Example #1
        private static async Task HandlerAddAsync(DiscordSocketClient client, IDbService db, CharacterLookup lodestone, Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> message, Cacheable <IMessageChannel, ulong> cchannel, SocketReaction reaction)
            var ichannel = await cchannel.GetOrDownloadAsync();

            if (ichannel is SocketGuildChannel channel)
                var guild  = channel.Guild;
                var member = guild.GetUser(reaction.UserId) ?? (IGuildUser)await client.Rest.GetGuildUserAsync(guild.Id, reaction.UserId);

                var disConfig = db.Guilds.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == guild.Id);
                if (disConfig == null)
                if (ichannel.Id == 590757405927669769 && reaction.Emote is Emote emote && disConfig.RoleEmotes.TryGetValue(emote.Id.ToString(), out var roleIdString))
                    var roleId  = ulong.Parse(roleIdString);
                    var role    = member.Guild.GetRole(roleId);
                    var dbEntry = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.DiscordId == reaction.UserId);

                    if (roleId is BozjaRole or EurekaRole)
                        if (dbEntry == null)
                            await member.SendMessageAsync("You are not currently registered in the system (potential data loss).\n" +
                                                          "Please register again in `#welcome` before adding one of these roles.");

                            Log.Information("User {User} tried to get a content role and is not registered.");

                        if (!CrystalWorlds.List.Contains(dbEntry.World))
                            await member.SendMessageAsync("Characters outside of Crystal (see <https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/>) may not access our scheduling tools.");


                        var data = await lodestone.GetCharacter(ulong.Parse(dbEntry.LodestoneId));

                        var highestCombatLevel = 0;
                        foreach (var classJob in data["ClassJobs"].ToObject <CharacterLookup.ClassJob[]>())
                            // Skip non-DoW/DoM or BLU
                            if (classJob.JobID is >= 8 and <= 18 or 36)
                            if (classJob.Level > highestCombatLevel)
                                highestCombatLevel = classJob.Level;

                        if (roleId == BozjaRole && highestCombatLevel < 80)
                            await member.SendMessageAsync("You must be at least level 80 to access that category.");


                        if (roleId == EurekaRole && highestCombatLevel < 70)
                            await member.SendMessageAsync("You must be at least level 70 to access that category.");


                        // 60 is already the minimum requirement to register.

                        await member.AddRoleAsync(role);

                        Log.Information("Role {Role} was added to {DiscordUser}", role.Name, member.ToString());
                else if (guild.Id == 550702475112480769 && ichannel.Id is 552643167808258060 or 768886934084648960 && reaction.Emote.Name == "✅")
                    await member.SendMessageAsync($"You have begun the verification process. Your **Discord account ID** is `{member.Id}`.\n"
                                                  + "Please add this somewhere in your FFXIV Lodestone Character Profile.\n"
                                                  + "You can edit your account description here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/my/setting/profile/\n\n"
                                                  + $"After you have put your Discord account ID in your Lodestone profile, please use `{db.Config.Prefix}verify` to get your clear role.\n"
                                                  + "The Lodestone may not immediately update following updates to your achievements, so please wait a few hours and try again if this is the case.");