadialGradientBrush to match the size and shape of the ellipse that we will be drawing // for convenience, SharpDX provides a RadialGradientBrushProperties structure to help define these properties SharpDX.Direct2D1.RadialGradientBrushProperties radialGradientBrushProperties = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.RadialGradientBrushProperties { GradientOriginOffset = new SharpDX.Vector2(0, 0), Center = ellipse.Point, RadiusX = ellipse.RadiusY, RadiusY = ellipse.RadiusY }; // we now have everything we need to create a radial gradient brush radialGradientBrush = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.RadialGradientBrush(RenderTarget, radialGradientBrushProperties, gradientStopCollection); // Finally, we can use this radialGradientBrush to "Paint" the area of the ellipse RenderTarget.FillEllipse(ellipse, radialGradientBrush); // 1.6 - Simple Text Rendering // For rendering custom text to the Chart, there are a few ways you can approach depending on your requirements // The most straight forward way is to "borrow" the existing chartControl font provided as a "SimpleFont" class // Using the chartControl LabelFont, your custom object will also change to the user defined properties allowing // your object to match different fonts if defined by user. // The code below will use the chartControl Properties Label Font if it exists, // or fall back to a default property if it cannot obtain that value NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont simpleFont = chartControl.Properties.LabelFont ?? new NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Arial", 12); // the advantage of using a SimpleFont is they are not only very easy to describe // but there is also a convenience method which can be used to convert the SimpleFont to a SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat used to render to the chart // Warning: TextFormat objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat textFormat1 = simpleFont.ToDirectWriteTextFormat(); // Once you have the format of the font, you need to describe how the font needs to be laid out // Here we will create a new Vector2() which draws the font according to the to top left corner of the chart (offset by a few pixels) SharpDX.Vector2 upperTextPoint = new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + 10, ChartPanel.Y + 20); // Warning: TextLayout objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout textLayout1 = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.DirectWriteFactory, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.SampleCustomPlotUpperLeftCorner, textFormat1, ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, textFormat1.FontSize); // With the format and layout of the text completed, we can now render the font to the chart RenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(upperTextPoint, textLayout1, textBrushDx, SharpDX.Direct2D1.DrawTextOptions.NoSnap); // 1.7 - Advanced Text Rendering // Font formatting and text layouts can get as complex as you need them to be // This example shows how to use a complete custom font unrelated to the existing user-defined chart control settings // Warning: TextLayout and TextFormat objects must be disposed of after they have been used SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat textFormat2 = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextFormat(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.DirectWriteFactory, "Century Gothic", FontWeight.Bold, FontStyle.Italic, 32f); SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout textLayout2 = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.DirectWriteFactory, NinjaTrader.Custom.Resource.SampleCustomPlotLowerRightCorner, textFormat2, 400, textFormat1.FontSize); // the textLayout object provides a way to measure the described font through a "Metrics" object // This allows you to create new vectors on the chart which are entirely dependent on the "text" that is being rendered // For example, we can create a rectangle that surrounds our font based off the textLayout which would dynamically change if the text used in the layout changed dynamically SharpDX.Vector2 lowerTextPoint = new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.W - textLayout2.Metrics.Width - 5, ChartPanel.Y + (ChartPanel.H - textLayout2.Metrics.Height)); SharpDX.RectangleF rect1 = new SharpDX.RectangleF(lowerTextPoint.X, lowerTextPoint.Y, textLayout2.Metrics.Width, textLayout2.Metrics.Height); // We can draw the Rectangle based on the TextLayout used above RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect1, smallAreaBrushDx); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect1, smallAreaBrushDx, 2); // And render the advanced text layout using the DrawTextLayout() method // Note: When drawing the same text repeatedly, using the DrawTextLayout() method is more efficient than using the DrawText() // because the text doesn't need to be formatted and the layout processed with each call RenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(lowerTextPoint, textLayout2, textBrushDx, SharpDX.Direct2D1.DrawTextOptions.NoSnap); // 1.8 - Cleanup // This concludes all of the rendering concepts used in the sample // However - there are some final clean up processes we should always provided before we are done // If changed, do not forget to set the AntialiasMode back to the default value as described above as a best practice RenderTarget.AntialiasMode = oldAntialiasMode; // We also need to make sure to dispose of every device dependent resource on each render pass // Failure to dispose of these resources will eventually result in unnecessary amounts of memory being used on the chart // Although the effects might not be obvious as first, if you see issues related to memory increasing over time // Objects such as these should be inspected first areaBrushDx.Dispose(); customDXBrush.Dispose(); gradientStopCollection.Dispose(); radialGradientBrush.Dispose(); smallAreaBrushDx.Dispose(); textBrushDx.Dispose(); textFormat1.Dispose(); textFormat2.Dispose(); textLayout1.Dispose(); textLayout2.Dispose(); } }
