Example #1
        public void CreateCell(CellType type, Vector3 position)
            var cellPrefab = cellPrefabs.Find(x => x.type == type);
            if (cellPrefab == null) return;

            Instantiate(cellPrefab.prefab, position, Quaternion.identity);
Example #2
    public void init(CellType _cellType,BombType _cellBombType,CellColor _cellColor)
        string spritePath = _cellType.ToString() +_cellBombType.ToString()+ _cellColor.ToString();

        Sprite newSprite = Resources.Load("Sprite/Cells/"+spritePath,typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
        GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = newSprite;
        public MemberFieldData(string def)
            string[] strSplit = def.Split(':');
            if (strSplit.Length > 1) {
                string typedef = strSplit[1];

                if (string.Compare(typedef, "integer") == 0)
                    type = CellType.Int;
                else if (string.Compare(typedef, "string") == 0)
                    type = CellType.String;
                else if (string.Compare(typedef, "float") == 0)
                    type = CellType.Float;
                else if (string.Compare(typedef, "double") == 0)
                    type = CellType.Double;
                else if (string.Compare(typedef, "enum") == 0)
                    type = CellType.Enum;
                else if (string.Compare(typedef, "bool") == 0)
                    type = CellType.Bool;
                else {
                    type = CellType.Undefined;
                    Debug.LogError("Wrong cell type is defined: " + typedef);
            } else
                type = CellType.Undefined;

            name = strSplit[0];
Example #4
        public virtual FrameworkElement CreateCell(DataGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange rng)
            // cell border
            var bdr = CreateCellBorder(grid, cellType, rng);

            // bottom right cells have no content
            if (!rng.IsValid)
                return bdr;

            // bind/customize cell by type
            switch (cellType)
                case CellType.Cell:
                    CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, rng);

                case CellType.ColumnHeader:
                    CreateColumnHeaderContent(grid, bdr, rng);

            // done
            return bdr;
Example #5
    public sCell(GameObject cell)
        if (cell == null)
            type = CellType.Null;

        pos = new sVector3(cell.transform.position);
        value = cell.GetComponent<CellValue>().Value;

        switch (cell.tag)
            case "Dragon":
                type = CellType.Dragon;
            case "Hero":
                type = CellType.Hero;
            case "Monster":
                type = CellType.Monster;
            case "Sword":
                type = CellType.Sword;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a GameField object from the given string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldData">The field data.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GameField FromString(string fieldData)
            var rows = fieldData.Split(new[] {";"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var rowList = new List<CellType[]>();

            foreach (var row in rows)
                var rowData = row
                    .Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


            int width = rowList.First().Length;
            int heigth = rows.Length;

            // Construct and Initialize Grid
            var gridData = new CellType[heigth][];
            for (int y = 0; y < heigth; y++)
                gridData[y] = new CellType[width];
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    gridData[y][x] = CellType.Empty;

            return new GameField(new Size(width, heigth), gridData);
Example #7
		public void SetCell(int x, int y, CellType c)
			if (x < 0 || x >= cells.GetLength(0) || y < 0 || y >= cells.GetLength(1))

			switch (c)
				case CellType.Passable:
				case CellType.Impassable:
					if ((StartX == x && StartY == y) || (FinishX == x && FinishY == y))

				case CellType.Start:
					if (cells[x, y] == -2 || cells[x, y] == -4) // don't change if its impassable or "finish"

					cells[StartX, StartY] = -1;
					StartX = x;
					StartY = y;

				case CellType.Finish:
					if (cells[x, y] == -2 || cells[x, y] == -3) // don't change if its impassable or "start"

					cells[FinishX, FinishY] = -1;
					FinishX = x;
					FinishY = y;

			cells[x, y] = -(int)c - 1;
Example #8
        public IEnumerable<CellCost> Calculate(CellType[,] grid, int horizontalPosition, int verticalPosition)
            var output = new List<CellCost>();

            if (horizontalPosition > 0)
                var left = horizontalPosition - 1;
                var leftCell = grid[verticalPosition, left];
                output.Add( new CellCost(verticalPosition, left, GetCost(leftCell)));

            if (horizontalPosition < grid.GetLength(1) - 1)
                var right = horizontalPosition + 1;
                var leftCell = grid[verticalPosition, right];
                output.Add( new CellCost(verticalPosition, right, GetCost(leftCell)));

            if (verticalPosition > 0)
                var down = verticalPosition - 1;
                var leftCell = grid[down, horizontalPosition];
                output.Add( new CellCost(down, horizontalPosition, GetCost(leftCell)));

            if (verticalPosition < grid.GetLength(0) - 1)
                var up = verticalPosition + 1;
                var leftCell = grid[up, horizontalPosition];
                output.Add( new CellCost(up, horizontalPosition, GetCost(leftCell)));

            return output;
Example #9
        //internal CMap(MapRepresent_ProD representMap)
        //    colCount = representMap.ColCount;
        //    rowCount = representMap.RowCount;
        //    mx = new CCell[colCount, rowCount];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
        //        for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++)
        //        {
        //            var cell = new CCell(i, j, representMap[i, j]);
        //            mx[i, j] = cell;
        //            if (cell.IsWall) wall.Add(cell);
        //            else
        //                switch (cell.Type)
        //                {
        //                    case CellType.Entrance:
        //                        entranceCell = cell;
        //                        break;
        //                    case CellType.Exit:
        //                        exitCell = cell;
        //                        break;
        //                    case CellType.Door:
        //                        doorCells.Add(cell);
        //                        break;
        //                }
        //        }
        internal CMap(CellType[,] cellMatrix)
            colCount = cellMatrix.GetLength(0);
            rowCount = cellMatrix.GetLength(1);
            mx = new CCell[colCount, rowCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++)
                    var cell = new CCell(i, j, cellMatrix[i, j]);

                    mx[i, j] = cell;
                    if (cell.IsWall) wall.Add(cell);
                        switch (cell.Type)
                            case CellType.Entrance:
                                entranceCell = cell;
                            case CellType.Exit:
                                exitCell = cell;
                            case CellType.Door:
Example #10
		public Map(string filename)
			var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
			var heroPos = lines[0].Split().Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
			Hero = new Location(heroPos[0], heroPos[1]);
			cells = new CellType[lines.Length, lines[0].Length];
			foreach (var y in lines.Indices())
				foreach (var x in lines[0])
					CellType cellType;
					switch (lines[y][x])
						case '.':
							cellType = CellType.Empty;
						case '#':
							cellType = CellType.Wall;
						case '@':
							cellType = CellType.Swamp;
							throw new NotSupportedException(lines[y][x].ToString());
					cells[y, x] = cellType;
Example #11
 public PawnType(Tag tag)
     if (tag.name == "_")
         type_ = CellType.None;
         tag_ = null;
     else if (tag.name == "Float")
         type_ = CellType.Float;
         tag_ = null;
     else if (tag.name == "bool")
         type_ = CellType.Bool;
         tag_ = null;
     else if (SourcePawn.OpcodeHelpers.IsFunctionTag(tag))
         type_ = CellType.Function;
         tag_ = null;
         type_ = CellType.Tag;
         tag_ = tag;
        public void SetValue(ValueEval value)
            Type cls = value.GetType();

