private void SaveDialog(CfrV8Value callback, string Filter) { var oThread = new Thread(() => { var basePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var dialog = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = Filter }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { originalName = dialog.FileName; retStr = dialog.FileName; } }); oThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); oThread.Start(); var isSafe = oThread.Join(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)); var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); if (isSafe) { oThread.Abort(); } callbackArgs.SetValue("filename", CfrV8Value.CreateString(originalName), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); }
private CfrV8Value CreateV8Value(object value) { if (value is bool) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateBool((bool)value)); } else if (value is DateTime) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateDate(CfrTime.FromUniversalTime((DateTime)value))); } else if (value is double) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)value)); } else if (value is int) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateInt((int)value)); } else if (value is uint) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateUint((uint)value)); } else if (value is string) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateString((string)value)); } else if (value == null) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateUndefined()); } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Type \"{ value.GetType().Name }\" is not supported."); } }
public override CfrV8Value OnExtensionExecute(string nativeFunctionName, CfrV8Value[] arguments, CfrV8Value @this, ref string exception) { CfrV8Value retval = null; Console.WriteLine($"[FUNC]:{nativeFunctionName}"); switch (nativeFunctionName) { case nameof(Version): var accessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); var versionObject = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(accessor); versionObject.SetValue("nanui", CfrV8Value.CreateString(Version), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); versionObject.SetValue("cef", CfrV8Value.CreateString(CefVersion), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); versionObject.SetValue("chromium", CfrV8Value.CreateString(ChromiumVersion), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); retval = versionObject; break; } return(retval); }
public CfrV8Value GetHostWindowState() { var windowStateName = Container.WindowState.ToString().ToLower(); var windowStateCode = (int)Container.WindowState; var clientRect = new RECT(); User32.GetClientRect(ContainerHandle, ref clientRect); var retval = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); var windowState = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); windowState.SetValue("state", CfrV8Value.CreateString(windowStateName), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); windowState.SetValue("code", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(windowStateCode), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); retval.SetValue("windowState", windowState, CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); retval.SetValue("clientWidth", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(clientRect.Width), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); retval.SetValue("clientHeight", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(clientRect.Height), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); retval.SetValue("width", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(Container.Width), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); retval.SetValue("height", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(Container.Height), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); return(retval); }
private void ChromeFXUIV8Handler_Execute(object sender, Remote.Event.CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs e) { if (e.Name == "GetVersion") { e.SetReturnValue(CfrV8Value.CreateString(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString())); } }
protected override CfrV8Value Function(CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs args, JsBinding binding, HtmlTextureWrapper wrapper) { if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].IsString) { Selector = Arguments[0].StringValue; } return(CfrV8Value.CreateString(Selector)); }
public IEnumerable <IJavascriptObject> CreateBasics(IEnumerable <object> from) { _BasicBulkBuilder.Value.ExecuteFunction(null, new[] { CfrV8Value.CreateString(CreateStringValue(from)), _ObjectCreationCallbackFunction.Value }); var results = _ObjectCallback.GetLastArguments(); return(results.Select(result => result.ConvertBasic())); }
private static CfrV8Value ClrToV8Value(object clrValue) { var type = clrValue.GetType(); var typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(type); CfrV8Value value = null; switch (typeCode) { case TypeCode.Boolean: value = CfrV8Value.CreateBool((bool)clrValue); break; case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Int64: value = CfrV8Value.CreateInt((int)clrValue); break; case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.UInt64: value = CfrV8Value.CreateUint((uint)clrValue); break; case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: value = CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)clrValue); break; case TypeCode.Decimal: value = CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)Convert.ChangeType(clrValue, TypeCode.Double)); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: value = CfrV8Value.CreateDate(CfrTime.FromUniversalTime((DateTime)clrValue)); break; case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.String: value = CfrV8Value.CreateString((string)clrValue); break; } return(value); }
