Example #1
        public IActionResult Index()
            CatalogueViewModel vm = new CatalogueViewModel();

            // only build the catalogue once
            if (HttpContext.Session.GetObject <List <Brand> >(SessionVars.Brands) == null)
                    BrandModel brandModel = new BrandModel(_db);
                    // now load the Brands
                    List <Brand> Brands = brandModel.GetAll();
                    HttpContext.Session.SetObject(SessionVars.Brands, Brands);
                    vm.SetBrands(HttpContext.Session.GetObject <List <Brand> >(SessionVars.Brands));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ViewBag.Message = "Catalogue Problem - " + ex.Message;
                vm.SetBrands(HttpContext.Session.GetObject <List <Brand> >(SessionVars.Brands));


 public CatalogueView()
     BindingContext     = (ViewModel = new CatalogueViewModel());
     Favorites.Clicked += Favorite_Clicked;
     catalogueView = this;
Example #3
        public IActionResult Index(int categoryId)
            CatalogueViewModel catalogueViewModel = new CatalogueViewModel();

            catalogueViewModel.Category = _categoryRepository.GetCategoryByID(categoryId);
            catalogueViewModel.Products = _productRepository.GetProductsByCategoryId(categoryId);

            return(View("Index", catalogueViewModel));
Example #4

Example #5
        public IActionResult Index(int subcategoryId, int categoryId)
            CatalogueViewModel catalogueViewModel = new CatalogueViewModel();

            catalogueViewModel.Category = _categoryRepository.GetCategoryByID(categoryId);

            int categoryDetailId = _categoryRepository.GetSubCategoryForCategoryByID(categoryId, subcategoryId).CategoryDetailId;

            catalogueViewModel.Products = _productRepository.GetProductsByCategoryDetailId(categoryDetailId);

            return(View("Index", catalogueViewModel));
Example #6

Example #7

Example #8

Example #9
        public ActionResult SelectItem(CatalogueViewModel vm)
            Dictionary <string, object> ShoppingCart;

            if (HttpContext.Session.GetObject <Dictionary <string, Object> >(SessionVars.ShoppingCart) == null)
                ShoppingCart = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                ShoppingCart = HttpContext.Session.GetObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(SessionVars.ShoppingCart);
            ProductViewModel[] catalogue = HttpContext.Session.GetObject <ProductViewModel[]>(SessionVars.Catalogue);
            String             retMsg    = "";

            foreach (ProductViewModel item in catalogue)
                if (item.Id == vm.Id)
                    if (vm.Qty > 0) // update only selected item
                        item.Qty = vm.Qty;
                        retMsg   = vm.Qty + " - item(s) Added!";
                        ShoppingCart[item.Id] = item;
                        item.Qty = 0;
                        retMsg = "item(s) Removed!";
                    vm.BrandId = item.BrandId;
            ViewBag.AddMessage = retMsg;
            HttpContext.Session.SetObject(SessionVars.ShoppingCart, ShoppingCart);
            vm.SetBrands(HttpContext.Session.GetObject <List <Brand> >(SessionVars.Brands));
            return(View("Index", vm));
Example #10
        public IActionResult SelectBrand(CatalogueViewModel vm)
            BrandModel              brandModel   = new BrandModel(_db);
            ProductModel            productModel = new ProductModel(_db);
            List <Product>          items        = productModel.GetAllByBrand(vm.BrandId);
            List <ProductViewModel> vms          = new List <ProductViewModel>();

            if (items.Count > 0)
                foreach (Product item in items)
                    ProductViewModel mvm = new ProductViewModel();
                    mvm.Qty         = 0;
                    mvm.BrandId     = item.BrandId;
                    mvm.BrandName   = brandModel.GetName(item.BrandId);
                    mvm.ProductName = item.ProductName;

                    mvm.Description    = item.Description;
                    mvm.GraphicName    = item.GraphicName;
                    mvm.CostPrice      = item.CostPrice;
                    mvm.MSRP           = item.MSRP;
                    mvm.QtyOnHand      = item.QtyOnHand;
                    mvm.QtyOnBackOrder = item.QtyOnBackOrder;