            if (cls == typeof(NumberEval))
                _cellType = CellType.NUMERIC;
                _numberValue = ((NumberEval)value).NumberValue;
            if (cls == typeof(StringEval))
                _cellType = CellType.STRING;
                _stringValue = ((StringEval)value).StringValue;
            if (cls == typeof(BoolEval))
                _cellType = CellType.BOOLEAN;
                _boolValue = ((BoolEval)value).BooleanValue;
            if (cls == typeof(ErrorEval))
                _cellType = CellType.ERROR;
                _errorValue = ((ErrorEval)value).ErrorCode;
            if (cls == typeof(BlankEval))
                _cellType = CellType.BLANK;
            throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected value class (" + cls.Name + ")");
Example #13
 public static CellType[] GenerateGround(string seed, int islandSize, int seedBase, float noiseSize, float falloffExponent, float threshold)
     var cells = new CellType[islandSize * islandSize];
     var seedHash = seedBase + seed.GetHashCode();
     // These weird nubers are 'random' prime numbers
     var seedX = seedHash % 65521;
     var seedY = (seedHash * 45949) % 31147;
     var spacing = noiseSize / islandSize;
     var offset = (spacing - noiseSize) * 0.5f;
     var center = islandSize * 0.5f;
     var radius = islandSize * Mathf.Sqrt(0.5f);
     for (var row = 0; row < islandSize; ++row) {
         for (var column = 0; column < islandSize; ++column) {
             if (row == 0 || column == 0 || row == islandSize - 1 || column == islandSize - 1) {
                 cells[row * islandSize + column] = CellType.Water;
             } else {
                 var x = seedX + offset + row * spacing;
                 var y = seedY + offset + column * spacing;
                 var distanceToCenter =
                         new Vector2(row, column),
                         new Vector2(center, center))
                         / radius;
                 var sample = Mathf.PerlinNoise(x, y) * (1.0f - Mathf.Pow(distanceToCenter, falloffExponent));
                 cells[row * islandSize + column] = sample > threshold ? CellType.Ground : CellType.Water;
     return cells;
Example #14
 public Cell(int newID, int newType, Vector3 loc, Vector3 size)
     id = newID;
     type = (CellType)newType;
     location = loc;
     bounds = new Bounds(loc,size);
Example #15
		/*/// <summary>
		/// Surface molecular pattern of the cell. An array of bits each of which represents a nucleotide.
		/// </summary>
		public MolecularPattern Pattern
			get { return pattern; }


		#region Public Methods

		/*public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent, MolecularPattern initialPattern)
			Type = type;
			Parent = parent;
			pattern = initialPattern;
			maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;

		public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent)
			Type = type;
			Parent = parent;
			maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Cell factory implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellType">Cell type.</param>
        /// <returns>Required cell.</returns>
        public static ICell CreateCell(CellType cellType)
            //// Uses "lazy initialization".
            ICell cell;

                switch (cellType)
                    case CellType.EmptyCell:
                        cell = new EmptyCell();
                        cell.CellView = CellView.Empty;

                    case CellType.Bomb:
                        int bombSize = RandomGenerator.GetRandomNumber(MIN_BOMB_SIZE, MAX_BOMB_SIZE);
                        cell = new BombCell(bombSize);
                        cell.CellView = (CellView)bombSize + ASCII_VIEW_OFFSET;

                    case CellType.BlownCell:
                        cell = new BlownCell();
                        cell.CellView = CellView.Blown;

                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid cell type give to the cell factory");

            return cell;
Example #17
        public World(int moveIndex, int width, int height, Player[] players, Trooper[] troopers, Bonus[] bonuses,
            CellType[][] cells, bool[] cellVisibilities)
            this.moveIndex = moveIndex;
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;

            this.players = new Player[players.Length];
            Array.Copy(players, this.players, players.Length);

            this.troopers = new Trooper[troopers.Length];
            Array.Copy(troopers, this.troopers, troopers.Length);

            this.bonuses = new Bonus[bonuses.Length];
            Array.Copy(bonuses, this.bonuses, bonuses.Length);

            this.cells = new CellType[width][];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                this.cells[x] = new CellType[cells[x].Length];
                Array.Copy(cells[x], this.cells[x], cells[x].Length);

            this.cellVisibilities = cellVisibilities;
 public Sprite GetSpriteForCellType(CellType type)
     switch (type) {
     case CellType.PATH_FLOOR:
         return pathFloor;
     case CellType.ROOM_FLOOR:
         return roomFloor;
     case CellType.ROOM_N_WALL:
         return roomNWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_NE_WALL:
         return roomNEWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_NW_WALL:
         return roomNWWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_S_WALL:
         return roomSWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_SE_WALL:
         return roomSEWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_SW_WALL:
         return roomSWWall;
     case CellType.ROOM_W_WALL:
         return roomWWall;
     case CellType.OPENDOOR:
         return openDoor;
     case CellType.CLOSEDDOOR:
         return closedDoor;
     case CellType.ROOM_E_WALL:
         return roomEWall;
         Debug.LogError (SCRIPT_NAME + ": texture not found");
         return null;
Example #19
        public CellRange GetMergedRange(C1FlexGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange rg)
            // we are only interested in data cells
            // (not merging row or column headers)
            if (cellType == CellType.Cell)
                // expand left/right
                for (int i = rg.Column; i < grid.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (GetDataDisplay(grid, rg.Row, i) != GetDataDisplay(grid, rg.Row, i + 1)) break;
                    rg.Column2 = i + 1;
                for (int i = rg.Column; i > 0; i--)
                    if (GetDataDisplay(grid, rg.Row, i) != GetDataDisplay(grid, rg.Row, i - 1)) break;
                    rg.Column = i - 1;

                // expand up/down
                for (int i = rg.Row; i < grid.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (GetDataDisplay(grid, i, rg.Column) != GetDataDisplay(grid, i + 1, rg.Column)) break;
                    rg.Row2 = i + 1;
                for (int i = rg.Row; i > 0; i--)
                    if (GetDataDisplay(grid, i, rg.Column) != GetDataDisplay(grid, i - 1, rg.Column)) break;
                    rg.Row = i - 1;

            // done
            return rg;
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 ///     Gets a <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellRange" /> that specifies the merged extent of a cell
 ///     in a <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.GridPanel" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grid">
 ///     <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid" /> that contains the merged cell.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cellType">
 ///     <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellType" /> that specifies the type of the merged cell.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rng">A <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellRange" /> that specifies the coordinates of the cell to be merged.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     A <see cref="T:C1.WPF.FlexGrid.CellRange" /> that expands the given <paramref name="rng" /> over a merged
 ///     range.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///     This method expands ranges by comparing the cell contents with the content of neighboring
 ///     cells and merging cells that have the same content.
 /// </remarks>
 public virtual CellRange GetMergedRange(C1FlexGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange rng)
     switch (cellType)
         case CellType.Cell:
             if (grid.ActiveEditor != null && grid.EditorRange.Contains(rng))
                 return grid.EditorRange;
             if (grid.GetChildItemsPropertyInfo() != null)
                 return rng;
             return GetMergedRange(grid, grid.Cells, rng);
         case CellType.ColumnHeader:
             return GetMergedRange(grid, grid.ColumnHeaders, rng);
         case CellType.RowHeader:
             return GetMergedRange(grid, grid.RowHeaders, rng);
         case CellType.TopLeft:
             return GetMergedRange(grid, grid.TopLeftCells, rng);
     return rng;
Example #21
    public TerrainChunk(CellType fill)
        cells = new CellType[ChunkWidth * ChunkHeight];