private void JsCodeEditorObject_ExecuteOpen(object sender, Chromium.Remote.Event.CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs e) { var result = parentForm.OpenFile(); if (result != null) { e.SetReturnValue(CfrV8Value.CreateString(result)); } else { e.SetReturnValue(CfrV8Value.CreateNull()); } }
public IEnumerable <IJavascriptObject> CreateFromExcecutionCode(IEnumerable <string> @from) { var stringEval = $"[{string.Join(",", from)}]"; if (stringEval.Length == 2) { return(Enumerable.Empty <IJavascriptObject>()); } _BasicBulkBuilder.Value.ExecuteFunction(null, new[] { CfrV8Value.CreateString(stringEval), _ObjectCreationCallbackFunction.Value }); return(_ObjectCallback.GetLastArguments().Select(ChromiumFxJavascriptObjectExtension.ConvertBasic)); }
static ChromiumFxFactory() { Register <string>(CfrV8Value.CreateString); Register <Int64>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)source)); Register <UInt64>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)source)); Register <float>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)source)); Register <Int32>(CfrV8Value.CreateInt); Register <Int16>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateInt((int)source)); Register <UInt32>(CfrV8Value.CreateUint); Register <UInt16>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateUint((UInt32)source)); Register <char>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateString(new StringBuilder().Append(source).ToString())); Register <double>(CfrV8Value.CreateDouble); Register <decimal>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateDouble((double)source)); Register <bool>(CfrV8Value.CreateBool); Register <DateTime>((source) => CfrV8Value.CreateDate(CfrTime.FromUniversalTime(source.ToUniversalTime()))); }
/// <summary> /// 在ToolsManager中新建一个参数 /// </summary> /// <param name="packName">包名</param> /// <param name="name">注册函数名字</param> public void registerFunc(string packName, string name) { //ToolsManager. ITools it = dllList[packName]; var fun = it.js.AddFunction(name); fun.Execute += (func, args) => { var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { MethodInfo m_func = it.type.GetMethod("func_" + name, new Type[] { typeof(string) }); string result = (string)m_func.Invoke(it.obj, new object[] { stringArgument.StringValue }); args.SetReturnValue(CfrV8Value.CreateString(result)); } }; }
public static void addFunction(JSObject myObject) { //刷新 var changeConstantCloudTypeFunc = myObject.AddFunction("changeConstantCloudType"); changeConstantCloudTypeFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); //切换类型 Constant.CloudType = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; Result result = new Result(); jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; }
private void InvokeHandler(object sender, CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs e) { MethodInfo method = HandlerMap.FirstOrDefault(element => element.Key == e.Name).Value; if (method == null) { e.Exception = $"There is no function named { e.Name }."; } ParameterInfo[] infos = method.GetParameters(); if ((e.Arguments == null || e.Arguments.Length == 0) && infos.Length != 0) { //js传递参数数量为0,但是对应的Handler需要传参 e.Exception = "ArgumentException"; return; } object ret = null; if (infos.Length == 0) { ret = method.Invoke(this, null); //对应的Handler不需要传参 } else if (infos[0].ParameterType == typeof(string)) { ret = method.Invoke(this, new object[1] { e.Arguments[0].StringValue }); //对应的Handler需要传参 } else { throw new ArgumentException(); //对应的Handler参数类型错误 } if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { //给js返回值 using (CfrV8Value retvalue = CfrV8Value.CreateString((string)ret)) e.SetReturnValue(retvalue); } }
private void OpenDialog(CfrV8Value callback, string Filter) { var oThread = new Thread(() => { var basePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = Filter }; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var file = new FileInfo(dialog.FileName); var ext = file.Extension; var newName = Guid.NewGuid() + ext; var newPath = Path.Combine(basePath, @"Assets\upload\", newName); file.CopyTo(newPath); originalName = file.Name; retStr = newName; } }); oThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); oThread.Start(); var isSafe = oThread.Join(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)); var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); if (isSafe) { oThread.Abort(); } callbackArgs.SetValue("hashname", CfrV8Value.CreateString(retStr), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("filename", CfrV8Value.CreateString(originalName), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); }
