Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the list of photonviews of non-player AI characters
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The P vs.</returns>
    /// <param name="checkAlive">If set to <c>true</c> only returns alive character</param>
    public static List <PhotonView> Get_PVs(bool checkAlive = false)
        List <PhotonView> AICharacterPVs = new List <PhotonView> ();

        PHOTON_VIEW_LIST.RemoveAll(x => x == null);
        foreach (var p in PHOTON_VIEW_LIST)
            CharacterStatusHandler csh = p.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();
            if (csh != null)
//				if (csh is AIStatusHandler) {
                if (csh.Type == TYPE.NON_PLAYER_AI)
                    if (checkAlive && !csh.Alive())
                        //if checkalive and dead, don't add this one
                Debug.Log("WARNING : Element of this list must have CharacterStatusHandler as its component");
Example #2
    //collider attached to the rig seems to be spinning like hell
    //Thus force-prevent spinning
//	void LateUpdate ()
//	{
//		transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
//		transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
//		//		else
//		//			print ("osh : " + _osh.name);
//	}

    //	void OnCollisionStay (Collision collision)
    //	{
    ////		print ("Collided with " + collision.transform.name);
    //		//damagable things discovered
    ////		if (collision.transform.GetComponent<ObjectStatusHandler> () != null) {
    ////			ObjectStatusHandler osh = collision.transform.GetComponent<ObjectStatusHandler> ();
    ////			if (osh.IsWalled) {
    ////				foreach (var po in _pressingObjects) {
    ////					if (po.Timer + _damagingRate < Time.time) {
    ////						dealDamange (osh);
    ////					}
    ////				}
    ////			}
    //////			print (osh.name);
    ////			origin = osh.transform.position;
    ////			origin = new Vector3 (origin.x, transform.position.y, origin.z);
    ////			dir = osh.transform.position - collision.contacts [0].point;
    ////			dir = new Vector3 (dir.x, 0f, dir.z);
    ////			dir.Normalize ();
    ////			// Physics.SphereCast (레이저를 발사할 위치, 구의 반경, 발사 방향, 충돌 결과, 최대 거리)
    ////			LayerMask lm = (1 << LayerHelper.DEFAULT);
    ////			isHit = false;
    //////			isHit = Physics.SphereCast (origin, radius, dir, out hit, maxDistance, lm);
    ////			isHit = Physics.Raycast (origin, dir, out hit, maxDistance, lm);
    ////			if (isHit) {
    ////				print ("Hit : " + hit.collider.name);
    ////				dealDamange (osh);
    //////				Debug.Break ();
    ////				ParticleController.PC.InstantiateParticle(collision.contacts [0].point);
    ////			}
    ////		}
    //	}

    //	void OnDrawGizmos ()
    //	{
    //		if (isHit) {
    //			Gizmos.color = Color.red;
    //			Gizmos.DrawRay (origin, dir * hit.distance);
    ////			Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (origin + dir * hit.distance, radius);
    //		} else {
    //			Gizmos.DrawRay (origin, dir * maxDistance);
    //		}
    //	}
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles dealing damage to the contact object(enemy)
    /// Also handles pushback and staggering the target.
    /// dev
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="osh">Target's ObjectStatusHandler</param>
    protected void dealDamange(ObjectStatusHandler osh)
        //inflict damage

        //disable hit target's damaging points
        if (true)
            if (osh.GetComponent <CombatHandler> ())
                //				disableDamagingPoints (osh.GetComponent<CombatHandler> ());
                osh.GetComponent <CombatHandler> ().DisableDamagingPoints();

        //add to ultimate guage
        _ch.AddUltimatePoint(_damage / 25);
        //add more if it's a killing blow
        if (osh.GetHealth() - _damage <= 0)