        for(int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
            cells[i] = fill;
Example #22
 public DBCFileComparer(string oldFile, string newFile, int testAmount, CellType[] knownColumnStructure)
     oldReader = new DBCReader(oldFile);
     newReader = new DBCReader(newFile);
     this.knownColumnStructure = knownColumnStructure;
     this.testAmount = testAmount;
Example #23
 public Cell(int y, int x, CellType cellType)
     Gold = 0;
     Y = y;
     X = x;
     CellType = cellType;
Example #24
 public PFCell(CellType type, int col, int row)
     this.type = type;
     this.row = row;
     this.col = col;
     this.center = new Vector2((col + 0.5f) * GameConst.UNITS_PER_CELL, (row + 0.5f) * GameConst.UNITS_PER_CELL);
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Cell"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Where">The <see cref="Location"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="Type">The <see cref="CellType"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="Value">The number that is there.</param>
 /// <param name="Pencils">A <see cref="bool"/> array of values representing the pencil marks; true for present, false for clear.
 /// Note that the array contains values for 0-9 even though a pencil mark for 0 (clear) doesn't make sense. This just makes the handling easier.</param>
 public Cell(Location Where, CellType Type, int Value, bool[] Pencils)
     this.Where = Where;
     this.Value = Value;
     this.Type = Type;
     _pencilMarks = new bool[10];
Example #26
 public void ChangeSprite()
     if (_cellType != Cell.Type)
         //SpriteRenderer.sprite = SnakeSpritesHelper.Instance.GetSprite(Cell.Type);
         _cellType = Cell.Type;
 // override horizontal alignment to make ticker cell stretch and fill the column width
 public override void ApplyCellStyles(C1FlexGrid grid, CellType cellType, CellRange range, Border bdr)
     var ticker = bdr.Child as StockTicker;
     if (ticker != null)
         ticker.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
Example #28
    protected bool PerimeterCanReplace(CellType type)
        if (type == CellType.Blocked || type == CellType.StairsPerimeter || type == CellType.Perimeter || type == CellType.Entrance) {

            return false;
        return true;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Cell of the given <see cref="CellType"/>, with the given value and format. For some common formats, see <see cref="BuiltInCellFormat"/>.
        /// You can also implicitly create a cell from a string or number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"> </param>
        /// <param name="value"> </param>
        /// <param name="format"> </param>
        public Cell(CellType type, object value, string format)
            _xlsxCellStyle = new XlsxCellStyle();
            _xlsxCellStyle.Format = format;

            Value = value;
            CellType = type;
Example #30
 public void SetData(Cell cell)
     Type = cell.Type;
     CurrentDirection = cell.CurrentDirection;
     PreviousDirection = cell.PreviousDirection;
     Coorditanes[0] = cell.Coorditanes[0];
     Coorditanes[1] = cell.Coorditanes[1];
        internal Size MeasureCell(MapGraphics g, int fontSizeReducedBy, Font legendAutoFont, Size singleWCharacterSize)
            if (cachedCellSizeFontReducedBy == fontSizeReducedBy && !cachedCellSize.IsEmpty)
            Size result      = Size.Empty;
            bool disposeFont = false;
            Font cellFont    = GetCellFont(legendAutoFont, fontSizeReducedBy, out disposeFont);

            if (CellType == LegendCellType.Symbol)
                result.Width  = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(SymbolSize.Width) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
                result.Height = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(SymbolSize.Height) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
                result.Width  = (int)Math.Round((double)result.Width * 1.1);
                result.Height = (int)Math.Round((double)result.Height * 1.25);
            else if (CellType == LegendCellType.Image)
                if (ImageSize.IsEmpty && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Image))
                    Image image = GetLegend().Common.ImageLoader.LoadImage(Image);
                    result.Width  = image.Width;
                    result.Height = image.Height;
                    result.Width  = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(ImageSize.Width) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
                    result.Height = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(ImageSize.Height) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
                if (CellType != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown Legend Cell Type: " + CellType.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                string cellText = GetCellText();
                result = g.MeasureStringAbs(cellText + "I", cellFont);
            result.Width  += (int)((float)((Margins.Left + Margins.Right) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
            result.Height += (int)((float)((Margins.Top + Margins.Bottom) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
            if (GetLegend() != null && legendItem != null && legendItem.Separator != 0)
                result.Height += GetLegend().GetSeparatorSize(g, legendItem.Separator).Height;
            if (disposeFont)
                cellFont = null;
            cachedCellSize = result;
            cachedCellSizeFontReducedBy = fontSizeReducedBy;
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy cell value, formula and style, from srcCell per cell copy policy
        ///  If srcCell is null, clears the cell value and cell style per cell copy policy
        /// This does not shift references in formulas. Use {@link XSSFRowShifter} to shift references in formulas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcCell">The cell to take value, formula and style from</param>
        /// <param name="policy">The policy for copying the information, see {@link CellCopyPolicy}</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if copy cell style and srcCell is from a different workbook</exception>
        public void CopyCellFrom(ICell srcCell, CellCopyPolicy policy)
            // Copy cell value (cell type is updated implicitly)
            if (policy.IsCopyCellValue)
                if (srcCell != null)
                    CellType copyCellType = srcCell.CellType;
                    if (copyCellType == CellType.Formula && !policy.IsCopyCellFormula)
                        // Copy formula result as value
                        // FIXME: Cached value may be stale
                        copyCellType = srcCell.CachedFormulaResultType;
                    switch (copyCellType)
                    case CellType.Boolean:

                    case CellType.Error:

                    case CellType.Formula:

                    case CellType.Numeric:
                        // DataFormat is not copied unless policy.isCopyCellStyle is true
                        if (DateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(srcCell))

                    case CellType.String:

                    case CellType.Blank:

                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid cell type " + srcCell.CellType);
                { //srcCell is null

            // Copy CellStyle
            if (policy.IsCopyCellStyle)
                if (srcCell != null)
                    CellStyle = (srcCell.CellStyle);
                    // clear cell style
                    CellStyle = (null);