                    mvm.Id             = item.Id;
                    mvm.HP             = item.HP;
                    mvm.ATTACK         = item.Attack;
                    mvm.DEFENCE        = item.Defence;
                    mvm.SPECIALATTACK  = item.SpecialAttack;
                    mvm.SPECIALDEFENCE = item.SpecialDefence;
                    mvm.SPEED          = item.Speed;
                ProductViewModel[] myCat = vms.ToArray();
                HttpContext.Session.SetObject(SessionVars.Catalogue, myCat);
            vm.SetBrands(HttpContext.Session.GetObject <List <Brand> >(SessionVars.Brands));
            return(View("Index", vm));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Pulls genres and developers from database for filtering
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a list of genres and developers from database
        /// </returns>
        public ActionResult Catalogue()
            var Model = new CatalogueViewModel()
                applications = db.Applications.Where(x => x.approved == true).OrderByDescending(x => x.genre).ToList(),
                genres       = new List <string>(),
                developers   = new List <string>()

            foreach (var app in Model.applications)
                if (!Model.genres.Contains(app.genre))
                if (!Model.developers.Contains(app.developer))

Example #12
        public ActionResult FilterCatalogue(string genre, string developer, int rating)
            var Model = new CatalogueViewModel();

            Model.applications = db.Applications.Where(x => x.approved == true).ToList();
            Model.genres       = new List <string>();
            Model.developers   = new List <string>();

            foreach (var app in Model.applications)
                if (!Model.genres.Contains(app.genre))
                if (!Model.developers.Contains(app.developer))

            //Filter the results by the provided filters
            if (genre != "Any")
                Model.applications = Model.applications.Where(x => x.genre == genre).ToList();
            if (developer != "Any")
                Model.applications = Model.applications.Where(x => x.developer == developer).ToList();
            if (rating != 0)
                Model.applications = Model.applications.Where(x => x.rating >= rating).ToList();

            return(View("~/Views/Home/Catalogue.cshtml", Model));
Example #13
        private CatalogueViewModel GetCatalogueViewModel(ref IEnumerable <PPProduit> listeProduits,
                                                         string Vendeur, string Categorie, string Page, string Size,
                                                         string Filtre, Tri tri)
            int noPage         = int.TryParse(Page, out noPage) ? noPage : 1;
            int nbItemsParPage = int.TryParse(Size, out nbItemsParPage) ? nbItemsParPage : DEFAULTITEMPARPAGE;

            //chercher la categorie
            PPCategory categorie;
            int        NoCategorie;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Categorie) || !int.TryParse(Categorie, out NoCategorie))
                categorie = null;
                var requeteCategorie = from uneCategorie in context.PPCategories
                                       where uneCategorie.NoCategorie == NoCategorie
                                       select uneCategorie;
                categorie = requeteCategorie.FirstOrDefault();

            //chercher le vendeur
            PPVendeur vendeur;
            int       NoVendeur;

            if (Vendeur == "-1" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Vendeur) || !int.TryParse(Vendeur, out NoVendeur))
                vendeur = new PPVendeur
                    NoVendeur = -1

                //creer la liste de produits
                listeProduits = (from p in context.PPProduits.Where(p => p.Disponibilité == true) select p)
                                .Where(p => categorie == null || p.PPCategory == categorie);
                var requete = from unVendeur in context.PPVendeurs
                              where unVendeur.NoVendeur == NoVendeur
                              select unVendeur;
                vendeur = requete.FirstOrDefault();
                //creer la liste de produits
                listeProduits = vendeur.PPProduits.Where(p => p.Disponibilité == true)
                                .Where(p => (categorie == null || p.PPCategory == categorie) && p.Disponibilité == true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filtre))
                listeProduits = listeProduits.Where(p => p.Nom.ToLower().Contains(Filtre.ToLower()));

            switch (tri)
            case Tri.Nom:
                listeProduits = listeProduits.OrderBy(p => p.Nom);

            case Tri.Categorie:
                listeProduits = listeProduits.OrderBy(p => p.PPCategory.Description);

            case Tri.Date:
                listeProduits = listeProduits.OrderBy(p => p.DateCreation);

            case Tri.Numero:
                listeProduits = listeProduits.OrderBy(p => p.NoProduit);

                listeProduits = listeProduits.OrderBy(p => p.Nom);

