// *** INITIALIZATION *** // #region SetGameVariables public override void SetGameVariables() { base.SetGameVariables(); Array = "r1nb2bn1r/1rnbqkbnr/pppppppppp/10/10/10/10/PPPPPPPPPP/1RNBQKBNR/R1NB2BN1R"; PromotionTypes = "QRBN"; PawnMultipleMove.Value = "Fast Pawn"; EnPassant = true; Castling.AddChoice("Colossus", "King starting on the second rank slides 1-3 spaces short " + "or 1-4 spaces long to castle with the piece on the b or i file"); Castling.Value = "Colossus"; }
public override void SetGameVariables() { base.SetGameVariables(); Array = "w10w/1crnbqkbnrc1/1pppppppppp1/12/12/12/12/12/12/1PPPPPPPPPP1/1CRNBQKBNRC1/W10W"; PromotionRule.AddChoice("Omega", "Standard promotion except that pawns promote on the 11th rank"); PromotionRule.Value = "Omega"; PromotionTypes = "QRBNCW"; Castling.AddChoice("Omega", "Omega Chess requires custom castling handling because the notations of the board squares is non-standard"); Castling.Value = "Omega"; PawnMultipleMove.Value = "@3(2,3)"; EnPassant = true; }
// *** INITIALIZATION *** // #region SetGameVariables public override void SetGameVariables() { base.SetGameVariables(); Array = "12/12/2rnbqkbnr2/2pppppppp2/12/12/12/12/2PPPPPPPP2/2RNBQKBNR2/12/12"; Castling.AddChoice("ChessOnA12x12Board", "Kings on g3 and g10 slide two squares in either direction to castle with the pieces on the c and j files"); Castling.Value = "ChessOnA12x12Board"; PromotionRule.AddChoice("ChessOnA12x12Board", "Standard promotion except that promote on the 10th rank"); PromotionRule.Value = "Custom"; PromotionTypes = "QRBN"; PawnMultipleMove.Value = "@4(2)"; EnPassant = true; }
// *** INITIALIZATION *** // #region SetGameVariables public override void SetGameVariables() { base.SetGameVariables(); Array = "#{BlackArray}/8/8/8/8/#{WhiteArray}"; Castling.RemoveChoice("Flexible"); WhiteArmy = new ChoiceVariable(new string[] { "Fabulous FIDEs", "Colorbound Clobberers", "Remarkable Rookies", "Nutty Knights" }); BlackArmy = new ChoiceVariable(new string[] { "Fabulous FIDEs", "Colorbound Clobberers", "Remarkable Rookies", "Nutty Knights" }); PawnDoubleMove = true; EnPassant = true; Castling.AddChoice("CwDA", "Standard castling with the extra exception to prevent color-bound pieces from changing square colors"); Castling.Value = "CwDA"; }