public void NUnit_Contract_Domain_Edit() { Cat_OrgStructureServices service = new Cat_OrgStructureServices(); var model = new Cat_OrgStructure { Id = 5, OrgStructureName = "Update Phòng Ban ", Code = "Update Mã ", IsRoot = true, Description = "Update Mô Tả ", TypeID = 1, ParentID = 1, OrderNumber = 321 }; bool result = service.UpdateCatOrgStructure(model); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(result); if (result == true) { Console.WriteLine("Process Success >>> Update >>> " + model.Id + " | " + model.OrgStructureName + " | " + model.Code + " | " + model.IsRoot + " | " + model.Description + " | " + model.TypeID + " | " + model.ParentID + " | " + model.OrderNumber ); } }
public static Cat_OrgStructure GetNearestParent(Guid?orgId , OrgUnit unit , List <Cat_OrgStructure> lstAllStructure, List <Cat_OrgStructureType> lstAllOrgType) { Cat_OrgStructure structure = lstAllStructure.Where(m => m.ID == orgId).FirstOrDefault(); Cat_OrgStructureType orgType = lstAllOrgType.Where(m => m.OrgStructureTypeCode == unit.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (structure == null) { return(null); } if (structure.OrgStructureTypeID == null) { return(null); } if (orgType == null) { return(null); } if (structure.OrgStructureTypeID.Value == orgType.ID || structure.ParentID == null) { return(structure); } return(GetNearestParent(structure.ParentID, unit, lstAllStructure, lstAllOrgType)); }
public void NUnit_Contract_Domain_Add() { Cat_OrgStructureServices service = new Cat_OrgStructureServices(); bool result = true; int countSC = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { var model = new Cat_OrgStructure { OrgStructureName = "Phong Ban " + i, Code = "Add Mã " + i, IsRoot = true, Description = "Mô Tả " + i, TypeID = 1, ParentID = 1, OrderNumber = i }; result = service.AddCatOrgStructure(model); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(result); if (result == true) { countSC += 1; Console.WriteLine("Process Success >>> Create >>> " + model.Id + " | " + model.OrgStructureName + " | " + model.Code + " | " + model.IsRoot + " | " + model.Description + " | " + model.TypeID + " | " + model.ParentID + " | " + model.OrderNumber ); } } Console.WriteLine("Total success record: " + countSC); }
/// <summary> /// Tính toán thời gian làm việc thực tế của nhân viên. /// </summary> /// <param name="profile"></param> /// <param name="listWorkDay"></param> /// <param name="listAllShiftItem"></param> /// <param name="listRosterByProfile"></param> /// <param name="listPregnancy"></param> /// <param name="gradeByProfile"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <WorkDay> ComputeWorkDays(Hre_Profile profile, List <Att_Workday> listInOut, List <Cat_ShiftItem> listAllShiftItem, List <Att_Roster> listRosterByProfile, List <Att_Pregnancy> listPregnancy, Cat_GradeAttendance gradeCfgByProfile, string userLogin) { List <WorkDay> result = new List <WorkDay>(); if (profile != null && listInOut != null && listInOut.Count() > 0) { listInOut = listInOut.OrderBy(inout => inout.WorkDate).ThenBy(inout => inout.InTime1).ToList(); List <DateTime> listWorkDate = listInOut.Select(d => d.WorkDate.Date).Distinct().OrderBy(d => d).ToList(); if (listWorkDate != null && listWorkDate.Count() > 0) { Dictionary <DateTime, Cat_OrgStructure> listOrgStructure = Att_AttendanceLib.GetDailyLines(profile, listRosterByProfile, listWorkDate.FirstOrDefault(), listWorkDate.LastOrDefault()); foreach (DateTime workDate in listWorkDate) { Cat_OrgStructure orgLine = null; if (listOrgStructure.ContainsKey(workDate)) { //luôn luôn tồn tại 1 line orgLine = listOrgStructure[workDate]; } List <Att_Workday> listInOutByWorkDate = listInOut.Where(io => io.WorkDate.Date == workDate).ToList(); if (listInOutByWorkDate != null && listInOutByWorkDate.Count() > 0) { Att_Pregnancy pregnancyByWorkDay = listPregnancy.Where(d => d.DateStart != null && d.DateEnd != null && d.DateStart.Value <= workDate && d.DateEnd >= workDate).FirstOrDefault(); List <IGrouping <Cat_Shift, Att_Workday> > listInOutGroup = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.Cat_Shift != null).GroupBy(d => d.Cat_Shift).ToList(); foreach (IGrouping <Cat_Shift, Att_Workday> inOutGroup in listInOutGroup) { List <Cat_ShiftItem> listShiftItem = listAllShiftItem.Where(it => it.ShiftID == inOutGroup.Key.ID).ToList(); WorkDay workDayItem = CreateWorkDay(profile, inOutGroup.ToList(), orgLine, inOutGroup.Key, listShiftItem, pregnancyByWorkDay, gradeCfgByProfile, userLogin); if (workDayItem != null) { result.Add(workDayItem); } } } } } } return(result); }
