public List<Center> GetAllCenter(int districtId, int thanaId) { string query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_center WHERE DistrictId='" + districtId + "' AND thanaId='" + thanaId + "' ORDER BY CenterName ASC"; sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand.CommandText = query; SqlDataReader aReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); List<Center> centerList = new List<Center>(); while (aReader.Read()) { Center aCenter = new Center(); aCenter.Id = (int)aReader["id"]; aCenter.Name = aReader["CenterName"].ToString(); aCenter.DistrictId = (int)aReader["DistrictId"]; aCenter.ThanaId = (int)aReader["ThanaId"]; aCenter.CenterCode = aReader["CenterCode"].ToString(); centerList.Add(aCenter); } aReader.Close(); sqlConnection.Close(); return centerList; }
protected void creatCenterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Center aCenter = new Center(); aCenter.Name = centerNameTextBox.Text; aCenter.DistrictId = Convert.ToInt32(districtDropDownList.SelectedValue); aCenter.ThanaId = Convert.ToInt32(thanaDropDownList.SelectedValue); aCenter.CenterCode = aCenter.Name+centerManager.RandomCode(); aCenter.Password = centerManager.Encryptdata(centerManager.RandomPassword()); int num = centerManager.CreateCenter(aCenter); if (num==0) { Session["CENTER"] = aCenter; Response.Redirect("~/UI/Admin/MessageUI.aspx"); } else if (num==1) { messageLabel.Text = "Sorry this Tenter Name already exists in" + thanaDropDownList.SelectedValue; } else if (num==2) { messageLabel.Text = "Sorry this center code already exists. Please try again"; Server.TransferRequest(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, false); messageLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { messageLabel.Text = "Sorry save failed"; messageLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
public void Draw(Pos pos, Center center = Center.None) { byte[] clone = _id.ToArray(); G.tiles[(int)Tiles.Main][clone[0] - 1].Draw(pos, center); for (byte i = 1; i < clone.Length; i++) G.tiles[(int)Tiles.MainDeco][clone[i] - 1].Draw(pos, center); }
/// <summary> /// Dessine le sprite en utilisant ses attributs et le spritebatch donné /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch">Le spritebatch avec lequel dessiner</param> /// <param name="gameTime">Le GameTime de la frame</param> public virtual void Draw(Pos pos, Center center = Center.None) { if (center == Center.Horizontal || center == Center.All) pos.X = pos.X = pos.X - _texture.Width / 2; if (center == Center.Vertical || center == Center.All) pos.Y = pos.Y = pos.Y - _texture.Height / 2; G.spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, pos.ToVector2(), Color.White); }
public DummyStandalone() { var frature = new DummyFrature(); _Storage = new ExpansionFeature(frature, frature, frature); _Updater = new Updater(); _Center = new Center(_Storage); }
public int SaveCenter(Center aCenter) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string query = "INSERT INTO center_table VALUES ('" + aCenter.Name+ "', '" + aCenter.Code+ "', '" + aCenter.Password + "', '"+aCenter.ThanaId + "') "; SqlCommand aCommand = new SqlCommand(query, connection); connection.Open(); int rowAffedted = aCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); return rowAffedted; }
public void FindAllPossiblePlacements(Center center) { for (int i = 0; i < BuildingManager.Directions.Count; i++) { //check to make sure it's not going to place on another branch of the structure that // isn't necessarily a parent or child if (!BuildingManager.DetectOtherObjects(BuildingManager.ToDirFromSpot(i), this.transform)) center.SetPlacement(BuildingManager.ToDirFromSpot(i), this.transform); } }
public void Draw(Pos pos, Center center = Center.None, bool fighting = false) { if (fighting) Tile.Draw("fight/" + IdFloor, pos); else { Tile.Draw("main/" + IdFloor, pos); if (IdDeco != 0) Tile.Draw("main deco/" + IdDeco, pos); } }
public string SaveCenter(Center aCenter) { if (aCenterGateway.SaveCenter(aCenter) > 0) { return "Saved Successfully"; } else { return "Failed"; } }
protected void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Center aCenter = new Center(); aCenter.Name = centerTextBox.Text; string thanaName = thanaDropDownList.SelectedItem.ToString(); aCenter.ThanaId = int.Parse(thanaDropDownList.SelectedValue); aCenter.Password = CreatePassword(); aCenter.Code = CreateCode(thanaName); Session["Name"] = aCenter.Name; Session["Code"] = aCenter.Code; Session["Password"] = aCenter.Password; msgLabel.Text = aCenterManager.SaveCenter(aCenter); Response.Redirect("CenterView.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { aCenter = (Center) Session["CENTER"]; string name = aCenter.Name; int districtId = aCenter.DistrictId; int thanaId = aCenter.ThanaId; string centerCode = aCenter.CenterCode; string password = aCenter.Password; districtNameLabel.Text = dropDownManager.GetDistrict(districtId); thanaNameLabel.Text = dropDownManager.GetThana(thanaId); centerNameLabel.Text = name; centerCodeLabel.Text = centerCode; passwordLabel.Text = Decryptdata(password); }
public bool CreateCenter(Center aCenter) { string saveMedicine = "INSERT INTO tbl_center (CenterName,CenterCode,CenterPassward,DistrictId,ThanaId) VALUES(@name,@CenterCode,@CenterPassward,@DistrictId,@ThanaId)"; sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand.CommandText = saveMedicine; sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", aCenter.Name); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CenterCode", aCenter.CenterCode); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CenterPassward", aCenter.Password); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DistrictId", aCenter.DistrictId); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ThanaId", aCenter.ThanaId); int rowAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); if (rowAffected > 0) { return true; } return false; }
