private void ConditionControlDeleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CategoryRecordControl control = (CategoryRecordControl)sender;
            CategoryRecord        cond    = control.CategoryRecord;

            if (cond.ItemId > 0 && MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete Category record?", "Deleting confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes)
                //если информация о состоянии сохранена в БД
                //и получен положительный ответ на ее удаление
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.Provider.Logger.Log("Error while removing data", ex);

                control.Deleted -= ConditionControlDeleted;
            else if (cond.ItemId <= 0)
                control.Deleted -= ConditionControlDeleted;
Example #2
        public void SeedCategories(eCommerceContext context)
            Category uncategorized = new Category()
                SanitizedName = "uncategorized",
                DisplaySeqNo  = 0,
                ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now

            CategoryRecord uncategorizedEnRecord = new CategoryRecord()
                Category    = uncategorized,
                LanguageID  = EnglishLanguageID, //global
                Name        = "Uncategorized",
                Description = "Products that are not categorized. uncategorised, unclassified - not arranged in any specific grouping.",
                ModifiedOn  = DateTime.Now

            CategoryRecord uncategorizedArRecord = new CategoryRecord()
                Category    = uncategorized,
                LanguageID  = ArabicLanguageID, //global
                Name        = "غير مصنف",
                Description = "المنتجات غير المصنفة. غير مصنفة ، غير مصنفة - غير مرتبة في أي مجموعة محددة.",
                ModifiedOn  = DateTime.Now


Example #3
        public bool SaveCategoryRecord(CategoryRecord categoryRecord)
            var context = DataContextHelper.GetNewContext();


            return(context.SaveChanges() > 0);
Example #4
        public bool UpdateCategoryRecord(CategoryRecord categoryRecord)
            var context = DataContextHelper.GetNewContext();

            var existingRecord = context.CategoryRecords.Find(categoryRecord.ID);


            return(context.SaveChanges() > 0);
        private static CategoryRecord UnpackCategoryRecord(BinaryReader reader)
            var catRec = new CategoryRecord();

            catRec.Category = new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16));
            int count = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a category record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        private void CreateCategory(Product[] products, ref List <IRecord> recList, ref List <ulong> indexList)
            for (int x = 0; x < products.Length; x++)
                //if the list is null skip iteration
                if (products[x].categories == null)
                for (int y = 0; y < products[x].categories.Length; y++)
                    //new category record
                    CategoryRecord catRec = new CategoryRecord(indexList[x], products[x].categories[y]);

                    //add to recList
 /// <summary>
 /// Контрол редактирует данные о залитом масле для одного агрегата
 /// </summary>
 public CategoryRecordControl(CategoryRecord runup)
     : this()
     AttachedObject = runup;
        protected override void Seed(ItsmDataContext db)
            db.Urgencies.Add(new Urgency {
                Title = "High", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"
            db.Urgencies.Add(new Urgency {
                Title = "Medium", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"
            db.Urgencies.Add(new Urgency {
                Title = "Low", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"

            db.Impacts.Add(new Impact {
                Title = "Low", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"
            db.Impacts.Add(new Impact {
                Title = "Medium", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"
            db.Impacts.Add(new Impact {
                Title = "High", Description = "я тут по русски вам говорю"

            Urgency          urg      = db.Urgencies.First(u => u.Title == "Medium");
            Impact           imp      = db.Impacts.First(i => i.Title == "Low");
            IncidentPriority priority = new IncidentPriority()
                Title = "Incident", Description = "Description", Impact = imp, Urgency = urg, ResolutionTime = "60", ResponceTime = "3000"


            db.MethodOfNotifications.Add(new MethodOfNotification()
                Title = "Phone", Description = "Phone phone"
            db.MethodOfNotifications.Add(new MethodOfNotification()
                Title = "email", Description = "email email"

            db.ResolutionTypes.Add(new ResolutionType()
                Title = "close", Description = "Closed"
            db.ResolutionTypes.Add(new ResolutionType()
                Title = "registered", Description = "REGistatetd"

            db.CategoryRecords.Add(new CategoryRecord()
                Title = "network", Description = ""

            CategoryRecord categoryRecord = db.CategoryRecords.First(c => c.Title == "network");

            db.CategoryRecords.Add(new CategoryRecord()
                Title = "switch", PearentCategory = categoryRecord

            List <CategoryRecord> categoryRecords = new List <CategoryRecord>();


            List <MethodOfNotification> methodOfNotifications = new List <MethodOfNotification>();