public void NUnit_Contract_Domain_GetById() { Cat_OrgStructureServices service = new Cat_OrgStructureServices(); var model = new Cat_OrgStructure { Id = 3 }; var result = service.GetByIdCatOrgStructure(model.Id) as Cat_OrgStructure; NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull(result); Console.Write("SearchResult: " + result.Id + " | " + result.OrgStructureName + " | " + result.Code + " | " + result.IsRoot + " | " + result.Description + " | " + result.TypeID + " | " + result.ParentID + " | " + result.OrderNumber ); }
public void NUnit_Contract_Domain_Remove() { Cat_OrgStructureServices service = new Cat_OrgStructureServices(); int rs = 0; var model = new Cat_OrgStructure { Id = 3 }; bool result = service.DeleteCatOrgStructure(model.Id); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(result); if (result == true) { rs += 1; Console.WriteLine("Process Success >>> Remove >>> " + model.Id); } }
private static WorkDay CreateWorkDay(Hre_Profile profile, List <Att_Workday> listInOutByWorkDate, Cat_OrgStructure orgLine, Cat_Shift shift, List <Cat_ShiftItem> listShiftItem, Att_Pregnancy pregnancyByWorkDay, Cat_GradeAttendance graCfgPro, string userLogin) { WorkDay result = null; listInOutByWorkDate = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.InTime1 != null && d.OutTime1 != null).OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).ToList(); if (listInOutByWorkDate != null && listInOutByWorkDate.Count() > 0) { #region Khởi tạo result = new WorkDay(); result.Cat_Shift = shift; result.WorkDuration = 0D; result.WorkDate = listInOutByWorkDate.Select(d => d.WorkDate).FirstOrDefault(); //ngày làm việc DateTime timeShiftStart = result.WorkDate.Date.Add(shift.InTime.TimeOfDay); //thời gian bắt đầu của ca làm việc DateTime timeShiftEnd = timeShiftStart.AddHours(shift.CoOut); ////thời gian kết thúc của ca làm việc (date + time) double totalTimeShift = timeShiftEnd.Subtract(timeShiftStart).TotalHours; //LamLe - 20121017 - Lay gio lam viec trong grade hay trong Shift double workingStandardHour = graCfgPro.GetWorkHouPerDay(result.WorkDate); //if (shift != null && graCfgPro != null && graCfgPro.WorkHoursType == GradeHoursType.E_SHIFT_HOURS.ToString()) if (shift != null && graCfgPro != null) { workingStandardHour = shift.WorkHours != null ? shift.WorkHours.Value : 0D; } listShiftItem = listShiftItem.Where(sh => sh.ShiftItemType == ShiftItemType.E_SHIFTBREAK.ToString()).OrderBy(p => p.CoFrom).ToList(); Guid? lineID = orgLine != null ? orgLine.ID : profile.OrgStructureID;//LamLe - 20121030 - Xu ly truong hop co Line org trong Roster Cat_ShiftItem shiftItemFlex = listShiftItem.Where(p => p.OrgStructureID == lineID).FirstOrDefault(); double realCoBreakStart = 0D; double realCoBreakEnd = 0D; //Vinhtran: Kiểm tra có giờ nghỉ giữa ca làm việc hay không? if (shift.ShiftBreakType == ShiftBreakType.E_FLEXIBLE.ToString() && totalTimeShift > workingStandardHour && shiftItemFlex != null && shiftItemFlex.CoFrom > 0 && shiftItemFlex.CoTo > shiftItemFlex.CoFrom) { if (!shift.IsBreakAsWork.HasValue || !shift.IsBreakAsWork.Value) { shift.udCoBreakStart = shiftItemFlex.CoFrom; shift.udCoBreakEnd = shiftItemFlex.CoTo; } realCoBreakStart = shiftItemFlex.CoFrom; realCoBreakEnd = shiftItemFlex.CoTo; } else if (shift.CoBreakIn > 0 && shift.CoBreakOut > shift.CoBreakIn) { if (!shift.IsBreakAsWork.HasValue || !shift.IsBreakAsWork.Value) { shift.udCoBreakStart = shift.CoBreakIn; shift.udCoBreakEnd = shift.CoBreakOut; } realCoBreakStart = shift.CoBreakIn; realCoBreakEnd = shift.CoBreakOut; } if (realCoBreakEnd > realCoBreakStart) { totalTimeShift -= realCoBreakEnd - realCoBreakStart; } //Thời gian bắt đầu và kết thúc nghỉ giữa ca - dùng cho tính toán DateTime timeShiftBreakIn = timeShiftStart.AddHours(shift.udCoBreakStart); DateTime timeShiftBreakOut = timeShiftStart.AddHours(shift.udCoBreakEnd); //Khoảng thời gian của nửa ca đầu DateTime firstHalfShiftStart = timeShiftStart; DateTime firstHalfShiftEnd = timeShiftEnd; //Khoảng thời gian của nửa ca sau DateTime lastHalfShiftStart = timeShiftStart; DateTime lastHalfShiftEnd = timeShiftEnd; if (shift.udCoBreakEnd > shift.udCoBreakStart && shift.udCoBreakStart > 0) { firstHalfShiftStart = timeShiftStart; firstHalfShiftEnd = timeShiftBreakIn; lastHalfShiftStart = timeShiftBreakOut; lastHalfShiftEnd = timeShiftEnd; } if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart && listInOutByWorkDate.Count() > 1) { //Lần quẹt thẻ vào đầu tiên và lần quẹt thẻ ra cuối cùng của nửa ca đâu if (listInOutByWorkDate.Any(d => d.InTime1 < timeShiftBreakIn)) { result.FirstInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.InTime1 < timeShiftBreakIn).OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result.FirstOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.InTime1 < timeShiftBreakIn).OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); } else { result.FirstInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result.FirstOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); } //Lần quẹt thẻ vào đầu tiên và lần quẹt thẻ ra cuối cùng của nửa ca sau if (listInOutByWorkDate.Any(d => d.OutTime1 > timeShiftBreakOut)) { result.LastInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.OutTime1 > timeShiftBreakOut).OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result.LastOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.Where(d => d.OutTime1 > timeShiftBreakOut).OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); } else { result.LastInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); result.LastOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); } } else { //Lần quẹt thẻ vào đầu tiên và lần quẹt thẻ ra cuối cùng của nửa ca đâu result.FirstInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result.FirstOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); //Lần quẹt thẻ vào đầu tiên và lần quẹt thẻ ra cuối cùng của nửa ca sau result.LastInTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.InTime1).Select(d => d.InTime1.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result.LastOutTime = listInOutByWorkDate.OrderBy(d => d.WorkDate).ThenBy(d => d.OutTime1).Select(d => d.OutTime1.Value).LastOrDefault(); } DateTime nightTimeStart = result.WorkDate.Date.AddHours(21); DateTime nightTimeEnd = result.WorkDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(5); double nightDuration = 0D; double firstDuration = 0D; double lastDuration = 0D; if (shift.IsNightShift) { if (shift.NightTimeStart == null || shift.NightTimeEnd == null) { string appConfigName = AppConfig.HRM_ATT_OT_.ToString(); double startHour = 21D; double endHour = 5D; List <object> lstParamSys = new List <object>(); lstParamSys.Add(appConfigName); lstParamSys.Add(null); lstParamSys.Add(null); string status = string.Empty; BaseService baseService = new BaseService(); var lstAppConfig = baseService.GetData <Sys_AllSetting>(lstParamSys, ConstantSql.hrm_sys_sp_get_AllSetting, userLogin, ref status); Sys_AllSetting appConfig13 = lstAppConfig.Where(s => s.IsDelete == null && s.Name == AppConfig.HRM_ATT_OT_NIGHTSHIFTFROM.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); Sys_AllSetting appConfig14 = lstAppConfig.Where(s => s.IsDelete == null && s.Name == AppConfig.HRM_ATT_OT_NIGHTSHIFTTO.