            if (policy.IsMergeHyperlink)
                // if srcCell doesn't have a hyperlink and destCell has a hyperlink, don't clear destCell's hyperlink
                IHyperlink srcHyperlink = srcCell.Hyperlink;
                if (srcHyperlink != null)
                    Hyperlink = new XSSFHyperlink(srcHyperlink);
            else if (policy.IsCopyHyperlink)
                // overwrite the hyperlink at dest cell with srcCell's hyperlink
                // if srcCell doesn't have a hyperlink, clear the hyperlink (if one exists) at destCell
                IHyperlink srcHyperlink = srcCell.Hyperlink;
                if (srcHyperlink == null)
                    Hyperlink = (null);
                    Hyperlink = new XSSFHyperlink(srcHyperlink);
Example #33
 public void setCellType(CellType cellType)
     this.cellType = cellType;
 public static bool IsCellPassable(CellType cellType)
     return(cellType != CellType.Wall);
Example #35
        internal void Paint(ChartGraphics chartGraph, int fontSizeReducedBy, Font legendAutoFont, Size singleWCharacterSize, PointF animationLocationAdjustment)
            if (cellPosition.Width <= 0 || cellPosition.Height <= 0)
            if (GetLegend().Common.ProcessModePaint)
                Color      cellBackColor     = GetCellBackColor();
                RectangleF relativeRectangle = chartGraph.GetRelativeRectangle(cellPositionWithMargins);
                if (!cellBackColor.IsEmpty)
                    chartGraph.FillRectangleRel(relativeRectangle, cellBackColor, ChartHatchStyle.None, string.Empty, ChartImageWrapMode.Tile, Color.Empty, ChartImageAlign.Center, GradientType.None, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, ChartDashStyle.NotSet, Color.Empty, 0, PenAlignment.Inset);
                GetLegend().Common.EventsManager.OnBackPaint(this, new ChartPaintEventArgs(chartGraph, GetLegend().Common, new ElementPosition(relativeRectangle.X, relativeRectangle.Y, relativeRectangle.Width, relativeRectangle.Height)));
                switch (CellType)
                case LegendCellType.Text:
                    PaintCellText(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize, animationLocationAdjustment);

                case LegendCellType.Image:
                    PaintCellImage(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize, animationLocationAdjustment);

                case LegendCellType.SeriesSymbol:
                    PaintCellSeriesSymbol(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize, animationLocationAdjustment);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExceptionLegendCellTypeUnknown(CellType.ToString()));
                GetLegend().Common.EventsManager.OnPaint(this, new ChartPaintEventArgs(chartGraph, GetLegend().Common, new ElementPosition(relativeRectangle.X, relativeRectangle.Y, relativeRectangle.Width, relativeRectangle.Height)));
            if (GetLegend().Common.ProcessModeRegions)
                GetLegend().Common.HotRegionsList.AddHotRegion(chartGraph, chartGraph.GetRelativeRectangle(cellPositionWithMargins), GetCellToolTip(), GetCellHref(), GetCellMapAreaAttributes(), legendItem, this, ChartElementType.LegendItem, legendItem.SeriesName);
Example #36
         * Compute width of a single cell
         * @param cell the cell whose width is to be calculated
         * @param defaultCharWidth the width of a single character
         * @param formatter formatter used to prepare the text to be measured
         * @param useMergedCells    whether to use merged cells
         * @return  the width in pixels or -1 if cell is empty
        public static double GetCellWidth(ICell cell, int defaultCharWidth, DataFormatter formatter, bool useMergedCells)
            ISheet    sheet  = cell.Sheet;
            IWorkbook wb     = sheet.Workbook;
            IRow      row    = cell.Row;
            int       column = cell.ColumnIndex;

            int colspan = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < sheet.NumMergedRegions; i++)
                CellRangeAddress region = sheet.GetMergedRegion(i);
                if (ContainsCell(region, row.RowNum, column))
                    if (!useMergedCells)
                        // If we're not using merged cells, skip this one and move on to the next.
                    cell    = row.GetCell(region.FirstColumn);
                    colspan = 1 + region.LastColumn - region.FirstColumn;

            ICellStyle style       = cell.CellStyle;
            CellType   cellType    = cell.CellType;
            IFont      defaultFont = wb.GetFontAt((short)0);
            Font       windowsFont = IFont2Font(defaultFont);

            // for formula cells we compute the cell width for the cached formula result
            if (cellType == CellType.Formula)
                cellType = cell.CachedFormulaResultType;

            IFont font = wb.GetFontAt(style.FontIndex);

            double width = -1;

                if (cellType == CellType.String)
                    IRichTextString rt    = cell.RichStringCellValue;
                    String[]        lines = rt.String.Split("\n".ToCharArray());
                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                        String txt = lines[i] + defaultChar;

                        //AttributedString str = new AttributedString(txt);
                        //copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());
                        windowsFont = IFont2Font(font);
                        if (rt.NumFormattingRuns > 0)
                            // TODO: support rich text fragments

                        width = GetCellWidth(defaultCharWidth, colspan, style, width, txt, windowsFont, cell);
                    String sval = null;
                    if (cellType == CellType.Numeric)
                        // Try to get it formatted to look the same as excel
                            sval = formatter.FormatCellValue(cell, dummyEvaluator);
                        catch (Exception)
                            sval = cell.NumericCellValue.ToString();
                    else if (cellType == CellType.Boolean)
                        sval = cell.BooleanCellValue.ToString().ToUpper();
                    if (sval != null)
                        String txt = sval + defaultChar;
                        //str = new AttributedString(txt);
                        //copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());
                        windowsFont = IFont2Font(font);
                        width       = GetCellWidth(defaultCharWidth, colspan, style, width, txt, windowsFont, cell);
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the terrain to the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The destination stream.</param>
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);

            if (Version > 0)
                writer.Write(0x52524554u); // 'TERR'
                if (Version < 4)
                    writer.Write(0x00000003u); // version
                    writer.Write(Version); // version

            for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y += CLUSTER_SIZE)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x += CLUSTER_SIZE)
                    bool haveHeight = true;
                    bool haveColor  = true;
                    bool haveAlpha1 = true;
                    bool haveAlpha2 = true;
                    bool haveAlpha3 = true;
                    bool haveCell   = true;

                    if (Version >= 5)
                        haveHeight = false;
                        haveColor  = false;
                        haveAlpha1 = false;
                        haveAlpha2 = false;
                        haveAlpha3 = false;
                        haveCell   = false;

                        float    height = this.HeightMapFloat[x, y];
                        RGB      color  = this.ColorMap[x, y];
                        byte     alpha1 = this.AlphaMap1[x, y];
                        byte     alpha2 = this.AlphaMap2[x, y];
                        byte     alpha3 = this.AlphaMap3[x, y];
                        CellType cell   = this.CellMap[x, y];

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveHeight)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (height != this.HeightMapFloat[x + cx, y + cy])
                                        haveHeight = true;

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveColor)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (color.R != this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].R ||
                                        color.G != this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].G ||
                                        color.B != this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].B)
                                        haveColor = true;

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveAlpha1)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (alpha1 != this.AlphaMap1[x + cx, y + cy])
                                        haveAlpha1 = true;

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveAlpha2)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (alpha2 != this.AlphaMap2[x + cx, y + cy])
                                        haveAlpha2 = true;

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveAlpha3)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (alpha3 != this.AlphaMap3[x + cx, y + cy])
                                        haveAlpha3 = true;

                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            if (!haveCell)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    if (cell != this.CellMap[x + cx, y + cy])
                                        haveCell = true;

                        byte Compression = 0;
                        if (haveHeight)
                            Compression += 1;
                        if (haveColor)
                            Compression += (1 << 1);
                        if (haveAlpha1)
                            Compression += (1 << 2);
                        if (haveAlpha2)
                            Compression += (1 << 3);
                        if (haveAlpha3)
                            Compression += (1 << 4);
                        if (haveCell)
                            Compression += (1 << 5);

                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.HeightMap[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else if (Version < 4)
                        // height map
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                writer.Write(this.HeightMap[x + cx, y + cy]);
                        // height map
                        if (haveHeight)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write(this.HeightMapFloat[x + cx, y + cy]);
                            writer.Write(this.HeightMapFloat[x, y]);

