Example #1
        public static MotionResult PhysicsStepHorizontal(ref CharacterPhysicsInfo cpi,
                                                         ref Position position, ref ThreeDVelocity velocity,
                                                         bool onGround,
                                                         int coefficientOfRestitution256,
                                                         int groundFriction256,
                                                         WorldPhysics physics)
            MotionResult result = MotionResult.None;

            int newPositionX = velocity.X.Update(position.X);
            int newPositionZ = velocity.Z.Update(position.Z);
            int deltaX       = newPositionX - position.X;
            int deltaZ       = newPositionZ - position.Z;

            if (deltaX != 0)
                if (CharacterPhysics.TryMoveHorizontalDidHitWall(ref cpi, physics, deltaX, 0, onGround, ref position))
                    // Hit wall, bounce:
                    result = MotionResult.HitWall;

            // Z-motion just stops if it hits anything
            if (deltaZ != 0 && CharacterPhysics.TryMoveHorizontalDidHitWall(ref cpi, physics, 0, deltaZ, onGround, ref position))
                // NOTE: Currently not even bothering to give a hit result, just carry on...

            // TODO: Slope handling for rolling objects

            if (onGround)
                // Friction:

Example #2
        /// <summary>Get the Y position of the ground for this actor.</summary>
        public int GroundHeight(WorldPhysics physics)
            var cpi = new CharacterPhysicsInfo(animationSet, this);

            return(CharacterPhysics.GroundHeight(ref cpi, physics, position));
Example #3
        public static MotionResult PhysicsStepVertical(ref CharacterPhysicsInfo cpi,
                                                       ref Position position, ref ThreeDVelocity velocity,
                                                       ref bool onGround,
                                                       int coefficientOfRestitution256,
                                                       int gravityUp256, int gravityDown256, bool lockVertical,
                                                       WorldPhysics physics, bool groundIsAPit)
            if (lockVertical)
                if (velocity.Y.Velocity256 > 0) // Moving upwards
                    onGround = false;

                    int startY = position.Y + cpi.height;
                    position.Y = velocity.Y.Update(position.Y, gravityUp256);
                    int endY = position.Y + cpi.height;

                    if (endY > startY)
                        int ceiling = physics.GetCeilingHeightInXRange(position.X + cpi.startX, position.X + cpi.endX, position.Z, startY, endY, cpi.owner);
                        if (ceiling < endY) // Hit ceiling
                            position.Y             = ceiling - cpi.height;
                            velocity.Y.Velocity256 = -((velocity.Y.Velocity256 * coefficientOfRestitution256) >> 8); // <- Bounce (fixed-point multiply)
                else // Moving downwards
                    int groundHeight = CharacterPhysics.GroundHeight(ref cpi, physics, position);

                    if (position.Y > groundHeight)
                        onGround = false;               // we came off the ground
                    else if (position.Y < groundHeight) // TODO: This needs some rethinking (added to let separation do its thing)
                        onGround = true;                // we are embedded in the ground (we may start physics in this state, if we are put here by teleport/animation)
                    else if (position.Y == groundHeight && velocity.Y.Velocity256 == 0)
                        onGround = true; // we were gently placed on the ground (don't trigger OnHitGround)
                    if (!onGround)
                        position.Y = velocity.Y.Update(position.Y, gravityDown256);

                        if (position.Y <= groundHeight) // Hit the ground
                            position.Y = groundHeight;

                            if (groundHeight == 0 && groundIsAPit)
                                velocity = new ThreeDVelocity();
                            else if (velocity.Y.Velocity256 > -128) // <- Kill velocity of we're moving too slowly downwards (start rolling)
                                onGround = true;
                                onGround = false;


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a moving object to the physics system. A moving object may have a heightmap that will be considered for collision (like passing to <see cref="AddCollider"/>),
        /// but the moving object itself is a flat plane at the object's origin with the object's physics width and height (depth of one pixel).
        /// The moving object will be moved in response to various physics conditions (separation out of walls, movement when stacked, movement on conveyers, etc).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The object that the mover instance is associated with. Only one mover per actor.</param>
        /// <param name="physicsSource">The animation set that provides physics data for the mover.</param>
        /// <param name="doNotMove">
        /// The mover will not be moved by the physics engine for any reason (eg: separation, stacking, conveyers).
        /// Typically used for objects that are moved by the engine on a fixed path, but we still want them to interact with other game objects (eg: things stacked on them will move).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="noAutoIgnore">
        /// If two movers interpenetrate, then they will automatically ignore each other for collisions, allowing them to move through each other.
        /// This disables that behaviour, which will cause interpenetrating objects to get stuck, because every possible movement results in a collision.
        /// Typically combined with <see cref="pretendToBeStatic"/>, which causes separation to resolve the interpenetration.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pretendToBeStatic">
        /// Makes the mover act like a part of the static scenery. Affects query results that specifically ask for static collisions,
        /// but is mostly used to make the mover object considered for separation. Should typically only be set on objects that have
        /// <see cref="doNotMove"/> set, otherwise the separation system can get into messy looping situations.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="updateBeforeSeparation">
        /// The state of the world for collisions is based on what it was at the beginning of the frame. This causes the mover's entry to be
        /// updated immediately before separation is processed, so that separation from moving objects happens based on their position at the
        /// end of the frame, rather than the beginning. Combine with <see cref="pretendToBeStatic"/> for meaningful results.
        /// </param>
        public void AddMover(Actor owner, AnimationSet physicsSource, bool doNotMove = false, bool noAutoIgnore = false, bool pretendToBeStatic = false, bool updateBeforeSeparation = false)
            // Add collider:

