Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostOutputAsync([FromQuery] string roundHash, [FromBody] OutputRequest request)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roundHash) ||
                request is null ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.OutputAddress) ||
                string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.SignatureHex) ||

            CcjRound round = Coordinator.TryGetRound(roundHash);

            if (round is null)
                return(NotFound("Round not found."));

            if (round.Status != CcjRoundStatus.Running)
                return(Gone("Round is not running."));

            CcjRoundPhase phase = round.Phase;

            if (phase != CcjRoundPhase.OutputRegistration)
                return(Conflict($"Output registration can only be done from OutputRegistration phase. Current phase: {phase}."));

            BitcoinAddress outputAddress;

                outputAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(request.OutputAddress, Network);
            catch (FormatException ex)
                return(BadRequest($"Invalid OutputAddress. Details: {ex.Message}"));

            if (RsaKey.PubKey.Verify(ByteHelpers.FromHex(request.SignatureHex), outputAddress.ScriptPubKey.ToBytes()))
                using (await OutputLock.LockAsync())
                    Bob bob = null;
                        bob = new Bob(outputAddress);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        return(BadRequest($"Invalid outputAddress is provided. Details: {ex.Message}"));

                    if (round.CountBobs() == round.AnonymitySet)
                        await round.ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(CcjRoundPhase.Signing);

            return(BadRequest("Invalid signature provided."));
Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostSignaturesAsync([FromQuery] string uniqueId, [FromQuery] long roundId, [FromBody] IDictionary <int, string> signatures)
            if (roundId <= 0 ||
                signatures is null ||
                !signatures.Any() ||
                signatures.Any(x => x.Key < 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value)) ||

            (CcjRound round, Alice alice) = GetRunningRoundAndAliceOrFailureResponse(roundId, uniqueId, out IActionResult returnFailureResponse);
            if (!(returnFailureResponse is null))

            // Check if Alice provided signature to all her inputs.
            if (signatures.Count != alice.Inputs.Count())
                return(BadRequest("Alice did not provide enough witnesses."));

            CcjRoundPhase phase = round.Phase;

            switch (phase)
            case CcjRoundPhase.Signing:
                using (await SigningLock.LockAsync())
                    foreach (var signaturePair in signatures)
                        int       index   = signaturePair.Key;
                        WitScript witness = null;
                            witness = new WitScript(signaturePair.Value);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return(BadRequest($"Malformed witness is provided. Details: {ex.Message}"));
                        int maxIndex = round.UnsignedCoinJoin.Inputs.Count - 1;
                        if (maxIndex < index)
                            return(BadRequest($"Index out of range. Maximum value: {maxIndex}. Provided value: {index}"));

                        // Check duplicates.
                        if (round.SignedCoinJoin.Inputs[index].HasWitScript())
                            return(BadRequest($"Input is already signed."));

                        // Verify witness.
                        // 1. Copy UnsignedCoinJoin.
                        Transaction cjCopy = Transaction.Parse(round.UnsignedCoinJoin.ToHex(), Network);
                        // 2. Sign the copy.
                        cjCopy.Inputs[index].WitScript = witness;
                        // 3. Convert the current input to IndexedTxIn.
                        IndexedTxIn currentIndexedInput = cjCopy.Inputs.AsIndexedInputs().Skip(index).First();
                        // 4. Find the corresponding registered input.
                        Coin registeredCoin = alice.Inputs.Single(x => x.Outpoint == cjCopy.Inputs[index].PrevOut);
                        // 5. Verify if currentIndexedInput is correctly signed, if not, return the specific error.
                        if (!currentIndexedInput.VerifyScript(registeredCoin, out ScriptError error))
                            return(BadRequest($"Invalid witness is provided. ScriptError: {error}."));

                        // Finally add it to our CJ.
                        round.SignedCoinJoin.Inputs[index].WitScript = witness;

                    alice.State = AliceState.SignedCoinJoin;

                    await round.BroadcastCoinJoinIfFullySignedAsync();


                return(Conflict($"CoinJoin can only be requested from Signing phase. Current phase: {phase}."));
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostSignaturesAsync([FromQuery] string uniqueId, [FromQuery] long roundId, [FromBody] IDictionary <int, string> signatures)
            if (roundId <= 0 ||
                signatures == null ||
                !signatures.Any() ||
                signatures.Any(x => x.Key < 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value)) ||

            (CcjRound round, Alice alice) = GetRunningRoundAndAliceOrFailureResponse(roundId, uniqueId, out IActionResult returnFailureResponse);
            if (returnFailureResponse != null)

            // Check if Alice provided signature to all her inputs.
            if (signatures.Count != alice.Inputs.Count())
                return(BadRequest("Alice did not provide enough witnesses."));

            CcjRoundPhase phase = round.Phase;

            switch (phase)
            case CcjRoundPhase.Signing:
                using (await SigningLock.LockAsync())
                    foreach (var signaturePair in signatures)
                        int       index   = signaturePair.Key;
                        WitScript witness = null;
                            witness = new WitScript(signaturePair.Value);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            return(BadRequest($"Malformed witness is provided. Details: {ex.Message}"));
                        int maxIndex = round.UnsignedCoinJoin.Inputs.Count - 1;
                        if (maxIndex < index)
                            return(BadRequest($"Index out of range. Maximum value: {maxIndex}. Provided value: {index}"));

                        // Check duplicates.
                        if (round.SignedCoinJoin.Inputs[index].HasWitness())
                            return(BadRequest($"Input is already signed."));

                        // Verify witness.
                        var cjCopy = RpcClient.Network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateTransaction();
                        cjCopy.Inputs[index].WitScript = witness;
                        TxOut output = alice.Inputs.Single(x => x.OutPoint == cjCopy.Inputs[index].PrevOut).Output;
                        if (!Script.VerifyScript(output.ScriptPubKey, cjCopy, index, output.Value, ScriptVerify.Standard, SigHash.All))
                            return(BadRequest($"Invalid witness is provided."));

                        // Finally add it to our CJ.
                        round.SignedCoinJoin.Inputs[index].WitScript = witness;

                    alice.State = AliceState.SignedCoinJoin;

                    await round.BroadcastCoinJoinIfFullySignedAsync();


                return(Conflict($"CoinJoin can only be requested from Signing phase. Current phase: {phase}."));