                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.NormalMap[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else if (Version < 4)
                        // normal map
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                writer.Write(this.NormalMap[x + cx, y + cy]);

                    // color map
                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + _cx, y + _cy].R);
                                writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + _cx, y + _cy].G);
                                writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + _cx, y + _cy].B);
                    else //if (Version < 4)
                        if (haveColor)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].R);
                                    writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].G);
                                    writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].B);
                            writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x, y].R);
                            writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x, y].G);
                            writer.Write(this.ColorMap[x, y].B);

                    // alpha map 1
                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.AlphaMap1[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else //if (Version < 4)
                        if (haveAlpha1)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write(this.AlphaMap1[x + cx, y + cy]);
                            writer.Write(this.AlphaMap1[x, y]);

                    // alpha map 2
                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.AlphaMap2[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else //if (Version < 4)
                        if (haveAlpha2)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write(this.AlphaMap2[x + cx, y + cy]);
                            writer.Write(this.AlphaMap2[x, y]);

                    // alpha map 3
                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write(this.AlphaMap3[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else //if (Version < 4)
                        if (haveAlpha3)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write(this.AlphaMap3[x + cx, y + cy]);
                            writer.Write(this.AlphaMap3[x, y]);

                    // cliff map
                    if (Version < 3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < (CLUSTER_SIZE + 1); cx++)
                                int _cx = cx;
                                int _cy = cy;
                                if ((x + cx) == this.Width)
                                if ((x + cy) == this.Width)
                                writer.Write((byte)this.CellMap[x + _cx, y + _cy]);
                    else //if (Version < 4)
                        if (haveCell)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    writer.Write((byte)this.CellMap[x + cx, y + cy]);
                            writer.Write((byte)this.CellMap[x, y]);

                    // info map
                    writer.Write(this.InfoMap[x / CLUSTER_SIZE, y / CLUSTER_SIZE]);

                    // ???
                    if (Version > 0)
                        if (Version < 3)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                        if (Version == 2)
        public static List <Combination> AllMoves(List <List <ICell> > cells)
            List <Combination> moves = new List <Combination>();
            int size = cells.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                int      count    = 0;
                CellType previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    if (cells[i][j].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    previous = cells[i][j].Type;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (j > 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j - 2].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i - 1, j - 2));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j - 2));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j - 2].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i + 1, j - 2));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j - 2));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (j > 2 && cells[i][j - 3].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j - 3));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j - 2));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                        if (j < size - 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j + 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i - 1, j + 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j + 1));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j + 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i + 1, j + 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j + 1));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (j < size - 2 && cells[i][j + 2].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j + 2));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j + 1));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    if (cells[j][i].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    previous = cells[j][i].Type;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (j > 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[j - 2][i - 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 2, i - 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 2, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[j - 2][i + 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 2, i + 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 2, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (j > 2 && cells[j - 3][i].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 3, i));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j - 2, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                        if (j < size - 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[j + 1][i - 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 1, i - 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 1, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[j + 1][i + 1].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 1, i + 1));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 1, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                            if (j < size - 2 && cells[j + 2][i].Type == previous)
                                Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 2, i));
                                currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j + 1, i));

                                if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)
                    if (cells[i][j + 1].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j].Type == previous)
                            Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i - 1, j));
                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j));

                            if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                        if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j].Type == previous)
                            Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i + 1, j));
                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(i, j));

                            if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                    previous = cells[i][j].Type;

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)
                    if (cells[j + 1][i].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (i > 0 && cells[j][i - 1].Type == previous)
                            Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j, i - 1));
                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j, i));

                            if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                        if (i < size - 1 && cells[j][i + 1].Type == previous)
                            Combination currentMove = new Combination();

                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j, i + 1));
                            currentMove.combination.Add(new Position(j, i));

                            if (!moves.Contains(currentMove))

                    previous = cells[j][i].Type;

        public static bool HasMoves(List <List <ICell> > cells)
            int size = cells.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                int      count    = 0;
                CellType previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    if (cells[i][j].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    previous = cells[i][j].Type;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (j > 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j - 2].Type == previous)
                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j - 2].Type == previous)
                            if (j > 2 && cells[i][j - 3].Type == previous)

                        if (j < size - 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j + 1].Type == previous)
                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j + 1].Type == previous)
                            if (j < size - 2 && cells[i][j + 2].Type == previous)

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    if (cells[j][i].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    previous = cells[j][i].Type;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (j > 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[j - 2][i - 1].Type == previous)
                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[j - 2][i + 1].Type == previous)
                            if (j > 2 && cells[j - 3][i].Type == previous)

                        if (j < size - 1)
                            if (i > 0 && cells[j + 1][i - 1].Type == previous)
                            if (i < size - 1 && cells[j + 1][i + 1].Type == previous)
                            if (j < size - 2 && cells[j + 2][i].Type == previous)

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)
                    if (cells[i][j + 1].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (i > 0 && cells[i - 1][j].Type == previous)
                        if (i < size - 1 && cells[i + 1][j].Type == previous)

                    previous = cells[i][j].Type;

                previous = CellType.Default;
                for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++)
                    if (cells[j + 1][i].Type == previous && previous != CellType.Default)
                        count = 2;
                        count = 1;

                    if (count == 2)
                        if (i > 0 && cells[j][i - 1].Type == previous)
                        if (i < size - 1 && cells[j][i + 1].Type == previous)

                    previous = cells[j][i].Type;

Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a terrain from a stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The data stream.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Terrain Read(Stream stream)
            int CLUSTER_SIZE = 4;

            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

            bool version0 = false;

            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != 0x52524554u) // 'TERR'
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                version0 = true;
                //throw new Exception("Invalid magic number.");

            UInt32 version = 0;

            if (!version0)
                version = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (version < 0 || version > 5)
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Version {0} is not supported.", version));

            if (version >= 4)
                CLUSTER_SIZE = 16;

            Int16 gridMinX = 0;
            Int16 gridMinZ = 0;
            Int16 gridMaxX = 0;
            Int16 gridMaxZ = 0;

            if (version > 0)
                gridMinX = reader.ReadInt16();
                gridMinZ = reader.ReadInt16();
                gridMaxX = reader.ReadInt16();
                gridMaxZ = reader.ReadInt16();
                long ClusterCount = (stream.Length / 0xfd);
                ClusterCount = (long)Math.Sqrt(ClusterCount);

                gridMinX = (Int16)(-ClusterCount / 2);
                gridMinZ = (Int16)(-ClusterCount / 2);
                gridMaxX = (Int16)(ClusterCount / 2);
                gridMaxZ = (Int16)(ClusterCount / 2);

            int width  = gridMaxX - gridMinX;
            int height = gridMaxZ - gridMinZ;

            Terrain terrain = new Terrain(version, gridMinX, gridMinZ, gridMaxX, gridMaxZ);

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y += CLUSTER_SIZE)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x += CLUSTER_SIZE)
                    bool haveHeight = true;
                    bool haveColor  = true;
                    bool haveAlpha1 = true;
                    bool haveAlpha2 = true;
                    bool haveAlpha3 = true;
                    bool haveCell   = true;

                    if (version >= 5)
                        byte CompressionData = reader.ReadByte();
                        haveHeight = (CompressionData & 1) != 0;
                        haveColor  = (CompressionData & (1 << 1)) != 0;
                        haveAlpha1 = (CompressionData & (1 << 2)) != 0;
                        haveAlpha2 = (CompressionData & (1 << 3)) != 0;
                        haveAlpha3 = (CompressionData & (1 << 4)) != 0;
                        haveCell   = (CompressionData & (1 << 5)) != 0;

