private async Task <List <ActionStep> > DeployToAllTargetBindings(IBindingDeploymentTarget deploymentTarget,
                                                                          ManagedCertificate managedCertificate,
                                                                          CertRequestConfig requestConfig,
                                                                          string certStoreName,
                                                                          byte[] certHash,
                                                                          List <string> dnsHosts,
                                                                          bool isPreviewOnly = false
            var actions     = new List <ActionStep>();
            var targetSites = new List <IBindingDeploymentTargetItem>();

            // ensure defaults applied for deployment mode

            // if single site, add that
            if (requestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.SingleSite)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managedCertificate.ServerSiteId))
                    var site = await deploymentTarget.GetTargetItem(managedCertificate.ServerSiteId);

                    if (site != null)

            // or add all sites (if required)
            if (requestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.AllSites || requestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.Auto)
                targetSites.AddRange(await deploymentTarget.GetAllTargetItems());

            // for each sites we want to target, identify bindings to add/update as required
            foreach (var site in targetSites)
                    var existingBindings = await deploymentTarget.GetBindings(site.Id);

                    var existingHttps = existingBindings.Where(e => e.Protocol == "https").ToList();

                    //remove https bindings which already have an https equivalent (specific hostname or blank)
                    existingBindings.RemoveAll(b => existingHttps.Any(e => e.Host == b.Host) && b.Protocol == "http");

                    existingBindings = existingBindings.OrderBy(b => b.Protocol).ThenBy(b => b.Host).ToList();

                    // for each binding create or update an https binding
                    foreach (var b in existingBindings)
                        var updateBinding = false;

                        //if binding is http and there is no https binding, create one
                        var hostname = b.Host;

                        // install the cert for this binding if the hostname matches, or we have a
                        // matching wildcard, or if there is no hostname specified in the binding

                        if (requestConfig.DeploymentBindingReplacePrevious || requestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption == DeploymentOption.Auto)
                            // if replacing previous, check if current binding cert hash matches
                            // previous cert hash
                            if (b.CertificateHash != null && (managedCertificate.CertificatePreviousThumbprintHash != null || managedCertificate.CertificateThumbprintHash != null))
                                if (string.Equals(b.CertificateHash, managedCertificate.CertificatePreviousThumbprintHash))
                                    updateBinding = true;
                                else if (string.Equals(b.CertificateHash, managedCertificate.CertificateThumbprintHash))
                                    updateBinding = true;

                        if (updateBinding == false)
                            // TODO: add wildcard match
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostname) && requestConfig.DeploymentBindingBlankHostname)
                                updateBinding = true;
                                if (requestConfig.DeploymentBindingMatchHostname)
                                    updateBinding = ManagedCertificate.IsDomainOrWildcardMatch(dnsHosts, hostname);

                        if (requestConfig.DeploymentBindingOption == DeploymentBindingOption.UpdateOnly)
                            // update existing bindings only, so only update if this is already an
                            // https binding
                            if (b.Protocol != "https")
                                updateBinding = false;

                        if (b.Protocol != "http" && b.Protocol != "https")
                            // skip bindings for other service types
                            updateBinding = false;

                        if (updateBinding)
                            //SSL port defaults to 443 or the config default, unless we already have an https binding, in which case re-use same port
                            var sslPort         = 443;
                            var targetIPAddress = "*";

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestConfig.BindingPort))
                                sslPort = int.Parse(requestConfig.BindingPort);

                            if (b.Protocol == "https")
                                if (b.Port > 0)
                                    sslPort = b.Port;
                                if (!unassignedIPs.Contains(b.IP))
                                    targetIPAddress = b.IP;
                                if (!unassignedIPs.Contains(requestConfig.BindingIPAddress))
                                    targetIPAddress = requestConfig.BindingIPAddress;

                            //create/update binding and associate new cert

                            //if any binding elements configured, use those, otherwise auto bind using defaults and SNI

                            var stepActions = await UpdateBinding(
                                sslPort : sslPort,
                                useSNI : (requestConfig.BindingUseSNI != null ? (bool)requestConfig.BindingUseSNI : true),
                                ipAddress : targetIPAddress,
                                alwaysRecreateBindings : requestConfig.AlwaysRecreateBindings,
                                isPreviewOnly : isPreviewOnly

                catch (Exception exp)
                    actions.Add(new ActionStep {
                        Title = site.Name, Category = "Deploy.AddOrUpdateBindings", HasError = true, Description = exp.ToString()