private void FormV8Handler_Execute(object sender, Chromium.Remote.Event.CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs e) { switch (e.Name) { case "Minimize": { HostForm.RequireUIThread(() => { if (HostForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { HostForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { HostForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } }); } break; case "Maximize": { HostForm.RequireUIThread(() => { if (HostForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { HostForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { HostForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } }); } break; case "Restore": { HostForm.RequireUIThread(() => { HostForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; }); } break; case "Close": { if (HostForm != null && !HostForm.IsDisposed) { HostForm.RequireUIThread(() => { HostForm.Close(); }); } } break; case "GetWinActivated": { if (HostForm != null && !HostForm.IsDisposed) { e.SetReturnValue(CfrV8Value.CreateBool(Form.ActiveForm == HostForm)); } } break; case "GetWinState": { if (HostForm != null && !HostForm.IsDisposed) { var obj = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); var stateString = "normal"; var currentState = 0; if (HostForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { currentState = 2; stateString = "maximized"; } else if (HostForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { currentState = 1; stateString = "minimized"; } obj.SetValue("state", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(currentState), Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); obj.SetValue("stateName", CfrV8Value.CreateString(stateString), Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); obj.SetValue("width", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(HostForm.ClientSize.Width), Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); obj.SetValue("height", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(HostForm.ClientSize.Height), Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly | Chromium.CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); e.SetReturnValue(obj); } } break; } }
public IJavascriptObject CreateString(string value) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateString(value).Convert()); }
public Mian() : base(AnimationType.Center, "wwwroot/Pages/Main2.html", false) { InitializeComponent(); base.ContextMenuHandler.OnBeforeContextMenu += (sender, e_) => e_.Model.Clear(); //禁用右键 this.MinimumSize = new Size(1000, 700); this.MaximumSize = new Size(1000, 700); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; //注册显示注册界面事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("showRegistered").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { }); }; //注册显示主界 面窗体到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("viewMain").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { //Application.Run(new Main()); //this.Close(); //this.Dispose(); //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; //new Main(this).Show(); //this.Close(); }); }; var FuncExport = GlobalObject.AddFunction("Func_Export"); FuncExport.Execute += (func, args) => { var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { var str = stringArgument.StringValue; str = str.Replace("ind", "序号"); str = str.Replace("one", "数字"); str = str.Replace("two", "排序"); str = str.Replace("three", "正负"); ExportList tables = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExportList>(str); //导出五个表 var saveDir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory; string currDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string currTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm"); if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir + "\\数据表格")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir + "\\数据表格"); } if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate); } try { var path = saveDir + "\\数据表格\\" + currDate; //if (tables.table1 != null && tables.table1.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\千位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table1) + ".xls", tables.table1, ""); //if (tables.table2 != null && tables.table2.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\百位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table2) + ".xls", tables.table2, ""); //if (tables.table3 != null && tables.table3.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\十位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table3) + ".xls", tables.table3, ""); //if (tables.table4 != null && tables.table4.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\个位" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table4) + ".xls", tables.table4, ""); //if (tables.table5 != null && tables.table5.Rows.Count > 0) FileHelper.ExportExcel(path + "\\球五" + currTime + "正比率" + GetPrecent(tables.table5) + ".xls", tables.table5, ""); var resultStr = CfrV8Value.CreateString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(true)); args.SetReturnValue(resultStr); } catch { var resultStr = CfrV8Value.CreateString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(false)); args.SetReturnValue(resultStr); } } }; //注册最小化事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("minForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized); //注册最大化事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("maxForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized); //注册默认大小事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("normalForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal); //注册关闭窗体事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("closeForm").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); Application.Exit(); }); }; this.Visible = true; //#if DEBUG // base.LoadHandler.OnLoadStart += (sender, e) => // { // base.Chromium.ShowDevTools(); // }; //#endif }