            //creer le view model
            var viewModel = new CatalogueViewModel
                Vendeur  = vendeur,
                Vendeurs = (from unVendeur in context.PPVendeurs
                            select unVendeur).ToList(),
                Categories = (from uneCategorie in context.PPCategories
                              select uneCategorie).ToList(),
                Categorie = categorie,
                Produits  = listeProduits.Skip(noPage * (nbItemsParPage == -1 ? listeProduits.Count() : nbItemsParPage) -
                                               (nbItemsParPage == -1 ? listeProduits.Count() : nbItemsParPage))
                            .Take(nbItemsParPage == -1 ? listeProduits.Count() : nbItemsParPage).ToList()

Example #14
        public ActionResult BoilerList(
            CatalogueViewModel model,
            string firm,
            string category,
            string linkName,
            int page      = 1,
            bool isAjax   = false,
            string filter = "default")
            ViewBag.Category = category;
            ViewBag.Firm     = firm;
            ViewBag.IsAjax   = isAjax;
            ViewBag.Filter   = filter;
            ViewBag.LinkName = linkName;

            var products = productRepo.Products.ToList();

            model.Categories = products.Select(n => n.Category).ToList().Distinct();
            if (category != null)
                model.Firms = products
                              .Where(f => f.Category == category)
                              .Select(n => n.Firm).ToList().Distinct();
                model.Firms = products.Select(n => n.Firm).ToList().Distinct();

            // тут получаем характеристики текущей категории
            var categories = categoryRepo.Categories.ToList();

            model.CategoryFeatures = new List <string>();
            if (categories.Any() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
                var categoryId = categories
                                 .Where(c => c.Name == category)
                                 .Select(c => c.Id)

                var catFeatureIds = categoryFeatureRepo.CategoryFeatures
                                    .Where(cf => cf.CategoryId == categoryId)
                                    .Select(cf => cf.FeatureId)
                model.CategoryFeatures = catFeatureIds.Join(productFeatureRepo.ProductFeatures,
                                                            p => p,
                                                            t => t.Id,
                                                            (p, t) => t.Name).ToList();

            // feature ranges
            // получить минимальные и максимальные цены
            model.FeatureRanges = new List <FeatureRange>();
                new FeatureRange
                FeatureName = "Цена",
                From        = products.Min(p => p.Price),
                To          = products.Max(p => p.Price)

            // filter by category and firm
            products = FilterProductList(products, category, firm);
            var prodFeatures            = productFeatureRepo.ProductFeatures.ToList();
            var productWithFeaturesList = new List <ProductWithFeatures>();

            if (products.Any())
                foreach (var item in products)
                    var prodWithFeatures = new ProductWithFeatures
                        Product         = item,
                        ProductFeatures = prodFeatures.Where(f => f.ProductId == item.ProductID).ToList()

                productWithFeaturesList = OrderProductWithFeaturesList(productWithFeaturesList, linkName, filter);

                model.ProductList = new ProductListViewModel
                    ProductWithFeaturesList = productWithFeaturesList
                                              .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
                    PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
                        CurrentPage  = page,
                        ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
                        TotalItems   = productWithFeaturesList.Count()
                return(PartialView("BoilerList", model));
                return(PartialView("ErrorPage", "Список товаров не найден"));
Example #15
        private void InitializeData()
            var sizeId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sizeName = "Medium";
            var sizeCode = "M";

            var size = new Size
                Id   = sizeId,
                Name = sizeName,
                Code = sizeCode

            var sizeVm = new SizeViewModel
                Id   = sizeId,
                Name = sizeName,
                Code = sizeCode

            var productVarId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productVarName  = "Orange";
            var productVarColor = "Orange";
            var productVariant  = new ProductVariant
                Id     = productVarId,
                Name   = productVarName,
                Color  = productVarColor,
                Size   = size,
                SizeId = size.Id

            var productVariantVm = new ProductVariantViewModel
                Id    = productVarId,
                Name  = productVarName,
                Color = productVarColor,
                Size  = sizeVm

            var productId      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName       = "Blue Jeans";
            var prodDimensions = "23x56x21";
            var product        = new Product
                Id         = productId,
                Name       = prodName,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions,
                Variant    = productVariant,
                VariantId  = productVariant.Id

            var productViewModel = new ProductViewModel
                Id         = productId,
                Name       = prodName,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions,
                Variant    = productVariantVm

            var prodVarId1      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodVarName1    = "Yellow";
            var prodVarColor1   = "Yellow";
            var productVariant1 = new ProductVariant
                Id    = prodVarId1,
                Name  = prodVarName1,
                Color = prodVarColor1

