public void TestFixtureSetup() { CcmHelper.Start(1, null, null, null, "graph"); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(20000); CreateClassicGraph(CcmHelper.InitialContactPoint, GraphName); }
public void TestFixtureSetup() { if (Values == null || Values.Length == 0) { throw new InconclusiveException("You must specify the values to test"); } CcmHelper.Start(1); Cluster = DseCluster.Builder().AddContactPoint(CcmHelper.InitialContactPoint).Build(); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(15000); Session = Cluster.Connect(); Session.Execute(string.Format(CreateKeyspaceQuery, Keyspace)); Session.Execute(string.Format("USE {0}", Keyspace)); _queries = new[] { string.Format("CREATE TABLE geotable1 (id text, value '{0}', PRIMARY KEY (id))", TypeName), string.Format("CREATE TABLE keyed (id '{0}', value text, PRIMARY KEY (id))", TypeName), string.Format("INSERT INTO keyed (id, value) VALUES ('{0}', 'hello')", Values[0]), string.Format("CREATE TYPE geo_udt (f text, v '{0}')", TypeName), "CREATE TABLE tbl_udts (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, value frozen<geo_udt>)", string.Format("CREATE TABLE tbl_tuple (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, value tuple<int, '{0}'>)", TypeName), string.Format("CREATE TABLE tbl_list (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, value list<'{0}'>)", TypeName), string.Format("CREATE TABLE tbl_set (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, value set<'{0}'>)", TypeName), string.Format("CREATE TABLE tbl_map (id uuid PRIMARY KEY, value map<text, '{0}'>)", TypeName) }; foreach (var query in _queries) { Session.Execute(query); } }
public void Should_Authenticate_Against_Dse_Daemon_With_PasswordAuthenticator() { CcmHelper.Start( 1, cassYamlOptions: new[] { "authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator" }, jvmArgs: new[] { "-Dcassandra.superuser_setup_delay_ms=0" }); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(15000); var authProvider = new DsePlainTextAuthProvider("cassandra", "cassandra"); using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder() .AddContactPoint(CcmHelper.InitialContactPoint) .WithAuthProvider(authProvider) .Build()) { var session = cluster.Connect(); AssertCanQuery(session); } }
public void Should_Authenticate_Against_Dse_5_DseAuthenticator() { CcmHelper.Start( 1, new[] { "authentication_options.default_scheme: internal" }, new[] { "authenticator: com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthenticator" }, new[] { "-Dcassandra.superuser_setup_delay_ms=0" }); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(15000); var authProvider = new DsePlainTextAuthProvider("cassandra", "cassandra"); using (var cluster = Cluster.Builder() .AddContactPoint(CcmHelper.InitialContactPoint) .WithAuthProvider(authProvider) .Build()) { var session = cluster.Connect(); AssertCanQuery(session); } }
public void TestFixtureSetup() { CcmHelper.Start(3, new[] { "initial_spark_worker_resources:0.1" }, null, null, "graph,spark"); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(15000); }
public void TestFixtureSetup() { CcmHelper.Start(1); Trace.TraceInformation("Waiting additional time for test Cluster to be ready"); Thread.Sleep(15000); }