                    // height map
                    if (version < 4)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                short value = reader.ReadInt16();
                                terrain.HeightMap[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                                if (value < terrain.heightMapMin)
                                    terrain.heightMapMin = value;
                                if (value > terrain.heightMapMax)
                                    terrain.heightMapMax = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadInt16();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(10);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        if (haveHeight)
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    Single value = reader.ReadSingle();
                                    terrain.HeightMapFloat[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                                    if (value < terrain.heightMapFloatMin)
                                        terrain.heightMapFloatMin = value;
                                    if (value > terrain.heightMapFloatMax)
                                        terrain.heightMapFloatMax = value;
                            Single value = reader.ReadSingle();
                            for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                                for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                    terrain.HeightMapFloat[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (value < terrain.heightMapFloatMin)
                                terrain.heightMapFloatMin = value;
                            if (value > terrain.heightMapFloatMax)
                                terrain.heightMapFloatMax = value;

                    // normal map
                    if (version < 4)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                                terrain.NormalMap[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadByte();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(5);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)

                    // color map
                    if (haveColor)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                byte R = reader.ReadByte();
                                byte G = reader.ReadByte();
                                byte B = reader.ReadByte();

                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].R = R;
                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].G = G;
                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].B = B;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadBytes(3);              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(15);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        byte R = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte G = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte B = reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].R = R;
                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].G = G;
                                terrain.ColorMap[x + cx, y + cy].B = B;

                    // alpha map 1
                    if (haveAlpha1)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                                terrain.AlphaMap1[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadByte();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(5);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                terrain.AlphaMap1[x + cx, y + cy] = value;

                    // alpha map 2
                    if (haveAlpha2)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                                terrain.AlphaMap2[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadByte();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(5);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                terrain.AlphaMap2[x + cx, y + cy] = value;

                    // alpha map 3
                    if (haveAlpha3)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                                terrain.AlphaMap3[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadByte();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(5);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        byte value = reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                terrain.AlphaMap3[x + cx, y + cy] = value;

                    // cliff map
                    if (haveCell)
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                CellType value = (CellType)reader.ReadByte();
                                terrain.CellMap[x + cx, y + cy] = value;
                            if (version < 3)
                                reader.ReadByte();              // 5th vertex (from next cluster)
                        if (version < 3)
                            reader.ReadBytes(5);              // 5th row of vertecies (from next cluster)
                        CellType value = (CellType)reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int cy = 0; cy < CLUSTER_SIZE; cy++)
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < CLUSTER_SIZE; cx++)
                                terrain.CellMap[x + cx, y + cy] = value;

                    // info map
                        UInt32 value = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        terrain.InfoMap[x / CLUSTER_SIZE, y / CLUSTER_SIZE] = value;

                    // ???
                    if (version > 0)
                        if (version < 3)
                        if (version == 2)

Example #41
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Physics.Raycast(_camera.transform.position, _camera.transform.forward, out var hit))
            var ctrl = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Focusable>();
            if (ctrl)
                if (ctrl.CanFocus)

                _focused = ctrl;

        var down = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < -0.0001f;

        if (!_downPressedDown && down)
            _downPressedDown = true;
            Focus(Math.Min(_focusedIndex + 1, CurrentStageItems().Length - 1));

        if (!down && _downPressedDown)
            _downPressedDown = false;

        var up = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.0001f;

        if (!_upPressedDown && up)
            _upPressedDown = true;
            Focus(Math.Max(_focusedIndex - 1, 0));

        if (!up && _upPressedDown)
            _upPressedDown = false;

        var left = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < -0.0001f;

        if (!_leftPressedDown && left)
            _leftPressedDown = true;
            if (_focused.TryGetComponent <SliderItemController>(out var slider))
                if (slider.gameObject.name == "BoardSize")
                    _size = slider.value;

        if (!left && _leftPressedDown)
            _leftPressedDown = false;

        var right = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0.0001f;

        if (!_rightPressedDown && right)
            _rightPressedDown = true;
            if (_focused.TryGetComponent <SliderItemController>(out var slider))

                if (slider.gameObject.name == "BoardSize")
                    _size = slider.value;

        if (!right && _rightPressedDown)
            _rightPressedDown = false;

        var click = Math.Abs(Input.GetAxis("Fire1")) > 0.0001f || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return);

        if (!_clickPressedDown && click && _focused && _focused.TryGetComponent <ButtonController>(out var btn))
            _clickPressedDown = true;
            switch (btn.id)
            case "exit":

            case "new-game":

            case "start-game-x":
            case "start-game-o":
                _gameCellType = btn.id == "start-game-x" ? CellType.X : CellType.O;

        if (!click && _clickPressedDown)
            _clickPressedDown = false;
Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the type of the cell.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The x coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="y">The y coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="cellType">Cell type.</param>
 public void ChangeCellType(int x, int y, CellType cellType)
     GetCellAt(x, y).cellType = cellType;
Example #43
 public void CreateCell(int Cc, CellType TypeO)
     CurrentCol  = Cc;
     CurrentCell = CurrentIRow.CreateCell(CurrentCol);
Example #44
    public static Cell[,] TransformBoolToCell(bool[,] map, CellType trueCell = CellType.Empty, CellType falseCell = CellType.Empty)
        if (trueCell == CellType.Empty && falseCell == CellType.Empty)
            Debug.LogError("Both cell types are CellType.Empty.");
        Cell[,] cellMap = new Cell[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];
        for (int z = 0; z < map.GetLength(1); z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                if (trueCell != CellType.Empty && map[x, z])
                    cellMap[x, z] = Cell.CreateCell(trueCell);

                if (falseCell != CellType.Empty && !map[x, z])
                    cellMap[x, z] = Cell.CreateCell(falseCell);
Example #45
 public Cell(string viewText, CellType type)
     ViewText = viewText;
     Type     = type;
Example #46
 public Position(int x, int y, CellType value)
     this.X     = x;
     this.Y     = y;
     this.Value = value;
Example #47
        internal Size MeasureCell(ChartGraphics graph, int fontSizeReducedBy, Font legendAutoFont, Size singleWCharacterSize)
            if (cachedCellSizeFontReducedBy == fontSizeReducedBy && !cachedCellSize.IsEmpty)
            Size result      = Size.Empty;
            bool disposeFont = false;
            Font cellFont    = GetCellFont(legendAutoFont, fontSizeReducedBy, out disposeFont);

