public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { Guid ebookId; int position; if (context.Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("ebook") && Guid.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["ebook"], out ebookId) && context.Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("position") && int.TryParse(context.Request.QueryString["position"], out position)) { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var ebookPart = catalogRepository.GetEbookPart(ebookId, position); if (ebookPart != null) { context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.ContentType = ebookPart.ContentType; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + ebookPart.FileName); context.Response.BinaryWrite(ebookPart.PartContent); context.Response.End(); return; } } } context.Response.StatusCode = 404; context.Response.StatusDescription = "Not Found"; context.Response.End(); }
public static async Task <List <Catalog> > GetAll() { using (DbHelper db = new DbHelper()) { return(await CatalogRepository.GetAll(db)); } }
private void GivenTheCatalogHasBeenCreated(Catalog catalog) { GivenIdentitySeedsAreReset(); var repository = new CatalogRepository(); repository.Create(catalog); }
public void Cannot_Update_Catalog_With_Duplicated_Name() { // Arrange var catalog = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing note" }; CatalogRepository.Add(catalog); var catalog2 = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog2", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = false, Description = "testing note2" }; CatalogRepository.Add(catalog2); catalog.Name = catalog2.Name; // Act var result = CatalogRepository.Update(catalog); // Assert Assert.Null(result); Assert.False(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); Assert.Single(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.MessageList); }
public void CanNot_Add_Already_Existed_NoteCatalog_To_DataSource() { // Arrange CatalogRepository.Add(new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing note", }); var cat = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = false, Description = "testing note", }; // Act var savedRec = CatalogRepository.Add(cat); // Assert Assert.Null(savedRec); Assert.True(cat.Id <= 0, "cat.Id <=0"); Assert.False(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); Assert.Single(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.MessageList); }
public void Can_Update_Catalog() { // Arrange - update name var catalog = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing note" }; CatalogRepository.Add(catalog); catalog.Name = "GasLog2"; // Act var result = CatalogRepository.Update(catalog); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("GasLog2", result.Name); // Arrange - update description catalog.Description = "new testing note"; // Act result = CatalogRepository.Update(catalog); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal("new testing note", result.Description); }
public void Cannot_Delete_Catalog_With_Note_Associated() { // Arrange var catalog = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing note" }; var savedCatalog = CatalogRepository.Add(catalog); var note = new HmmNote { Subject = "Testing subject", Content = "Testing content", CreateDate = DateTime.Now, LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Author = _author, Catalog = savedCatalog }; NoteRepository.Add(note); // Act var result = CatalogRepository.Delete(catalog); // Assert Assert.False(result, "Error: deleted catalog with note attached to it"); Assert.False(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); Assert.Single(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.MessageList); }
public void Cannot_Delete_NonExists_Catalog_From_DataSource() { // Arrange var catalog = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing note" }; CatalogRepository.Add(catalog); var catalog2 = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog2", Render = _render, Schema = "TestSchema", IsDefault = false, Description = "testing note" }; // Act var result = CatalogRepository.Delete(catalog2); // Assert Assert.False(result); Assert.False(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); Assert.Single(CatalogRepository.ProcessMessage.MessageList); }