        //if character, stagger it
        //Note : Stagger animation will transit from AnyState for minions and certain character via animator
        //		Player characters at the moment does not have AnyState linked to Stagger, so their action will not get interrupted by getting attack
        CharacterStatusHandler csh = osh.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();

        if (csh != null)
            csh.Stagger(_damagingRate / 5f);
        //		if (csh != null)
        //			((CharacterStatusHandler)osh).Stagger (_pushDuration);
Example #3
    void Start()
        _ch   = GetComponent <CombatHandler> ();
        _aimh = GetComponent <AIMovementHandler> ();
        _csh  = GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();

//		InvokeRepeating ("Scan", 1f, _scanInterval);
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles dealing damage to the contact object(enemy)
    /// Also handles pushback and staggering the target.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="osh">Target's ObjectStatusHandler</param>
    protected void dealDamange(ObjectStatusHandler osh)
        //inflict damage

        //disable hit target's damaging points
        if (_weapon.GetDisablesTargetDamagingPointOnhit())
            if (osh.GetComponent <CombatHandler> ())
//				disableDamagingPoints (osh.GetComponent<CombatHandler> ());
                osh.GetComponent <CombatHandler> ().DisableDamagingPoints();

        //add to ultimate guage
        _weapon.GetOwner().AddUltimatePoint(_weapon.GetDamage() / 25);
        //add more if it's a killing blow
        if (osh.GetHealth() - _weapon.GetDamage() <= 0)

        //drop if hanging
        CharacterMovementHandler cmh = osh.GetComponent <CharacterMovementHandler> ();

//		HangHandler hh = cmh.HangHandler;
        if (cmh && cmh.Hanging)
//			hh.HangToDrop ();
            //push object back
            //Duke (8/6/2016)
            //BUG : disabled because push direction changes as target rotates. make it absolute direction
            //Log :
            //Duke(8/11/2016) : Code is correct, suspect problem with pre-existing photon view enemies. Instantiating all characters may solve it. Enabled pushback to test it.
            //Duke(8/27/2016) : Problem occured again, there must be something wrong
            //					Seems to be fixed with setting position i nstead of translate
            pushBack(osh, _pushDuration);
            //if character, stagger it
            //Note : Stagger animation will transit from AnyState for minions and certain character via animator
            //		Player characters at the moment does not have AnyState linked to Stagger, so their action will not get interrupted by getting attack
            CharacterStatusHandler csh = osh.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();

            if (csh != null)
//				csh.Stagger (_pushDuration);
Example #5
    void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        CharacterStatusHandler _chr = other.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();

        if (_chr != null)
            if (_chrInArea.Contains(_chr))
Example #6
    //	/// <summary>
    //	/// Gets the roaming position.
    //	/// Ex. If there is no valid attack position available, roam in roaming position
    //	/// </summary>
    //	/// <returns>The roaming position.</returns>
    //	/// <param name="target">Target.</param>
    //	public Vector3? GetRoamingPosition (CharacterStatusHandler target = null)
    //	{
    //		Vector3? roamingPosition = null;
    //		//if target not specified, use current target
    //		if (target == null) {
    //			if (this.Target != null) {
    //				target = this.Target;
    //			} else {
    //				//if current target doesn't exist, scan
    //				if (Scan () != null) {
    //					target = this.Target;
    //				} else {
    //					//no target available
    //					return null;
    //				}
    //			}
    //		}
    //		//look for position
    //		return roamingPosition;
    //	}

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets 6 evenly spaced position slots around the target
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The position slots around target</returns>
    /// <param name="distance">Distance to the slots, from target</param>
    /// <param name="target">Target.</param>
    /// <param name="getOnlyMovableSlots">Whether to check and get movable slots(excluding occupied or inaccecible positions)</param>
    public List <Vector3> GetPositionSlots(float distance, CharacterStatusHandler target = null, bool getOnlyMovableSlots = true)
        List <Vector3> slots = new List <Vector3> ();

        //if target not specified, use current target
        if (target == null)
            if (this.Target != null)
                target = this.Target;
                //if current target doesn't exist, scan
                if (Scan() != null)
                    target = this.Target;
                    //no target available