            ClosureData closure = new ClosureData()
                ResolutionType    = db.ResolutionTypes.Find(2),
                CustomerFeedback  = "feedback",
                ClosureCategories = categoryRecords,

            Incident incident = new Incident()
                Title                = "incident 1",
                Description          = "не работае сеть в отделе снабжения. не горят лампочки на свиче.",
                MethodOfNotification = db.MethodOfNotifications.Find(1),
                MethodOfCallback     = methodOfNotifications,
                IncidentPriority     = db.IncidentPriorities.Find(1),
                Owner                = "Admininstartor",
                ServiceDescAgent     = "Operator",
                OrderDate            = DateTime.Now,
                Closure              = db.ClosureDatas.Find(1)

        protected virtual void AddNewRecords()
            ArrayList newRecordList = new ArrayList();

            System.Collections.Generic.List<Hashtable> newUIDataList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Hashtable>();
            // Loop though all the record controls and if the record control
            // does not have a unique record id set, then create a record
            // and add to the list.
            if (!this.ResetData)
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater rep = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater)(BaseClasses.Utils.MiscUtils.FindControlRecursively(this, "CategoryTableControlRepeater"));
            if (rep == null){return;}

            foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItem repItem in rep.Items)
            // Loop through all rows in the table, set its DataSource and call DataBind().
            CategoryTableControlRow recControl = (CategoryTableControlRow)(repItem.FindControl("CategoryTableControlRow"));

                    if (recControl.Visible && recControl.IsNewRecord) {
                      CategoryRecord rec = new CategoryRecord();

                        if (recControl.CatDesc.Text != "") {
                            rec.Parse(recControl.CatDesc.Text, CategoryTable.CatDesc);

                        if (recControl.CatName.Text != "") {
                            rec.Parse(recControl.CatName.Text, CategoryTable.CatName);

                        if (recControl.ParentCatID.Text != "") {
                            rec.Parse(recControl.ParentCatID.Text, CategoryTable.ParentCatID);

                        if (recControl.Status.Text != "") {
                            rec.Parse(recControl.Status.Text, CategoryTable.Status);


            // Add any new record to the list.
            for (int count = 1; count <= this.AddNewRecord; count++) {

                newRecordList.Insert(0, new CategoryRecord());
                newUIDataList.Insert(0, new Hashtable());

            this.AddNewRecord = 0;

            // Finally, add any new records to the DataSource.
            if (newRecordList.Count > 0) {

                ArrayList finalList = new ArrayList(this.DataSource);
                finalList.InsertRange(0, newRecordList);

                Type myrec = typeof(FPCEstimate.Business.CategoryRecord);
                this.DataSource = (CategoryRecord[])(finalList.ToArray(myrec));


            // Add the existing UI data to this hash table
            if (newUIDataList.Count > 0)
                this.UIData.InsertRange(0, newUIDataList);
        internal static void ReadCategories(this IDataReader reader, out List <CategoryType> categoryTypes, out List <Category> categories)
            #region load data from reader
            var records = new List <CategoryRecord>();

            while (reader.Read())
                var cat = new CategoryRecord
                    ProductId       = reader.GetValue <int>("product_id"),
                    TagId           = reader.GetValue <int>("tag_id"),
                    TagName         = reader.GetValue <string>("tag_name"),
                    TagParentId     = reader.IsDBNull("tag_parent_id") ? null : (int?)reader.GetValue <int>("tag_parent_id"),
                    TagExportTypeId = reader.IsDBNull("tag_export_type_id") ? null : (int?)reader.GetValue <int>("tag_export_type_id"),
                    IsFoodType      = reader.GetValue <bool>("IsFoodType"),
                    TagGuid         = reader.GetValue <Guid>("tag_guid"),
                    TagParentGuid   = reader.IsDBNull("tag_parent_guid") ? null : (Guid?)reader.GetValue <Guid>("tag_parent_guid"),
                    IsSelected      = reader.GetValue <bool>("IsSelected")
            #region get category types
            // category types don't have a parent
            categoryTypes = records.Where(i => !i.TagParentId.HasValue)
                            .Select(i => new CategoryType
                ProductId          = i.ProductId,
                Id                 = i.TagId,
                ExternalId         = Convert.ToString(i.TagGuid),
                Name               = i.TagName,
                CategoryExportType = i.TagExportTypeId,
                MainCategories     = new List <Category>() // will be at least one item in category

