// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { controller = GetComponent <CarControl>(); rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); observation = new List <float>(); rotationEuler = gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; }
public void OnCollision(ParticleSystem.CollisionEvent h, CarControl cc) { if (cc == pl.cc) return; Debug.DrawRay(h.intersection, h.normal, Color.red, 10); _Game.Hole(h.intersection, h.normal); if (_AutoQuality.particles || cc) _Game.Emit(h.intersection, h.normal, cc ? _Game.sparks : _Game.concrete); if (cc) cc.pl.PlayOneShot(res.damageSound.Random(), 1, true, Random.Range(.5f, 1)); else if (Random.Range(1, 20) == 1) PlayClipAtPoint(res.ric.Random(), h.intersection); if (Time.time - lastTimeHit > .3f && cc) { lastTimeHit = Time.time; if (cc.pl.IsMine && cc.pl.IsEnemy(pl)) cc.pl.AddLife(-(pl.pcVsAndroid ? 5 : 7), pl.viewId); if (_AutoQuality.destrQuality >= 2 || (pl.IsMine || cc.pl.IsMine) && _AutoQuality.destrQuality >= 1 && Random.Range(1, 3) == 1) cc.pl.OnCollision(h.intersection, 3, 10, true); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { prefs = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("qualityPrefs"); carControl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CarControl>(); gameOverCanvas.SetActive(false); prefs = 0; if (carControl.playerStates == CarControl.playerState.Idle) { StartCoroutine(flashText(spaceToStart)); } if (prefs == 0) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("TotalScore", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("CogScore", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("DistanceTravelled", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("qualityPrefs", 1); } else { tempTotalScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("TotalScore"); tempScore = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("CogScore"); tempDistance = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("DistanceTravelled"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("qualityPrefs", 1); } }
public void PostProcess(Collision collision, bool enter) { Rigidbody otherRig = collision.rigidbody; if (enter && otherRig) { cc = otherRig.GetComponent <CarControl>(); } if (otherRig && cc) { float f = Mathf.Clamp((otherRig.velocity.magnitude - rigidbody.velocity.magnitude) * Mathf.Max(1, otherRig.mass / rigidbody.mass), .5f, 2); m_sumImpactVelocity *= f; if (!android && room.collFix) { //ZeroY(); rigidbody.angularVelocity = new Vector3(0, rigidbody.angularVelocity.y, 0); } colidesWith.value = cc.pl; if (enter && (colidesWith.value == _Player || m_Car.pl == _Player)) { colidesWith.value.collisionTime = m_Car.pl.collisionTime = Time.time; } } }
private void getVehicleComponents() { vehicleController = GetComponent <CarControl>(); vehicleController.readUserInput = true; vehicleAudio = GetComponent <CarSound>(); vehicleSettings = GetComponent <CarSettings>(); }
/// <summary> /// Тип AI - игрок. Есть возможность управления машиной CarControl, добавляет декали эфекты и звуки /// </summary> private void hlprScriptPlayer() { hlprScriptUndefined(); CarControl carcontrol = null; //script (3) if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CarControl>() == null) { carcontrol = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CarControl>(); } if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CarEffects>() == null) { this.gameObject.AddComponent <CarEffects>(); } if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CarSounds>() == null) { this.gameObject.AddComponent <CarSounds>(); } //other (5) AddRigidBody(carcontrol.Drag); AddMeshCollider(); AddFollowPos(); AddEffectDust(); AddBumper(); }
