Example #1
    void UpdateCar()
        //Get updated track velocity
        float dt       = (1 / Constants.targetHz);
        float trackVel = track.gameObject.GetComponent <TrackSpeedSubscriber>().GetVelocity();

        //Calculate car controls
        Pose    convertedCoordinatesPose      = new Pose(new Vector3(transform.position.z, transform.position.x, 0), transform.rotation);
        Vector2 convertedCoordinatesLinearVel = new Vector2(linearVel.z, linearVel.x);

        CarController.CarCommand command = carController.calculateControls(convertedCoordinatesPose, convertedCoordinatesLinearVel, angularVel, trackVel);
        steer    = steerSys.Output(command.steer);
        throttle = throttleSys.Output(command.throttle);

        //Update bicycle model
        carState.UpdateState(throttle, steer, dt, trackVel);

        //Update the state of the car sprite
        transform.position = new Vector3(carState.x, transform.position.y, carState.z);
        float      newAngle = (carState.psi * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, (carState.psi * Mathf.Rad2Deg), 0);

        transform.rotation = rotation;
        linearVel          = new Vector3(carState.dx, 0, carState.dz);
        angularVel         = carState.dv;
    void CalculateControls()
        // Receive feedback of the current treadmill velocity
        carController.treadmillVelCallback(track);      // temporary

        CarController.CarCommand command = carController.syncCallback(new Pose(transform.position, transform.rotation), linearVel, angularVel);

        //TODO - figure out how to use throttle and steer to move the car
        Debug.Log(string.Format("Steer after passing through sys: {0}", steer));
        Debug.Log(string.Format("Throttle after passing through sys: {0}", throttle));

 // TODO - fix this once using ROS#
 void carCommandCallback(CarController.CarCommand command)
     steer    = steerSys.Output(command.steer);
     throttle = throttleSys.Output(command.throttle);