private void button_deleteCategoryProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CategoryProduct categoryProduct = FormToCategoryProduct(); if (categoryProduct.ID == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please choice a CategoryProduct to delete"); } else { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete the categoryProduct: " + categoryProduct.CategoryProductName + " " + " ? ", "Be Careful", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign | MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { categoryProduct.Delete(); Clean_Form(); CategoryProductArrToForm(null); } } }
private void SaveProduct(HttpContext context) { string Id = context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$hId"].Trim(); string sProductName = context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtProductName"].Trim(); string sSubTitle = context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtSubTitle"].Trim(); decimal dOriginalPrice = 0; decimal dProductPrice = 0; float discount = 0; decimal.TryParse(context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtOriginalPrice"].Trim(), out dOriginalPrice); decimal.TryParse(context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtProductPrice"].Trim(), out dProductPrice); float.TryParse(context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtDiscount"].Trim(), out discount); string sDiscountDescri = context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtDiscountDescri"].Trim(); int stockNum = 0; int.TryParse(context.Request.Form["ctl00$cphMain$txtStockNum"].Trim(), out stockNum); string sProductPictureId = context.Request.Form["productPictureId"].Trim(); Guid productPictureId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(sProductPictureId, out productPictureId); string sCategoryId = context.Request.Form["categoryId"].Trim(); Guid categoryId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(sCategoryId, out categoryId); string sBrandId = context.Request.Form["brandId"].Trim(); Guid brandId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(sBrandId, out brandId); Guid customMenuId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(context.Request.Form["customMenuId"].Trim(), out customMenuId); string sOtherPicture = context.Request.Form["otherPic"].Trim(); string sSizeItem = context.Request.Form["sizeItem"].Trim(); string sSizePicture = context.Request.Form["sizePicture"].Trim(); string sPayOption = ""; string content = context.Request.Form["txtContent"].Trim(); content = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content); Guid gId = Guid.Empty; if (Id != "") { Guid.TryParse(Id, out gId); } ProductInfo model = new ProductInfo(); model.Id = gId; model.UserId = WebCommon.GetUserId(); model.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; model.ProductName = sProductName; model.SubTitle = sSubTitle; model.OriginalPrice = dOriginalPrice; model.ProductPrice = dProductPrice; model.Discount = discount; model.DiscountDescri = sDiscountDescri; model.ProductPictureId = productPictureId; model.StockNum = stockNum; model.CustomMenuId = customMenuId; Product bll = new Product(); ProductItem piBll = new ProductItem(); CategoryProduct cpBll = new CategoryProduct(); BrandProduct bpBll = new BrandProduct(); ProductItemInfo piModel = new ProductItemInfo(); piModel.OtherPicture = sOtherPicture; piModel.SizeItem = sSizeItem; piModel.SizePicture = sSizePicture; piModel.PayOption = sPayOption; piModel.CustomAttr = string.Empty; piModel.Descr = content; piModel.ProductId = gId; int effect = -1; if (!gId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { bll.Update(model); piBll.Update(piModel); CategoryProductInfo cpModel = cpBll.GetModel(gId); BrandProductInfo bpModel = bpBll.GetModel(gId); #region 所属分类 if (!categoryId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { if (cpModel == null) { cpModel = new CategoryProductInfo(); cpModel.ProductId = gId; cpModel.CategoryId = categoryId; cpBll.Insert(cpModel); } else { if (!cpModel.CategoryId.Equals(categoryId)) { cpModel.CategoryId = categoryId; cpBll.Update(cpModel); } } } else { if (cpModel != null) { cpBll.Delete(gId, cpModel.CategoryId); } } #endregion #region 所属品牌 if (!brandId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { if (bpModel == null) { bpModel = new BrandProductInfo(); bpModel.ProductId = gId; bpModel.BrandId = brandId; bpBll.Insert(bpModel); } else { if (!bpModel.BrandId.Equals(brandId)) { bpModel.BrandId = brandId; bpBll.Update(bpModel); } } } else { if (bpModel != null) { bpBll.Delete(gId, bpModel.BrandId); } } #endregion effect = 1; } else { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { Guid productId = bll.Insert(model); piModel.ProductId = productId; piBll.Insert(piModel); if (!categoryId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { CategoryProductInfo cpModel = new CategoryProductInfo(); cpModel.CategoryId = categoryId; cpModel.ProductId = productId; cpBll.Insert(cpModel); } if (!brandId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { BrandProductInfo bpModel = new BrandProductInfo(); bpModel.BrandId = brandId; bpModel.ProductId = productId; bpBll.Insert(bpModel); } effect = 1; scope.Complete(); } } if (effect != 1) { context.Response.Write("{\"success\": false,\"message\": \"操作失败,请正确输入\"}"); return; } context.Response.Write("{\"success\": true,\"message\": \"操作成功\"}"); }