Example #1
        public static int HandleWorkers(PrivateBuildingAI thisAI, ushort buildingID, ref Building buildingData, ref Citizen.BehaviourData behaviour, ref int aliveWorkerCount, ref int totalWorkerCount, ref int workPlaceCount)
            //Not messed with this code too much yet. Still requires cleaning up.

            int b = 0;
            int level0, level1, level2, level3;

            //Fix for crashing? Modification added for this statement
            if (thisAI != null)
                GetWorkBehaviour(thisAI, buildingID, ref buildingData, ref behaviour, ref aliveWorkerCount, ref totalWorkerCount);
                thisAI.CalculateWorkplaceCount(new Randomizer((int)buildingID), buildingData.Width, buildingData.Length, out level0, out level1, out level2, out level3);
                workPlaceCount = level0 + level1 + level2 + level3;

                if ((int)buildingData.m_fireIntensity == 0)
                    HandleWorkPlaces(thisAI, buildingID, ref buildingData, level0, level1, level2, level3, ref behaviour, aliveWorkerCount, totalWorkerCount);
                    if (aliveWorkerCount != 0 && workPlaceCount != 0)
                        int num = (behaviour.m_efficiencyAccumulation + aliveWorkerCount - 1) / aliveWorkerCount;
                        b = 2 * num - 200 * num / ((100 * aliveWorkerCount + workPlaceCount - 1) / workPlaceCount + 100);

                Notification.Problem problems1 = Notification.RemoveProblems(buildingData.m_problems, Notification.Problem.NoWorkers | Notification.Problem.NoEducatedWorkers);
                int num1 = (level3 * 300 + level2 * 200 + level1 * 100) / (workPlaceCount + 1);
                int num2 = (behaviour.m_educated3Count * 300 + behaviour.m_educated2Count * 200 + behaviour.m_educated1Count * 100) / (aliveWorkerCount + 1);

                //Start of modification

                if (Chances.WorkHour())
                    if (aliveWorkerCount < workPlaceCount >> 1)
                        buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer = (byte)Mathf.Min((int)byte.MaxValue, (int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer + 1);
                        if ((int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer >= 128)
                            problems1 = Notification.AddProblems(problems1, Notification.Problem.NoWorkers | Notification.Problem.MajorProblem);
                        else if ((int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer >= 64)
                            problems1 = Notification.AddProblems(problems1, Notification.Problem.NoWorkers);
                    else if (num2 < num1 - 50)
                        buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer = (byte)Mathf.Min((int)byte.MaxValue, (int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer + 1);
                        if ((int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer >= 128)
                            problems1 = Notification.AddProblems(problems1, Notification.Problem.NoEducatedWorkers | Notification.Problem.MajorProblem);
                        else if ((int)buildingData.m_workerProblemTimer >= 64)
                            problems1 = Notification.AddProblems(problems1, Notification.Problem.NoEducatedWorkers);

                //End of modification

                buildingData.m_problems = problems1;
            return(Mathf.Max(1, b));