protected void gvInvoiceProfile_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile = null; int carrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = 0; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Label lblProfileTypeDescription = e.Row.FindControl("lblProfileTypeDescription") as Label; if (e.Row.DataItem != null) { invoiceProfile = e.Row.DataItem as CarrierInvoiceProfile; if (invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID != null) { carrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID ?? 0; try { lblProfileTypeDescription.Text = carrierInvoiceProfileTypes[carrierInvoiceProfileTypeID]; } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } } } } }
private void copyCarrierInvoiceProfiles(List <CarrierInvoiceProfile> profiles, int cloneCarrierID) { int carrierInvoiceProfileID = 0; foreach (CarrierInvoiceProfile profile in profiles) { CarrierInvoiceProfile copyProfile = new CarrierInvoiceProfile(); copyProfile.CarrierID = cloneCarrierID; //copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID = profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID; copyProfile.CoverageArea = profile.CoverageArea; copyProfile.EffiectiveDate = profile.EffiectiveDate; copyProfile.ExpirationDate = profile.ExpirationDate; copyProfile.IsActive = true; copyProfile.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; copyProfile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(copyProfile); carrierInvoiceProfileID = copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; copyProfileItemizedItems(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); copyProfileFeeProvision(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); copyProfileFeeSchedule(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); } }
static public CarrierInvoiceProfile Get(int id) { CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; profile = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.CarrierInvoiceProfile .Include("CarrierInvoiceType") where x.CarrierInvoiceProfileID == id select x).FirstOrDefault <CarrierInvoiceProfile>(); return(profile); }
public static CarrierInvoiceProfile Save(CarrierInvoiceProfile profile) { if (profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID == 0) { DbContextHelper.DbContext.Add(profile); } DbContextHelper.DbContext.SaveChanges(); return(profile); }
static public CarrierInvoiceProfile GetProfileForInvoicing(int id) { CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; profile = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.CarrierInvoiceProfile .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule") .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized.InvoiceServiceType") .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized.ExpenseType") where x.CarrierInvoiceProfileID == id select x).FirstOrDefault <CarrierInvoiceProfile>(); return(profile); }
/// <summary> /// Returns full object /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> static public CarrierInvoiceProfile GetProfileForInvoicing(int id, int?ClaimDesignationID) { CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; profile = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.CarrierInvoiceProfile .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized") //.Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvisions") .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule") where x.CarrierInvoiceProfileID == id && x.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID == ClaimDesignationID select x).FirstOrDefault <CarrierInvoiceProfile>(); return(profile); }
public static CarrierInvoiceProfile GetInvoiceProfile(int carrierID, int invoiceProfileTypeID) { CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile = null; invoiceProfile = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.CarrierInvoiceProfile .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized") .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision") .Include("CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule") where x.CarrierID == carrierID && x.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID == invoiceProfileTypeID && x.IsActive == true select x ).FirstOrDefault(); return(invoiceProfile); }
//chetu com public void CopyProfile(int profileID) { //int profileID = 0; CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; CarrierInvoiceProfile profileold = null; profileold = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); profile = new CarrierInvoiceProfile(); profile.CarrierID = carrierID; profile.IsActive = true; if (profile != null) { profile.ProfileName = profileold.ProfileName; profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = profileold.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID; profile.EffiectiveDate = profileold.EffiectiveDate; profile.ExpirationDate = profileold.ExpirationDate; profile.InvoiceType = profileold.InvoiceType; profile.AccountingContact = profileold.AccountingContact; profile.AccountingContactEmail = profileold.AccountingContactEmail; profile.FirmDiscountPercentage = profileold.FirmDiscountPercentage; profile.FlatCatFee = profileold.FlatCatFee; profile.FlatCatPercent = profileold.FlatCatPercent; try { CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(profile); showInvoiceProfiles(); bindInvoiceProfiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } } }
private decimal getClaimAmount(CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile) { decimal premiumAmount = 0; switch (invoiceProfile.InvoiceType ?? 0) { case (int)Globals.InvoiceType.NetClaimPayable: premiumAmount = txtNetClaimPayable.ValueDecimal; break; case (int)Globals.InvoiceType.GrossClaimPayable: premiumAmount = txtGrossLossPayable.ValueDecimal; break; default: break; } return premiumAmount; }
//EMAIL CLIENT CONTACT private void notifyClientContact(CarrierInvoiceProfile CarrierInvoice, ClaimService service, Claim myClaim, AdjusterMaster adjuster) { StringBuilder emailBody = new StringBuilder(); string password = null; string[] recipients = null; string smtpHost = null; int smtpPort = 0; string siteUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["siteUrl"].ToString(); string insuredName = Session["InsuredName"].ToString(); string subject = "Claim # " + myClaim.InsurerClaimNumber + ", Please Read Claim Note, Claim Ruler Note for : " + insuredName; CRM.Data.Entities.SecUser user = null; string itsgHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpHost"].ToString(); string itsgHostPort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpPort"].ToString(); string itsgEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpEmail"].ToString(); string itsgEmailPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpPassword"].ToString(); string EmailService = ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedItem.Text; string EmailActivity = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text; string EmailDescription = txtServiceDescription.Text; string EmailInternal = txtMyComments.Text; string EmailQuantity = txtServiceQty.Text; string EmailDate = txtServiceDate.Text; string userName = SessionHelper.getUserName(); int.TryParse(itsgHostPort, out smtpPort); // get logged in user int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); //Convert.ToInt32(itsgHostPort); // get current user email info user = SecUserManager.GetByUserId(userID); // load email credentials smtpHost = user.emailHost; int.TryParse(user.emailHostPort, out smtpPort); // recipients recipients = new string[] { CarrierInvoice.AccountingContactEmail }; // build email body // .containerBox emailBody.Append("<div style=\"margin:auto;width:600px;border: 1px solid #DDDDE4; margin: auto;font-family: Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color: #808080;\">"); // .header //emailBody.Append("<div style=\"background-image:url(;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;height:70px;\"></div>"); //emailBody.Append("<div><img src=\"\"></image></div>"); // .paneContentInner emailBody.Append("<div style=\"margin: 20px;\">"); emailBody.Append("Hi " + CarrierInvoice.AccountingContact + ",<br><br>"); emailBody.Append("The following activity was just logged on Claim # " + myClaim.InsurerClaimNumber + " for Insured: " + insuredName + "<br><br><br>"); emailBody.Append("<table >"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Service:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailService + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr>"); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Activity:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailActivity + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Description:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailDescription + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Internal Comments:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailInternal + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr></tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Adjuster:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + adjuster.adjusterName + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>User Name:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + userName + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Service Date:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailDate + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("<tr> "); emailBody.Append("<td align=\"left\"><b>Timer Quantity:</b></td><td align=\"left\"> " + EmailQuantity + "</td>"); emailBody.Append("</tr>"); emailBody.Append("</table ><br><br>"); emailBody.Append("</div>"); // inner containerBox emailBody.Append("</div>"); // paneContentInner emailBody.Append("</div>"); // containerBox //Core.EmailHelper.sendEmail(user.Email, recipients, null, "Claim Assignment Notification", emailBody.ToString(), null, user.emailHost, smtpPort, smtpEmail, smtpPassword, true); password = Core.SecurityManager.Decrypt(user.emailPassword); //Core.EmailHelper.sendEmail(user.Email, recipients, null, subject, emailBody.ToString(), null, user.emailHost, smtpPort, user.Email, password, user.isSSL ?? true); Core.EmailHelper.sendEmail(itsgEmail, recipients, null, subject, emailBody.ToString(), null, itsgHost, Convert.ToInt32(itsgHostPort), itsgEmail, itsgEmailPassword); }