public List<Center> GetAllCenter(int id) { string searchMedicine = "SELECT * FROM tbl_center where ThanaId='" + id + "' Order By CenterName ASC"; sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand.CommandText = searchMedicine; SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); List<Center> centerList = new List<Center>(); while (reader.Read()) { Center aCenter = new Center(); aCenter.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["id"].ToString()); aCenter.Name = reader["CenterName"].ToString(); centerList.Add(aCenter); } reader.Close(); sqlConnection.Close(); return centerList; }
public List<Center> ShowthanaList() { List<Center> thanaList = new List<Center>(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string query = "SELECT * FROM thana_table"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection); connection.Open(); SqlDataReader aReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (aReader.Read()) { Center aStudent = new Center(); aStudent.Id = (int)aReader["thana_id"]; aStudent.Name = (string)aReader["thana_name"]; thanaList.Add(aStudent); } aReader.Close(); connection.Close(); return thanaList; }
public int CreateCenter(Center aCenter) { if (centerGateway.IsThisCenterNameExists(aCenter.Name,aCenter.ThanaId)) { return 1; } else if (centerGateway.IsThisCenterCodeExists(aCenter.CenterCode)) { return 2; } else { if (centerGateway.CreateCenter(aCenter)) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } }
// Build graph data structure in 'edges', 'centers', 'corners', // based on information in the Voronoi results: point.neighbors // will be a list of neighboring points of the same type (corner // or center); point.edges will be a list of edges that include // that point. Each edge connects to four points: the Voronoi edge // edge.{v0,v1} and its dual Delaunay triangle edge edge.{d0,d1}. // For boundary polygons, the Delaunay edge will have one null // point, and the Voronoi edge may be null. public void buildGraph(List<Vector2> points, csDelaunay.Voronoi voronoi){ Center p; var centerLookup = new Dictionary<Vector2, Center> (); var libedges = voronoi.Edges; // Build Center objects for each of the points, and a lookup map // to find those Center objects again as we build the graph foreach (var point in points) { p = new Center(); p.index = centers.Count; p.point = point; p.neighbors = new List<Center>(); p.borders = new List<Edge>(); p.corners = new List<Corner>(); centers.Add(p); centerLookup[point] = p; } // Workaround for Voronoi lib bug: we need to call region() before Edges or neighboringSites are available foreach (var c in centers) { voronoi.Region(c.point); } // The Voronoi library generates multiple Point objects for // corners, and we need to canonicalize to one Corner object. // To make lookup fast, we keep an array of Points, bucketed by // x value, and then we only have to look at other Points in // nearby buckets. When we fail to find one, we'll create a new // Corner object. var _cornerMap = new Dictionary<int, List<Corner>> (); Func<Vector2, Corner> makeCorner = delegate(Vector2 point) { int bucket; if (point == { return null; } for (bucket = (int)(point.x)-1; bucket <= (int)(point.x)+1; bucket++) { if(_cornerMap.ContainsKey(bucket)){ foreach(var c in _cornerMap[bucket]){ var dx = point.x - c.point.x; var dy = point.y - c.point.y; if(dx*dx+dy*dy<1e-6F){ return c; } } } } bucket = (int)point.x; if (!_cornerMap.ContainsKey (bucket)) { _cornerMap.Add(bucket, null); } if(_cornerMap[bucket] == null) {_cornerMap[bucket] = new List<Corner>();} var q = new Corner (); q.index = corners.Count; corners.Add (q); q.point = point; q.border = (point.x == 0F || point.x == SIZE || point.y == 0F || point.y == SIZE); q.touches = new List<Center> (); q.protrudes = new List<Edge> (); q.adjacent = new List<Corner> (); _cornerMap[bucket].Add(q); return q; }; // Helper functions for the following for loop; Action<List<Corner>, Corner> addToCornerList = delegate(List<Corner> v, Corner x) { if (x != null && v.IndexOf (x) < 0) { v.Add (x); } }; Action<List<Center>, Center> addToCenterList = delegate(List<Center> v, Center x) { if (x != null && v.IndexOf (x) < 0) { v.Add (x); } }; foreach (var libedge in libedges) { var dedge = libedge.delaunayLine(); var vedge = libedge.voronoiEdge(); var edge = new Edge(); edge.index = edges.Count; edge.river = 0; edges.Add(edge); if (vedge.p0 != && vedge.p1 != { edge.midpoint = Vector2.Lerp(vedge.p0, vedge.p1, 0.5F); } edge.v0 = makeCorner(vedge.p0); edge.v1 = makeCorner(vedge.p1); edge.d0 = centerLookup[dedge.p0]; edge.d1 = centerLookup[dedge.p1]; if (edge.d0 != null) { edge.d0.borders.Add(edge); } if (edge.d1 != null) { edge.d1.borders.Add(edge); } if (edge.v0 != null) { edge.v0.protrudes.Add(edge); } if (edge.v1 != null) { edge.v1.protrudes.Add(edge); } if (edge.d0 != null && edge.d1 != null) { addToCenterList(edge.d0.neighbors, edge.d1); addToCenterList(edge.d1.neighbors, edge.d0); } if (edge.v0 != null && edge.v1 != null) { addToCornerList(edge.v0.adjacent, edge.v1); addToCornerList(edge.v1.adjacent, edge.v0); } if (edge.d0 != null) { addToCornerList(edge.d0.corners, edge.v0); addToCornerList(edge.d0.corners, edge.v1); } if (edge.d1 != null) { addToCornerList(edge.d1.corners, edge.v0); addToCornerList(edge.d1.corners, edge.v1); } if (edge.v0 != null) { addToCenterList(edge.v0.touches, edge.d0); addToCenterList(edge.v0.touches, edge.d1); } if (edge.v1 != null) { addToCenterList(edge.v1.touches, edge.d0); addToCenterList(edge.v1.touches, edge.d1); } } }
// Look up a Voronoi Edge object given two adjacent Voronoi // polygons, or two adjacent Voronoi corners public Edge lookupEdgeFromCenter(Center p, Center r) { foreach (var edge in p.borders) { if (edge.d0 == r || edge.d1 == r) return edge; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Compare this circle with <paramref name="circle2"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="circle2">The other box to be compared</param> /// <returns>true if the two boxes equals</returns> public bool Equals(CircleF circle2) { return(Center.Equals(circle2.Center) && Radius.Equals(circle2.Radius)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Center.Get <ITickComponent>().Tick(Time.deltaTime); }
