Example #1
    void LoadTexture()
        string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/customChar.png";

        //check to see if our save file for this character
        if (File.Exists(path))//if it does have a save file then load and SetTexture Skin, Hair, Mouth and Eyes from PlayerPrefs
            CharDataToSave data = CharCustomSaveData.LoadPlayerData();
            SetTexture("Skin", data.skin);
            skin = data.skin;
            SetTexture("Hair", data.hair);
            hair = data.hair;
            SetTexture("Mouth", data.mouth);
            mouth = data.mouth;
            SetTexture("Eyes", data.eyes);
            eyes = data.eyes;
            SetTexture("Armour", data.armour);
            armour = data.armour;
            SetTexture("Clothes", data.clothes);
            clothes = data.clothes;

            strength     = data.strength;
            dexterity    = data.dexterity;
            constitution = data.constitution;
            wisdom       = data.wisdom;
            intelligence = data.intelligence;
            charisma     = data.charisma;

            //Char Class
            charClass = data.charClass;
            //Char Race
            charRace = data.charRace;
            health   = data.health;
            mana     = data.mana;

            //grab the gameObject in scene that is our character and set its Object name to the Characters name
            characterName = data.characterName; // FOR GUI
            //playerName = data.characterName.ToString; //FOR CANVAS
        else//if it doesnt then load the CustomSet level
            SetTexture("Skin", customSet.skinIndex       = 0);
            SetTexture("Hair", customSet.hairIndex       = 0);
            SetTexture("Mouth", customSet.mouthIndex     = 0);
            SetTexture("Eyes", customSet.eyesIndex       = 0);
            SetTexture("Armour", customSet.armourIndex   = 0);
            SetTexture("Clothes", customSet.clothesIndex = 0);
            //grab the gameObject in scene that is our character and set its Object name to the Characters name
            characterName = customSet.charName; //set name to default
Example #2
    public static CharDataToSave LoadPlayerData()
        string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/customChar.png";

        if (File.Exists(path))
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      stream    = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
            CharDataToSave  data      = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as CharDataToSave;

            Debug.Log("No FILE Detected");
Example #3
    public static void SavePlayerData(CustomisationSet customSet)
        //reference to binary formatter
        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

        //path to save to
        string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/customChar.png";

        //file stream create file at path
        FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

        //dataToSave with player info
        CharDataToSave data = new CharDataToSave(customSet);

        //format and serialize location and data
        formatter.Serialize(stream, data);