protected void btnProfileSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int profileID = 0; CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; Page.Validate("Profile"); if (!Page.IsValid) return; int.TryParse(ViewState["CarrierInvoiceProfileID"].ToString(), out profileID); try { if (profileID == 0) { // new profile profile = new CarrierInvoiceProfile(); profile.CarrierID = carrierID; profile.IsActive = true; } else profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } if (profile != null) { profile.CarrierID = carrierID; profile.ProfileName = txtProgramName.Text; if (ucProfileType.SelectedIndex > 0) profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ucProfileType.SelectedValue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(effetiveDate.Text)) profile.EffiectiveDate = effetiveDate.Date; else profile.EffiectiveDate = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expirationDate.Text)) profile.ExpirationDate = expirationDate.Date; else profile.ExpirationDate = null; //profile.CoverageArea = CollectionManager.GetSelectedItemsID(cbxCoverageArea); profile.InvoiceType = Convert.ToInt32(ddlInvoiceType.SelectedValue); profile.AccountingContact = txtAccoutingContact.Text; profile.AccountingContactEmail = txtAccoutingContactEmail.Text; profile.FirmDiscountPercentage = txtFirmDiscountPercentage.ValueDecimal; // profile.FlatCatPercent = txtFlatCatPercent.ValueDecimal;//NEW OC // profile.FlatCatFee = txtFlatCatFee.ValueDecimal; // NEW OC try { CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(profile); showInvoiceProfiles(); bindInvoiceProfiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } } }
// generate invoices protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Carrier carrier = null; CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; Invoice invoice = null; int carrierID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCarrier.SelectedValue); decimal invoiceAmount = 0; int policyID = 0; int profileID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlInvoiceProfile.SelectedValue); if (carrierID == 0 || profileID == 0) { return; } try { profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); carrier = CarrierManager.Get(carrierID); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); showErrorMessage(); return; } try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gvCarrierPolicy.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox cbxSelect = row.FindControl("cbxSelect") as CheckBox; if (cbxSelect.Checked) { invoice = new Invoice(); //invoice.ClientID = clientID; //invoice.CarrierID = carrierID; invoice.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now; invoice.InvoiceTypeID = profile.InvoiceType; invoice.CarrierInvoiceProfileID = profileID; invoice.IsVoid = false; invoice.BillToAddress1 = carrier.AddressLine1; invoice.BillToAddress2 = carrier.AddressLine2; invoice.BillToAddress3 = string.Empty; invoice.BillToName = carrier.CarrierName; policyID = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[0]; //invoice.PolicyID = policyID; //invoice.LeadId = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[1]; //invoice.PolicyTypeID = (int)gvCarrierPolicy.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Values[2]; Label lblInvoiceAmount = row.FindControl("lblInvoiceAmount") as Label; decimal.TryParse(lblInvoiceAmount.Text, out invoiceAmount); invoice.TotalAmount = invoiceAmount; invoice.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceManager.GetNextInvoiceNumber(clientID); int invoiceID = InvoiceManager.Save(invoice); InvoiceDetail invoiceDetail = new InvoiceDetail(); invoiceDetail.InvoiceID = invoiceID; invoiceDetail.isBillable = true; invoiceDetail.Qty = 1; invoiceDetail.Rate = invoiceAmount; invoiceDetail.LineAmount = invoiceAmount; invoiceDetail.LineDate = DateTime.Now; invoiceDetail.LineDescription = "As per contract"; InvoiceDetailManager.Save(invoiceDetail); // flag policy as invoiced CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = LeadPolicyManager.Get(policyID); if (policy != null) { policy.IsInvoiced = true; LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); } } } } // foreach // complete transaction scope.Complete(); lblMessage.Text = "Invoice(s) have been generated."; lblMessage.CssClass = "ok"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); showErrorMessage(); } finally { // refresh those policies to be invoiced bindPoliciesReadyForInvoice(); } }