            if (CellType == LegendCellType.SeriesSymbol)
                result.Width  = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(SeriesSymbolSize.Width) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
                result.Height = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(SeriesSymbolSize.Height) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
            else if (CellType == LegendCellType.Image)
                if (ImageSize.IsEmpty && Image.Length > 0)
                    SizeF size = default(SizeF);
                    if (GetLegend().Common.ImageLoader.GetAdjustedImageSize(Image, graph.Graphics, ref size))
                        result.Width  = (int)size.Width;
                        result.Height = (int)size.Height;
                    result.Width  = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(ImageSize.Width) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
                    result.Height = (int)((float)(Math.Abs(ImageSize.Height) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
                if (CellType != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExceptionLegendCellTypeUnknown(CellType.ToString()));
                string cellText = GetCellText();
                result = graph.MeasureStringAbs(cellText + "I", cellFont);
            result.Width  += (int)((float)((Margins.Left + Margins.Right) * singleWCharacterSize.Width) / 100f);
            result.Height += (int)((float)((Margins.Top + Margins.Bottom) * singleWCharacterSize.Height) / 100f);
            if (GetLegend() != null && legendItem != null && legendItem.Separator != 0)
                result.Height += GetLegend().GetSeparatorSize(graph, legendItem.Separator).Height;
            if (disposeFont)
                cellFont = null;
            cachedCellSize = result;
            cachedCellSizeFontReducedBy = fontSizeReducedBy;
Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the cells type (numeric, formula or string)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellType"></param>
        public void SetCellType(CellType cellType)
            CellType prevType = CellType;

            if (IsPartOfArrayFormulaGroup)
            if (prevType == CellType.FORMULA && cellType != CellType.FORMULA)

            switch (cellType)
            case CellType.BLANK:

            case CellType.BOOLEAN:
                String newVal = ConvertCellValueToBoolean() ? TRUE_AS_STRING : FALSE_AS_STRING;
                _cell.t = (ST_CellType.b);
                _cell.v = (newVal);

            case CellType.NUMERIC:
                _cell.t = (ST_CellType.n);

            case CellType.ERROR:
                _cell.t = (ST_CellType.e);

            case CellType.STRING:
                if (prevType != CellType.STRING)
                    String             str = ConvertCellValueToString();
                    XSSFRichTextString rt  = new XSSFRichTextString(str);
                    int sRef = _sharedStringSource.AddEntry(rt.GetCTRst());
                    _cell.v = sRef.ToString();
                _cell.t = (ST_CellType.s);

            case CellType.FORMULA:
                if (!_cell.IsSetF())
                    CT_CellFormula f = new CT_CellFormula();
                    f.Value = "0";
                    _cell.f = (f);
                    if (_cell.IsSetT())

                throw new ArgumentException("Illegal cell type: " + cellType);
            if (cellType != CellType.FORMULA && _cell.IsSetF())
Example #49
 protected Cell(CellType cellType)
     CellType = cellType;
 public static Texture2D GetTextureTile(CellType type) => _texturesTile[type];
Example #51
        public DynamicExcelBuilder InsertCell(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, string columnValue, CellType cellType = CellType.String, bool isReplace = false)
            var sheet = _excelContext.Sheet;
            var row   = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex);

            if (isReplace)
                var originCell = row.GetCell(columnIndex);
                var cell = row.CreateCell(columnIndex, cellType);
Example #52
            MultidimensionalArray Compute_OrthonormalizationTrafo(int j0, int Len, int Degree)
                // init
                // ====

                int            iKref    = this.m_Owner.iGeomCells.GetRefElementIndex(j0);
                PolynomialList Polys    = this.GetOrthonormalPolynomials(Degree)[iKref];
                int            N        = Polys.Count;
                CellType       cellType = this.m_Owner.iGeomCells.GetCellType(j0);

                // checking
                for (int j = 1; j < Len; j++)
                    int jCell = j + j0;

                    if (this.m_Owner.iGeomCells.GetCellType(jCell) != cellType)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("All cells in chunk must have same type.");
                // storage for result
                MultidimensionalArray NonlinOrtho = MultidimensionalArray.Create(Len, N, N);

                if (m_Owner.iGeomCells.IsCellAffineLinear(j0))
                    // affine-linear branch
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++

                    MultidimensionalArray scl = this.Scaling;

                    for (int j = 0; j < Len; j++)
                        int jCell = j + j0;

                        double scl_j = scl[jCell];

                        for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                            NonlinOrtho[j, n, n] = scl_j;
                    // nonlinear cells branch
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++

                    // init
                    // ====

                    var Kref = m_Owner.iGeomCells.GetRefElement(j0);
                    int deg; // polynomial degree of integrand: Degree of Jacobi determinat + 2* degree of basis polynomials in ref.-space.
                        int D = m_Owner.SpatialDimension;
                        deg = Kref.GetInterpolationDegree(cellType);
                        if (deg > 1)
                            deg -= 1;
                        deg *= D;
                        deg += 2 * Degree;
                    var qr = Kref.GetQuadratureRule((int)deg);
                    int K  = qr.NoOfNodes;

                    // evaluate basis polys in ref space
                    // =================================

                    MultidimensionalArray BasisValues = this.EvaluateBasis(qr.Nodes, Degree);
                    Debug.Assert(BasisValues.GetLength(0) == K);
                    if (BasisValues.GetLength(0) > N)
                        BasisValues = BasisValues.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { K - 1, N - 1 });

                    // compute \f$ A_{k n m} = \phi_{k n} \phi_{k m} w_{k} \f$
                    // (cell-INdependentd part of mass matrix computation)
                    // ==================================================================

                    MultidimensionalArray A = MultidimensionalArray.Create(K, N, N);
                    A.Multiply(1.0, qr.Weights, BasisValues, BasisValues, 0.0, "knm", "k", "kn", "km");

                    // Determine mass matrix  \f$ M \f$ in all cells by quadrature
                    // \f$ M_{n m} = \sum_{k} J_k A_{k n m} \f$
                    // =====================================================

                    MultidimensionalArray J = m_Owner.JacobianDeterminat.GetValue_Cell(qr.Nodes, j0, Len);

                    // store mass-matrix in 'NonlinOrtho' to save mem alloc
                    NonlinOrtho.Multiply(1.0, A, J, 0.0, "jmn", "knm", "jk");

                    // Compute change-of-basis for all cells
                    // (invese of cholesky)
                    // =====================================

                    for (int j = 0; j < Len; j++)
                        MultidimensionalArray Mj = NonlinOrtho.ExtractSubArrayShallow(j, -1, -1); // mass-matrix of basis on refrence element in cell j+j0

                        MultidimensionalArray MjClone = Mj.CloneAs();

                        Mj.SymmetricLDLInversion(Mj, null);

                        // clear lower triangular part
                        // Debug.Assert(Mj.NoOfCols == N);
                        for (int n = 1; n < N; n++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
                                Mj[n, m] = 0.0;
                        MultidimensionalArray B  = NonlinOrtho.ExtractSubArrayShallow(j, -1, -1);
                        MultidimensionalArray Bt = B.Transpose();
                        double MjNorm            = MjClone.InfNorm();
                        double Bnorm             = B.InfNorm();

                        MultidimensionalArray check = IMatrixExtensions.GEMM(Bt, MjClone, B);
                        double checkNorm = check.InfNorm();

                        double RelErr = checkNorm / Math.Max(MjNorm, Bnorm);

                        Debug.Assert(RelErr < 1.0e-5, "Fatal error in numerical orthonomalization on nonlinear cell.");

