Example #1
        public int DotsExistsForCurrentSlidingWindow;                   // just because the object itself is the most convenient place to incapsulate it

        public Indicator()
            this.DataSeriesProxyFor  = DataSeriesProxyableFromBars.Close;
            this.ParametersByName    = new Dictionary <string, IndicatorParameter>();
            this.ChartPanelType      = ChartPanelType.PanelIndicatorSingle;
            this.OwnValuesCalculated = new DataSeriesTimeBased(this.Name);
            this.LineColor           = Color.Indigo;
            this.LineWidth           = 1;
Example #2
 public void SetBarColorBackground(Bar bar, Color color, ChartPanelType chartPanelType)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
		public void SetBarColorBackground(Bar bar, Color color, ChartPanelType chartPanelType) {
			throw new NotImplementedException();
		public int DotsExistsForCurrentSlidingWindow;		// just because the object itself is the most convenient place to incapsulate it
		public Indicator() {
			this.DataSeriesProxyFor = DataSeriesProxyableFromBars.Close;
			this.ParametersByName = new Dictionary<string, IndicatorParameter>();
			this.ChartPanelType = ChartPanelType.PanelIndicatorSingle;
			this.OwnValuesCalculated = new DataSeriesTimeBased(this.Name);
			this.LineColor = Color.Indigo;
			this.LineWidth = 1;