protected void btnSaveExpense_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Claim claim = null; Claim myClaim = null; ClaimExpense claimExpense = null; AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; CarrierInvoiceProfile CarrierInvoice = null; int clientID = SessionHelper.getClientId(); int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); int claimID = SessionHelper.getClaimID(); int myAdjusterID = 0; int profileID = 0; int expenseTypeID = 0; int id = 0; Page.Validate("expense"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ClaimExpenseID"]); ClaimManager cm = new ClaimManager(); myClaim = cm.Get(claimID); try { expenseTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlExpenseType.SelectedValue); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (ClaimExpenseManager repository = new ClaimExpenseManager()) { if (id == 0) { claimExpense = new ClaimExpense(); claimExpense.ClaimID = claimID; } else { claimExpense = repository.Get(id); } // populate fields if (txtExpenseAmount.Visible == false) { var x = Session["multiplier"].ToString(); double expenseAmount = Convert.ToDouble(x) * Convert.ToDouble(txtExpenseQty.ValueDecimal); //newOC 10/7/14 claimExpense.ExpenseAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(expenseAmount); decimal d = Convert.ToDecimal(expenseAmount); //Session["EmailAmount"] = "$" + Math.Round(d, 2); Session["EmailAmount"] = String.Format("{0:0.00}", expenseAmount); // Session["EmailAmount"] = expenseAmount; } else { claimExpense.ExpenseAmount = txtExpenseAmount.ValueDecimal; } claimExpense.ExpenseDate = txtExpenseDate.Date; claimExpense.ExpenseDescription = txtExpenseDescription.Text.Trim(); claimExpense.ExpenseTypeID = expenseTypeID; claimExpense.IsReimbursable = cbxExpenseReimburse.Checked; claimExpense.UserID = userID; claimExpense.AdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(hf_expenseAdjusterID.Value); claimExpense.ExpenseQty = txtExpenseQty.ValueDecimal; claimExpense.InternalComments = txtMyComments.Text.Trim(); claimExpense.Billed = false; // claimExpense.IsBillable = cbIsBillable.Checked; // save expense claimExpense = repository.Save(claimExpense); } // update diary entry ClaimComment diary = new ClaimComment(); diary.ClaimID = claimID; diary.CommentDate = DateTime.Now; diary.UserId = userID; diary.CommentText = string.Format("Expense: {0}, Description: {1}, Date: {2:MM/dd/yyyy}, Amount: {3:N2}, Adjuster: {4} Qty: {5:N2}", ddlExpenseType.SelectedItem.Text, claimExpense.ExpenseDescription, claimExpense.ExpenseDate, claimExpense.ExpenseAmount, txtExpenseAdjuster.Text, claimExpense.ExpenseQty ); ClaimCommentManager.Save(diary); // 2014-05-02 apply rule using (SpecificExpenseTypePerCarrier ruleEngine = new SpecificExpenseTypePerCarrier()) { claim = new Claim(); claim.ClaimID = claimID; RuleException ruleException = ruleEngine.TestRule(clientID, claim, expenseTypeID); if (ruleException != null) { ruleException.UserID = Core.SessionHelper.getUserId(); ruleEngine.AddException(ruleException); CheckSendMail(ruleException); } } myAdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(claimExpense.AdjusterID); //Convert.ToInt32(myClaim.AdjusterID); //EMAIL ADJUSTER OC 10/22/2014 if (myAdjusterID != 0 || myAdjusterID != null) { adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterId(myAdjusterID); } if (cbEmailAdjuster.Checked == true) { try { notifyAdjuster(adjuster, claimExpense, myClaim); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } //EMAIL CLIENT CONTACT OC 10/22/2014 if (cbEmailClient.Checked == true) //Dont need to check if invoice Pro ID is empty becuase to get to this point, one has to exist already { if (Session["ComingFromAllClaims"] != null) //if the user got here straight from the all claims screen { profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CarrierInvoiceID"]); } else//coming from claim detail page { profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InvoiceProfileID"]); } CarrierInvoice = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); try { notifyClientContact(CarrierInvoice, claimExpense, myClaim, adjuster); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to client contact"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } //EMAIL TO WHOMEVER OC 10/22/2014 if (txtEmailTo.Text != "") { try { notifySpecifiedUser(adjuster, claimExpense, myClaim); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } // complete transaction scope.Complete(); } lblMessage.Text = "Expense saved successfully."; lblMessage.CssClass = "ok"; // refresh grid gvExpense.DataSource = loadExpenses(claimID); gvExpense.DataBind(); // keep edit form active lbtnNewExpense_Click(null, null); lblAmount.Text = ""; lblAmount.Visible = false; txtExpenseAmount.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); lblMessage.Text = "Unable to save claim expense."; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } }
