Example #1
        //Cas 类似数据库的乐观锁,但是我们使用Memcached一般只是用来缓存数据,一般是不需要使用Cas的
        public static void TestCas()
            MemcachedClientConfiguration memConfig = new MemcachedClientConfiguration();

            using (MemcachedClient memClient = new MemcachedClient(memConfig))
                memClient.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, "Name", "shanzm");

                CasResult <string> nameWithCas = memClient.GetWithCas <string>("Name");
                Console.WriteLine($"读取的数据Name={nameWithCas.Result },Cas:{nameWithCas.Cas }"); //第一个运行的程序此时的Cas=1

                Console.WriteLine("你此时在源文件中点击运行,“003Cas操作.exe”,抢先运行,点击回车进行下面的修改");            //另外的程序读取Name的Cas=2

                CasResult <bool> updateWithCas = memClient.Cas(StoreMode.Set, "Name", "shanzm修改版本", nameWithCas.Cas);

                if (updateWithCas.Result)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name修改成功,现在的Cas:" + updateWithCas.Cas);//另外的程序此处的Cas为3
                    Console.WriteLine("更新失败,被其他程序抢先了,现在的Cas:" + updateWithCas.Cas);//第一个运行的程序的Cas此时为0
        private ErrorTypes GetFromMCWithCas(string sKey, out TaskResultData oTast, out ulong cas)
            ErrorTypes oError = ErrorTypes.NoError;

            oTast = null;
            cas   = 0;
                using (MemcachedClient oMc = new MemcachedClient(m_oMcConfig))
                    CasResult <string> oGetData = oMc.GetWithCas <string>(sKey);

                    if (oGetData.Result != null)
                        cas = oGetData.Cas;

                        XmlSerializer oXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TaskResultData));
                        using (StringReader oStringReader = new StringReader(oGetData.Result))
                            oTast = (TaskResultData)oXmlSerializer.Deserialize(oStringReader);
                oError = ErrorTypes.TaskResult;

Example #3
 private CasedResult <T> Convert <T>(CasResult <T> casResult)
     return(new CasedResult <T>()
         Cas = casResult.Cas, Result = casResult.Result
Example #4
        public void SetResult(CasResult casResult)
                                                       "Cas result should be specified. Value of '{0}' is not acceptable.".FormatString(casResult));

            _casResult = casResult;
            _succeded  = casResult == MemcacheIt.CasResult.Stored;
Example #5
        public void Cas_Should_Be_Called()
            var validFor  = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            var expiresAt = new DateTime(3000, 1, 1);
            var cas       = new CasResult <object> {
                Cas = 1

            // Test : CasResult<bool> Cas(StoreMode mode, string key, object value);
            // covered by 0L for cas

            // Test : CasResult<bool> Cas(StoreMode mode, string key, object value, ulong cas);
            var clientMock2 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service2    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock2.Object);

            service2.Add(cas, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock2.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", cas.Cas));
            var clientMock2A = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service2A    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock2A.Object);

            service2A.Set(cas, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock2A.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", cas.Cas));

            // Test : CasResult<bool> Cas(StoreMode mode, string key, object value, DateTime expiresAt, ulong cas);
            var clientMock3 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service3    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock3.Object);

            service3.Add(cas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                AbsoluteExpiration = expiresAt
            }, "value");
            clientMock3.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", expiresAt, cas.Cas));
            var clientMock3A = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service3A    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock3A.Object);

            service3A.Set(cas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                AbsoluteExpiration = expiresAt
            }, "value");
            clientMock3A.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", expiresAt, cas.Cas));

            // Test : CasResult<bool> Cas(StoreMode mode, string key, object value, TimeSpan validFor, ulong cas);
            var clientMock4 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service4    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock4.Object);

            service4.Add(cas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                SlidingExpiration = validFor
            }, "value");
            clientMock4.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", validFor, cas.Cas));
            var clientMock4A = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service4A    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock4A.Object);

            service4A.Set(cas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                SlidingExpiration = validFor
            }, "value");
            clientMock4A.Verify(x => x.Cas(It.IsAny <StoreMode>(), "name", "value", validFor, cas.Cas));
Example #6
        public IActionResult Store(string key, [FromBody] StoreCacheItem item)
            if (item == null)
                return(this.NullValueErrorResult(key, _logger));

            if (!item.Cas.HasValue || item.Cas.Value == 0)
                bool result = true;
                if (item.ValidFor.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Store(GetMode(item), key, item.Value, item.ValidFor.Value);
                else if (item.ExpireAt.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Store(GetMode(item), key, item.Value, item.ExpireAt.Value);
                    result = _memcachedClient.Store(GetMode(item), key, item.Value);

                if (!result)
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, result));