public void Dispose() { Center.Dispose(); }
private void fill(Corner p1, Corner p2, Center c1, Center c2, Edge e) { e.d0 = c1; c1.borders.Add(e.ID, e); e.d1 = c2; c2.borders.Add(e.ID, e); e.v0 = p1; p1.protrudes.Add(e.ID, e); e.v1 = p2; p2.protrudes.Add(e.ID, e); if (!c1.neighbors.ContainsKey(c2.position)) { c1.neighbors.Add(c2.position, c2); c2.neighbors.Add(c1.position, c1); } p1.adjacent.Add(p2.position, p2); p2.adjacent.Add(p1.position, p1); if (!c1.corners.ContainsKey(p1.position)) { c1.corners.Add(p1.position, p1); p1.touches.Add(c1.position, c1); } if (!c1.corners.ContainsKey(p2.position)) { c1.corners.Add(p2.position, p2); p2.touches.Add(c1.position, c1); } if (!c2.corners.ContainsKey(p1.position)) { c2.corners.Add(p1.position, p1); p1.touches.Add(c2.position, c2); } if (!c2.corners.ContainsKey(p2.position)) { c2.corners.Add(p2.position, p2); p2.touches.Add(c2.position, c2); } }
public virtual void MakeDecision(RealtimeSimulation simulation) { var others = simulation.Cells.Where(x => x != this); var otherSmarts = others.OfType <SmartCell>(); var otherDummys = others.Except(otherSmarts); var isAnyBiggerThanMe = others.Count(x => x.Mass > Mass) > 0; var otherBiggest = others.OrderByDescending(x => x.Mass).FirstOrDefault(); var otherSmallest = others.OrderBy(x => x.Mass).FirstOrDefault();; var otherSmalls = others.Where(x => x.Mass <Mass && x.Mass> Mass / minMassDivisor).OrderByDescending(x => x.Mass); var biggestOfOtherSmalls = otherSmalls.FirstOrDefault(); var otherBigs = others.Where(x => x.Mass > Mass).OrderByDescending(x => x.Mass); var nearestBig = others.Where(x => x.Mass > Mass).OrderBy(x => Center.Subtract(x.Center).Length).FirstOrDefault(); var nearestSmall = others.Where(x => x.Mass <Mass && x.Mass> Mass / minMassDivisor) .OrderBy(x => Center.Subtract(x.Center).Length) .ThenByDescending(x => x.Mass).FirstOrDefault(); var slowestOfOtherSmalls = otherSmalls.OrderBy(x => x.Velocity.Length).FirstOrDefault(); var fastestOfOtherSmalls = otherSmalls.OrderByDescending(x => x.Velocity.Length).FirstOrDefault(); var biggestMomentum = otherSmalls.OrderByDescending(x => x.Momentum.Length).FirstOrDefault(); switch (Character) { case CharacterType.CatchSmall: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (biggestOfOtherSmalls == null) { return; } var vector = biggestOfOtherSmalls.Center - this.Center; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = biggestOfOtherSmalls.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.EvadeBig: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (nearestBig == null) { return; } var vector = nearestBig.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * 1; var uVector2 = nearestBig.Velocity * 1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.CatchNearest: { if (nearestSmall == null) { return; } if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } var vector = nearestSmall.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = nearestSmall.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.NoSpeed: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (Velocity.Length < minVelocityThresold) { return; } var noSpeedMassDivider = 1 / massDivisor; var v1 = this.Velocity; var v2 = v1 * noSpeedMassDivider; var m2 = Mass / noSpeedMassDivider; var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = m2, Velocity = v2 }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.CatchSmallAndEvadeBig: { if (subCharacter == CharacterType.CatchSmall) { subCharacter = CharacterType.EvadeBig; if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (biggestOfOtherSmalls == null) { return; } var vector = biggestOfOtherSmalls.Center - this.Center; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = biggestOfOtherSmalls.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } else { subCharacter = CharacterType.CatchSmall; if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (nearestBig == null) { return; } var vector = nearestBig.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * 1; var uVector2 = nearestBig.Velocity * 1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } } break; case CharacterType.CatchNearestAndEvadeBig: { if (subCharacter == CharacterType.CatchNearest) { subCharacter = CharacterType.EvadeBig; if (nearestSmall == null) { return; } if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } var vector = nearestSmall.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = nearestSmall.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } else { subCharacter = CharacterType.CatchNearest; if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (nearestBig == null) { return; } var vector = nearestBig.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * 1; var uVector2 = nearestBig.Velocity * 1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } } break; case CharacterType.CatchSlow: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (slowestOfOtherSmalls == null) { return; } var vector = slowestOfOtherSmalls.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = slowestOfOtherSmalls.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.CatchFast: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (fastestOfOtherSmalls == null) { return; } var vector = fastestOfOtherSmalls.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = fastestOfOtherSmalls.