protected void btnProfileSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int profileID = 0; CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; Page.Validate("Profile"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } int.TryParse(ViewState["CarrierInvoiceProfileID"].ToString(), out profileID); try { if (profileID == 0) { // new profile profile = new CarrierInvoiceProfile(); profile.CarrierID = carrierID; profile.IsActive = true; } else { profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } if (profile != null) { profile.CarrierID = carrierID; profile.ProfileName = txtProgramName.Text; if (ucProfileType.SelectedIndex > 0) { profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ucProfileType.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(effetiveDate.Text)) { profile.EffiectiveDate = effetiveDate.Date; } else { profile.EffiectiveDate = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expirationDate.Text)) { profile.ExpirationDate = expirationDate.Date; } else { profile.ExpirationDate = null; } //profile.CoverageArea = CollectionManager.GetSelectedItemsID(cbxCoverageArea); profile.InvoiceType = Convert.ToInt32(ddlInvoiceType.SelectedValue); profile.AccountingContact = txtAccoutingContact.Text; profile.AccountingContactEmail = txtAccoutingContactEmail.Text; profile.FirmDiscountPercentage = txtFirmDiscountPercentage.ValueDecimal; // profile.FlatCatPercent = txtFlatCatPercent.ValueDecimal;//NEW OC // profile.FlatCatFee = txtFlatCatFee.ValueDecimal; // NEW OC try { CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(profile); showInvoiceProfiles(); bindInvoiceProfiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } } }
protected void gvInvoiceProfile_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int profileID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); CarrierInvoiceProfile profile = null; if (e.CommandName == "DoEdit") { ViewState["CarrierInvoiceProfileID"] = profileID.ToString(); profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); if (profile != null) { // enable edit panel showInvoiceProfilePanel(); bindInvoiceType(); txtProgramName.Text = profile.ProfileName; effetiveDate.Text = profile.EffiectiveDate == null ? "" : profile.EffiectiveDate.ToString(); expirationDate.Text = profile.ExpirationDate == null ? "" : profile.ExpirationDate.ToString(); ddlInvoiceType.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}", profile.InvoiceType ?? 1); // 2014-04-21 //CollectionManager.SetSelectedItems(cbxCoverageArea, profile.CoverageArea); txtAccoutingContact.Text = profile.AccountingContact; txtAccoutingContactEmail.Text = profile.AccountingContactEmail; txtFirmDiscountPercentage.Value = profile.FirmDiscountPercentage; //txtFlatCatPercent.Value = profile.FlatCatPercent;//new oc // txtFlatCatFee.Value = profile.FlatCatFee;//new oc tabContainerFee.Visible = true; if (profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID != null) { ucProfileType.SelectedValue = profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID.ToString(); } ucFeeSchedule.bindFeeSchedule(profileID); // 2014-04-21 //ucFeeProvision.bindProvisions(profileID); ucFeeItemized.bindItems(profileID); } } if (e.CommandName == "DoDelete") { try { profile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); if (profile != null) { profile.IsActive = false; CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(profile); showInvoiceProfiles(); bindInvoiceProfiles(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } } if (e.CommandName == "DoCopy") { CopyProfile(profileID); } }
private void processClaimServices(int claimID, CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID) { CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized profileTEFee = null; List<ClaimService> claimServices = null; decimal lineTotal = 0; decimal quantity = 0; decimal rateAmount = 0; string serviceDescription = null; string serviceComments = null; string activity = null; string activityDescription = null; bool isBillable = true; bool billed = true; InvoiceServiceType invoiceServiceType = null; // get TE services for claim entered by adjuster using (ClaimServiceManager repositiory = new ClaimServiceManager()) { claimServices = repositiory.GetAllForInvoice(claimID); } if (claimServices != null && claimServices.Count > 0) { foreach (ClaimService claimService in claimServices) { profileTEFee = (from x in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized where x.ServiceTypeID == claimService.ServiceTypeID select x ).FirstOrDefault(); int claimServiceID = claimService.ClaimServiceID; quantity = (claimService.ServiceQty ?? 