void CreateInstancedProbes()
            foreach (var cell in ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.cells.Values)
                if (cell.sh == null || cell.sh.Length == 0)

                float largestBrickSize = cell.bricks.Count == 0 ? 0 : cell.bricks[0].subdivisionLevel;

                List <Matrix4x4[]>           probeBuffers = new List <Matrix4x4[]>();
                List <MaterialPropertyBlock> props        = new List <MaterialPropertyBlock>();
                List <int[]> probeMaps = new List <int[]>();

                // Batch probes for instanced rendering
                for (int brickSize = 0; brickSize < largestBrickSize + 1; brickSize++)
                    List <Matrix4x4> probeBuffer = new List <Matrix4x4>();
                    List <int>       probeMap    = new List <int>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < cell.probePositions.Length; i++)
                        // Skip probes which aren't of current brick size
                        if (cell.bricks[i / 64].subdivisionLevel == brickSize)
                            probeBuffer.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS(cell.probePositions[i], Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * (0.3f * (brickSize + 1))));

                        // Batch limit reached or out of probes
                        if (probeBuffer.Count >= kProbesPerBatch || i == cell.probePositions.Length - 1)
                            MaterialPropertyBlock prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                            float gradient             = largestBrickSize == 0 ? 1 : brickSize / largestBrickSize;
                            prop.SetColor("_Color", Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.green, gradient));

                            probeBuffer = new List <Matrix4x4>();
                            probeMap = new List <int>();

                var debugData = new CellInstancedDebugProbes();
                debugData.probeBuffers = probeBuffers;
                debugData.props        = props;
                debugData.cellPosition = cell.position;

                Vector4[] positionBuffer = new Vector4[kProbesPerBatch];
                Vector4[] validityColors = new Vector4[kProbesPerBatch];

                for (int batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < probeMaps.Count; batchIndex++)
                    for (int indexInBatch = 0; indexInBatch < probeMaps[batchIndex].Length; indexInBatch++)
                        int probeIdx = probeMaps[batchIndex][indexInBatch];

                        var pos = cell.probePositions[probeIdx];
                        positionBuffer[indexInBatch] = new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0f);
                        validityColors[indexInBatch] = Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.red, cell.validity[probeIdx]);

                    debugData.props[batchIndex].SetVectorArray("_Position", positionBuffer);
                    debugData.props[batchIndex].SetVectorArray("_Validity", validityColors);

Example #2
        void CreateInstancedProbes()
            foreach (var cell in ProbeReferenceVolume.instance.cells.Values)
                if (cell.sh == null || cell.sh.Length == 0)

                float largestBrickSize = cell.bricks.Count == 0 ? 0 : cell.bricks[0].subdivisionLevel;
                List <Matrix4x4[]>           probeBuffers = new List <Matrix4x4[]>();
                List <MaterialPropertyBlock> props        = new List <MaterialPropertyBlock>();
                CellChunkInfo chunks;
                m_ChunkInfo.TryGetValue(cell.index, out chunks);

                Vector4[]        texels      = new Vector4[kProbesPerBatch];
                float[]          validity    = new float[kProbesPerBatch];
                List <Matrix4x4> probeBuffer = new List <Matrix4x4>();

                var debugData = new CellInstancedDebugProbes();
                debugData.probeBuffers = probeBuffers;
                debugData.props        = props;
                debugData.cellPosition = cell.position;

                int idxInBatch = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < cell.probePositions.Length; i++)
                    var brickSize = cell.bricks[i / 64].subdivisionLevel;

                    int chunkIndex   = i / m_Pool.GetChunkSizeInProbeCount();
                    var chunk        = chunks.chunks[chunkIndex];
                    int indexInChunk = i % m_Pool.GetChunkSizeInProbeCount();
                    int brickIdx     = indexInChunk / 64;
                    int indexInBrick = indexInChunk % 64;

                    Vector2Int brickStart   = new Vector2Int(chunk.x + brickIdx * 4, chunk.y);
                    int        indexInSlice = indexInBrick % 16;
                    Vector3Int texelLoc     = new Vector3Int(brickStart.x + (indexInSlice % 4), brickStart.y + (indexInSlice / 4), indexInBrick / 16);

                    probeBuffer.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS(cell.probePositions[i], Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * (0.3f * (brickSize + 1))));
                    validity[idxInBatch] = cell.validity[i];
                    texels[idxInBatch]   = new Vector4(texelLoc.x, texelLoc.y, texelLoc.z, brickSize);

                    if (probeBuffer.Count >= kProbesPerBatch || i == cell.probePositions.Length - 1)
                        idxInBatch = 0;
                        MaterialPropertyBlock prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

                        prop.SetFloatArray("_Validity", validity);
                        prop.SetVectorArray("_IndexInAtlas", texels);


                        probeBuffer = new List <Matrix4x4>();
