public async Task AddItemToCart(AddCartItemInput input)
            var userId = GetUserId();

            //here we have some global settings
            var tenant = await GetCurrentTenantAsync();

            // create the cart if not exits otherwise get the current cart
            var cart = await _cartManager.CreateCart(new Cart(input.TenantId, tenant.Currency, userId));

            // get the product that we'll add to the cart
            var productVariant = await _productManager.GetProductVariantAsync(input.ProductVariantId);

            var discount = _clientManager.GetClientDiscountByItemGroupCode(input.CardCode, productVariant.ItemGroup);

            var cartItem = new CartProductItem(input.TenantId, cart.Id, productVariant.Id, input.Quantity, productVariant.Price, tenant.ISV, discount);
            //finally add the item to the cart
            await _cartManager.CreateCartProductItem(cartItem);