void Start() { car = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <Car>().transform; oldZ = car.rotation.eulerAngles.y; m_Car = car.GetComponent <CarControl>(); target = car.FindChild("camToLookAt"); _camera = GetComponent <Camera>(); }
public UserControl GetVehiculeControl() { if (m_control == null) { m_control = new CarControl(); } return(m_control); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { CarControl m_car = collider.transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <CarControl>(); if (m_car != null) { m_car.frontLightsOn(); } }
void switchToNext() { if (next != null) { active = false; CarControl cc = (CarControl)next.GetComponent(typeof(CarControl)); cc.Active(); } }
public void OnEnabled() { car = GetComponent <Car>(); m_car = GetComponent <CarControl>(); // m_car.driftListner += driftHandler; // tcs = car.accessories.tcsSystem; // if (tcs != null) // tcsValue = tcs.m_TractionControl; }
private void Awake() { carControl = GetComponent<CarControl>(); flWheel = carControl.WheelFL; frWheel = carControl.WheelFR; rlWheel = carControl.WheelRL; rrWheel = carControl.WheelRR; JoinNodeNetwork(); }
void OnEnable() { if (carControl == null) { carControl = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CarControl>(); } if (carControl == null) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
private void Start() { _carRigidBody = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _carController = this.GetComponent <CarControl>(); //_localTarget = path.GetPoint(0); //Debug.Log("target was at 0 " + _localTarget); _localTarget = GetClosestPoint(path); //Debug.Log("local target is "+ _localTarget); _targetAngle = 0; manualOverride = false; }
public void onStart(CarControl m_Car) { this.m_Car = m_Car; // if (wheelRadius == 0) m_Car.brakingListner += neutralListner; m_Car.forwardListner += setGearToFrist; m_Car.backwardListner += setGearToRevers; m_Car.neutralListner += neutralListner; m_Car.stoppedListner += setGearToN; wheelRadius = m_Car.car.motorWheels[0].wheelCollider.radius; }
public static void Run() { Console.WriteLine("--- Start Question 3 ---"); CarControl methods = new CarControl(); Console.WriteLine(methods.Gas()); Console.WriteLine(methods.Location()); IProxyMethod proxy = new CarProxy(); Console.WriteLine(proxy.Gas()); Console.WriteLine(proxy.Location()); Console.WriteLine("--- End Question 3 ---"); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //FSM que maneja el flujo de la partida. switch (GameState) { //Si el estado es "Starting" comienza a correr la cuenta regresiva para iniciar la carrera. Se actualiza el texto correspondiente. case GameStates.Starting: if (startTimer <= 3 && startTimer > 0) { UIControl.SetStartText(Mathf.Ceil(startTimer).ToString()); } else if (startTimer <= 0) { UIControl.SetStartText("GO!"); GameState = GameStates.Playing; //Al completar la cuenta regresiva, se inicia la carrera. CarControl.StartCar(); //Se cambia el estado del auto de "Stopped" a "Accelerating". } startTimer -= Time.deltaTime; break; //Si el estado es "Playing", se actualiza el cronómetro del tiempo de la carrera. case GameStates.Playing: if (GameTimer <= 0 || CarControl.CarState == CarController.CarStates.Destroyed) { GameState = GameStates.Ending; //Si el cronómetro llega a 0, se termina la carrera, pero no todavía la partida. } GameTimer -= Time.deltaTime; break; //Si el estado es "Ending", se comienza a frenar el auto case GameStates.Ending: if (CarControl.CarState != CarController.CarStates.Stopping && CarControl.CarState != CarController.CarStates.Stopped) { CarControl.StopCar(); //Si el auto se está moviendo, se aplica la fuerza de freno. } else if (CarControl.CarState == CarController.CarStates.Stopped) { EndGame(); //Si la velocidad del auto ya llegó a 0, se termina la partida. GameState = GameStates.Ended; } break; case GameStates.Ended: break; } }