0); serviceDescription = claimService.InvoiceServiceType == null ? string.Empty : claimService.InvoiceServiceType.ServiceDescription; invoiceServiceType = claimService.InvoiceServiceType; activity = claimService.Activity == null ? string.Empty : claimService.Activity; activityDescription = claimService.ServiceDescription; isBillable = claimService.IsBillable.Value; billed = claimService.Billed.Value; if (profileTEFee != null) { // use override from invoice profile if (profileTEFee.ItemRate > 0) { serviceComments = profileTEFee.ItemDescription; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; lineTotal = rateAmount * quantity; if (isBillable == true) { insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, activity, activityDescription, lineTotal, quantity, rateAmount, claimService.ServiceDate, serviceComments); using (ClaimServiceManager myRepository = new ClaimServiceManager()) { ClaimService myClaimService = myRepository.Get(claimServiceID); myClaimService.Billed = true; myRepository.Save(myClaimService); } } } else if (profileTEFee.ItemPercentage > 0) { } } else { if ((invoiceServiceType.ServiceRate ?? 0) > 0) { rateAmount = invoiceServiceType.ServiceRate ?? 0; quantity = claimService.ServiceQty ?? 0; lineTotal = rateAmount * quantity; } else if ((invoiceServiceType.ServicePercentage ?? 0) > 0) { } if (isBillable == true ) { insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, activity, activityDescription, lineTotal, quantity, rateAmount, claimService.ServiceDate, serviceComments); using (ClaimServiceManager myRepository = new ClaimServiceManager()) { ClaimService myClaimService = myRepository.Get(claimServiceID); myClaimService.Billed = true; myRepository.Save(myClaimService); } } } } } }
private void processFirmDiscount(CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID) { decimal discountRate = 0; decimal discountAmount = 0; decimal invoiceTotalAmount = 0; string serviceDescription = null; decimal percentage = 0; string activity = null; string activityDescription = null; discountRate = invoiceProfile.FirmDiscountPercentage ?? 0; if (discountRate > 0) { invoiceTotalAmount = InvoiceManager.calculateInvoiceTotal(invoiceID); discountAmount = (invoiceTotalAmount * discountRate) * -1; percentage = discountRate * 100; serviceDescription = string.Format("Firm Discount Percentage", percentage); insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, activity,activityDescription, discountAmount, 1, percentage); } }
private void processCarrierInvoiceProfileTimeExpense(int claimID, CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID, decimal premiumAmount) { if (invoiceProfile != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized.Count > 0) { processClaimServices(claimID, invoiceProfile, invoiceID); processClaimExpenses(claimID, invoiceProfile, invoiceID); //foreach (CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized itemizedFee in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemizeds) { // if (itemizedFee.ItemRate > 0) { // feeAmount = itemizedFee.ItemRate; // insertDetailLine(invoiceID, itemizedFee.ItemDescription, feeAmount, 1, itemizedFee.ItemRate); // } // else if (itemizedFee.ItemPercentage > 0) { // feeAmount = premiumAmount * itemizedFee.ItemRate; // insertDetailLine(invoiceID, itemizedFee.ItemDescription, feeAmount, premiumAmount, feeAmount); // } //} } }
private void processClaimExpenses(int claimID, CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID) { CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized profileTEFee = null; List<ClaimExpense> claimExpenses = null; decimal lineTotal = 0; decimal quantity = 0; decimal operand = 0; decimal expenseAmount = 0; decimal rateAmount = 0; string serviceDescription = null; string serviceComments = null; bool billed = true; // get TE services for claim entered by adjuster using (ClaimExpenseManager repositiory = new ClaimExpenseManager()) { claimExpenses = repositiory.GetExpenseForInvoice(claimID); } if (claimExpenses != null && claimExpenses.Count > 0) { foreach (ClaimExpense claimExpense in claimExpenses) { rateAmount = 0; int claimExpenseID = claimExpense.ClaimExpenseID; profileTEFee = (from x in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized where x.ExpenseTypeID == claimExpense.ExpenseTypeID select x ).FirstOrDefault(); if (profileTEFee != null) { // use override from invoice profile serviceDescription = claimExpense.ExpenseType.ExpenseName;// profileTEFee.ExpenseType == null ? string.Empty : profileTEFee.ExpenseType.ExpenseDescription; serviceComments = claimExpense.ExpenseDescription; // profileTEFee.ItemDescription; operand = profileTEFee.LogicalOperatorOperand ?? 0; billed = claimExpense.Billed.Value; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; //claimExpense.ExpenseAmount; quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(claimExpense.ExpenseQty); Session["ExpAmount"] = claimExpense.ExpenseAmount; if ((profileTEFee.LogicalOperator ?? 0) > 0 && operand > 0) { quantity = claimExpense.ExpenseQty ?? 