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); //Sys_AppConfig appConfig = EntityService.Instance.GetEntityList<Sys_AppConfig>(false, // EntityService.Instance.GuidMainContext, Guid.Empty, d => d.Info == appConfigName).FirstOrDefault(); if (lstAppConfig != null && appConfig13 != null && appConfig14 != null) { double.TryParse(appConfig13.Value1, out startHour); double.TryParse(appConfig14.Value1, out endHour); } nightTimeStart = shift.NightTimeStart == null?result.WorkDate.Date.AddHours(startHour) : result.WorkDate.Date.Add(shift.NightTimeStart.Value.TimeOfDay); nightTimeEnd = shift.NightTimeEnd == null?result.WorkDate.Date.AddHours(endHour) : result.WorkDate.Date.Add(shift.NightTimeEnd.Value.TimeOfDay); } else { nightTimeStart = result.WorkDate.Date.Add(shift.NightTimeStart.Value.TimeOfDay); nightTimeEnd = result.WorkDate.Date.Add(shift.NightTimeEnd.Value.TimeOfDay); } nightTimeEnd = nightTimeStart > nightTimeEnd?nightTimeEnd.AddDays(1) : nightTimeEnd; } #endregion foreach (Att_Workday objInOut in listInOutByWorkDate) { if (objInOut.InTime1.HasValue && objInOut.OutTime1.HasValue) { #region Tính work duration DateTime inTime = objInOut.InTime1.Value; DateTime outTime = objInOut.OutTime1.Value; firstDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, firstHalfShiftStart, firstHalfShiftEnd); if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) { //Nếu có giờ nghỉ giữa ca lastDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, lastHalfShiftStart, lastHalfShiftEnd); } #endregion #region Tính night shift if (shift.IsNightShift) { if (pregnancyByWorkDay != null) { if ((pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_FIRST.ToString() || pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_FIRST_OUT_BEARK.ToString()) && Common.IsOverlap(inTime, outTime, nightTimeStart, nightTimeEnd)) { nightTimeStart = nightTimeStart.AddHours(1); } else if ((pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_LAST.ToString() || pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_LAST_IN_BEARK.ToString()) && Common.IsOverlap(inTime, outTime, nightTimeStart, nightTimeEnd)) { nightTimeEnd = nightTimeEnd.AddHours(-1); } } //Truong hop nghi giua ca nam trong khoang bat dau ca dem if (nightTimeStart >= timeShiftBreakIn && nightTimeStart <= timeShiftBreakOut) { nightDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, timeShiftBreakOut, nightTimeEnd); } else if (nightTimeEnd >= timeShiftBreakIn && nightTimeEnd <= timeShiftBreakOut) { nightDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, nightTimeStart, timeShiftBreakIn); } else if (nightTimeEnd > timeShiftBreakOut && nightTimeStart < timeShiftBreakIn) { nightDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, nightTimeStart, timeShiftBreakIn); nightDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, timeShiftBreakOut, nightTimeEnd); } else { nightDuration += GetIntersectAmountMinutes(inTime, outTime, nightTimeStart, nightTimeEnd); } } #endregion } } if (shift.ReduceNightShift != null && shift.ReduceNightShift >= 0) { Int32 reduceNightMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(shift.ReduceNightShift.Value * 60); nightDuration = nightDuration > reduceNightMinutes ? reduceNightMinutes : nightDuration; } nightDuration = nightDuration > 0 ? nightDuration / 60 : 0D; firstDuration = firstDuration > 0 ? firstDuration / 60 : 0D; lastDuration = lastDuration > 0 ? lastDuration / 60 : 0D; //Vinhtran: Tổng thời gian làm việc - tính theo giờ result.WorkDuration = firstDuration + lastDuration; result.NightShiftDuration = nightDuration; result.FirstDuration = firstDuration; result.LastDuration = lastDuration; if (result.WorkDuration > workingStandardHour) { result.WorkDuration = workingStandardHour; } if (result.NightShiftDuration > workingStandardHour) { result.NightShiftDuration = workingStandardHour; } if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { //Vinh.Tran: Xử lý trường hợp ca ghép totalTimeShift = shift.WorkHours.Get_Double(); } //Vinhtran: Tổng thời gian bị đi trễ hoặc về sớm - tính theo giờ result.LateEarlyDuration = totalTimeShift - result.WorkDuration; #region Tính trễ sớm //Có đi trễ hoặc về sớm if (result.LateEarlyDuration > 0) { if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) { if (result.FirstInTime > firstHalfShiftStart && result.FirstInTime < firstHalfShiftEnd) { //thời gian đi trễ nửa ca đầu result.FirstLateDuration = result.FirstInTime.Value.Subtract(firstHalfShiftStart).TotalHours; } if (result.LastInTime > lastHalfShiftStart) { //thời gian đi trễ nửa ca sau result.LastLateDuration = result.LastInTime.Value.Subtract(lastHalfShiftStart).TotalHours; } result.FirstEarlyDuration = firstHalfShiftEnd.Subtract(firstHalfShiftStart).TotalHours - firstDuration - result.FirstLateDuration; result.LastEarlyDuration = lastHalfShiftEnd.Subtract(lastHalfShiftStart).TotalHours - lastDuration - result.LastLateDuration; result.LateDuration = result.FirstLateDuration + result.LastLateDuration; result.EarlyDuration = result.FirstEarlyDuration + result.LastEarlyDuration; } else { if (result.FirstInTime > timeShiftStart) { //thời gian đi trễ nửa ca đầu result.LateDuration = result.FirstInTime.Value.Subtract(timeShiftStart).TotalHours; result.FirstLateDuration = result.LateDuration; result.LastLateDuration = 0; } result.EarlyDuration = timeShiftEnd.Subtract(timeShiftStart).TotalHours - result.WorkDuration - result.LateDuration; result.FirstEarlyDuration = result.EarlyDuration; result.LastEarlyDuration = 0; } if (pregnancyByWorkDay != null) { //Thời gian làm việc lớn nhất có thể xảy ra double maxWorkDuration = totalTimeShift - result.LateEarlyDuration + 1; maxWorkDuration += shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean() ? 1 : 0;//Ca ghép thì thêm 1 giờ maxWorkDuration = maxWorkDuration > totalTimeShift ? totalTimeShift : maxWorkDuration; if (pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_FIRST.ToString()) { //Chỉ được đi trễ 1 giờ đầu của nửa ca trước, không được về sớm trong nữa ca đầu. result.WorkDuration += result.FirstLateDuration <= 1 ? result.FirstLateDuration : 1; result.FirstLateDuration = result.FirstLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.FirstLateDuration - 1; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.WorkDuration += result.LastLateDuration <= 1 ? result.LastLateDuration : 1; result.LastLateDuration = result.LastLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LastLateDuration - 1; result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 2 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 2; } else { result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 1; } result.WorkDuration = result.WorkDuration > maxWorkDuration ? maxWorkDuration : result.WorkDuration; } else if (pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_FIRST_OUT_BEARK.ToString()) { //Được đi trễ hoặc về sớm 1 giờ bất kỳ của nửa ca trước, nếu là ca ghép thì được 1 tiếng trễ sớm ở mỗi ca (tổng là 2 tiếng) double firstLatetEarly = timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart ? result.FirstLateDuration + result.FirstEarlyDuration : result.LateDuration + result.EarlyDuration; double lastLatetEarly = (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean() && timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) ? result.LastLateDuration + result.LastEarlyDuration : 0; double totalLatetEarly = firstLatetEarly + lastLatetEarly; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.WorkDuration += totalLatetEarly <= 2 ? totalLatetEarly : 2; result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 2 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 2; } else { result.WorkDuration += totalLatetEarly <= 1 ? totalLatetEarly : 1; result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 1; } if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) { result.FirstLateDuration = result.FirstLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.FirstLateDuration - 1; result.FirstEarlyDuration = firstLatetEarly - result.FirstLateDuration; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.LastLateDuration = result.LastLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LastLateDuration - 1; result.LastEarlyDuration = lastLatetEarly - result.LastLateDuration; } } result.EarlyDuration = totalLatetEarly - result.LateDuration; } else if (pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_LAST_IN_BEARK.ToString()) { //Được đi trễ hoặc về sớm 1 giờ bất kỳ của nửa ca sau, nếu là ca ghép thì được 1 tiếng trễ sớm ở mỗi ca (tổng là 2 tiếng) double lastLatetEarly = timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart ? result.LastLateDuration + result.LastEarlyDuration : result.LateDuration + result.EarlyDuration; double firstLatetEarly = (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean() && timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) ? result.FirstLateDuration + result.FirstEarlyDuration : 0; double totalLatetEarly = firstLatetEarly + lastLatetEarly; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.WorkDuration += totalLatetEarly <= 2 ? totalLatetEarly : 2; result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 2 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 2; } else { result.WorkDuration += totalLatetEarly <= 1 ? totalLatetEarly : 1; result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LateDuration - 1; } if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) { result.LastLateDuration = result.LastLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LastLateDuration - 1; result.LastEarlyDuration = lastLatetEarly - result.LastLateDuration; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.FirstLateDuration = result.FirstLateDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.FirstLateDuration - 1; result.FirstEarlyDuration = firstLatetEarly - result.FirstLateDuration; } } result.EarlyDuration = totalLatetEarly - result.LateDuration; } else if (pregnancyByWorkDay.TypePregnancyEarly == PregnancyLeaveEarlyType.E_LAST.ToString()) { //Chỉ được về sớm 1 giờ cuối của nửa ca trước, không được đi trễ trong nữa ca sau. if (timeShiftBreakIn > timeShiftStart) { result.WorkDuration += result.LastEarlyDuration <= 1 ? result.LastEarlyDuration : 1; result.LastEarlyDuration = result.LastEarlyDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.LastEarlyDuration - 1; if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.WorkDuration += result.FirstEarlyDuration <= 1 ? result.FirstEarlyDuration : 1; result.FirstEarlyDuration = result.FirstEarlyDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.FirstEarlyDuration - 1; } } else { if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.WorkDuration += result.EarlyDuration <= 2 ? result.EarlyDuration : 2; } else { result.WorkDuration += result.EarlyDuration <= 1 ? result.EarlyDuration : 1; } } if (shift.IsDoubleShift.Get_Boolean()) { result.EarlyDuration = result.EarlyDuration <= 2 ? 0 : result.EarlyDuration - 2; } else { result.EarlyDuration = result.EarlyDuration <= 1 ? 0 : result.EarlyDuration - 1; } result.WorkDuration = result.WorkDuration > maxWorkDuration ? maxWorkDuration : result.WorkDuration; } } } #endregion //Vinhtran: Tổng thời gian bị đi trễ hoặc về sớm - tính theo phút result.LateDuration = result.LateDuration > 0 ? result.LateDuration * 60 : 0D; result.EarlyDuration = result.EarlyDuration > 0 ? result.EarlyDuration * 60 : 0D; result.FirstLateDuration = result.FirstLateDuration > 0 ? result.FirstLateDuration * 60 : 0D; result.FirstEarlyDuration = result.FirstEarlyDuration > 0 ? result.FirstEarlyDuration * 60 : 0D; result.LastLateDuration = result.LastLateDuration > 0 ? result.LastLateDuration * 60 : 0D; result.LastEarlyDuration = result.LastEarlyDuration > 0 ? result.LastEarlyDuration * 60 : 0D; result.LateEarlyDuration = result.LateEarlyDuration > 0 ? result.LateEarlyDuration * 60 : 0D; //Vinhtran: Tổng thời gian (h) làm ca đêm lớn nhất có thể => làm tròn trễ sớm result.MaxNightDuration = nightTimeEnd.Subtract(nightTimeStart).TotalHours; //Thời gian bắt đầu và kết thúc nghỉ giữa ca - giá trị thực tế result.ShiftBreakInTime = timeShiftStart.AddHours(realCoBreakStart); result.ShiftBreakOutTime = timeShiftStart.AddHours(realCoBreakEnd); //Khoản thời gian làm việc của ca result.ShiftInTime = timeShiftStart; result.ShiftOutTime = timeShiftEnd; if (shift != null && shift.IsNotApplyWorkHoursReal != null && shift.IsNotApplyWorkHoursReal.Value == true) { result.WorkDuration = workingStandardHour - Math.Abs(result.LateDuration / 60) - Math.Abs(result.EarlyDuration / 60); } } return(result); }