                // return
                // =========

Example #53
 public MemberFieldData()
     name = "";
     type = CellType.Undefined;
Example #54
 public ContinuumElement3DNonLinear CreateNonLinearElement(CellType cellType, IReadOnlyList <Node> nodes,
                                                           IContinuumMaterial3D commonMaterial, DynamicMaterial commonDynamicProperties)
     return(new ContinuumElement3DNonLinear(nodes, commonMaterial, integrationsForStiffness[cellType], interpolations[cellType]));
Example #55
 public ContinuumElement3D CreateElement(CellType cellType, IReadOnlyList <Node> nodes)
     return(CreateElement(cellType, nodes, commonMaterial, commonDynamicProperties));
Example #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the cell type. The SetValue flag indicates whether to bother about
        /// trying to preserve the current value in the new record if one is Created.
        /// The SetCellValue method will call this method with false in SetValue
        /// since it will overWrite the cell value later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellType">Type of the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="setValue">if set to <c>true</c> [set value].</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="col">The col.</param>
        /// <param name="styleIndex">Index of the style.</param>
        private void SetCellType(CellType cellType, bool setValue, int row, int col, short styleIndex)
            if (cellType > CellType.Error)
                throw new Exception("I have no idea what type that Is!");
            switch (cellType)
            case CellType.Formula:
                FormulaRecordAggregate frec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    frec = _sheet.Sheet.RowsAggregate.CreateFormula(row, col);
                    frec = (FormulaRecordAggregate)_record;
                frec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                    frec.FormulaRecord.Value = NumericCellValue;
                frec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                frec.Row     = row;
                _record      = frec;

            case CellType.Numeric:
                NumberRecord nrec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    nrec = new NumberRecord();
                    nrec = (NumberRecord)_record;
                nrec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                    nrec.Value = NumericCellValue;
                nrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                nrec.Row     = row;
                _record      = nrec;

            case CellType.String:
                LabelSSTRecord lrec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    lrec = new LabelSSTRecord();
                    lrec = (LabelSSTRecord)_record;
                lrec.Column  = col;
                lrec.Row     = row;
                lrec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                if (setValue)
                    String str      = ConvertCellValueToString();
                    int    sstIndex = book.Workbook.AddSSTString(new UnicodeString(str));
                    lrec.SSTIndex = (sstIndex);
                    UnicodeString us = book.Workbook.GetSSTString(sstIndex);
                    stringValue = new HSSFRichTextString();
                    stringValue.UnicodeString = us;
                _record = lrec;

            case CellType.Blank:
                BlankRecord brec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    brec = new BlankRecord();
                    brec = (BlankRecord)_record;
                brec.Column = col;

                // During construction the cellStyle may be null for a Blank cell.
                brec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                brec.Row     = row;
                _record      = brec;

            case CellType.Boolean:
                BoolErrRecord boolRec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    boolRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                    boolRec = (BoolErrRecord)_record;
                boolRec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                boolRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                boolRec.Row     = row;
                _record         = boolRec;

            case CellType.Error:
                BoolErrRecord errRec = null;

                if (cellType != this.cellType)
                    errRec = new BoolErrRecord();
                    errRec = (BoolErrRecord)_record;
                errRec.Column = col;
                if (setValue)
                errRec.XFIndex = styleIndex;
                errRec.Row     = row;
                _record        = errRec;
            if (cellType != this.cellType &&
                this.cellType != CellType.Unknown)  // Special Value to indicate an Uninitialized Cell
            this.cellType = cellType;
        internal void Paint(MapGraphics chartGraph, int fontSizeReducedBy, Font legendAutoFont, Size singleWCharacterSize)
            if (cellPosition.Width <= 0 || cellPosition.Height <= 0 || !GetLegend().Common.ProcessModePaint)
            Color cellBackColor = GetCellBackColor();

            if (!cellBackColor.IsEmpty)
                chartGraph.FillRectangleRel(chartGraph.GetRelativeRectangle(cellPositionWithMargins), cellBackColor, MapHatchStyle.None, string.Empty, MapImageWrapMode.Tile, Color.Empty, MapImageAlign.Center, GradientType.None, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 0, MapDashStyle.None, Color.Empty, 0, PenAlignment.Inset);
            if (GetLegend().Common.ProcessModePaint)
                switch (CellType)
                case LegendCellType.Text:
                    PaintCellText(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize);

                case LegendCellType.Image:
                    PaintCellImage(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize);

                case LegendCellType.Symbol:
                    PaintCellSeriesSymbol(chartGraph, fontSizeReducedBy, legendAutoFont, singleWCharacterSize);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown legend cell type: '" + CellType.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "'.");
Example #58
 public void SetValue(CellType cellType)
     this.cellType = cellType;
Example #59
 public CellValueParser(CellType cellTypeToUse, WorkbookPart workbookPartToUse)
     this.cell         = cellTypeToUse;
     this.workbookPart = workbookPartToUse;
#pragma warning disable 1570
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to merge a list of footprints to one result footprint.
        /// This method finds the CellTypes for the resultFootprint.
        /// Merge each cell individually:
        /// The cells of all other footprints are checked.
        /// If in a cell of all footprints with a pound sign occurs,
        /// then a hash mark character is also entered in the cell of the result Footprint.
        /// {CellState of a list of Footprints} -> Result footprint
        /// {#,#,#}       ->  #
        /// {->,#,#}      ->  ->
        /// {#,<-,#}      ->  <-
        /// {#,->,<-,#}   ->  ||
        /// </summary>
#pragma warning restore 1570
        /// <param name="footprintList">A list of ComparingFootprint's</param>
        /// <autor>Andrej Albrecht</autor>
        internal void MergeFootprints(List <ComparingFootprint> footprintList)
            ResultMatrix = new CellType[HeaderWithEventNames.Count, HeaderWithEventNames.Count];

            //Two loops, to go through each cell from a virtual table.
            for (int row = 0; row < HeaderWithEventNames.Count; row++)
                for (int column = 0; column < HeaderWithEventNames.Count; column++)
                    int countSharp    = 0;
                    int countLeft     = 0;
                    int countRight    = 0;
                    int countParallel = 0;
                    int countLoop     = 0;

                    //go over all footprints and find the best CellTypes
                    foreach (ComparingFootprint footprint in footprintList)
                        switch (footprint.GetFootprintCellState(HeaderWithEventNames[row], HeaderWithEventNames[column]))
                        case CellType.Nothing:

                        case CellType.Left:

                        case CellType.Right:

                        case CellType.Parallel:

                        case CellType.Loop:

                    if (footprintList.Count == countSharp)
                        ResultMatrix[row, column] = CellType.Nothing; // #
                    // ||
                    else if (footprintList.Count == countParallel || countParallel > 0 && countRight == 0 && countLeft == 0 || countRight > 0 && countLeft > 0)
                        ResultMatrix[row, column] = CellType.Parallel; // ||
                    // ->
                    else if (footprintList.Count == countRight || countRight > 0 && countLeft == 0)
                        ResultMatrix[row, column] = CellType.Right; // ->
                    // <-
                    else if (footprintList.Count == countLeft || countLeft > 0 && countRight == 0)
                        ResultMatrix[row, column] = CellType.Left; // <-
                    // @
                    else if (footprintList.Count == countLoop || countLoop > 0)
                        ResultMatrix[row, column] = CellType.Loop; // @
                        throw new NotImplementedException("countFootprint:" + footprintList.Count + " countSharp:" + countSharp + " countLeft:" + countLeft + " countRight:" + countRight + " countParallel:" + countParallel);