0; expenseAmount = claimExpense.ExpenseAmount; switch (profileTEFee.LogicalOperator) { case 1: // = //if (expenseAmount > 0 && expenseAmount == operand) { // rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; // expenseAmount = quantity * rateAmount; //} //else if (quantity > 0 && quantity == operand) { // rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; // expenseAmount = quantity * rateAmount; //} break; case 2: // < case 3: // <= if (expenseAmount > 0 && expenseAmount <= operand) { quantity = 1; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; } else if (quantity > 0 && quantity <= operand) { rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; //; } break; case 4: // > case 5: // >= if (expenseAmount > 0 && expenseAmount >= operand) { quantity = 1; rateAmount = operand; } else if (quantity > 0 && quantity >= operand) { quantity = quantity - operand; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; } break; default: quantity = 1; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; //claimExpense.ExpenseAmount; break; } if (billed == false) { insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, quantity, rateAmount, claimExpense.ExpenseDate, serviceComments); using (ClaimExpenseManager myRepositiory = new ClaimExpenseManager()) { ClaimExpense myClaimExpense = myRepositiory.Get(claimExpenseID); myClaimExpense.Billed = true; myRepositiory.Save(myClaimExpense); } } } else if (profileTEFee.ItemRate > 0) { // no condition specified quantity = claimExpense.ExpenseQty ?? 1; rateAmount = profileTEFee.ItemRate; lineTotal = expenseAmount; if (billed == false) { insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, quantity, rateAmount, claimExpense.ExpenseDate, serviceComments); using (ClaimExpenseManager myRepositiory = new ClaimExpenseManager()) { ClaimExpense myClaimExpense = myRepositiory.Get(claimExpenseID); myClaimExpense.Billed = true; myRepositiory.Save(myClaimExpense); } } } else if (profileTEFee.ItemPercentage > 0) { } } else { // no override found serviceDescription = claimExpense.ExpenseType.ExpenseDescription; serviceComments = claimExpense.ExpenseDescription; quantity = claimExpense.ExpenseQty ?? 1; rateAmount = claimExpense.ExpenseAmount; if (billed == false) { insertDetailLine(invoiceID, serviceDescription, quantity, rateAmount, claimExpense.ExpenseDate, serviceComments); using (ClaimExpenseManager myRepositiory = new ClaimExpenseManager()) { ClaimExpense myClaimExpense = myRepositiory.Get(claimExpenseID); myClaimExpense.Billed = true; myRepositiory.Save(myClaimExpense); } } } } } }
private void processCarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvisions(CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, int invoiceID) { if (invoiceProfile != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision.Count > 0) { foreach (CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision feePrivision in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision) { //insertDetailLine(invoiceID, feePrivision.ProvisionText, feePrivision.ProvisionAmount, 1, feePrivision.ProvisionAmount); } } }
protected void btnSaveClaimService_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimService claimService = null; ClaimComment diary = null; AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; Claim myClaim = null; CarrierInvoiceProfile CarrierInvoice = null; int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); int claimID = SessionHelper.getClaimID(); int id = 0; int myAdjusterID = 0; int profileID = 0; Page.Validate("service"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ClaimServiceID"]); //Get current claim info to pass through to emails ClaimManager cm = new ClaimManager(); myClaim = cm.Get(claimID); //AdjusterManager try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (ClaimServiceManager repository = new ClaimServiceManager()) { if (id == 0) { claimService = new ClaimService(); claimService.ClaimID = claimID; } else { claimService = repository.Get(id); } claimService.ServiceQty = this.txtServiceQty.Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txtServiceQty.Value); claimService.ServiceDate = txtServiceDate.Date; claimService.ServiceDescription = txtServiceDescription.Text.Trim(); claimService.ServiceTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedValue); claimService.UserID = userID; claimService.AdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(hf_serviceAdjusterID.Value); claimService.Activity = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text; claimService.InternalComments = txtMyComments.Text.Trim(); claimService.IsBillable = cbIsBillable.Checked; claimService.Billed = false; //save to db claimService = repository.Save(claimService); //string EmailService = ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedItem.Text; //string EmailActivity = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text; //string