public DataTable GetReportLateEarlyTotal(Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity model, string userLogin) { DataTable tblData = getSchema(); var service = new Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalServices(); var hrService = new Hre_ProfileServices(); DateTime DateFrom = DateTime.Now; DateTime DateTo = DateTime.Now; List <Guid?> OrgIds = new List <Guid?>(); if (model.SDateFrom != null) { DateFrom = model.SDateFrom.Value; } if (model.SDateTo != null) { DateTo = model.SDateTo.Value; } var From = DateFrom; var To = DateTo; string strOrgIDs = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OrgStructureID)) { strOrgIDs = model.OrgStructureID; } List <object> listObj = new List <object>(); listObj.Add(strOrgIDs); listObj.Add(string.Empty); listObj.Add(string.Empty); string status = string.Empty; var result = new DataTable(); var lstprofile = hrService.GetData <Hre_ProfileEntity>(listObj, ConstantSql.hrm_hr_sp_get_ProfileIdsByOrgStructure, userLogin, ref status).ToList(); if (lstprofile == null || lstprofile.Count == 0) { return(null); } List <Guid> lstProfileIDs = lstprofile.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); using (var context = new VnrHrmDataContext()) { var unitOfWork = (IUnitOfWork)(new UnitOfWork(context)); var repoProfile = new Hre_ProfileRepository(unitOfWork); var repoOrgStructure = new Cat_OrgStructureRepository(unitOfWork); var repoOrgStructureType = new Cat_OrgStructureTypeRepository(unitOfWork); var repoTAMScanReasonMiss = new Cat_TAMScanReasonMissRepository(unitOfWork); var repoAtt_Workday = new Att_WorkDayRepository(unitOfWork); //var lstprofile=repoProfile.FindBy(x=>lstProfileIDs.Contains(x.ID)).ToList(); var orgs = repoOrgStructure.FindBy(s => s.Code != null).ToList(); var orgTypes = repoOrgStructureType.FindBy(s => s.IsDelete == null).ToList(); Guid ForgetTams = repoTAMScanReasonMiss.FindBy(x => x.Code.Equals("FC")).Select(x => x.ID).FirstOrDefault(); var lstWorkdayQuery = repoAtt_Workday.FindBy(m => m.WorkDate >= From && m.WorkDate <= To && (m.LateEarlyDuration > 0 || m.Type == WorkdayType.E_LATE_EARLY.ToString()) && !(m.Status == WorkdayStatus.E_APPROVED.ToString() && m.LateEarlyDuration == 0)).ToList(); var lstWorkdayFogetTamsQuery = repoAtt_Workday.FindBy(m => m.WorkDate >= From && m.WorkDate <= To && m.MissInOutReason == ForgetTams).ToList(); // var listProfile = repoProfile.FindBy(x => lstProfileIDs.Contains(x.ID)).ToList(); if (lstProfileIDs != null && lstProfileIDs.Count != 0) { lstWorkdayQuery = lstWorkdayQuery.Where(x => lstProfileIDs.Contains(x.ProfileID)).ToList(); lstWorkdayFogetTamsQuery = lstWorkdayFogetTamsQuery.Where(x => lstProfileIDs.Contains(x.ProfileID)).ToList(); } var lstWorkday = lstWorkdayQuery.Select(m => new { m.ID, m.ProfileID, m.WorkDate, m.LateEarlyDuration }).ToList(); var lstWorkdayFogetTams = lstWorkdayFogetTamsQuery.Select(m => new { m.ID, m.ProfileID, m.WorkDate }).ToList(); foreach (var item in lstprofile) { DataRow row = tblData.NewRow(); row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.CodeEmp] = item.CodeEmp; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.ProfileName] = item.ProfileName; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.DateFrom] = From; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.DateTo] = To; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.UserExport] = model.UserExport; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.DateExport] = DateTime.Today; if (item.OrgStructureID.HasValue) { Cat_OrgStructure objOrgStructure = orgs.Where(x => x.ID == item.OrgStructureID).FirstOrDefault(); row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.OrgStructureName] = objOrgStructure.OrgStructureName; Guid?orgId = item.OrgStructureID; var orgBrand = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(orgId, OrgUnit.E_BRANCH, orgs, orgTypes); var