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; case CharacterType.FollowBig: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (otherBiggest != null) { var vector = otherBiggest.Position - this.Position; var uVector = vector.UnitVector * ((vector.Length > otherBiggest.Radius * 2) ? -1 : 1); var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } } break; case CharacterType.Matador: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (nearestBig != null) { Point?ip1 = null; if (nearestBig.Velocity.Length > 0) { ip1 = Geometry.IntersectionPoint(nearestBig.Center.Point, Diagonale, nearestBig.Velocity.X, nearestBig.Velocity.Y); if (ip1 == null) { ip1 = Geometry.IntersectionPoint(nearestBig.Center.Point, InverseDiagonale, nearestBig.Velocity.X, nearestBig.Velocity.Y); } } Point?ip2 = null; if (Velocity.Length > 0) { ip2 = Geometry.IntersectionPoint(Center.Point, nearestBig.Diagonale, Velocity.X, Velocity.Y); if (ip2 == null) { ip2 = Geometry.IntersectionPoint(Center.Point, nearestBig.InverseDiagonale, Velocity.X, Velocity.Y); } } if (ip2 == null && ip1 == null) { return; } var uVector = new Vector2D(nearestBig.Velocity.Y, nearestBig.Velocity.X).UnitVector; if (ip1 == null) { uVector = new Vector2D(Velocity.Y, Velocity.X).UnitVector; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } } break; case CharacterType.CatchMomentum: { if (!isAnyBiggerThanMe) { return; } if (biggestMomentum == null) { return; } var vector = biggestMomentum.Position - this.Position; var uVector1 = vector * -1; var uVector2 = biggestMomentum.Velocity * -1; var uVector = (uVector1 + uVector2).UnitVector; if (uVector.Length == 0) { return; } var dropCell = new Cell() { Mass = this.Mass * massDivisor, Velocity = uVector * velocityMultiplier }; dropCell.GenerateRadiusFromMass(); if (dropCell.Radius < 1 || Radius < 1) { return; } caculateDropCellPosition(dropCell); DropObject(dropCell); simulation.AddCell(dropCell); } break; default: break; } }
private bool Equals(MapSpan other) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center) && LongitudeDegrees.Equals(other.LongitudeDegrees) && LatitudeDegrees.Equals(other.LatitudeDegrees)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public bool Equals([AllowNull] Geo other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Domain == other.Domain || Domain != null && Domain.Equals(other.Domain) ) && ( FitBounds == other.FitBounds || FitBounds != null && FitBounds.Equals(other.FitBounds) ) && ( Resolution == other.Resolution || Resolution != null && Resolution.Equals(other.Resolution) ) && ( Scope == other.Scope || Scope != null && Scope.Equals(other.Scope) ) && ( Projection == other.Projection || Projection != null && Projection.Equals(other.Projection) ) && ( Center == other.Center || Center != null && Center.Equals(other.Center) ) && ( Visible == other.Visible || Visible != null && Visible.Equals(other.Visible) ) && ( ShowCoastlines == other.ShowCoastlines || ShowCoastlines != null && ShowCoastlines.Equals(other.ShowCoastlines) ) && ( CoastlineColor == other.CoastlineColor || CoastlineColor != null && CoastlineColor.Equals(other.CoastlineColor) ) && ( CoastlineWidth == other.CoastlineWidth || CoastlineWidth != null && CoastlineWidth.Equals(other.CoastlineWidth) ) && ( ShowLand == other.ShowLand || ShowLand != null && ShowLand.Equals(other.ShowLand) ) && ( LandColor == other.LandColor || LandColor != null && LandColor.Equals(other.LandColor) ) && ( ShowOcean == other.ShowOcean || ShowOcean != null && ShowOcean.Equals(other.ShowOcean) ) && ( OceanColor == other.OceanColor || OceanColor != null && OceanColor.Equals(other.OceanColor) ) && ( ShowLakes == other.ShowLakes || ShowLakes != null && ShowLakes.Equals(other.ShowLakes) ) && ( LakeColor == other.LakeColor || LakeColor != null && LakeColor.Equals(other.LakeColor) ) && ( ShowRivers == other.ShowRivers || ShowRivers != null && ShowRivers.Equals(other.ShowRivers) ) && ( RiverColor == other.RiverColor || RiverColor != null && RiverColor.Equals(other.RiverColor) ) && ( RiverWidth == other.RiverWidth || RiverWidth != null && RiverWidth.Equals(other.RiverWidth) ) && ( ShowCountries == other.ShowCountries || ShowCountries != null && ShowCountries.Equals(other.ShowCountries) ) && ( CountryColor == other.CountryColor || CountryColor != null && CountryColor.Equals(other.CountryColor) ) && ( CountryWidth == other.CountryWidth || CountryWidth != null && CountryWidth.Equals(other.CountryWidth) ) && ( ShowSubUnits == other.ShowSubUnits || ShowSubUnits != null && ShowSubUnits.Equals(other.ShowSubUnits) ) && ( SubUnitColor == other.SubUnitColor || SubUnitColor != null && SubUnitColor.Equals(other.SubUnitColor) ) && ( SubUnitWidth == other.SubUnitWidth || SubUnitWidth != null && SubUnitWidth.Equals(other.SubUnitWidth) ) && ( ShowFrame == other.ShowFrame || ShowFrame != null && ShowFrame.Equals(other.ShowFrame) ) && ( FrameColor == other.FrameColor || FrameColor != null && FrameColor.Equals(other.FrameColor) ) && ( FrameWidth == other.FrameWidth || FrameWidth != null && FrameWidth.Equals(other.FrameWidth) ) && ( BgColor == other.BgColor || BgColor != null && BgColor.Equals(other.BgColor) ) && ( LonAxis == other.LonAxis || LonAxis != null && LonAxis.Equals(other.LonAxis) ) && ( LaTaxis == other.LaTaxis || LaTaxis != null && LaTaxis.Equals(other.LaTaxis) ) && ( UiRevision == other.UiRevision || UiRevision != null && UiRevision.Equals(other.UiRevision) )); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; if (Domain != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Domain.GetHashCode(); } if (FitBounds != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + FitBounds.GetHashCode(); } if (Resolution != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Resolution.GetHashCode(); } if (Scope != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Scope.GetHashCode(); } if (Projection != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Projection.GetHashCode(); } if (Center != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Center.GetHashCode(); } if (Visible != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Visible.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowCoastlines != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowCoastlines.GetHashCode(); } if (CoastlineColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CoastlineColor.GetHashCode(); } if (CoastlineWidth != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CoastlineWidth.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowLand != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowLand.GetHashCode(); } if (LandColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LandColor.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowOcean != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowOcean.GetHashCode(); } if (OceanColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + OceanColor.