public void addFunction(JSObject myObject) { //获取全部列表 var getArrayFromCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getArrayFromCSharp"); getArrayFromCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); int pageNum = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; int pageSize = jsparams.GetValue(1).IntValue; Result result = new Result(); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); BosConfig bosConfig = Constant.CloudType == 0 ? BaiduBOSAPI.BosConfig : TencentBOSAPI.BosConfig; if (bosConfig == null) { result.State = 3; result.Msg = "配置未初始化"; } else { try { if (Constant.CloudType == 0) { BaiduCloudFileService.UpdateBaiduAll(); } else { TencentCloudFileService.UpdateTencentAll(); } result.Data = CommonCloudFileService.Page(pageNum, pageSize); } catch (BceServiceException exception) { if (exception.Message.IndexOf("is an overdue bill of your account") != -1) { result.State = 1; result.Msg = "您的百度云账号已欠费,请充值后使用"; } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", exception); result.State = 4; result.Msg = "配置信息错误"; } } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //刷新 var refreshCloudFileFunc = myObject.AddFunction("refreshCloudFile"); refreshCloudFileFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); Result result = new Result(); try { if (Constant.CloudType == 0) { BaiduCloudFileService.UpdateBaiduAll(); } else { TencentCloudFileService.UpdateTencentAll(); } result.Data = CommonCloudFileService.Page(1, 15); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", e); result.State = 1; } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; }
public void addFunction(JSObject myObject) { //修改配置 var editBosConfigFunc = myObject.AddFunction("editBosConfig"); editBosConfigFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); BosConfig bosConfig = new BosConfig(); bosConfig.AccessKeyId = jsparams.GetValue(0).StringValue; bosConfig.AccessKey = jsparams.GetValue(1).StringValue; bosConfig.BucketName = jsparams.GetValue(2).StringValue; bosConfig.Endpoint = jsparams.GetValue(3).StringValue; bosConfig.Id = jsparams.GetValue(4).IntValue; bosConfig.AppId = jsparams.GetValue(5).StringValue; Result result = new Result(); BosConfig beforeBosConfig = Constant.CloudType == 0 ? BaiduBOSAPI.BosConfig : TencentBOSAPI.BosConfig; try { BaiduBOSAPI.SetBosConfig(bosConfig); if (Constant.CloudType == 0) { BaiduBOSAPI.BosConfig = bosConfig; BaiduCloudFileService.UpdateBaiduAll(); } else { TencentBOSAPI.BosConfig = bosConfig; TencentCloudFileService.UpdateTencentAll(); } BosConfigService.Update(bosConfig); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", exception); result.State = 4; result.Msg = "配置信息错误,请检查后再次提交"; if (Constant.CloudType == 0) { BaiduBOSAPI.SetBosConfig(beforeBosConfig); } else { TencentBOSAPI.BosConfig = beforeBosConfig; } } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //获取配置信息 var getBosConfigFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getBosConfig"); getBosConfigFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); Result result = new Result(); BosConfig config = BosConfigService.Get(" Type=" + Constant.CloudType); if (config == null) { config = new BosConfig(); } config.Type = Constant.CloudType; result.Data = config; jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; }
// 浏览器Javascript环境初始化完成 protected override void OnRegisterGlobalObject(JSObject global) { // 可以在此处将C#对象注入到当前窗口的JS上下文中 //add a function with callback function Console.Write(global); var callbackTestFunc = global.AddFunction("callbackTest"); callbackTestFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsFunction); if (callback != null) { WebBrowser.ExecuteJavascript("ChangeTitle()"); var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); callbackArgs.SetValue("success", CfrV8Value.CreateBool(true), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("text", CfrV8Value.CreateString("Message from Windows Client"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); } }; //register the "my" object var myObject = global.AddObject("my"); //add property "name" to my, you should implemnt the getter/setter of name property by using PropertyGet/PropertySet events. var nameProp = myObject.AddDynamicProperty("name"); nameProp.PropertyGet += (prop, args) => { string computerName = Environment.MachineName; string value = $"My Computer Name is JoyNop :)\n{computerName}"; // getter - if js code "" executes, it'll get the string "NanUI". args.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateString(value); args.SetReturnValue(true); }; nameProp.PropertySet += (prop, args) => { // setter's value from js context, here we do nothing, so it will store or igrone by your mind. var value = args.Value; args.SetReturnValue(true); }; //add a function showCSharpMessageBox var showMessageBoxFunc = myObject.AddFunction("showCSharpMessageBox"); showMessageBoxFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //it will be raised by js code "my.showCSharpMessageBox(`some text`)" executed. //get the first string argument in Arguments, it pass by js function. var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { string osVersionName = Environment.OSVersion.