            if (physicsSource.Heightmap != null)
                if (physicsSource.Heightmap.DefaultHeight != 0)
                    return; // Refuse to add objects with non-zero default heights (only valid for levels and shadow-receivers)
                AddCollider(owner, new HeightmapView(physicsSource.Heightmap, owner.position, owner.facingLeft), pretendToBeStatic);

                if (updateBeforeSeparation)
                    collidersToUpdateBeforeSeparation.Add(colliderCount - 1);

            // Add mover:


            actorToMoverIndex.Add(owner, moverCount); // <- Ensure movers are unique

            moverWeDoNotMove[moverCount]  = doNotMove;
            moverNoAutoIgnore[moverCount] = noAutoIgnore;
            moverActors[moverCount]       = owner;

            Position position   = moverInitialPositions[moverCount] = owner.position;
            bool     facingLeft = moverInitialFacingLeft[moverCount] = owner.facingLeft;

            moverBoundsX[moverCount] = new Range(physicsSource.physicsStartX, physicsSource.physicsEndX).MaybeFlip(facingLeft) + position.X;
            moverBoundsZ[moverCount] = ((physicsSource.Heightmap == null) ?  new Range(0, 1) : new Range(physicsSource.physicsStartZ, physicsSource.physicsEndZ)) + position.Z; // Flat for characters

            // NOTE: We assume that heightmap'd objects have their auto-generated physics sizes here:
            if (physicsSource.Heightmap != null && physicsSource.physicsHeight >= Heightmap.Infinity)
                moverBoundsY[moverCount] = new Range(0, MaximumHeight);
                moverBoundsY[moverCount] = new Range(position.Y, position.Y + physicsSource.physicsHeight);

            moverHeightmaps[moverCount] = physicsSource.Heightmap; // May be null

            // TODO: Make this a parameter of the animation set
            moverCharacterPhysics[moverCount] = new CharacterPhysicsInfo(physicsSource, owner);

            Debug.Assert(physicsSource.Heightmap == null || physicsSource.Heightmap.DefaultHeight == 0); // If we have a heightmap, it must be a standard object heightmap

            // Stacking and intersection-ignores:

            moverParentIndex[moverCount]      = -1;
            moverFirstChildIndex[moverCount]  = -1;
            moverNextSiblingIndex[moverCount] = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < moverCount; i++)
                if (!Range.Overlaps(moverBoundsX[moverCount], moverBoundsX[i]) || !Range.Overlaps(moverBoundsZ[moverCount], moverBoundsZ[i]))

                // PERF: We're touching each heightmap twice for stacking and intersection. Can probably reduce down to one check.
                //       (Then again, once we cache it, is spinning on it longer such a big deal?)

                // Handle stacking:
                if (moverBoundsY[moverCount].end < MaximumHeight && moverBoundsY[i].end < MaximumHeight)                                                                                                     // <- infinite height things, or things above the world, do not stack
                    if (moverHeightmaps[i] != null && moverParentIndex[moverCount] == -1 && moverBoundsY[moverCount].start > moverBoundsY[i].start && moverBoundsY[moverCount].start <= moverBoundsY[i].end) // added can rest on existing
                        TryAddRestingOn(moverCount, i);
                    else if (moverHeightmaps[moverCount] != null && moverParentIndex[i] == -1 && moverBoundsY[i].start > moverBoundsY[moverCount].start && moverBoundsY[i].start <= moverBoundsY[moverCount].end) // existing can rest on added
                        TryAddRestingOn(i, moverCount);

                // Handle intersection:
                if (!noAutoIgnore && !moverNoAutoIgnore[i] && Range.Overlaps(moverBoundsY[moverCount], moverBoundsY[i]))
                    bool hasIntersection = false;
                    if (moverHeightmaps[i] != null)
                        if (moverHeightmaps[moverCount] != null)
                            hasIntersection = SolidVsSolidIntersection(i, moverCount);
                            hasIntersection = SolidVsCharacterIntersection(i, moverCount);
                    else if (moverHeightmaps[moverCount] != null)
                        hasIntersection = SolidVsCharacterIntersection(moverCount, i);

                    if (hasIntersection)
                        AddIgnoredPair(moverActors[i], moverActors[moverCount]);