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowLakes != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowLakes.GetHashCode(); } if (LakeColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LakeColor.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowRivers != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowRivers.GetHashCode(); } if (RiverColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RiverColor.GetHashCode(); } if (RiverWidth != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + RiverWidth.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowCountries != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowCountries.GetHashCode(); } if (CountryColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CountryColor.GetHashCode(); } if (CountryWidth != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CountryWidth.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowSubUnits != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowSubUnits.GetHashCode(); } if (SubUnitColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SubUnitColor.GetHashCode(); } if (SubUnitWidth != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SubUnitWidth.GetHashCode(); } if (ShowFrame != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ShowFrame.GetHashCode(); } if (FrameColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + FrameColor.GetHashCode(); } if (FrameWidth != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + FrameWidth.GetHashCode(); } if (BgColor != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + BgColor.GetHashCode(); } if (LonAxis != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LonAxis.GetHashCode(); } if (LaTaxis != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + LaTaxis.GetHashCode(); } if (UiRevision != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + UiRevision.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public async Task Delete(Center center) { _repo.Delete(center); await _repo.Save(); }
public void createRoads(Map map) { var status = new Dictionary<int, string>(); // index -> status (undefined for unvisited, 'fringe', or 'closed') //var fringe = new List<Center>(); // locations that are still being analyzed //var p:Center, q:Corner, r:Center, edge:Edge, i:int; // Initialize foreach (var edge in map.edges) { road[edge.index] = 0; } // Start with the highest elevation Center -- everything else // will connect to this location var r = map.centers[0]; foreach (var p in map.centers) { if (p.elevation > r.elevation) { r = p; } } status[r.index] = "fringe"; var fringe = new List<Center>(){r}; while (fringe.Count > 0) { // Pick a node randomly. Also interesting is to always pick the first or last node. int i = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.value * (float)fringe.Count); // i = 0; // i = fringe.length - 1; if (i > 0 && Random.value < 0.5) i -= 1; var p = fringe[i]; fringe[i] = fringe[0]; fringe.RemoveAt(0); status[p.index] = "closed"; foreach (var edge in p.borders) { r = (edge.d0 == p)? edge.d1 : edge.d0; if (r != null && !r.water) { if (!status.ContainsKey(r.index)) { // We've never been here, so let's add this to the fringe status[r.index] = "fringe"; fringe.Add(r); road[edge.index] = 1; } else if (status[r.index] == "fringe") { // We've been here -- what if the cost is lower? TODO: ignore for now } } } } // Build the roadConnections list from roads foreach (var edge in map.edges) { if (road[edge.index]>0) { Center[] edgeArray = new Center[]{edge.d0, edge.d1}; foreach (var p in edgeArray) { if (p != null) { if (!roadConnections.ContainsKey(p.index)) { roadConnections[p.index] = new List<Edge>(); } roadConnections[p.index].Add(edge); } } } } // Rebuild roads from roadConnections foreach (var edge in map.edges) { if (road[edge.index]>0) { Center[] edgeArray = new Center[]{edge.d0, edge.d1}; foreach (var p in edgeArray) { if (p != null) { road[edge.index] = Mathf.Max(road[edge.index], roadConnections[p.index].Count); } } } road[edge.index] = Mathf.Min(3, Mathf.Max(0, road[edge.index] - 2)); } }
public virtual void LoadContent(int idNormal, int idOver, int idPushed, Tiles tilesRef, Center center = Center.None) { _idTextureNormal = --idNormal; _idTextureOver = --idOver; _idTexturePushed = --idPushed; _tilesRef = (int) tilesRef; _rect.Width = G.tiles[_tilesRef][idNormal].Texture.Width; _rect.Height = G.tiles[_tilesRef][idNormal].Texture.Height; if (center == Center.Horizontal || center == Center.All) _pos.X = _rect.X = _rect.X - _rect.Width / 2; if (center == Center.Vertical || center == Center.All) _pos.Y = _rect.Y = _rect.Y - _rect.Height / 2; }
public bool IsNextTo(ExplorationNode other) { return(Math.Abs(Center.Distance(other.Center) - _boxSize) < 1); }
public override Shape clone() { return(new Circle((Point)Center.clone(), Area)); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (projectileBase.Draw(spriteBatch)) { spriteBatch.Draw(ProjectileHandler.ProjectileTexture[type], Center.WorldToScreenCoords(), null, Color.White, default, ProjectileHandler.ProjectileTexture[type].Size() / 2, spriteScale * GameMain.spriteScaling, default, default);
bool Equals(RadialRegion other) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center) && LongitudeDegrees.Equals(other.LongitudeDegrees) && LatitudeDegrees.Equals(other.LatitudeDegrees)); }
public bool Concentric(Circle other, float tolerance = 0.0001f) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center, tolerance)); }
public override string ToString() { return("{" + Center.ToString() + "}, " + Radius.ToString()); }
void Start() { GameEventManager.NightStart += NightStart; center = player.GetComponent<Center>(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Center.GetHashCode() ^ (Extents.GetHashCode() << 2)); }