            var productVariantVm1 = new ProductVariantViewModel
                Id    = prodVarId1,
                Name  = prodVarName1,
                Color = prodVarColor1

            var prodId1         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName1       = "Blue Jeans";
            var prodDimensions1 = "53x51x99";
            var product1        = new Product
                Id         = prodId1,
                Name       = prodName1,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions1,
                Variant    = productVariant1,
                VariantId  = productVariant1.Id

            var productVm1 = new ProductViewModel
                Id         = prodId1,
                Name       = prodName1,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions1,
                Variant    = productVariantVm1

            var prodId2         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName2       = "Precious";
            var prodDimensions2 = "13x36x61";
            var product2        = new Product
                Id         = prodId2,
                Name       = prodName2,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions2

            var prodVm2 = new ProductViewModel
                Id         = prodId2,
                Name       = prodName2,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions2

            Context.Set <Size>().Add(size);
            Context.Set <ProductVariant>().Add(productVariant);
            Context.Set <Product>().Add(product);

            Context.Set <ProductVariant>().Add(productVariant1);
            Context.Set <Product>().Add(product1);

            Context.Set <Product>().Add(product2);

            var catId    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName  = "Halloween";
            var category = new Category
                Id       = catId,
                Name     = catName,
                Products = new List <Product>
                    product, product2, product1

            var cat = new CategoryViewModel
                Id       = catId,
                Name     = catName,
                Products = new List <ProductViewModel>
                    productViewModel, productVm1, prodVm2

            var catId1    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName1  = "Test Drive";
            var category1 = new Category
                Id       = catId1,
                Name     = catName1,
                Products = new List <Product>
                    product2, product1

            var cat1 = new CategoryViewModel
                Id       = catId1,
                Name     = catName1,
                Products = new List <ProductViewModel>
                    prodVm2, productVm1

            var catId2    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName2  = "Empty products";
            var category2 = new Category
                Id   = catId2,
                Name = catName2

            var cat2 = new CategoryViewModel
                Id   = catId2,
                Name = catName2

            Context.Set <Category>().Add(category);
            Context.Set <Category>().Add(category1);
            Context.Set <Category>().Add(category2);

            var catalId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalName = "Catalogue # 1";
            var catalogue = new Catalogue
                Id   = catalId,
                Name = catalName

            catalogue.Categories.AddRange(new[] { category, category1 });

            var catalVm = new CatalogueViewModel
                Id         = catalId,
                Name       = catalName,
                Categories = new[]
                    cat, cat1

            var catalId1   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalName1 = "Catalogue # 2";
            var catalogue1 = new Catalogue
                Id   = catalId1,
                Name = catalName1

            catalogue1.Categories.AddRange(new[] { category, category1, category2 });

            var catalVm1 = new CatalogueViewModel
                Id         = catalId1,
                Name       = catalName1,
                Categories = new []
                    cat, cat1, cat2

            Context.Set <Catalogue>().Add(catalogue);
            Context.Set <Catalogue>().Add(catalogue1);

            var catalGrId      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalGrName    = "CatalogueGroup #1";
            var catalogueGroup = new CatalogueGroup
                Id   = catalGrId,
                Name = catalGrName


            var catalGrVm = new CatalogueGroupViewModel
                Id         = catalGrId,
                Name       = catalGrName,
                Catalogues = new List <CatalogueViewModel>

            var catalGrId1      = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalGrId2      = "CatalogueGroup #2";
            var catalogueGroup1 = new CatalogueGroup
                Id   = catalGrId1,
                Name = catalGrId2

            catalogueGroup1.Catalogues.AddRange(new[] { catalogue, catalogue1 });

            var catalGrVm1 = new CatalogueGroupViewModel
                Id         = catalGrId1,
                Name       = catalGrId2,
                Catalogues = new List <CatalogueViewModel>
                    catalVm, catalVm1

            _planResult = new List <CatalogueGroupViewModel>
                catalGrVm, catalGrVm1

            Context.Set <CatalogueGroup>().Add(catalogueGroup);
            Context.Set <CatalogueGroup>().Add(catalogueGroup1);