public void TablatureIdByReferenceTestMethod() { ICatalogRepository _repository; Dictionary <Guid, string> fileRefs; try { _repository = new CatalogRepository(_fileDirectory); Assert.IsNotNull(_repository); fileRefs = new Dictionary <Guid, string>(); fileRefs.Add(new Guid("4BBD4A60-5EDF-40B2-BF91-7687E3A94755"), "francis-cabrel-je-l-aime-a-mourir-guitar-tab"); fileRefs.Add(new Guid("6d492da3-d317-403f-bb80-ae717370ec88"), "guitar/oasis/dont-look-back-in-anger"); foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, string> fileRef in fileRefs) { Guid?g = _repository.GetTablatureId(fileRef.Value); Assert.IsNotNull(g); Assert.AreEqual <Guid>(fileRef.Key, g.Value); g = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { fileRefs = null; _repository = null; } }
public void Cannot_Delete_NoteRender_With_CatalogAssociated() { // Arrange var render = new NoteRender { Name = "DefaultRender", Namespace = "NameSpace", IsDefault = true, Description = "Description" }; var savedRender = RenderRepository.Add(render); var catalog = new NoteCatalog { Name = "GasLog", Render = savedRender, Schema = "Scheme", IsDefault = true, Description = "testing Catalog" }; CatalogRepository.Add(catalog); // Act var result = RenderRepository.Delete(render); // Assert Assert.False(result, "Error: deleted render with catalog attached to it"); Assert.False(RenderRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); Assert.Single(RenderRepository.ProcessMessage.MessageList); }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditEBook(Guid ebookId) { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var ebook = await catalogRepository.GetEbookAsync(ebookId); if (ebook == null) { throw new HttpException(404, "not found"); } var model = new EditEbookModel(); model.Id = ebook.Id; model.Summary = ebook.Summary; model.Base64Thumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(ebook.Thumbnail); model.Title = ebook.Title; model.PartsCount = ebook.Parts.Count; foreach (var part in ebook.Parts) { model.ExistingParts.Add(EbookPartViewModel.FromEbookPart(part)); } return(View(model)); } }
public void CatalogHierarchyFileTestMethod() { ICatalogRepository _repository; CatalogHierarchyCollectionLevel hierarchyList; try { _repository = new CatalogRepository(_fileDirectory); Assert.IsNotNull(_repository); hierarchyList = _repository.ListHierarchyLevels(); Assert.IsNotNull(hierarchyList); Assert.IsNotNull(hierarchyList.HierarchyLevels); Assert.AreNotEqual <int>(0, hierarchyList.HierarchyLevels.Count()); foreach (CatalogHierarchyLevel hier in hierarchyList.HierarchyLevels) { Assert.AreNotEqual <Guid>(Guid.Empty, hier.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(hier.Name); Assert.AreNotEqual <string>(string.Empty, hier.Name); } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { _repository = null; hierarchyList = null; } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Add(AddEbookModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var ebook = new Ebook(); ebook.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); ebook.Summary = model.Summary; ebook.Title = model.Title; ebook.Thumbnail = new byte[model.Thumbnail.ContentLength]; model.Thumbnail.InputStream.Read(ebook.Thumbnail, 0, ebook.Thumbnail.Length); try { await catalogRepository.AddEbookAsync(ebook); return(RedirectToRoute("editEbook", new { ebookId = ebook.Id })); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError("InsertError", e); return(View(model)); } } }
protected override void OnViewLoaded(object view) { base.OnViewLoaded(view); if (CatalogId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("CatalogId is not set in CatalogPageViewModel."); } var catalog = CatalogRepository.Get(CatalogId); if (catalog == null) { return; } CatalogReader = CatalogReaderFactory.Create(catalog); if (StartSearch && SavedInTombstone) { LoadState(ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchQuery)) { Search(); } } }
public void CatalogReferencesFileTestMethod() { ICatalogRepository _repository; CatalogHierarchyTabReferenceCollection refs; try { _repository = new CatalogRepository(_fileDirectory); Assert.IsNotNull(_repository); refs = _repository.ListReferences(); Assert.IsNotNull(refs); Assert.IsNotNull(refs.Refs); Assert.AreNotEqual <int>(0, refs.Refs.Count()); foreach (CatalogHierarchyTabReference _ref in refs.Refs) { Assert.AreNotEqual <Guid>(Guid.Empty, _ref.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(_ref.Name); Assert.AreNotEqual <string>(string.Empty, _ref.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(_ref.UrlPath); Assert.AreNotEqual <string>(string.Empty, _ref.UrlPath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } finally { refs = null; _repository = null; } }