        //parametric equation for a circle(center (cx,cz))
        //x = cx + r * cos(a)
        //z = cz + r * sin(a)
        //r = distance
        //get 6 slots(positions) around the target
        float cx    = target.transform.position.x;
        float cy    = target.transform.position.y;     //Note : How will this affect in slope?s
        float cz    = target.transform.position.z;
        float a     = 60f;
        int   count = 360 / (int)a;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            slots.Add(new Vector3(cx + distance * Mathf.Cos(i * a * Mathf.Deg2Rad), cy, cz + distance * Mathf.Sin(i * a * Mathf.Deg2Rad)));

Example #7
    public Character(CharacterTemplateSlot templateSlot, Team team,
                     CharacterActor actor, CharacterMover mover, CharacterFloatingTextHandler floatingTextHandler)
        Template    = templateSlot.Template;
        actor.Owner = this;
        mover.Owner = this;
        floatingTextHandler.Owner = this;

        Team = team;

        Actor = actor;
        Mover = mover;
        FloatingTextHandler = floatingTextHandler;

        ActionPointHandler = new CharacterActionPointHandler(this);
        PositionHandler    = new CharacterPositionHandler(this, templateSlot.Position);
        AbilityHandler     = new CharacterAbilityHandler(this);
        EventHandler       = new CharacterEventHandler(this);
        StatusHandler      = new CharacterStatusHandler(this);
        HealthHandler      = new CharacterHealthHandler(this);
        AIHandler          = new CharacterAIHandler(this);

Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Scan for visible enemy
    /// </summary>
    public CharacterStatusHandler Scan()
        CharacterStatusHandler foundTarget = null;
        CharacterStatusHandler tempTarget  = null;

        //direction from eyeposition to target
        Vector3 dir;

//		//dev
//		//performance test between loop order and raycast
//		float startTime = Time.time;

        List <CombatHandler> enemies = CombatHandler.GET_ENEMIES(_ch.GetTeam(), true);

        if (!_checkClosest)

        //get all enemies in range
        foreach (var ch in enemies.Where(x =>
                                         Vector3.Distance(x.transform.position, this.transform.position) < _rangeOfVision &&                    //Check if target are in range of vision
                                         Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, x.transform.position - this.transform.position) < _angleOfVision / 2f //Check if target are in angle of vision(Field of vision)
            //check visibility with raycast
            LayerMask  layerMask = 1 << LayerHelper.COMMON_BODY;
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(_eyePosition.position
                                , ch.transform.position - transform.position    //Direction from eye to target
                                , out hit, _rangeOfVision + 1f
                                , layerMask
                tempTarget = ch.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();
                //get closest
                if (_checkClosest &&
                    (foundTarget == null || Vector3.Distance(foundTarget.transform.position, this.transform.position) > Vector3.Distance(tempTarget.transform.position, this.transform.position)))
                    foundTarget = tempTarget;
                    if (tempTarget != null)
                        print("scanned : " + tempTarget.name);
                    //otherwise, get random
                    Target = tempTarget;

//		if (foundTarget != null) {
//			print ("scanned : " + foundTarget.name);
//		}

        //if nothing found, do nearcheck
        if (foundTarget == null)
            foreach (var ch in enemies.Where(x =>
                                             Vector3.Distance(x.transform.position, this.transform.position) < _nearRoV //Check if target are in range of vision
                tempTarget = ch.GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();
                //get closest
                if (_checkClosest &&
                    (foundTarget == null || Vector3.Distance(foundTarget.transform.position, this.transform.position) > Vector3.Distance(tempTarget.transform.position, this.transform.position)))
                    foundTarget = tempTarget;
                    if (tempTarget != null)
                        print("scanned : " + tempTarget.name);
                    //otherwise, get random
                    Target = tempTarget;

        Target = tempTarget;
Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the attack position of a target
    /// Note : Only supports melee attack position for now
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The attack position.</returns>
    /// <param name="target">Target.</param>
    /// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
    public Vector3?GetAttackPosition(CharacterStatusHandler target = null)      //, float distance = 2f)
//		Vector3? attackPosition = null;
        AIMovementHandler.PositionSlot ps = null;