            #region build category legs for selected ones
            categories = new List <Category>();
            var stack = new Stack <CategoryRecord>();
            records.Where(i => i.IsSelected).ToList().ForEach(c => stack.Push(c));

            // for each category take all parents up to the type (the type is not included)
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var categoryRecord = stack.Peek();
                if (categoryRecord.TagParentId.HasValue)
                    var parentRecord = records.Single(i => i.TagId == categoryRecord.TagParentId.Value && !i.IsSelected && i.ProductId == categoryRecord.ProductId);
                else // met a category type
                    // build the leg of items from the top to the selected one
                    var typeRecord   = stack.Pop(); // skip the type
                    var categoryType = categoryTypes.Single(t => t.Id == typeRecord.TagId && t.ProductId == typeRecord.ProductId);

                    var currentRecord  = stack.Pop();
                    var parentCategory = currentRecord.CreateCategory();
                    categories.Add(parentCategory);                  // this item maybe the selected one, so that sub items will be created later if needed
                    categoryType.MainCategories.Add(parentCategory); // all category legs should be added to their types respectively
                    while (!currentRecord.IsSelected)                // if the current category is not selected, then need to create nested one
                        // take the next one and create category item
                        currentRecord = stack.Pop();
                        var currentCategory = currentRecord.CreateCategory();

                        // add category to its parent and go down in the hierarchy
                        parentCategory.SubCategories = new List <Category> {
                        parentCategory = currentCategory;
        public JsonResult Action(CategoryActionViewModel model)
            JsonResult json = new JsonResult();

                if (model.CategoryID > 0)
                    var category = CategoriesService.Instance.GetCategoryByID(model.CategoryID);

                    if (category == null)
                        throw new Exception("Dashboard.Categories.Action.Validation.CategoryNotFound".LocalizedString());

                    if (model.ParentCategoryID > 0)
                        category.ParentCategoryID = model.ParentCategoryID;
                        category.ParentCategoryID = null;
                        category.ParentCategory   = null;

                    category.PictureID     = model.PictureID;
                    category.isFeatured    = model.isFeatured;
                    category.SanitizedName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SanitizedName) ? model.SanitizedName : model.Name.SanitizeLowerString();

                    category.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;

                    if (!CategoriesService.Instance.UpdateCategory(category))
                        throw new Exception("Dashboard.Categories.Action.Validation.UnableToUpdateCategory".LocalizedString());

                    var currentCategoryRecord = category.CategoryRecords.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LanguageID == AppDataHelper.CurrentLanguage.ID);

                    var isNewRecord = false;

                    if (currentCategoryRecord == null)
                        currentCategoryRecord = new CategoryRecord();
                        isNewRecord           = true;

                    currentCategoryRecord.CategoryID  = category.ID;
                    currentCategoryRecord.LanguageID  = AppDataHelper.CurrentLanguage.ID;
                    currentCategoryRecord.Name        = model.Name;
                    currentCategoryRecord.Description = model.Description;
                    currentCategoryRecord.Summary     = model.Summary;

                    currentCategoryRecord.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;

                    var result = false;
                    if (isNewRecord)
                        result = CategoriesService.Instance.SaveCategoryRecord(currentCategoryRecord);
                        result = CategoriesService.Instance.UpdateCategoryRecord(currentCategoryRecord);

                    if (!result)
                        throw new Exception("Dashboard.Categories.Action.Validation.UnableToUpdateCategoryRecord".LocalizedString());
                    var category = new Category();

                    if (model.ParentCategoryID > 0)
                        category.ParentCategoryID = model.ParentCategoryID;
                        category.ParentCategoryID = null;
                        category.ParentCategory   = null;

                    category.PictureID     = model.PictureID;
                    category.isFeatured    = model.isFeatured;
                    category.SanitizedName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SanitizedName) ? model.SanitizedName : model.Name.SanitizeLowerString();

                    var currentLanguageCategoryRecord = new CategoryRecord
                        Category    = category,
                        LanguageID  = AppDataHelper.CurrentLanguage.ID,
                        Name        = model.Name,
                        Description = model.Description,
                        Summary     = model.Summary,
                        ModifiedOn  = DateTime.Now

                    var result = CategoriesService.Instance.SaveCategoryRecord(currentLanguageCategoryRecord);

                    if (!result)
                        throw new Exception("Dashboard.Categories.Action.Validation.UnableToCreateCategory".LocalizedString());

                json.Data = new { Success = true };
            catch (Exception ex)
                json.Data = new { Success = false, Message = ex.Message };