void switchToPrev() { if (prev != null) { active = false; control.setVisible(false); CarControl cc = (CarControl)prev.GetComponent(typeof(CarControl)); cc.Active(); } else { Chooser.DestroyMaps(); SceneManager.LoadScene(0); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { healthBar.fillAmount = carControl.health; if (carControl == null) { carControl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CarControl>(); } if (carControl.playerStates == CarControl.playerState.Idle && carControl.inputDevice.Action3.WasPressed || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { StopAllCoroutines(); spaceToStart.gameObject.SetActive(false); carControl.playerStates = CarControl.playerState.Driving; } gameOverMenu(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_race); sbrDirection = FindViewById <SeekBar>(Resource.Id.sbrDirection); sbrSpeed = FindViewById <SeekBar>(Resource.Id.sbrSpeed); chkAccellero = FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.chkAccellero); lblSpeed = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.lblSpeed); lblDirection = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.lblDirection); sensorManager = (SensorManager)GetSystemService(SensorService); carControl = new CarControl(); sbrDirection.ProgressChanged += SbrDirection_ProgressChanged; sbrSpeed.ProgressChanged += SbrSpeed_ProgressChanged; chkAccellero.CheckedChange += ChkAccellero_CheckedChange; }
public void LoadNeuralNetwork(float[,] nnSave) { sensors = GetComponent <Sensors>(); carctrl = GetComponent <CarControl>(); MakeBasic(); for (int x = 0; x < 200; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 200; y++) { if (nnSave[x, y] > 0) { Connection c = new Connection(); allconnections.Add(c); c.Weight = nnSave[x, y]; if (EveryNeuron[x] == null) { Neuron n = new Neuron(); EveryNeuron[x] = n; HiddenNeurons.Add(n); n.NeuronNumber = x; } if (EveryNeuron[y] == null) { Neuron n = new Neuron(); EveryNeuron[y] = n; HiddenNeurons.Add(n); n.NeuronNumber = y; } EveryNeuron[x].Links.Add(c); c.In = x; c.neuronIn = EveryNeuron[x]; c.neuronOut = EveryNeuron[y]; c.Out = y; EveryNeuron[y].BackLinks.Add(c); } } } StartCoroutine("FeedForward"); }
void LoadCar() { if (m_Car) { _Pool.Save(m_Car.gameObject); } string path = cop ? "police" : owner.carSet.carName; Spawn spawnPos = GetSpawnStartPos(); m_Car = _Pool.Load2(Resources.Load(path), spawnPos.pos, spawnPos.rot).GetComponent <CarControl>(); if (m_Car.m_CarDamage.meshTest) { m_Car.m_CarDamage.meshTest.Reset(this == _Player); m_Car.rigidbody.velocity = m_Car.rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero; } //m_Car = ((GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(path), spawnPos.pos, spawnPos.rot)).GetComponent<CarControl>(); m_Car.name = "Player Car " + pv.playerName; transformCar = m_Car.tr; rigidbody = m_Car.rigidbody; rigidbody.solverIterationCount = 6; m_CarSettings = m_Car.GetComponent <CarSettings>() as CarSettings; m_CarSound = m_Car.GetComponent <CarSound>() as CarSound; m_CarSettings.bypassABS = false; m_Car.pl = this; OnQualityChanged(); var priority = this == _Player ? 100 : 130; foreach (var a in GetComponents <AudioSource>()) { a.priority = priority; } foreach (var a in m_Car.audioSources) { a.priority = priority; } if (IsMine && !bot2) { _Game.MainCamera.Target = m_Car.tr; } AmplifyMotionEffect.RegisterRecursivelyS(m_Car.gameObject); }