                CasResult <bool> result = new CasResult <bool>();

                if (item.ValidFor.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Cas(GetMode(item), key, item.Value, item.ValidFor.Value, item.Cas.Value);
                else if (item.ExpireAt.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Cas(GetMode(item), key, item.Value, item.ExpireAt.Value, item.Cas.Value);
                    result = _memcachedClient.Cas(GetMode(item), key, item.Value, item.Cas.Value);

                if (!result.Result)
                    return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, result));

                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created, result));
Example #7
		public bool TryGetWithCas(string key, out CasResult<object> value)
			object tmp;
			ulong cas;

			var retval = this.PerformTryGet(key, out cas, out tmp);

			value = new CasResult<object> { Cas = cas, Result = tmp };

			return retval.Success;
Example #8
        private CasedResult <T> Convert2 <T>(CasResult <object> casResult)
            var result = new CasedResult <T>();

            result.Cas = casResult.Cas;
            if (casResult.Result != null)
                result.Result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(casResult.Result.ToString());

Example #9
        public IGetOperationResult TryGetWithLock(string key, TimeSpan lockExpiration, out CasResult <object> value)
            object tmp;
            ulong  cas;

            var retval = this.PerformTryGetWithLock(key, lockExpiration, out cas, out tmp);

            value = new CasResult <object> {
                Cas = cas, Result = tmp

Example #10
        public bool TryGetWithCas(string key, DateTime newExpiration, out CasResult <object> value)
            object tmp;
            ulong  cas;

            var retval = this.PerformTryGetAndTouch(key, MemcachedClient.GetExpiration(null, newExpiration), out cas, out tmp).Success;

            value = new CasResult <object> {
                Cas = cas, Result = tmp

Example #11
 public void GetWithCas(string key, out ulong cas, out object value)
     value = null;
     cas   = 0;
         CasResult <object> result = clientInstance.Value.GetWithCas(ContactKey(key));
         cas   = result.Cas;
         value = result.Result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         LogHelper.LogException(logger, "EnyimMemcachedProvider.GetWithCas", ex, key);
Example #12
        public IActionResult Decrement(string key, [FromBody] IncrDecrCacheItem item)
            if (item == null)
                item = new IncrDecrCacheItem();

            if (!item.Cas.HasValue || item.Cas.Value == 0)
                ulong result;
                if (item.ValidFor.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value, item.ValidFor.Value);
                else if (item.ExpireAt.HasValue)
                    result = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value, item.ExpireAt.Value);
                    result = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value);

                CasResult <ulong> value = new CasResult <ulong>();

                if (item.ValidFor.HasValue)
                    value = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value, item.ValidFor.Value, item.Cas.Value);
                else if (item.ExpireAt.HasValue)
                    value = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value, item.ExpireAt.Value, item.Cas.Value);
                    value = _memcachedClient.Decrement(key, item.DefaultValue.Value, item.Delta.Value, item.Cas.Value);

                var result = new { value = value.Result, cas = value.Cas, statusCode = value.StatusCode };

Example #13
        public void Append_Should_Be_Called()
            var append    = new ArraySegment <byte>();
            var appendCas = new CasResult <ArraySegment <byte> > {
                Cas = 1, Result = append

            // Test : bool Append(string key, ArraySegment<byte> data);
            var clientMock = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock.Object);

            service.Add(append, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock.Verify(x => x.Append("name", It.IsAny <ArraySegment <byte> >()));

            // Test : CasResult<bool> Append(string key, ulong cas, ArraySegment<byte> data);
            var clientMock2 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service2    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock2.Object);

            service2.Add(appendCas, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock2.Verify(x => x.Append("name", appendCas.Cas, It.IsAny <ArraySegment <byte> >()));
Example #14
        public bool SetWithCas(string key, object value, int expiration, ulong cas, out ulong newCas)
            newCas = 0;
            if (value == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))