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(osVersionName, "Windows 内核版本", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }; var friends = new string[] { "Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG" }; var getObjectFormCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getObjectFromCSharp"); getObjectFormCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //create the CfrV8Value object and the accssor of this Object. var jsObjectAccessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); var jsObject = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(jsObjectAccessor); //create a CfrV8Value array var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { jsArray.SetValue(i, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } jsObject.SetValue("libName", CfrV8Value.CreateString("NanUI"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); jsObject.SetValue("friends", jsArray, CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); args.SetReturnValue(jsObject); //in js context, use code "my.getObjectFromCSharp()" will get an object like { friends:["Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG"], libName:"NanUI" } }; }
public Login() : base(AnimationType.Center, "wwwroot/Pages/Login.html", false) { InitializeComponent(); base.ContextMenuHandler.OnBeforeContextMenu += (sender, e_) => e_.Model.Clear(); //禁用右键 this.MinimumSize = new Size(475, 335); this.MaximumSize = new Size(475, 335); //this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; //注册显示注册界面事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("showRegistered").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { if (registered == null || registered.IsDisposed) { registered = new Registered(); registered.Show(); } else { //if (registered.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) // registered.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; registered.Activate(); } //Mian main = new Mian(); //main.Show(); }); }; //注册关闭事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("closeForm").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); Application.Exit(); }); }; //注册最小化事件到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("minForm").Execute += (_, args) => this.RequireUIThread(() => this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized); //注册显示主界面窗体到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("viewMain").Execute += (_, args) => { this.RequireUIThread(() => { //Application.Run(new Main()); this.Close(); this.Dispose(); //this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Mian main = new Mian(); main.Show(); //this.Close(); }); }; var myObject = GlobalObject.AddObject("my"); var nameProp = myObject.AddDynamicProperty("name"); nameProp.PropertyGet += (prop, args) => { args.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateString("MyLogin"); args.SetReturnValue(true); }; nameProp.PropertySet += (prop, args) => { var value = args.Value; args.SetReturnValue(true); }; /*登录*/ var FuncLogin = myObject.AddFunction("Func_login"); FuncLogin.Execute += (func, args) => { var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { var str = stringArgument.StringValue; JObject model = JObject.Parse(str); ReturnMessageModel returnMessage = LoginFun(model); var resultStr = CfrV8Value.CreateString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnMessage)); args.SetReturnValue(resultStr); } }; //注册验证码到JS base.GlobalObject.AddFunction("ClickValidateCode").Execute += (_, args) => { string base64 = BaseImgCode(); ExecuteJavascript("ImgCode('data:image/jpg;base64," + base64 + "')"); }; //加载获取验证码 LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += LoadValidaeCode; //google调试器 base.LoadHandler.OnLoadStart += (sender, e) => { base.Chromium.ShowDevTools(); }; }
private static void RenderProcessHandler_OnContextCreated(object sender, Chromium.Remote.Event.CfrOnContextCreatedEventArgs e) { var obj = e.Context.Global; obj.SetValue("__nanui_version__", CfrV8Value.CreateString(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); }
public void addFunction(JSObject myObject) { //添加下载记录 var addDownloadRecordFunc = myObject.AddFunction("addDownloadRecord"); addDownloadRecordFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); DownloadRecord record = new DownloadRecord(); record.CloudFileId = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; Result result = new Result(); int code = 0; try { record.TargetFolder = selectFolder(); if (record.TargetFolder == null) { code = 1; } else { record.CloudFile = CommonCloudFileService.selectById(record.CloudFileId); record.Type = record.CloudFile.Type; record.FileName = record.CloudFile.Key; DownloadRecordService.Insert(record); record.Id = DownloadRecordService.getLastId(); //开始下载 if (record.Type == 0) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } else { TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", exception); result.State = 1; result.Msg = "系统繁忙"; } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); jsArray.SetValue(1, CfrV8Value.CreateString(code.ToString())); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //添加下载记录 var addDownloadRecordsFunc = myObject.AddFunction("addDownloadRecords"); addDownloadRecordsFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); int length = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); Result result = new Result(); int code = 0; try { string folderPath = selectFolder(); if (folderPath == null) { code = 1; } else { //同时下载多个文件 List <DownloadRecord> records = new List <DownloadRecord>(); for (int i = 1, size = length; i < size; i++) { DownloadRecord record = new DownloadRecord(); record.CloudFileId = jsparams.GetValue(i).IntValue; if (record.CloudFileId == 0) { continue; } record.CloudFile = CommonCloudFileService.selectById(record.CloudFileId); record.Type = record.CloudFile.Type; record.TargetFolder = folderPath; if (i > 6) { record.DownloadState = 1; records.Add(record); } else { records.Add(record); } record.FileName = record.CloudFile.Key; DownloadRecordService.Insert(record); record.Id = DownloadRecordService.getLastId(); if (record.Type == 0) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } else { TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", exception); result.State = 1; result.Msg = "系统繁忙"; } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); jsArray.SetValue(1, CfrV8Value.CreateString(code.ToString())); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //批量修改下载状态 var toggerDownloadStatesFunc = myObject.AddFunction("toggerDownloadStates"); toggerDownloadStatesFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); int state = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; List <int> ids = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i < jsparams.ArrayLength; i++) { if (state == 1) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.PauseDownload(jsparams.GetValue(i).IntValue + ""); TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.PauseDownload(jsparams.GetValue(i).IntValue + ""); } else if (state == 0) { DownloadRecord record = DownloadRecordService.selectById(jsparams.GetValue(i).IntValue); record.CloudFile = CommonCloudFileService.selectById(record.CloudFileId); if (record.Type == 0) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } else { TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } } } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Result()))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //修改下载状态 var toggerDownloadStateFunc = myObject.AddFunction("toggerDownloadState"); toggerDownloadStateFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); int id = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; int state = jsparams.GetValue(1).IntValue; if (state == 1) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.PauseDownload(id + ""); TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.PauseDownload(id + ""); } else if (state == 0) { DownloadRecord record = DownloadRecordService.selectById(id); record.CloudFile = CommonCloudFileService.selectById(record.CloudFileId); if (record.Type == 0) { DownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } else { TencentDownloadThreadPool.Me.StartDownload(record); } } else if (state == 4) { //停止下载 } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Result()))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //查询下载记录 var listDownloadRecordFunc = myObject.AddFunction("listDownloadRecord"); listDownloadRecordFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); int queryState = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; int pageNum = jsparams.GetValue(1).IntValue; int pageSize = jsparams.GetValue(2).IntValue; Page <DownloadRecord> page = null; Result result = new Result(); try { if (queryState == 0) { page = DownloadRecordService.PageDownloadingRecord(pageNum, pageSize, Constant.CloudType); } else { page = DownloadRecordService.PageDownloadDoneRecord(pageNum, pageSize, Constant.CloudType); } result.Data = page; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught: {0}", exception); result.State = 1; result.Msg = "系统繁忙"; } jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //查询下载记录 var openDownloadFileFolderFunc = myObject.AddFunction("openDownloadFileFolder"); openDownloadFileFolderFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); int id = jsparams.GetValue(0).IntValue; openFolder(DownloadRecordService.selectById(id)); jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Result()))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; //删除下载记录 var deleteDownloadRecordFunc = myObject.AddFunction("deleteDownloadRecords"); deleteDownloadRecordFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsparams = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); List <int> ids = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsparams.ArrayLength; i++) { ids.Add(jsparams.GetValue(i).IntValue); } DownloadRecordService.deletes(ids); var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(1); jsArray.SetValue(0, CfrV8Value.CreateString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Result()))); args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); }; }