void setupPlayer() { CarControl carControl = car.GetComponent <CarControl>(); // car.GetComponent<CarAudio>().enabled = true; //car.GetComponent<CarEffects>().enabled = true; car.GetComponent <TCSSystem>().enabled = true; car.gameObject.AddComponent <UserInput>(); carControl.enabled = true; SpeedoMeter speedoMeter = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SpeedoMeter>(); if (speedoMeter != null) { speedoMeter.m_Car = carControl; speedoMeter.enabled = true; } }
void Start() { powerupCooldownTime = DataManager.PowerupCooldownTime; car = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); carControl = car.GetComponent <CarControl>(); pSwitch = gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerSwitching>(); hud = pSwitch.hudManager; foreach (PlayerData player in DataManager.PlayerList) { player.Lives = DataManager.LivesCount; if (StartingPowerUp != PowerUpType.None && pSwitch.DEBUG_MODE) { player.CurrentPowerUp = StartingPowerUp; } else { StartCoroutine(Cooldown(player)); // RandomPowerup(player); } } }
public void PostProcess(Collision collision, bool enter) { Rigidbody otherRig = collision.rigidbody; if (enter && otherRig) cc = otherRig.GetComponent<CarControl>(); if (otherRig && cc) { float f = Mathf.Clamp((otherRig.velocity.magnitude - rigidbody.velocity.magnitude) * Mathf.Max(1, otherRig.mass / rigidbody.mass), .5f, 2); m_sumImpactVelocity *= f; if (!android && room.collFix) { //ZeroY(); rigidbody.angularVelocity = new Vector3(0, rigidbody.angularVelocity.y, 0); } colidesWith.value = cc.pl; if (enter && (colidesWith.value == _Player || m_Car.pl == _Player)) colidesWith.value.collisionTime = m_Car.pl.collisionTime = Time.time; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { carControl = GetComponent <CarControl>(); Transform canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform; hudGO = GameObject.Find("HUD"); Transform hud = hudGO.transform; position = hud.Find("PositionLabel").GetComponent <Text>(); pickup = hud.Find("PickupLabel").GetComponent <Text>(); timer = canvas.Find("countDownTimer").GetComponent <Text>(); fuelMeter = hud.Find("FuelMeter").GetComponent <Slider>(); damageMeter = hud.Find("DamageMeter").GetComponent <Slider>(); hudEnabled = false; countDown = 5f; Transform respawn = hud.Find("Respawns").transform; respawnText = respawn.Find("RespawnText").GetComponent <Text>(); respawnTimer = respawn.Find("RespawnSlider").GetComponent <Slider>(); }
public CarPage() { InitializeComponent(); int _columnIndex = 0; int _rowIndex = 0; int _countItemsDataTableCars = 0; Boolean _rotateButtonCarControl = false; DataTable _dataTableCars = new DataTable(); _dataTableCars = DB.RunSelectCommand("select * from Cars join CarTypes on Cars.Type=CarTypes.Id join" + " FuelTypes on Cars.FuelType=FuelTypes.Id"); foreach (DataRow _row in _dataTableCars.Rows) { Car car = new Car( Convert.ToInt32(_row[0]), _row[1].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(_row[3]), _row[7].ToString(), _row[12].ToString(), _row[9].ToString(), _row[6].ToString(), _row[2].ToString()); CarControl carButtonControll = new CarControl(car, _rotateButtonCarControl); Grid.SetRow(carButtonControll, _rowIndex); Grid.SetColumn(carButtonControll, _columnIndex); CarGrid.Children.Add(carButtonControll); _columnIndex += 2; _countItemsDataTableCars += 1; if (_countItemsDataTableCars % 5 == 0) { _rowIndex += 4; _columnIndex = 0; _rotateButtonCarControl = !_rotateButtonCarControl; } } }