/// <summary> /// Charge l'image voulue grâce au ContentManager donné /// </summary> /// <param name="content">Le ContentManager qui chargera l'image</param> /// <param name="assetName">L'asset name de l'image à charger pour ce Sprite</param> /// <param name="center"> Permet de centrer l'image par rapport à se position. Par défaut l'image n'est pas centrée</param> public virtual void LoadContent(int idNormal, Tiles tilesRef, Center center = Center.None) { this.LoadContent(idNormal, idNormal, idNormal, tilesRef, center); }
public bool Equals(Bounds other) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center) && Extents.Equals(other.Extents)); }
public bool Equals(Obstacle other) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center) && Radius.Equals(other.Radius)); }
private void _ToMode(GameModeSelector<IUser> selector) { UserProvider<IUser> provider; if (Mode == MODE.REMOTING) { selector.AddFactoty("r", new RemotingUserFactory()); provider = selector.CreateUserProvider("r"); } else { this.Resource.Load(); var feature = new Regulus.Project.ItIsNotAGame1.Game.DummyFrature(); var center = new Center(feature, feature); _Updater.Add(center); selector.AddFactoty("s", new StandaloneUserFactory(center)); provider = selector.CreateUserProvider("s"); } var user = provider.Spawn("user"); provider.Select("user"); User = user; User.Remoting.OnlineProvider.Supply += _SupplyOnline; User.Remoting.OnlineProvider.Unsupply += _UnsupplyOnline; User.JumpMapProvider.Supply += _JumpMap; }
void Do() { mainThread = Center.Get <IMainThread>(); mainThread.RunOnMainThread(Log, null); }
get => new Rectangle(Center - CenterOffset, 2 * CenterOffset);
// Assign a biome type to each polygon. If it has // ocean/coast/water, then that's the biome; otherwise it depends // on low/high elevation and low/medium/high moisture. This is // roughly based on the Whittaker diagram but adapted to fit the // needs of the island map generator. static public string getBiome(Center p) { if (p.ocean) { return "OCEAN"; } else if (p.water) { if (p.elevation < 0.1F) return "MARSH"; if (p.elevation > 0.8F) return "ICE"; return "LAKE"; } else if (p.coast) { return "BEACH"; } else if (p.elevation > 0.8F) { if (p.moisture > 0.50F) return "SNOW"; else if (p.moisture > 0.33F) return "TUNDRA"; else if (p.moisture > 0.16F) return "BARE"; else return "SCORCHED"; } else if (p.elevation > 0.6F) { if (p.moisture > 0.66F) return "TAIGA"; else if (p.moisture > 0.33F) return "SHRUBLAND"; else return "TEMPERATE_DESERT"; } else if (p.elevation > 0.3F) { if (p.moisture > 0.83F) return "TEMPERATE_RAIN_FOREST"; else if (p.moisture > 0.50F) return "TEMPERATE_DECIDUOUS_FOREST"; else if (p.moisture > 0.16F) return "GRASSLAND"; else return "TEMPERATE_DESERT"; } else { if (p.moisture > 0.66F) return "TROPICAL_RAIN_FOREST"; else if (p.moisture > 0.33F) return "TROPICAL_SEASONAL_FOREST"; else if (p.moisture > 0.16F) return "GRASSLAND"; else return "SUBTROPICAL_DESERT"; } }
/// <summary> /// Charge l'image voulue grâce au ContentManager donné en plaçant son centre sur sa position /// </summary> /// <param name="content">Le ContentManager qui chargera l'image</param> /// <param name="assetName">L'asset name de l'image à charger pour ce Sprite</param> /// <param name="center"> Permet de centrer l'image par rapport à se position</param> public virtual void LoadContent(int id, Tiles tilesRef, Center center = Center.None) { _id = --id; _tilesRef = (int)tilesRef; _rect.Width = G.tiles[_tilesRef][id].Texture.Width; _rect.Height = G.tiles[_tilesRef][id].Texture.Height; if (center == Center.Horizontal || center == Center.All) _pos.X = _rect.X = _rect.X - _rect.Width / 2; if (center == Center.Vertical || center == Center.All) _pos.Y = _rect.Y = _rect.Y - _rect.Height / 2; }
void InitMeshData(GameObject gameObject, float maxHeight) { List <int> triangles = new List <int>(); Dictionary <Site, Vector4> vertexes = new Dictionary <Site, Vector4>(); Dictionary <Vector2, float> biomeValue = new Dictionary <Vector2, float>(); Dictionary <Vector2, int> biomeDis = new Dictionary <Vector2, int>(); Texture2D biomeTexture = new Texture2D(500, 400); Color[,] textureColor = new Color[600, 500]; Queue <KeyValuePair <Vector2, float> > queue = new Queue <KeyValuePair <Vector2, float> >(); for (int i = 0; i < voro.voronoiCenterList.Count; i++) { Site s = voro.voronoiCenterList[i].point; Vector3 v = new Vector3((float)s.x, voro.voronoiCenterList[i].elevation * maxHeight, (float)s.y); v += gameObject.transform.position; Vector4 v4 = v; v4.w = vertexes.Count; vertexes.Add(s, v4); float c = (float)(int)voro.voronoiCenterList[i].biome / (float)13; int x = (int)s.x; int y = (int)s.y; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Site, Corner> k in voro.voronoiCornerList) { Site s = k.Key; Vector3 v = new Vector3((float)s.x, k.Value.elevation * maxHeight, (float)s.y); v += gameObject.transform.position; Vector4 v4 = v; v4.w = vertexes.Count; vertexes.Add(s, v4); int sumBio = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Center> kc in k.Value.touches) { sumBio += (int)kc.Value.biome; } float c = (float)sumBio / (float)13; int x = (int)s.x; int y = (int)s.y; } Dictionary <int, int> biomeDic = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < voro.voronoiCenterList.Count; i++) { Center c = voro.voronoiCenterList[i]; if (!c.water) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Edge, Edge> k in c.borders) { Vector4 v4; vertexes.TryGetValue(c.point, out v4); triangles.Add((int)v4.w); biomeDic.Add(triangles.Count - 1, (int)c.biome); double x1, x2, y1, y2; x1 = k.Value.a.x - c.point.x; x2 = k.Value.b.x - c.point.x; y1 = k.Value.a.y - c.point.y; y2 = k.Value.b.y - c.point.y; float j = (float)(x1 * y2 - x2 * y1); if (j < 0) { vertexes.TryGetValue(k.Value.a, out v4); triangles.Add((int)v4.w); biomeDic.Add(triangles.Count - 1, (int)c.biome); vertexes.TryGetValue(k.Value.b, out v4); triangles.Add((int)v4.w); biomeDic.Add(triangles.Count - 1, (int)c.biome); } else { vertexes.TryGetValue(k.Value.b, out v4); triangles.Add((int)v4.w); biomeDic.Add(triangles.Count - 1, (int)c.biome); vertexes.TryGetValue(k.Value.a, out v4); triangles.Add((int)v4.w); biomeDic.Add(triangles.Count - 1, (int)c.biome); } } } } Vector3[] vertexesArray = new Vector3[vertexes.Count]; int[] trianglesArray = new int[triangles.Count]; Vector2[] uvArray = new Vector2[vertexes.Count]; List <int>[] trianglesList = new List <int> [13]; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { trianglesList[i] = new List <int>(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <Site, Vector4> k in vertexes) { Vector3 v3 = k.Value; vertexesArray[(int)k.Value.w] = v3; uvArray[(int)k.Value.w] = new Vector2(v3.x / 500, v3.z / 400); } for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++) { trianglesArray[i] = triangles[i]; trianglesList[biomeDic[i]].Add(triangles[i]); } Mesh mesh = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = biomeMat; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[i].color = biomeColor[i]; } /*设置mesh*/ mesh.Clear();//更新 mesh.vertices = vertexesArray; mesh.uv = uvArray; mesh.triangles = trianglesArray; mesh.subMeshCount = 13; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { mesh.SetTriangles(trianglesList[i], i); } mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List <Widget> _gestureChildren = new List <Widget>(); List <Color> _backgroundColors = new List <Color>(); int index = 0; int selectedIndex = 0; int pressedIndex = 0; foreach (T currentKey in widget.children.Keys) { selectedIndex = (widget.groupValue.Equals(currentKey)) ? index : selectedIndex; pressedIndex = (_pressedKey.Equals(currentKey)) ? index : pressedIndex; TextStyle textStyle = DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style.copyWith( color: getTextColor(index, currentKey) ); IconThemeData iconTheme = new IconThemeData( color: getTextColor(index, currentKey) ); Widget child = new Center( child: widget.children[currentKey] ); child = new GestureDetector( onTapDown: (TapDownDetails _event) => { _onTapDown(currentKey); }, onTapCancel: _onTapCancel, onTap: () => { _onTap(currentKey); }, child: new IconTheme( data: iconTheme, child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: textStyle, child: child ) ) ); _backgroundColors.Add(getBackgroundColor(index, currentKey)); _gestureChildren.Add(child); index += 1; } Widget box = new _SegmentedControlRenderWidget <T>( children: _gestureChildren, selectedIndex: selectedIndex, pressedIndex: pressedIndex, backgroundColors: _backgroundColors, borderColor: _borderColor ); return(new Padding( padding: widget.padding ?? CupertinoSegmentedControlsUtils._kHorizontalItemPadding, child: new UnconstrainedBox( constrainedAxis: Axis.horizontal, child: box ) )); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Center.GetHashCode()); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Center.Tick(Time.deltaTime); }
/// <summary> /// Funkcja sprawdza wzajemne położenie dwóch kół. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">drugie koło</param> /// <param name="crossingPoints"> /// Punkty przecięcia obwodów kół, jeśli zwracana jest wartość: Touches albo Crosses. /// Pusta tablica wpp. /// <returns> /// Disjoint - kiedy koła nie mają punktów wspólnych /// Contains - kiedy pierwsze koło całkowicie zawiera drugie /// IsContained - kiedy pierwsze koło jest całkowicie zawarte w drugim /// Identical - kiedy koła pokrywają się /// Touches - kiedy koła mają dokładnie jeden punkt wspólny /// Crosses - kiedy obwody kół mają dokładnie dwa punkty wspólne /// </returns> public IntersectionType GetIntersectionType(Disk other, out Point[] crossingPoints) { double dX = other.Center.X - this.Center.X; double dY = other.Center.Y - this.Center.Y; double dist2 = dX * dX + dY * dY; double dist = Math.Sqrt(dist2); /* * tu zajmij się wszystkimi przypadkami wzajemnego położenia kół, * oprócz Crosses i Touches */ crossingPoints = new Point[0]; if (Math.Abs(Radius - other.Radius) < Program.epsilon && Center.Equals(other.Center)) { return(IntersectionType.Identical); } double radiusSum = Radius + other.Radius; if (dist - radiusSum > Program.epsilon) { return(IntersectionType.Disjoint); } if (Radius - (dist + other.Radius) + Program.epsilon >= 0) { return(IntersectionType.Contains); } if (other.Radius - (dist + Radius) + Program.epsilon >= 0) { return(IntersectionType.IsContained); } // odległość od środka aktualnego koła (this) do punktu P, // który jest punktem przecięcia odcinka łączącego środki kół (this i other) // z odcinkiem łączącym punkty wspólne obwodów naszych kół double a = (this.Radius * this.Radius - other.Radius * other.Radius + dist2) / (2 * dist); // odległość punktów przecięcia obwodów do punktu P double h = Math.Sqrt(this.Radius * this.Radius - a * a); // punkt P double px = this.Center.X + (dX * a / dist); double py = this.Center.Y + (dY * a / dist); /* * teraz wiesz już wszystko co potrzebne do rozpoznania położenia Touches * zajmij się tym */ if (h < Program.epsilon) { crossingPoints = new Point[1] { new Point(px, py) }; return(IntersectionType.Touches); } // przypadek Crosses - dwa punkty przecięcia - już jest zrobiony double rX = -dY * h / dist; double rY = dX * h / dist; crossingPoints = new Point[2]; crossingPoints[0] = new Point(px + rX, py + rY); crossingPoints[1] = new Point(px - rX, py - rY); return(IntersectionType.Crosses); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Center.Init(); Init(); }
private void MergeVoronoi(ref List <Center> resCenters, ref List <Edge> resEdges, ref List <Center> leftCenters, ref List <Edge> leftEdges, ref List <Center> rightCenters, ref List <Edge> rightEdges, ref Tuple <Point, Point> upSegm, ref Tuple <Point, Point> downSegm) { Tuple <Point, Point> curSegm = upSegm; Point st = new Point(Math.Round((curSegm.Item1.x + curSegm.Item2.x) / 2, StaticNums.round), Math.Round((curSegm.Item1.y + curSegm.Item2.y) / 2, StaticNums.round)); Point temp; if (curSegm.Item2.x == curSegm.Item1.x) { temp = new Point(curSegm.Item1.x, StaticNums.limY); } else { double k = (curSegm.Item2.y - curSegm.Item1.y) / (curSegm.Item2.x - curSegm.Item1.x); temp = new Point(Math.Round(-k * StaticNums.limY + st.x + st.y * k, StaticNums.round), StaticNums.limY); } Center leftCenter = leftCenters.Find(i => (i.point.AreEqual(curSegm.Item1))); Center rightCenter = rightCenters.Find(i => (i.point.AreEqual(curSegm.Item2))); while (!