public void Can_Update_Note_Catalog() { // Arrange var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><root><time>2017-08-01</time></root>"); var note = new HmmNote { Author = _author, Catalog = _catalog, Description = "testing note", CreateDate = DateTime.Now, LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, Subject = "testing note is here", Content = xmlDoc.InnerXml }; NoteRepository.Add(note); Assert.True(NoteRepository.ProcessMessage.Success); // changed the note catalog note.Catalog = CatalogRepository.GetEntities().FirstOrDefault(cat => !cat.IsDefault); // Act var savedRec = NoteRepository.Update(note); // Assert Assert.NotNull(savedRec); Assert.NotNull(savedRec.Catalog); Assert.NotNull(note.Catalog); Assert.Equal("Gas Log", savedRec.Catalog.Name); Assert.Equal("Gas Log", note.Catalog.Name); }
protected override void OnViewLoaded(object view) { base.OnViewLoaded(view); if (CatalogId <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("CatalogId is not set in CatalogPageViewModel."); } _catalog = CatalogRepository.Get(CatalogId); if (_catalog == null) { return; } _catalogAuthorizationService = _catalogAuthorizationFactory.GetAuthorizationService(_catalog); NotifyOfPropertyChange("IsAuthorized"); CatalogReader = CatalogReaderFactory.Create(_catalog); if (SavedInTombstone) { LoadState(ToString()); } LoadItems(); }
protected List <Catalog> ThenThereShouldBeResults(int expectedCount) { var repository = new CatalogRepository(); var entities = repository.GetAll(); Assert.Equal(expectedCount, entities.Count); return(entities); }
public UnitOfWork(SecurityDbContext context) { _context = context; UserRepository = new UserRepository(_context); UserGroupRepository = new UserGroupRepository(_context); CatalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(_context); ResourceRepository = new ResourceRepository(_context); TagRepository = new TagRepository(_context); }
private void SetupTestEnv() { InsertSeedRecords(); _validator = new NoteValidator(NoteRepository); _author = AuthorRepository.GetEntities().FirstOrDefault(); _catalog = CatalogRepository.GetEntities().FirstOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(_author); Assert.NotNull(_catalog); }
protected void WhenCatalogsAreCreated(params Catalog[] entities) { var repository = new CatalogRepository(); foreach (var entity in entities) { repository.Create(entity); } }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext context) { CatalogRepository catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(new MyRoomDbContext()); bool hasChildrens = catalogRepository.HasCatalogChildrens((int)context.ActionArguments["key"]); if (!hasChildrens) throw new HttpResponseException(context.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Please, delete the modules childrens")); }
public void GetNotExistingProduct() { var repository = new CatalogRepository(); //Assert var product = repository.GetByName("testtest"); Assert.IsNotNull(product); }
public void can_display_item() { var session = CustomerSessionService.CustomerSession; //Generate data const string catalogId = "testcatlog"; Item[] items = null; CreateFullGraphCatalog(catalogId, ref items); SqlStoreSampleDatabaseInitializer.CreateFulfillmentCenter((EFStoreRepository)StoreRepository); SqlStoreSampleDatabaseInitializer.CreateStores((EFStoreRepository)StoreRepository); //Modify data var item = items.First(); item.IsBuyable = true; item.MaxQuantity = 10; item.MinQuantity = 1; CatalogRepository.Update(item); CatalogRepository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); var priceListAssigment = GeneratePrices(items, catalogId); var price = priceListAssigment.Pricelist.Prices.First(x => x.ItemId == item.ItemId); //Add price discount 50% const int discountPercent = 50; var promotion = AddCatalogPromotion(catalogId, string.Format(Resources.PromotionExpression_Item0, item.ItemId)); AddCatalogReward(promotion, discountPercent, RewardAmountType.Relative); //var catalog = CatalogRepository.Catalogs.First(x => x.CatalogId == item.CatalogId); var category = CatalogRepository.CategoryItemRelations.First(x => x.ItemId == item.ItemId); var priceListHelper = Locator.GetInstance <PriceListClient>(); session.Pricelists = priceListHelper.GetPriceListStack(catalogId, session.Currency, session.GetCustomerTagSet(), false); Assert.Equal(priceListAssigment.Pricelist.PricelistId, session.Pricelists[0]); session.CatalogId = catalogId; session.CategoryId = category.CategoryId; var controller = (CatalogController)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(CatalogController)); var result = controller.DisplayItem(item.Code) as ViewResult; var model = result.Model as CatalogItemWithPriceModel; Assert.Equal(result.ViewName, "Item"); //Default view Assert.NotNull(model); Assert.NotNull(model.Price); // price returned Assert.Equal(model.Price.Currency, session.Currency); // curecncy matches Assert.Equal(model.Price.SalePrice, price.Sale.Value * discountPercent * 0.01m); Assert.True(model.CatalogItem.ItemId.Equals(item.ItemId), "Requested and returned itemId do not match"); Assert.True(model.Availability.IsAvailable, "Item is not available"); //item is available }
public async Task <ActionResult> ConfirmDelete(Guid ebookId) { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); await catalogRepository.DeleteEbookAsync(ebookId); TempData["Success"] = "L'eBook a été supprimé"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public void AddProductWithoutQuantity() { var testObject = new Product() { Name = "nametestproduct", Description = "this is a test" }; var repository = new CatalogRepository(); repository.Create(testObject); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetEbooks() { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var userName = "******"; var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var userEbooks = await catalogRepository.LoadUserCatalog(userName); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, userEbooks)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditEBook(EditEbookModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var ebook = await catalogRepository.GetEbookAsync(model.Id); if (ebook == null) { throw new HttpException(404, "not found"); } ebook.Title = model.Title; ebook.Summary = model.Summary; if (model.Thumbnail != null) { ebook.Thumbnail = new byte[model.Thumbnail.ContentLength]; model.Thumbnail.InputStream.Read(ebook.Thumbnail, 0, ebook.Thumbnail.Length); } if (model.Parts != null) { foreach (var part in model.Parts) { if (part == null) { continue; } var ebookPart = new EbookPart(); ebookPart.EbookId = ebook.Id; ebookPart.PartContent = new byte[part.ContentLength]; part.InputStream.Read(ebookPart.PartContent, 0, ebookPart.PartContent.Length); ebookPart.Position = ebook.Parts.Count; ebookPart.ContentType = part.ContentType; ebookPart.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(part.FileName); ebook.Parts.Add(ebookPart); } } await catalogRepository.UpdateBookAsync(ebook); TempData["Success"] = "L'eBook a été sauvegardé"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetMyEbooks() { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var userName = User.Identity.Name; var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var ebooks = await catalogRepository.LoadUserCatalogWithPartCount(userName); return(Request.CreateResponse(ebooks.Select(e => new { Id = e.Item1.Id, Summary = e.Item1.Summary, Title = e.Item1.Title, Thumbnail = e.Item1.Thumbnail, PartCount = e.Item2 }))); } }
// GET api/<controller> public CatalogListModel <PackageInfo> Get(int page, int rows) { int totalRecords; var model = new CatalogListModel <PackageInfo> { Page = page, Records = rows, Rows = CatalogRepository.Search <PackageInfo>(string.Empty, page, rows, out totalRecords), Total = (totalRecords / rows) + 1, }; return(model); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetEbookPart(Guid ebookId, int index) { using (var db = new EbookManagerDbContext()) { var catalogRepository = new CatalogRepository(db); var part = catalogRepository.GetEbookPart(ebookId, index); var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); response.Content = new ByteArrayContent(part.PartContent); response.Content.Headers.ContentLength = part.PartContent.Length; response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue(part.ContentType); return(response); } }