public void OnCollision(ParticleSystem.CollisionEvent h, CarControl cc) { if (cc == pl.cc) { return; } Debug.DrawRay(h.intersection, h.normal, Color.red, 10); _Game.Hole(h.intersection, h.normal); if (_AutoQuality.particles || cc) { _Game.Emit(h.intersection, h.normal, cc ? _Game.sparks : _Game.concrete); } if (cc) { cc.pl.PlayOneShot(res.damageSound.Random(), 1, true, Random.Range(.5f, 1)); } else if (Random.Range(1, 20) == 1) { PlayClipAtPoint(res.ric.Random(), h.intersection); } if (Time.time - lastTimeHit > .3f && cc) { lastTimeHit = Time.time; if (cc.pl.IsMine && cc.pl.IsEnemy(pl)) { cc.pl.AddLife(-(pl.pcVsAndroid ? 5 : 7), pl.viewId); } if (_AutoQuality.destrQuality >= 2 || (pl.IsMine || cc.pl.IsMine) && _AutoQuality.destrQuality >= 1 && Random.Range(1, 3) == 1) { cc.pl.OnCollision(h.intersection, 3, 10, true); } } }
public void MakeRandomAndStart() { sensors = GetComponent <Sensors>(); carctrl = GetComponent <CarControl>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Neuron n = new Neuron(); InputNeurons[i] = n; n.NeuronNumber = i; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Neuron n = new Neuron(); //n.RandomizeNeuron(); n.Threshhold = Threshhold; OutputNeurons[i] = n; n.NeuronNumber = i + 5; } MakeRandomHiddenNeurons(); SetRandomConnections(); StartCoroutine("FeedForward"); }
private void Awake() { carControl = GetComponent<CarControl>(); headLights = new GameObject[2]; headLights[0] = transform.FindChild("Light_Head_L").gameObject; headLights[1] = transform.FindChild("Light_Head_R").gameObject; tailLights = new GameObject[2]; tailLights[0] = transform.FindChild("Light_Tail_L").gameObject; tailLights[1] = transform.FindChild("Light_Tail_R").gameObject; indicators = new GameObject[2]; indicators[0] = transform.FindChild("Light_Indicator_L").gameObject; indicators[1] = transform.FindChild("Light_Indicator_R").gameObject; brakeLights = new GameObject[2]; brakeLights[0] = transform.FindChild("Light_Brake_L").gameObject; brakeLights[1] = transform.FindChild("Light_Brake_R").gameObject; reverseLights = new GameObject[2]; reverseLights[0] = transform.FindChild("Light_Reverse_L").gameObject; reverseLights[1] = transform.FindChild("Light_Reverse_R").gameObject; }
void Start() { car = GetComponent<Car>(); machineGunControl = car.MachineGunControl; control = car.Control; }
void Awake() { carControl = GetComponent<CarControl>(); }
//public new void print(object s) //{ // _Loader.sb.AppendLine(s + ""); //} public bool UpdateInput(CarControl Car, bool reverseRequiresStop, bool brakeRelease) { if (!bot && IsMine && nitro <= 0) unpressKey.Add(KeyCode.LeftShift); if (Input2.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) pressedKey.Add(KeyCode.W); nitroDown = InputGetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift); var factor = Time.deltaTime; bool left = InputGetKey(KeyCode.A); bool right = InputGetKey(KeyCode.D); var brake = InputGetKey(KeyCode.Space); var forward = InputGetKey(KeyCode.W) || nitroDown; var back = InputGetKey(KeyCode.S); steerValue = Lerp(steerValue, left ? -1 : right ? 1 : 0, factor); forwardValue = Lerp(forwardValue, forward ? 1 : 0, factor * 3); reverseValue = Lerp(reverseValue, back ? 1 : 0, factor * 3); if (forward) reverseValue = 0; if (back) forwardValue = 0; handbrakeValue = brake ? 