public FakeHttpFileCollection()
            // It would be desirable for this class to use the behavior it inherits from NameObjectCollectionBase
            // through HttpFileCollectionBase, however that won't work because HttpFileCollectionBase overrides
            // most of the desired behavior by throwing NotImplementedExceptions instead.
            // HttpFileCollectionBase also fails to initialize the NameObjectCollectionBase with a case-
            // insensitive key-comparer the way the real HttpFileCollection does.

            // Therefore we are aggregating a custom NameObjectCollectionBase implementation instead of using the one we inherit.
            collection = new CaseInsensitiveNameObjectCollection();
        public FakeHttpFileCollection()
            // It would be desirable for this class to use the behavior it inherits from NameObjectCollectionBase
            // through HttpFileCollectionBase, however that won't work because HttpFileCollectionBase overrides
            // most of the desired behavior by throwing NotImplementedExceptions instead.
            // HttpFileCollectionBase also fails to initialize the NameObjectCollectionBase with a case-
            // insensitive key-comparer the way the real HttpFileCollection does.

            // Therefore we are aggregating a custom NameObjectCollectionBase implementation instead of using the one we inherit.
            collection = new CaseInsensitiveNameObjectCollection();