protected override void OnStateChange() { if (State == State.SetDefaults) { Description = @"IchimokuCloud Kinko Hyo - \Equilibrium Chart at a Glance\ - For a FULL description of this indicator and how to use it, please see: http://www.forexabode.com/technical-analysis/ichimoku-cloud"; Name = "IchimokuCloud"; Calculate = Calculate.OnBarClose; IsOverlay = true; DisplayInDataBox = true; DrawOnPricePanel = true; DrawHorizontalGridLines = true; DrawVerticalGridLines = true; PaintPriceMarkers = true; ScaleJustification = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right; //Disable this property if your indicator requires custom values that cumulate with each new market data event. //See Help Guide for additional information. IsSuspendedWhileInactive = false; // Create default brushes dxmBrushes = new Dictionary <string, DXMediaMap>(); foreach (string brushName in new string[] { "CloudAreaColorUp", "CloudAreaColorDown" }) { dxmBrushes.Add(brushName, new DXMediaMap()); } DisplayCloudOnly = true; AdjustBarMargins = false; PeriodFast = 9; PeriodMedium = 26; PeriodSlow = 52; CloudColorOpacity = 40; CloudAreaColorUp = Brushes.Green; CloudAreaColorDown = Brushes.Red; CloudDisplacement = 26; AddPlot(Brushes.Red, "TenkanSen"); AddPlot(Brushes.Purple, "KijunSen"); AddPlot(Brushes.MediumBlue, "ChikouSpan"); AddPlot(Brushes.Green, "SenkouSpanA"); AddPlot(Brushes.Red, "SenkouSpanB"); } else if (State == State.DataLoaded) { if (ChartControl != null) { // Adjust margins tmpMargin = ChartControl.Properties.BarMarginRight; if (AdjustBarMargins) { ChartControl.Properties.BarMarginRight = ChartingExtensions.ConvertToHorizontalPixels(ChartControl.BarWidth * (CloudDisplacement + 2) * 2, ChartControl.PresentationSource); } } } else if (State == State.Terminated) { //Reset Chart Margins if (ChartControl != null && tmpMargin != 0) { ChartControl.Properties.BarMarginRight = tmpMargin; } } }
//private void onKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { isKeyPressed=false; Print("keyup");} private void OnMouseDownEvent(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { log("OnMouseDownEvent1"); if (checkForDeregister()) { return; } if (indi_or_strat != null) { log("OnMouseDownEvent1-A"); Point cPos = chartControl.MouseDownPoint; // Coefficient between Bar and it's margin space is 0.65 int posX = (int)ChartingExtensions.ConvertToHorizontalPixels(cPos.X + chartControl.BarWidthArray[0] * 1.65, chartControl.PresentationSource); int slot = (int)chartControl.GetSlotIndexByX(posX); //IBar thebar = GetBarFromX(e.X); //if clicked on visible if (slot >= chartBars.FromIndex && slot <= chartBars.ToIndex) { log("OnMouseDownEvent1-B"); int clicked_Bar = slot; // If Shift + Click , then open form if (System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) //isKeyPressed { //isKeyPressed=false; if (logForm == null || logForm.IsDisposed) { createForm(); } if (!logForm.Visible) { logForm.Show(); } } log("OnMouseDownEvent1-C"); // If By this moment, form is/was open, show values if (logForm != null && logForm.Visible) { logForm.BringToFront(); log("OnMouseDownEvent1-D"); if (indi_or_strat.BarsArray[0] != null) { log("OnMouseDownEvent1-E"); Bars bars = indi_or_strat.BarsArray[0]; int barsAgo = indi_or_strat.CurrentBars[0] - clicked_Bar; if (clicked_Bar <= 0) { return; } string bn = Puvox_Library.Methods.barIdentifier(indi_or_strat, barsAgo); string primary = (primaryDict.ContainsKey(bn) ? primaryDict[bn] : ""); /* * string bn_prev = clicked_Bar <= 0 ? "" : Puvox_Library.Methods.barIdentifier( indi_or_strat, barsAgo+1 ); * string secondary=clicked_Bar <= 0 ? "" : ( secondaryDict.ContainsKey(bn_prev) ? secondaryDict[ bn_prev ] : "" ); */ string warning_message = nl + "############ Warning ############" + nl + "Typically, additional (granular) BIP data (except the first one) is used to form the next Primary BAR." + nl + "To understand DataSeries better, must read: - https://goo.gl/ScpDkN" + nl + "##############################" + nl; string secondary = (secondaryDict.ContainsKey(bn) ? warning_message + secondaryDict[bn] : ""); string final_text = primary + secondary; textarea.Text = final_text; Puvox_Library.Methods.DrawVerticalLineBlinking(indi_or_strat, barsAgo); log("OnMouseDownEvent1-F"); } } } } log("OnMouseDownEvent2"); }
protected void MouseClicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { clickPoint.X = ChartingExtensions.ConvertToHorizontalPixels(e.GetPosition(ChartControl as IInputElement).X, ChartControl.PresentationSource); clickPoint.Y = ChartingExtensions.ConvertToVerticalPixels(e.GetPosition(ChartControl as IInputElement).Y, ChartControl.PresentationSource); convertedPrice = Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(chartScale.GetValueByY((float)clickPoint.Y)); convertedTime = ChartControl.GetTimeBySlotIndex((int)ChartControl.GetSlotIndexByX((int)clickPoint.X)); if (counter == 0) { ++counter; ++patterncount; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write("New Pattern,"); Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", "Click to Start", TextPosition.BottomLeft, ChartControl.Properties.ChartText, ChartControl.Properties.LabelFont, Brushes.LimeGreen, Brushes.Transparent, 0); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print("NEW PATTERN"); } else if (counter == 1) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on X Point"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 2) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on A Point"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 3) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on C Point"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 4) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on D/ENTRY Point"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 5) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedTime)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on D/ENTRY Date"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 6) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on TARGET 1"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 7) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on MAE"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 8) { ++counter; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.Write(string.Format("{0},", convertedTime)); // Append a new line to the file Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Click on Close Date/Time"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print(string.Format("{0},", convertedPrice)); } else if (counter == 9) { counter = 0; sw = File.AppendText(path); // Open the path for writing sw.WriteLine(""); Draw.TextFixed(this, "priceTime", string.Format("Pattern Complete"), TextPosition.BottomLeft); sw.Close(); // Close the file to allow future calls to access the file again. Print("PATTERN COMPLETE"); } ForceRefresh(); }