1 : 0; float speedForward = Vector3.Dot(Car.rigidbody.velocity, Car.tr.forward); float speedSideways = Vector3.Dot(Car.rigidbody.velocity, Car.tr.right); float speedRotation = Car.rigidbody.angularVelocity.magnitude; float speedAbs = speedForward * speedForward; speedSideways *= speedSideways; float motorInput = 0; float brakeInput = 0; if (reverseRequiresStop) { if (speedAbs < GEARSPEEDMIN && forwardValue == 0 && reverseValue == 0) { brakeRelease = true; Car.gearInput = 0; } if (brakeRelease) if (speedAbs < GEARSPEEDMIN) { if (reverseValue > 0) { Car.gearInput = -1; } if (forwardValue > 0) { Car.gearInput = 1; } } else if (speedSideways < GEARSPEEDMIN && speedRotation < GEARSPEEDMIN) { if (speedForward > 0 && Car.gearInput <= 0 && (forwardValue > 0 || reverseValue > 0)) Car.gearInput = 1; if (speedForward < 0 && Car.gearInput >= 0 && (forwardValue > 0 || reverseValue > 0)) Car.gearInput = -1; } if (Car.gearInput < 0) { motorInput = reverseValue; brakeInput = forwardValue; } else { motorInput = forwardValue; brakeInput = reverseValue; } if (brakeInput > 0) brakeRelease = false; } else { if (speedForward > GEARSPEEDMIN) { Car.gearInput = 1; motorInput = forwardValue; brakeInput = reverseValue; } else if (speedForward <= GEARSPEEDMIN && reverseValue > GEARSPEEDMIN) { Car.gearInput = -1; motorInput = reverseValue; brakeInput = 0; } else if (forwardValue > GEARSPEEDMIN && reverseValue <= 0) { Car.gearInput = 1; motorInput = forwardValue; brakeInput = 0; } else if (forwardValue > GEARSPEEDMIN) Car.gearInput = 1; else if (reverseValue > GEARSPEEDMIN) Car.gearInput = -1; else Car.gearInput = 0; brakeRelease = false; } Car.steerInput = steerValue; Car.motorInput = motorInput; Car.brakeInput = brakeInput; Car.handbrakeInput = handbrakeValue; return brakeRelease; }
// ================================================================ // // 继承于MonoBehaviour void Awake() { this.car_control = this.gameObject.GetComponent <CarControl>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { m_Game = new CarControl(); m_Game.SetGame(); }
private void getVehicleComponents() { vehicleController = GetComponent<CarControl>(); vehicleController.readUserInput = true; vehicleAudio = GetComponent<CarSound>(); vehicleSettings = GetComponent<CarSettings>(); }
public void Update() { var time = Mathf.Min(extraTime, Time.deltaTime * 3); extraTime -= time; var deltaTime = Time.deltaTime + time; if (deltaTime == 0) { return; } var targetPl = _Game.players.TryGet(targetPlayer); if (targetPl) { rot = Quaternion.RotateTowards(rot, Quaternion.LookRotation(targetPl.pos - pos), Time.deltaTime * 20); } vel = tr.forward * bulletSpeed2 * deltaTime; if (dist > 1000 && !exploded) { Destroy2(gameObject); } dist += vel.magnitude; if (speedUp != 0) { bulletSpeed2 += speedUp * deltaTime; bulletSpeed2 = Mathf.Min(bulletSpeed2, maxSpeed2); } if (!exploded) { foreach (RaycastHit h in Physics.RaycastAll(tr.position, tr.forward, vel.magnitude + 3, Layer.allmask).OrderBy(a => a.distance)) { MonoBehaviour bs = h.transform.root.GetComponent <MonoBehaviour>(); CarControl cc = bs as CarControl; Player hitPl = cc != null ? cc.pl : null; var IsMine = wep.pl == _Player; //if (hitPl != null && !explosion) //{ // var b = remote2 ? !IsMine && hitPl.IsMine : IsMine; // if (b && hitPl != wep.pl && !hitPl.dead) // { // if (wep.pl != null && wep.pl.IsEnemy(hitPl)) // hitPl.CallRPC(hitPl.SetLife, hitPl.life - wep.damage, wep.pl.viewId); // } // if (hitPl.IsEnemy(wep.pl) && checkVisible(h.point)) // { // hitPl.OnCollision(h.point, 20); // _Game.Emit(h.point, h.normal, _Game.sparks); // } //} if ((hitPl != wep.pl || hitPl == null)) { if (explosion != null && IsMine) { pl.CallRPC(pl.Explode, h.point); } if (wep.bulletHitSound.Length > 0 && checkVisible(pos) && Vector3.Distance(_Player.pos, pos) < 100) { var audioClip = wep.bulletHitSound[Random.Range(0, wep.bulletHitSound.Length)]; PlayAtPosition(h.point, audioClip, hitPl && hitPl.IsMine ? 