(curSegm.Item1.AreEqual(downSegm.Item1) && curSegm.Item2.AreEqual(downSegm.Item2))) { bool left = false; Edge interEdge = null; Edge interEdge2 = null; st = this.PerpPoint(curSegm, temp); st = new Point(Math.Round(st.x, StaticNums.round), Math.Round(st.y, StaticNums.round)); Point interPoint = this.firstInterEdge(new Tuple <Point, Point>(st, temp), leftCenter.borders, rightCenter.borders, ref interEdge, ref left, temp.y, ref interEdge2); Tuple <Point, Point> newEdgeBorders = new Tuple <Point, Point>(temp, interPoint); if (left) { this.ChangeEdges(ref leftEdges, leftCenter, newEdgeBorders); } if (!left || interEdge2 != null) { this.ChangeEdges(ref rightEdges, rightCenter, newEdgeBorders); } Edge newEdge = new Edge(leftCenter, rightCenter, newEdgeBorders); leftCenter.borders.Add(newEdge); rightCenter.borders.Add(newEdge); leftCenter.neighbours.Add(rightCenter); rightCenter.neighbours.Add(leftCenter); leftEdges.Add(newEdge); rightEdges.Add(newEdge); if (left) { if (interEdge.v0.point.AreEqual(leftCenter.point)) { curSegm = new Tuple <Point, Point>(interEdge.v1.point, curSegm.Item2); leftCenter = interEdge.v1; } else { curSegm = new Tuple <Point, Point>(interEdge.v0.point, curSegm.Item2); leftCenter = interEdge.v0; } } if (!left || interEdge2 != null) { if (interEdge.v0.point.AreEqual(rightCenter.point)) { curSegm = new Tuple <Point, Point>(curSegm.Item1, interEdge.v1.point); rightCenter = interEdge.v1; } else { curSegm = new Tuple <Point, Point>(curSegm.Item1, interEdge.v0.point); rightCenter = interEdge.v0; } } temp = interPoint; } Point perp = this.PerpPoint(curSegm, temp); perp = new Point(Math.Round((perp.x - temp.x) / (perp.y - temp.y) * (-StaticNums.limY) + (temp.x * perp.y - perp.x * temp.y) / (perp.y - temp.y), StaticNums.round), -StaticNums.limY); Edge lastEdge = new Edge(leftCenter, rightCenter, new Tuple <Point, Point>(temp, perp)); leftCenter.borders.Add(lastEdge); rightCenter.borders.Add(lastEdge); leftCenter.neighbours.Add(rightCenter); rightCenter.neighbours.Add(leftCenter); leftEdges.Add(lastEdge); rightEdges.Add(lastEdge); resCenters = new List <Center>(); resEdges = new List <Edge>(); resCenters.AddRange(leftCenters); resCenters.AddRange(rightCenters); resEdges.AddRange(leftEdges); foreach (Edge b in rightEdges) { if (!resEdges.Contains(b)) { resEdges.Add(b); } } }
public override Shape clone() { return(new Rectangle(Center.clone(), Area)); }
public bool Equals(Circle other, float tolerance = 0.0001f) { return(Center.Equals(other.Center, tolerance) && Math.Abs(Radius - other.Radius) < tolerance); }
public float calculateLighting(Center p, Corner r, Corner s){ var A = new Vector3(p.point.x, p.point.y, p.elevation); var B = new Vector3(r.point.x, r.point.y, r.elevation); var C = new Vector3(s.point.x, s.point.y, s.elevation); var normal = Vector3.Cross((B-A),(C-A)); if (normal.z < 0) { normal.Scale(new Vector3(-1,-1,-1)); } normal.Normalize (); var light = 0.5F + 35F*Vector3.Dot(normal,lightVector); if (light < 0) light = 0F; if (light > 1) light = 1F; return light; }
public RunFormulaStage( ExpansionFeature expansion_feature, Queue<ISoulBinder> binders) { _Binders = binders; _Updater = new Updater(); _Center = new Center(expansion_feature); }
public override void Print() { Console.WriteLine("This is a square centered in {0} with {1} side and with {2} area", Center.ToString(), Side, GetArea()); }
void Start() { selected = false; userSelected = false; center = player.GetComponent<Center>(); nameText.renderer.sortingLayerName = "UI"; nameText.renderer.sortingOrder = 2; costText.renderer.sortingLayerName = "UI"; costText.renderer.sortingOrder = 2; GameEventManager.NightStart += NightStart; }
public string SaveCenter(Center aCenter) { aCenterDbGateway.SaveCenter(aCenter); return("Successfully Saved"); }
public void GenVoronoi(IEnumerable<Vector> points) { VoronoiGraph graph = Fortune.ComputeVoronoiGraph(points); foreach (VoronoiEdge vedge in graph.Edges) { if (double.IsNaN(vedge.VVertexB[0])) { Vector2 vectLeft = Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.LeftData); Vector2 vectRight = Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.RightData); Vector2 start = Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.VVertexA); Vector2 dir = new Vector2(-vectRight.Y + vectLeft.Y, vectRight.X - vectLeft.X); dir.Normalize(); dir /= 2; Vector2 end = dir + start; if (end.X <= 1 && end.X >= 0 && end.Y >= 0 && end.Y <= 1) end = start - dir; vedge.VVertexB = Tools.Functions.Vector2ToVector(end); } if (!((vedge.VVertexA[0] < 0 || vedge.VVertexA[1] < 0 || vedge.VVertexA[0] > 1 || vedge.VVertexA[1] > 1) && (vedge.VVertexB[0] < 0 || vedge.VVertexB[1] < 0 || vedge.VVertexB[0] > 1 || vedge.VVertexB[1] > 1)) && !double.IsNaN(vedge.VVertexB[0]) ) { Edge e = new Edge(); Center cent1, cent2; Corner corn1, corn2; if (!Centers.TryGetValue(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.LeftData), out cent1)) { cent1 = new Center(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.LeftData)); Centers.Add(cent1.position, cent1); } if (!Centers.TryGetValue(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.RightData), out cent2)) { cent2 = new Center(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.RightData)); Centers.Add(cent2.position, cent2); } if (!Corners.TryGetValue(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.VVertexA), out corn1)) { corn1 = new Corner(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.VVertexA)); Corners.Add(corn1.position, corn1); } if (!Corners.TryGetValue(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.VVertexB), out corn2)) { corn2 = new Corner(Tools.Functions.VectorToVector2(vedge.VVertexB)); Corners.Add(corn2.position, corn2); } if (corn1.position != corn2.position) { fill(corn1, corn2, cent1, cent2, e); Edges.Add(e.ID, e); } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { instance = this; GameEventManager.GameStart += GameStart; GameEventManager.GameOver += GameOver; enabled = false; playerBottom.renderer.enabled = false; centerTurret.renderer.enabled = false; HasPath = false; PathIsSet = false; }