Example #1
            public override Cell Evaluate(SpoolSpace Memory)
                Cell x = this._Children[0].Evaluate(Memory);

                return(new Cell(CellSerializer.DiskSize(x)));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="Location"></param>
        /// <param name="Element"></param>
        public static void Write2(byte[] Buffer, long Location, Page Element)
            // Write the header data //
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(HASH_KEY), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_HASH_KEY, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.PageID), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_PAGE_ID, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.LastPageID), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_LAST_ID, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.NextPageID), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_NEXT_ID, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.PageSize), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_SIZE, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.FieldCount), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_FCOUNT, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.Count), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_RCOUNT, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.CheckSum), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_CHECKSUM, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.PageType), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_TYPE, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element.UsedSpace), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_USED_SPACE, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element._X0), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_X0, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element._X1), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_X1, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element._X2), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_X2, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element._X3), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_X3, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Buffer[Location + OFFSET_B0] = Element._B0;
            Buffer[Location + OFFSET_B1] = Element._B1;
            Buffer[Location + OFFSET_B2] = Element._B2;
            Buffer[Location + OFFSET_B3] = Element._B3;
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Element._ParentPageID), 0, Buffer, Location + OFFSET_PARENT_PAGE_ID, SIZE_ELEMENT);
            Location += HEADER_SIZE;

            // Start writting the record data //
            foreach (Record R in Element._Elements)
                Location = CellSerializer.Write(Buffer, R, (int)Location);
Example #3
 public override int SizeOf()
     if (this._Host.Spools.Exists(this._sName) && this._Host.Spools[this._sName].Exists(this._vName))
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="Location"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Page Read2(byte[] Buffer, long Location)
            // Check the hash key //
            int HashKey = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_HASH_KEY);

            if (HashKey != Page.HASH_KEY)
                throw new Exception("Hash key is invalid, cannot de-serialize");

            // Read Header Elements //
            int PageID     = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_PAGE_ID);
            int LastPageID = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_LAST_ID);
            int NextPageID = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_NEXT_ID);
            int Size       = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_SIZE);
            int FieldCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_FCOUNT);
            int Count      = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_RCOUNT);
            int CheckSum   = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_CHECKSUM);
            int PageType   = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_TYPE);
            int UsedSpace  = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_USED_SPACE);

            Page element = new Page(Size, PageID, LastPageID, NextPageID, FieldCount, UsedSpace);

            element._CheckSum     = CheckSum;
            element._Type         = PageType;
            element._X0           = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_X0);
            element._X1           = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_X1);
            element._X2           = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_X2);
            element._X3           = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_X3);
            element._B0           = Buffer[(int)Location + OFFSET_B0];
            element._B1           = Buffer[(int)Location + OFFSET_B1];
            element._B2           = Buffer[(int)Location + OFFSET_B2];
            element._B3           = Buffer[(int)Location + OFFSET_B3];
            element._ParentPageID = BitConverter.ToInt32(Buffer, (int)Location + OFFSET_PARENT_PAGE_ID);
            Location += HEADER_SIZE;

            // Read in records //
            for (int k = 0; k < Count; k++)
                Record r = null;
                Location = CellSerializer.Read(Buffer, (int)Location, FieldCount, out r);

Example #5
        // Adds //
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a column to the schema; will throw an exception if a column name passed already exists in the schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Alias">The column name</param>
        /// <param name="Affinity">The column affinity</param>
        /// <param name="Nullable">A boolean, true means the column can be nulls, false means the column cannot be null</param>
        /// <param name="PageSize">The size in bytes; this will be ignored if the affinity is not variable (not string or blob)</param>
        public void Add(string Name, CellAffinity Affinity, int Size, bool Nullable)
            // Check the name size //
            if (Name.Length > MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN)
                Name = Name.Substring(0, MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN);

            // Check the size //
            if (CellAffinityHelper.IsVariableLength(Affinity) && Size == 0)
                throw new Exception("Variable length types must have a size greater than zero");

            // Check if exists //
            if (this.Contains(Name))
                throw new Exception("Column already exists: " + Name);

            // Check for capacity //
            if (this.Count >= MAX_COLUMNS)
                throw new Exception("Schema cannot accept any more columns");

            // Get the size //
            int v = CellSerializer.FixLength(Affinity, Size);

            // Build record //
            Record r = Record.Stitch(new Cell(Name), new Cell((byte)Affinity), new Cell(Nullable), new Cell(v));

            // Accumulate record //
            this._Cache.Allocate(Name, r);

            // Hash code //
            this._HashCode += r.GetHashCode(new Key(1, 2)) * this.Count;
Example #6
 public override int SizeOf()
Example #7
 public override int SizeOf()