0 : 200); } } //if (bs == null && !rocket) //{ // if (!lowQuality) // _Game.Emit(h.point, h.normal, _Game.concrete); // Destroy2(gameObject); // break; //} } } if (wep.slide) { RaycastHit h2; if (Physics.Raycast(pos, -tr.up, out h2, 2, Layer.levelMask)) { pos += Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * 2; } } tr.position += vel; }
void LoadCar() { if (m_Car) _Pool.Save(m_Car.gameObject); string path = cop ? "police" : owner.carSet.carName; Spawn spawnPos = GetSpawnStartPos(); m_Car = _Pool.Load2(Resources.Load(path), spawnPos.pos, spawnPos.rot).GetComponent<CarControl>(); if (m_Car.m_CarDamage.meshTest) { m_Car.m_CarDamage.meshTest.Reset(this == _Player); m_Car.rigidbody.velocity = m_Car.rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero; } //m_Car = ((GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(path), spawnPos.pos, spawnPos.rot)).GetComponent<CarControl>(); m_Car.name = "Player Car " + pv.playerName; transformCar = m_Car.tr; rigidbody = m_Car.rigidbody; rigidbody.solverIterationCount = 6; m_CarSettings = m_Car.GetComponent<CarSettings>() as CarSettings; m_CarSound = m_Car.GetComponent<CarSound>() as CarSound; m_CarSettings.bypassABS = false; m_Car.pl = this; OnQualityChanged(); var priority = this == _Player ? 100 : 130; foreach (var a in GetComponents<AudioSource>()) a.priority = priority; foreach (var a in m_Car.audioSources) a.priority = priority; if (IsMine && !bot2) _Game.MainCamera.Target = m_Car.tr; AmplifyMotionEffect.RegisterRecursivelyS(m_Car.gameObject); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { car = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("PlayerGameController").GetComponent<CarControl>(); srnTexture = GetComponent<screenTexture>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if(checkpointID == 23) { yellowCheckpassed = true; redCheckpassed = true; greenCheckpassed = true; blueCheckpassed = true; } else { yellowCheckpassed = false; redCheckpassed = false; greenCheckpassed = false; blueCheckpassed = false; } startLine = GetComponent<BoxCollider>(); BlueCarScript = BlueCar.GetComponent<CarControl>(); YellowCarScript = YellowCar.GetComponent<CarControl>(); RedCarScript = RedCar.GetComponent<CarControl>(); GreenCarScript = GreenCar.GetComponent<CarControl>(); _cubeSize = colliderBox.size; }
private void Awake() { car = GetComponent<CarControl>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { car = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("PlayerGameController").GetComponent<CarControl>(); UpdateSettings(); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
/* * motor:wheel * 1ª 3,596:1 * 2ª 2,378:1 * 3ª 1,531:1 * 4ª 1,000:1 * Ré 4,229:1 * Diferencial 3,92:1 */ void Start() { Transform cg = transform.FindChild("CG"); rigidbody.centerOfMass = cg.localPosition; /*turnLightRL = transform.Find("Model/maverick/RL_Turn_Light").gameObject; turnLightRR = transform.Find("Model/maverick/RR_Turn_Light").gameObject;*/ machineGun = transform.Find("MachineGun").GetComponent<MachineGun>(); Control = new CarControl(); }
void Start() { m_Car = GetComponent <CarControl>(); }
void Start() { networkViewer = this.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); Audiosource = this.GetComponent<AudioSource> (); car = this.gameObject.GetComponent<CarControl> (); }