                //CasResult<bool> result = clientInstance.Value.Cas(StoreMode.Set, ContactKey(key), value, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(expiration), cas);
                CasResult <bool> result = clientInstance.Value.Cas(StoreMode.Set, ContactKey(key), value, new TimeSpan(0, 0, expiration), cas);

                newCas = result.Cas;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.LogException(logger, "EnyimMemcachedProvider.SetWithCas", ex, key, expiration, cas);
 public bool TryGetWithCas(string key, out CasResult <object> value)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #16
 public bool TryGetWithCas <T1>(string key, out CasResult <T1> value)
     return(_memcachedClient.TryGetWithCas(key, out value));
Example #17
        public void Increment_Should_Be_Called()
            var validFor  = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            var expiresAt = new DateTime(3000, 1, 1);
            var increment = new MemcachedServiceCache.IncrementTag {
                DefaultValue = 1, Delta = 2
            var incrementCas = new CasResult <MemcachedServiceCache.IncrementTag> {
                Cas = 1, Result = increment

            // Test : ulong Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta);
            var clientMock = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock.Object);

            service.Set(increment, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta));

            // Test : ulong Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, DateTime expiresAt);
            var clientMock2 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service2    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock2.Object);

            service2.Set(increment, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                AbsoluteExpiration = expiresAt
            }, "value");
            clientMock2.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta, expiresAt));

            // Test : ulong Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, TimeSpan validFor);
            var clientMock3 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service3    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock3.Object);

            service3.Set(increment, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                SlidingExpiration = validFor
            }, "value");
            clientMock3.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta, validFor));

            // Test : CasResult<ulong> Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, ulong cas);
            var clientMock4 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service4    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock4.Object);

            service4.Set(incrementCas, "name", CacheItemPolicy.Infinite, "value");
            clientMock4.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta, incrementCas.Cas));

            // Test : CasResult<ulong> Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, DateTime expiresAt, ulong cas);
            var clientMock5 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service5    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock5.Object);

            service5.Set(incrementCas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                AbsoluteExpiration = expiresAt
            }, "value");
            clientMock5.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta, expiresAt, incrementCas.Cas));

            // Test : CasResult<ulong> Increment(string key, ulong defaultValue, ulong delta, TimeSpan validFor, ulong cas);
            var clientMock6 = new Mock <IMemcachedClient>();
            var service6    = new MemcachedServiceCache(clientMock6.Object);

            service6.Set(incrementCas, "name", new CacheItemPolicy {
                SlidingExpiration = validFor
            }, "value");
            clientMock6.Verify(x => x.Increment("name", increment.DefaultValue, increment.Delta, validFor, incrementCas.Cas));
            public static SessionStateItem Load(IMemcachedClient client, string id, bool metaOnly)
                CasResult<byte[]> header = new CasResult<byte[]>();
                header = client.GetWithCas<byte[]>(HeaderPrefix + id);
                if (header.Result == null) return null;

                SessionStateItem entry;

                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(header.Result))
                    entry = SessionStateItem.LoadItem(ms);

                if (entry != null) entry.HeadCas = header.Cas;
                if (metaOnly) return entry;

                CasResult<byte[]> data = new CasResult<byte[]>();
                data = client.GetWithCas<byte[]>(DataPrefix + id);
                if (data.Result == null) return null;

                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data.Result))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    entry.Data = SessionStateItemCollection.Deserialize(br);

                entry.DataCas = data.Cas;

                return entry;
Example #19
 public bool TryGetWithCas <T>(string key, out CasResult <T> value)
     value = new CasResult <T>();
Example #20
        public void SetResult(CasResult casResult)
                "Cas result should be specified. Value of '{0}' is not acceptable.".FormatString(casResult));

            _casResult = casResult;
            _succeded = casResult == MemcacheIt.CasResult.Stored;
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries the get with cas.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The key.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool TryGetWithCas(string key, out CasResult <object> value)
     return(Cache.TryGetWithCas(key, out value));