public Form1() : base("") { InitializeComponent(); LoadHandler.OnLoadEnd += LoadHandler_OnLoadEnd; //register the "my" object var myObject = GlobalObject.AddObject("my"); //add property "name" to my, you should implemnt the getter/setter of name property by using PropertyGet/PropertySet events. var nameProp = myObject.AddDynamicProperty("name"); nameProp.PropertyGet += (prop, args) => { // getter - if js code "" executes, it'll get the string "NanUI". args.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateString("NanUI"); args.SetReturnValue(true); }; nameProp.PropertySet += (prop, args) => { // setter's value from js context, here we do nothing, so it will store or igrone by your mind. var value = args.Value; args.SetReturnValue(true); }; //add a function showCSharpMessageBox var showMessageBoxFunc = myObject.AddFunction("showCSharpMessageBox"); showMessageBoxFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //it will be raised by js code "my.showCSharpMessageBox(`some text`)" executed. //get the first string argument in Arguments, it pass by js function. var stringArgument = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsString); if (stringArgument != null) { MessageBox.Show(this, stringArgument.StringValue, "C# Messagebox", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }; //add a function getArrayFromCSharp, this function has an argument, it will combind C# string array with js array and return to js context. var friends = new string[] { "Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG" }; var getArrayFromCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getArrayFromCSharp"); getArrayFromCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var jsArray = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsArray); if (jsArray == null) { jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { jsArray.SetValue(i, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } } else { var newArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(jsArray.ArrayLength + friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < jsArray.ArrayLength; i++) { newArray.SetValue(i, jsArray.GetValue(i)); } var jsArrayLength = jsArray.ArrayLength; for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { newArray.SetValue(i + jsArrayLength, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } jsArray = newArray; } //return the array to js context args.SetReturnValue(jsArray); //in js context, use code "my.getArrayFromCSharp()" will get an array like ["Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG"] }; //add a function getObjectFromCSharp, this function has no arguments, but it will return a Object to js context. var getObjectFormCSFunc = myObject.AddFunction("getObjectFromCSharp"); getObjectFormCSFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { //create the CfrV8Value object and the accssor of this Object. var jsObjectAccessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); var jsObject = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(jsObjectAccessor); //create a CfrV8Value array var jsArray = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(friends.Length); for (int i = 0; i < friends.Length; i++) { jsArray.SetValue(i, CfrV8Value.CreateString(friends[i])); } jsObject.SetValue("libName", CfrV8Value.CreateString("NanUI"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); jsObject.SetValue("friends", jsArray, CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); args.SetReturnValue(jsObject); //in js context, use code "my.getObjectFromCSharp()" will get an object like { friends:["Mr.JSON", "Mr.Lee", "Mr.BONG"], libName:"NanUI" } }; //add a function with callback var callbackTestFunc = GlobalObject.AddFunction("callbackTest"); callbackTestFunc.Execute += (func, args) => { var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsFunction); if (callback != null) { var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); callbackArgs.SetValue("success", CfrV8Value.CreateBool(true), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("text", CfrV8Value.CreateString("Message from C#"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); } }; //add a function with async callback var asyncCallbackTestFunc = GlobalObject.AddFunction("asyncCallbackTest"); asyncCallbackTestFunc.Execute += async(func, args) => { //save current context var v8Context = CfrV8Context.GetCurrentContext(); var callback = args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsFunction); //simulate async methods. await Task.Delay(5000); if (callback != null) { //get render process context var rc = callback.CreateRemoteCallContext(); //enter render process rc.Enter(); //create render task var task = new CfrTask(); task.Execute += (_, taskArgs) => { //enter saved context v8Context.Enter(); //create callback argument var callbackArgs = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(new CfrV8Accessor()); callbackArgs.SetValue("success", CfrV8Value.CreateBool(true), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); callbackArgs.SetValue("text", CfrV8Value.CreateString("Message from C#"), CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly); //execute callback callback.ExecuteFunction(null, new CfrV8Value[] { callbackArgs }); v8Context.Exit(); //lock task from gc lock (task) { Monitor.PulseAll(task); } }; lock (task) { //post task to render process v8Context.TaskRunner.PostTask(task); } rc.Exit(); GC.KeepAlive(task); } }; }