EmailDescription = txtServiceDescription.Text; //string EmailInternal = txtMyComments.Text; //string EmailQuantity = txtServiceQty.Text; //string EmailDate = txtServiceDate.Text; } // diary diary = new ClaimComment(); diary.ClaimID = claimID; diary.CommentDate = DateTime.Now; diary.UserId = userID; diary.ActivityType = ddlActivity.SelectedItem.Text; diary.InternalComments = txtMyComments.Text.Trim(); diary.CommentText = string.Format("Service: {0}, Description: {1}, Date {2:MM/dd/yyyy}, Qty: {3:N2}, Adjuster: {4}", ddlInvoiceServiceType.SelectedItem.Text, claimService.ServiceDescription, claimService.ServiceDate, claimService.ServiceQty, txtServiceAdjuster.Text ); ClaimCommentManager.Save(diary); myAdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(claimService.AdjusterID); //Convert.ToInt32(myClaim.AdjusterID); //EMAIL ADJUSTER OC 10/21/2014 if (myAdjusterID != 0 || myAdjusterID != null) { adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterId(myAdjusterID); } if (cbEmailAdjuster.Checked == true) { try { notifyAdjuster(adjuster, claimService, myClaim); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } //EMAIL CLIENT CONTACT OC 10/22/2014 if (cbEmailClient.Checked == true) //Dont need to check if invoice Pro ID is empty becuase to get to this point, one has to exist already { if (Session["ComingFromAllClaims"] != null) //if the user got here straight from the all claims screen { profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CarrierInvoiceID"]); } else//coming from claim detail page { profileID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InvoiceProfileID"]); } CarrierInvoice = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(profileID); try { notifyClientContact(CarrierInvoice, claimService, myClaim, adjuster); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to client contact"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } //EMAIL TO WHOMEVER if (txtEmailTo.Text != "") { try { notifySpecifiedUser(adjuster, claimService, myClaim); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessage.Text = "Unable to send email to adjuster"; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } } scope.Complete(); } lblMessage.Text = "Service was saved successfully."; lblMessage.CssClass = "ok"; // keep edit form active lbtnNewClaimService_Click(null, null); // refresh grid gvClaimService.DataSource = loadClaimServices(claimID); gvClaimService.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); lblMessage.Text = "Unable to save claim service."; lblMessage.CssClass = "error"; } //send email to adjuster }
private void calculateCommissionPerCarrierInvoiceProfile(CarrierInvoiceProfile invoiceProfile, out decimal rate, out decimal commissionAmount) { decimal claimAmount = 0; commissionAmount = 0; rate = 0; if (invoiceProfile != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule != null && invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule.Count > 0) { claimAmount = getClaimAmount(invoiceProfile); foreach (CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule feeSchedule in invoiceProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule) { if (claimAmount >= feeSchedule.RangeAmountFrom && claimAmount <= feeSchedule.RangeAmountTo) { if (feeSchedule.FlatFee > 0) { commissionAmount = feeSchedule.FlatFee; rate = feeSchedule.FlatFee; } else if (feeSchedule.PercentFee > 0) { commissionAmount = claimAmount * feeSchedule.PercentFee; rate = feeSchedule.PercentFee * 100; } else if (feeSchedule.MinimumFee > 0) { commissionAmount = feeSchedule.MinimumFee; rate = feeSchedule.MinimumFee; } } } } }
private void copyCarrierInvoiceProfiles(List<CarrierInvoiceProfile> profiles, int cloneCarrierID) { int carrierInvoiceProfileID = 0; foreach (CarrierInvoiceProfile profile in profiles) { CarrierInvoiceProfile copyProfile = new CarrierInvoiceProfile(); copyProfile.CarrierID = cloneCarrierID; //copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID = profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID = profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileTypeID; copyProfile.CoverageArea = profile.CoverageArea; copyProfile.EffiectiveDate = profile.EffiectiveDate; copyProfile.ExpirationDate = profile.ExpirationDate; copyProfile.IsActive = true; copyProfile.ProfileName = profile.ProfileName; copyProfile = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Save(copyProfile); carrierInvoiceProfileID = copyProfile.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; copyProfileItemizedItems(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeItemized.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); copyProfileFeeProvision(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeProvision.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); copyProfileFeeSchedule(profile.CarrierInvoiceProfileFeeSchedule.ToList(), carrierInvoiceProfileID); } }