public async Task ConfirmSkills(SocketReaction reaction, IUserMessage msg) { if (reaction.Emote.ToString() == ok) { = player.Health(); player.stamina = player.Stamina(); player.SaveFileMongo(); await TryMSGDel(msg); await CharacterCommands.ChooseRace(player, reaction.Channel); } else if (reaction.Emote.ToString() == cancel) { int[] rolls = Utils.JSON <int[]>(data.Split(';')[0]); player.stats.endurance = 0; player.stats.intelligence = 0; player.stats.strength = 0; player.stats.charisma = 0; player.stats.dexterity = 0; player.stats.perception = 0; player.SaveFileMongo(); await TryMSGDel(msg); await CharacterCommands.SetSkills(player, reaction.Channel, 0, rolls, new bool[6]); } }
public async Task SetSkill(SocketReaction reaction, IUserMessage msg) { int result = GetLetter(reaction.Emote.ToString()) + 1; string[] arrays = data.Split(';'); bool[] rused = Utils.JSON <bool[]>(arrays[1]); if (!rused[result - 1]) { await CharacterCommands.SetSkills(player, reaction.Channel, result, Utils.JSON <int[]>(arrays[0]), rused, true); } }
public async Task AutoNewCharacter(SocketReaction reaction, IUserMessage msg) { switch (reaction.Emote.ToString()) { case ok: await CharacterCommands.AutoCharacter(player, reaction.Channel, false); break; case next: await CharacterCommands.SetSkills(player, reaction.Channel, 0, null, new[] { false, false, false, false, false, false }); break; case info: EmbedBuilder em = DUtils.BuildEmbed("Character Creation", $"{EUI.ok} - Randomize {Environment.NewLine} {} - Manual (Advanced)", null, default, DUtils.NewField("Use the reactions to make your choice", "Making a character can be complicated for new users, use this to skip this step and start playing." + Environment.NewLine + "You can always make another new character once you are more comfortable with the system.")); await EditMessage(null, em.Build(), removeReactions : false); break; } }
internal static async Task <bool> SpecialExceptions(NeitsilliaError error, IMessageChannel chan, Player player) { switch (error.ErrorType) { case NeitsilliaErrorType.ReplyError: await chan.SendMessageAsync(error.ExtraMessage); return(true); case NeitsilliaErrorType.ReplyUI: { await chan.SendMessageAsync(error.ExtraMessage); switch (error.uitype) { case MsgType.CardGame: { Type type = Neitsillia.Gambling.Games.GamblingGame.GetGameType(; Neitsillia.Gambling.Games.IGamblingGame game = Neitsillia.Gambling.Games.GamblingGame.CreateInstance(type, player); var embed = ((Neitsillia.Gambling.Games.GamblingGame)game).GetEmbed(player).Build(); await player.NewUI(null, embed, await player.DMChannel(), player.ui.type,; } break; } return(true); } case NeitsilliaErrorType.CharacterIsNotSetUp: if (player != null) { if (player.ui.type == MsgType.AutoNewCharacter) { await CharacterCommands.AutoCharacter(player, chan, true); } else if (player.ui.type == MsgType.SetSkill || player.ui.type == MsgType.ConfirmSkills) { string[] arrays =';'); await CharacterCommands.SetSkills(player, chan, 0, Utils.JSON <int[]>(arrays[0]), Utils.JSON <bool[]>(arrays[1])); } else if (!await CharacterCommands.Set_Race(chan, player)) { await CharacterCommands.StarterAbilities(player, chan, 1); } return(true); } return(false); case NeitsilliaErrorType.CharacterAdventuring: if (player != null) { await Areas.AdventureStat(player, chan); return(true); } return(false); case NeitsilliaErrorType.CharacterIsResting: if (player != null) { await Areas.RestStat(player, chan); return(true); } return(false); default: return(false); } }