Example #1
            int WalkPath(int cellIndex, NativeArray <byte> targetDirections, int pathOffset)
                var cellPosition = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellFaceCoordinates(cellIndex, RowCount);
                var faceIndex    = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellFaceIndex(cellIndex, RowCount);

                var validDirections = CartesianGridOnCubeShortestPath.LookupDirectionToTarget(cellPosition.x, cellPosition.y, faceIndex, RowCount, targetDirections);
                var direction       = CartesianGridMovement.PathVariation[((pathOffset & 3) * 16) + validDirections];

                if (direction == 0xff) // No path

                var nextCellIndex = -1;

                if (direction == 0)
                    nextCellIndex = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexNorth(cellIndex, RowCount, FaceLocalToLocal);
                else if (direction == 1)
                    nextCellIndex = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexSouth(cellIndex, RowCount, FaceLocalToLocal);
                else if (direction == 2)
                    nextCellIndex = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexWest(cellIndex, RowCount, FaceLocalToLocal);
                else if (direction == 3)
                    nextCellIndex = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.CellIndexEast(cellIndex, RowCount, FaceLocalToLocal);

                // Test no wall in the direction given
                if (direction == 0)
                    Assert.IsFalse(TestWallBit(cellIndex, CartesianGridDirectionBit.North));
                else if (direction == 1)
                    Assert.IsFalse(TestWallBit(cellIndex, CartesianGridDirectionBit.South));
                else if (direction == 2)
                    Assert.IsFalse(TestWallBit(cellIndex, CartesianGridDirectionBit.West));
                else if (direction == 3)
                    Assert.IsFalse(TestWallBit(cellIndex, CartesianGridDirectionBit.East));

                return(1 + WalkPath(nextCellIndex, targetDirections, pathOffset));
Example #2
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle lastJobHandle)
        int pathOffset = m_PathVariationOffset;

        m_PathVariationOffset = (m_PathVariationOffset + 1) & 3;

        // Get component data from the GridCube
        var cartesianGridCube = GetSingleton <CartesianGridOnCube>();
        var rowCount          = cartesianGridCube.Blob.Value.RowCount;
        var gridWalls         = (byte *)cartesianGridCube.Blob.Value.Walls.GetUnsafePtr();
        var trailingOffsets   = (float2 *)cartesianGridCube.Blob.Value.TrailingOffsets.GetUnsafePtr();
        var faceLocalToLocal  = (float4x4 *)cartesianGridCube.Blob.Value.FaceLocalToLocal.GetUnsafePtr();

        var targetEntities    = m_TargetQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
        var targetCoordinates = m_TargetQuery.ToComponentDataArray <CartesianGridCoordinates>(Allocator.TempJob);
        var getCartesianGridTargetDirectionFromEntity = GetBufferFromEntity <CartesianGridTargetDirection>(true);
        var getCartesianGridTargetDistanceFromEntity  = GetBufferFromEntity <CartesianGridTargetDistance>(true);

        // Offset center to grid cell
        var cellCenterOffset = new float2(((float)rowCount * 0.5f) - 0.5f, ((float)rowCount * 0.5f) - 0.5f);

        // Whenever a CartesianGridFollowTarget reaches a new grid cell, make a decision about what next direction to turn.
        lastJobHandle = Entities
                        .WithAll <CartesianGridFollowTarget>()
                        .ForEach((ref CartesianGridDirection gridDirection,
                                  ref CartesianGridCoordinates gridCoordinates,
                                  ref Translation translation,
                                  ref CartesianGridOnCubeFace cubeFace) =>
            var dir = gridDirection.Value;
            if (dir != 0xff)         // If moving, update grid based on trailing direction.
                var nextGridPosition = new CartesianGridCoordinates(translation.Value.xz + trailingOffsets[dir], rowCount, rowCount);
                if (gridCoordinates.Equals(nextGridPosition))
                    // Don't allow translation to drift
                    translation.Value = CartesianGridMovement.SnapToGridAlongDirection(translation.Value, dir, gridCoordinates, cellCenterOffset);
                    return;         // Still in the same grid cell. No need to change direction.

                var edge = CartesianGridMovement.CubeExitEdge(nextGridPosition, rowCount);

                // Change direction based on wall layout (within current face.)
                if (edge == -1)
                    gridCoordinates = nextGridPosition;
                // Exiting face of GridCube, change face and direction relative to new face.
                    int prevFaceIndex = cubeFace.Value;

                    // Look up next direction given previous face and exit edge.
                    var nextDir         = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.NextFaceDirection[(edge * 6) + prevFaceIndex];
                    gridDirection.Value = nextDir;

                    // Lookup next face index given previous face and exit edge.
                    var nextFaceIndex = CartesianGridOnCubeUtility.NextFaceIndex[(edge * 6) + prevFaceIndex];
                    cubeFace.Value    = nextFaceIndex;

                    // Transform translation relative to next face's grid-space
                    // - This transform is only done to "smooth" the transition around the edges.
                    // - Alternatively, you could "snap" to the same relative position in the next face by rotating the translation components.
                    // - Note that Y position won't be at target value from one edge to another, so that is interpolated in movement update,
                    //   purely for "smoothing" purposes.
                    var localToLocal      = faceLocalToLocal[((prevFaceIndex * 6) + nextFaceIndex)];
                    translation.Value.xyz = math.mul(localToLocal, new float4(translation.Value, 1.0f)).xyz;

                    // Update gridPosition relative to new face.
                    gridCoordinates = new CartesianGridCoordinates(translation.Value.xz + trailingOffsets[nextDir], rowCount, rowCount);

            if (!gridCoordinates.OnGrid(rowCount, rowCount))

            var targetEntity = FindTargetShortestPathLength(gridCoordinates, cubeFace, rowCount, targetCoordinates, targetEntities, getCartesianGridTargetDistanceFromEntity);
            if (targetEntity == Entity.Null)
                // No target for whatever reason, look busy.
                int faceIndex           = cubeFace.Value;
                var rowStride           = (rowCount + 1) / 2;
                var faceStride          = rowCount * rowStride;
                var faceGridWallsOffset = faceIndex * faceStride;
                gridDirection.Value     = CartesianGridMovement.BounceDirectionOffWalls(gridCoordinates, dir, rowCount, rowCount, gridWalls + faceGridWallsOffset, pathOffset);

            // Lookup next direction along shortest path to target from table stored in CartesianGridTargetDirection
            // - When multiple shortest path available, use pathOffset to select which option.
            var targetDirections = getCartesianGridTargetDirectionFromEntity[targetEntity].Reinterpret <byte>().AsNativeArray();
            var validDirections  = CartesianGridOnCubeShortestPath.LookupDirectionToTarget(gridCoordinates, cubeFace, rowCount, targetDirections);
            gridDirection.Value  = CartesianGridMovement.PathVariation[(pathOffset * 16) + validDirections];

        lastJobHandle = targetEntities.Dispose(lastJobHandle);
        lastJobHandle = targetCoordinates.Dispose(lastJobHandle);