orgOrg = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(orgId, OrgUnit.E_DEPARTMENT, orgs, orgTypes); var orgTeam = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(orgId, OrgUnit.E_TEAM, orgs, orgTypes); var orgSection = LibraryService.GetNearestParent(orgId, OrgUnit.E_SECTION, orgs, orgTypes); row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.DepartmentCode] = orgOrg != null ? orgOrg.Code : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.DepartmentName] = orgOrg != null ? orgOrg.OrgStructureName : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.BranchCode] = orgBrand != null ? orgBrand.Code : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.TeamCode] = orgTeam != null ? orgTeam.Code : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.SectionCode] = orgSection != null ? orgSection.Code : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.BranchName] = orgBrand != null ? orgBrand.OrgStructureName : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.TeamName] = orgTeam != null ? orgTeam.OrgStructureName : string.Empty; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.SectionName] = orgSection != null ? orgSection.OrgStructureName : string.Empty; } for (DateTime MonthCheck = From; MonthCheck <= To; MonthCheck = MonthCheck.AddMonths(1)) { DateTime BeginMonth = new DateTime(MonthCheck.Year, MonthCheck.Month, 1); DateTime EndMonth = BeginMonth.AddMonths(1).AddMinutes(-1); double Less2Hour = lstWorkday.Where(m => m.ProfileID == item.ID && m.WorkDate >= BeginMonth && m.WorkDate <= EndMonth && m.LateEarlyDuration < 2).ToList().Count; double Over2Hour = lstWorkday.Where(m => m.ProfileID == item.ID && m.WorkDate >= BeginMonth && m.WorkDate <= EndMonth && m.LateEarlyDuration >= 2).ToList().Count; double TotalLateEarly = Less2Hour + Over2Hour; double ForgetTamscan = lstWorkdayFogetTams.Where(m => m.ProfileID == item.ID && m.WorkDate >= BeginMonth && m.WorkDate <= EndMonth).ToList().Count; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.Less2Hour + BeginMonth.Month] = Less2Hour; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.Over2Hour + BeginMonth.Month] = Over2Hour; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.TotalLateEarly + BeginMonth.Month] = TotalLateEarly; row[Att_ReportLateEarlyTotalEntity.FieldNames.ForgetTamscan + BeginMonth.Month] = ForgetTamscan; } tblData.Rows.Add(row); } } var configs = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> >(); var confighidden = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var configCodeEmp = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configCodeEmp.Add("width", 90); var configProfileName = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configProfileName.Add("width", 125); var configOrgStructureName = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configOrgStructureName.Add("width", 80); var configDepartmentCode = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configDepartmentCode.Add("width", 98); var configSectionCode = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configSectionCode.Add("width", 50); var configBranchCode = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configBranchCode.Add("width", 90); var configBranchName = new Dictionary <string, object>(); configBranchName.Add("width", 77); confighidden.Add("hidden", true); configs.Add("CodeEmp", configCodeEmp); configs.Add("ProfileName", configProfileName); configs.Add("OrgStructureName", configOrgStructureName); configs.Add("DepartmentCode", configDepartmentCode); configs.Add("SectionCode", configSectionCode); configs.Add("BranchCode", configBranchCode); configs.Add("DepartmentName", configOrgStructureName); configs.Add("SectionName", configSectionCode); configs.Add("BranchName", configBranchName); configs.Add("TeamName", configSectionCode); configs.Add("DateFrom", confighidden); configs.Add("DateTo", confighidden); configs.Add("UserExport", confighidden); configs.Add("DateExport", confighidden); return(tblData.ConfigTable(configs)); }