        //if target not specified, use current target
        if (target == null)
            if (this.Target != null)
                target = this.Target;
                //if current target doesn't exist, scan
                if (Scan() != null)
                    target = this.Target;
                    //no target available
        //look for position
//		foreach (var pos in GetPositionSlots(distance, target)) {
        foreach (var slot in target.GetComponent <AIMovementHandler>().MeleeSlots)
            //check if position is movable
            if (!_aimh.IsCellWalkable(slot.POS))
                if (slot.CHS != null)
                    //if slot has been mine, clear it
                    if (slot.CHS == _csh)
                        slot.CHS = null;
                        //slot is taken, possibly take it away if this is closer
                        if ((Vector3.Distance(slot.POS, slot.CHS.transform.position) <= Vector3.Distance(slot.POS, transform.position)))
                        else if (Vector3.Distance(slot.CHS.transform.position, target.transform.position) <= Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target.transform.position))
                            //if slot owner is further away from the point, but closer to the target, don't take it

                if (ps == null)
                    ps     = slot;
                    ps.CHS = _csh;
                else if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, ps.POS) > Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, slot.POS))
                    //get new attack position if it's available and closer
                    ps.CHS = null;
                    ps     = slot;
                    ps.CHS = _csh;
        if (ps == null)
Example #10
    protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
        if (_isActive)
//			print (collider.name);
            //When hitting hitbox
            if (collider.GetComponent <Hitbox> () != null)
                Hitbox hb = collider.GetComponent <Hitbox> ();
                foreach (var l in _damagableLayers)
//					print (l.ToString () + ", " + LayerHelper.HITBOX_TEAM_5.ToString () + ", " + collider.name);
                    if (collider.gameObject.layer == l)
                        ObjectStatusHandler osh = collider.GetComponent <Hitbox> ().GetOSH();
                        //When hitting blocking point
                        if (hb is BlockingPoint)
//							print ("BLOCK");
                            //disable this character's damaging points
                            //							_collider.enabled = false;
                            //							Debug.Break ();
                            //stagger this character
                            //Note : need a way to stagger player characters as it's controlled by minion's animator for now
                            CharacterStatusHandler csh = _weapon.GetOwner().GetComponent <CharacterStatusHandler> ();

                            //delay blocked staggering for fine-tuning
                            float staggerDelay = 0.1f;
                            if (csh != null)
                                csh.Stagger(((BlockingPoint)hb).GetStaggerDuration(), staggerDelay);
                            //instantiate particles
                            //need to change to different particle to differentiate blocking vs damaging
                            ParticleController.PC.InstantiateParticle(ParticleController.PARTICLE_TYPE.HIT, collider.transform.position, staggerDelay);
                            //play sound
                            SoundManager.SINGLETON.PlayHitSound(_weapon.Type, SoundManager.HitResult.Blocked, collider.transform.position);
                            //							Debug.Break ();
                        else if (osh)
                            if (osh is BridgeStatusHandler && RoomLevelHelper.PLAYER_CLASS != CHARACTER_CLASS.TANK)
//							print ("hit : " + osh.name);
                            if (!_OSHList.Contains(osh))
                                ParticleController.PC.InstantiateParticle(ParticleController.PARTICLE_TYPE.HIT, collider.transform.position);
                            else if (!_isOneTimeDamage)
                                ParticleController.PC.InstantiateParticle(ParticleController.PARTICLE_TYPE.HIT, collider.transform.position);
                        //play sound
                        SoundManager.SINGLETON.PlayHitSound(_weapon.Type, SoundManager.HitResult.Hit, collider.transform.position);
Example #11
 public PositionSlot()
     CHS = null;
     POS = Vector3.zero;
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AIStatusHandler+PositionSlot"/> struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chs">Character in this slot</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Position of this slot</param>
 public PositionSlot(Vector3 pos, CharacterStatusHandler chs = null)
     CHS = chs;
     POS = pos;