Example #16

        private void InitializeData()
            var sizeId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var sizeName = "Medium";
            var sizeCode = "M";

            var size = new Size
                Id = sizeId,
                Name = sizeName,
                Code = sizeCode

            var sizeVm = new SizeViewModel
                Id = sizeId,
                Name = sizeName,
                Code = sizeCode

            var productVarId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productVarName = "Orange";
            var productVarColor = "Orange";
            var productVariant = new ProductVariant
                Id = productVarId,
                Name = productVarName,
                Color = productVarColor,
                Size = size,
                SizeId = size.Id

            var productVariantVm = new ProductVariantViewModel
                Id = productVarId,
                Name = productVarName,
                Color = productVarColor,
                Size = sizeVm

            var productId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName = "Blue Jeans";
            var prodDimensions = "23x56x21";
            var product = new Product
                Id = productId,
                Name = prodName,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions,
                Variant = productVariant,
                VariantId = productVariant.Id

            var productViewModel = new ProductViewModel
                Id = productId,
                Name = prodName,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions,
                Variant = productVariantVm

            var prodVarId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodVarName1 = "Yellow";
            var prodVarColor1 = "Yellow";
            var productVariant1 = new ProductVariant
                Id = prodVarId1,
                Name = prodVarName1,
                Color = prodVarColor1

            var productVariantVm1 = new ProductVariantViewModel
                Id = prodVarId1,
                Name = prodVarName1,
                Color = prodVarColor1

            var prodId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName1 = "Blue Jeans";
            var prodDimensions1 = "53x51x99";
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = prodId1,
                Name = prodName1,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions1,
                Variant = productVariant1,
                VariantId = productVariant1.Id

            var productVm1 = new ProductViewModel
                Id = prodId1,
                Name = prodName1,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions1,
                Variant = productVariantVm1

            var prodId2 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var prodName2 = "Precious";
            var prodDimensions2 = "13x36x61";
            var product2 = new Product
                Id = prodId2,
                Name = prodName2,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions2

            var prodVm2 = new ProductViewModel
                Id = prodId2,
                Name = prodName2,
                Dimensions = prodDimensions2




            var catId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName = "Halloween";
            var category = new Category
                Id = catId,
                Name = catName,
                Products = new List<Product>
                  product, product2, product1

            var cat = new CategoryViewModel
                Id = catId,
                Name = catName,
                Products = new List<ProductViewModel>
                    productViewModel, productVm1, prodVm2

            var catId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName1 = "Test Drive";
            var category1 = new Category
                Id = catId1,
                Name = catName1,
                Products = new List<Product>
                  product2, product1

            var cat1 = new CategoryViewModel
                Id = catId1,
                Name = catName1,
                Products = new List<ProductViewModel>
                    prodVm2, productVm1

            var catId2 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catName2 = "Empty products";
            var category2 = new Category
                Id = catId2,
                Name = catName2

            var cat2 = new CategoryViewModel
                Id = catId2,
                Name = catName2


            var catalId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalName = "Catalogue # 1";
            var catalogue = new Catalogue
                Id = catalId,
                Name = catalName
            catalogue.Categories.AddRange(new[] { category, category1 });

            var catalVm = new CatalogueViewModel
                Id = catalId,
                Name = catalName,
                Categories = new[]
                    cat, cat1

            var catalId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalName1 = "Catalogue # 2";
            var catalogue1 = new Catalogue
                Id = catalId1,
                Name = catalName1
            catalogue1.Categories.AddRange(new[] { category, category1, category2 });

            var catalVm1 = new CatalogueViewModel
                Id = catalId1,
                Name = catalName1,
                Categories = new []
                    cat, cat1, cat2


            var catalGrId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalGrName = "CatalogueGroup #1";
            var catalogueGroup = new CatalogueGroup
                Id = catalGrId,
                Name = catalGrName

            var catalGrVm = new CatalogueGroupViewModel
                Id = catalGrId,
                Name = catalGrName,
                Catalogues = new List<CatalogueViewModel>

            var catalGrId1 = Guid.NewGuid();
            var catalGrId2 = "CatalogueGroup #2";
            var catalogueGroup1 = new CatalogueGroup
                Id = catalGrId1,
                Name = catalGrId2
            catalogueGroup1.Catalogues.AddRange(new[] { catalogue, catalogue1 });

            var catalGrVm1 = new CatalogueGroupViewModel
                Id = catalGrId1,
                Name = catalGrId2,
                Catalogues = new List<CatalogueViewModel>
                    catalVm, catalVm1

            _planResult = new List<CatalogueGroupViewModel>
                catalGrVm, catalGrVm1