public static CfrV8Value V8Serialize(this object o, HashSet <object> refin = null) { if (Accessor == null) { Accessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); } var propattr = CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete | CfxV8PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly; switch (o) { case null: return(CfrV8Value.CreateNull()); case bool onb: return(CfrV8Value.CreateBool(onb)); case string os: return(CfrV8Value.CreateString(os)); case Enum oenum: return(CfrV8Value.CreateString(oenum.ToString())); case int oni: return(CfrV8Value.CreateInt(oni)); case sbyte oni: return(CfrV8Value.CreateInt(oni)); case short oni: return(CfrV8Value.CreateInt(oni)); case long oni: return(CfrV8Value.CreateInt((int)oni)); case uint onui: return(CfrV8Value.CreateUint(onui)); case byte onui: return(CfrV8Value.CreateUint(onui)); case ushort onui: return(CfrV8Value.CreateUint(onui)); case double ond: return(CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ond)); case float onf: return(CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(onf)); case ObjectBuilder oob: return(oob.Serialize(refin)); case RGBAColor ocv: var vcolres = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(Accessor); vcolres.SetValue("r", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(ocv.Color.R), propattr); vcolres.SetValue("g", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(ocv.Color.G), propattr); vcolres.SetValue("b", CfrV8Value.CreateInt(ocv.Color.B), propattr); vcolres.SetValue("a", CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ocv.A), propattr); vcolres.SetValue("name", CfrV8Value.CreateString("#" + ocv.Color.Name.Remove(0, 2)), propattr); return(vcolres); case Color4 ocdx: var dxcolres = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(Accessor); dxcolres.SetValue("r", CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ocdx.Red * 255), propattr); dxcolres.SetValue("g", CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ocdx.Green * 255), propattr); dxcolres.SetValue("b", CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ocdx.Blue * 255), propattr); dxcolres.SetValue("a", CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(ocdx.Alpha), propattr); dxcolres.SetValue("name", CfrV8Value.CreateString(ocdx.ToString()), propattr); return(dxcolres); case TimeSpan ots: return(CfrV8Value.CreateDate(new CfrTime() { Year = 0, Month = 0, DayOfMonth = ots.Days, DayOfWeek = ots.Days, Hour = ots.Hours, Minute = ots.Minutes, Second = ots.Seconds, Millisecond = ots.Milliseconds })); case DateTime odt: return(CfrV8Value.CreateDate(new CfrTime() { Year = odt.Year, Month = odt.Month, DayOfMonth = odt.Day, DayOfWeek = (int)odt.DayOfWeek, Hour = odt.Hour, Minute = odt.Minute, Second = odt.Second, Millisecond = odt.Millisecond })); case IEnumerable oenum: lock (oenum) { var reslist = (from object obj in oenum select obj.V8Serialize()).ToList(); var res = CfrV8Value.CreateArray(reslist.Count); for (int i = 0; i < reslist.Count; i++) { res.SetValue(i, reslist[i]); } return(res); } default: var referenced = refin; if (referenced != null && referenced.Contains(o)) { return(CfrV8Value.CreateNull()); } else if (referenced == null) { referenced = new HashSet <object> { o }; } else { referenced.Add(o); } var oT = o.GetType(); if (oT.IsClass || (oT.IsValueType && !oT.IsPrimitive)) { var reso = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(Accessor); foreach (var prop in oT.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead && p.GetMethod.IsPublic && !p.GetMethod.IsStatic && !p.PropertyType.IsPointer) ) { var cobj = prop.GetValue(o).V8Serialize(referenced); reso.SetValue(prop.Name, cobj, propattr); } foreach (var field in oT.GetFields().Where(f => f.IsPublic && !f.IsStatic && !f.FieldType.IsPointer) ) { var cobj = field.GetValue(o).V8Serialize(referenced); reso.SetValue(field.Name, cobj, propattr); } return(reso); } else { return(CfrV8Value.CreateNull()); } } }
public static CfrV8Value GetCfrObject(this JSObject _, object item) { var nameDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var accessor = new CfrV8Accessor(); var o = CfrV8Value.CreateObject(accessor); var t = item.GetType(); foreach (var p in t.GetProperties()) { var name = p.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + p.Name.Substring(1); nameDict[name] = p.Name; o.SetValue(name, CfxV8AccessControl.Default, CfxV8PropertyAttribute.DontDelete); } accessor.Get += (s, e) => { var name = nameDict[e.Name]; var p = t.GetProperty(name); var value = p.GetValue(item, null); var valueType = value?.GetType(); if (value == null) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateNull(); } else if (valueType == typeof(string) || valueType == typeof(Guid)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateString((string)value); } else if (valueType == typeof(int) || valueType == typeof(short) || valueType == typeof(long)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateInt((int)value); } else if (valueType == typeof(decimal)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(Convert.ToDouble(value)); } else if (valueType == typeof(float) || valueType == typeof(double)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateDouble(Convert.ToDouble(value)); } else if (valueType == typeof(bool)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateBool(Convert.ToBoolean(value)); } else if (valueType == typeof(DateTime)) { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateDate(CfrTime.FromUniversalTime((DateTime)value)); } else { e.Retval = CfrV8Value.CreateNull(); } e.SetReturnValue(true); }; return(o); }